Taking Back Our Stolen History
2020 Election
2020 Election

2020 Election


Trump won Alaska by 10%. A perfect example of the media manipulation campaign where so many states were called for Biden while far more in question than ones Trump seemed he would easily win, Alaska, had yet to be called for Trump even on Friday! With over half the votes (183,000) in, Biden only had 33.5% of the vote (63,900), so in order to catch President Trump, he would need to flip the 2nd half vote count and get 2 out of every three votes. Not happening in a red state without massive fraud. Why the heck was it taking so long to count votes? At what point is it safe to call it for Trump? When it is clear these 3 electoral votes aren’t needed for Biden to get to 270?

Hackers stole personal information from more than 100,000 individuals from the the state voter database after the election.

North Carolina

N.C. stopped counting on election night with the media claiming 94% of the vote counted and President Trump ahead by 77,000 votes. The state actually announced that 100% of precincts had reported at 11:40pm on election night, but none of the corrupt media reported it. If all of their precincts were counted they had no need to continue counting. They stuck with the 94% just in case they needed to find another few boxes of ballots and clear the path for “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history” to pull another rabbit out of the hat and flip the state blue. NC announced that it would be more than a week later (Nov 12th) before the “remaining votes” would be counted with consideration of mail-in ballots to be discussed at a planned county election board meeting, however on November 10th, NC decided to stop dragging their feet and called Trump the winner. Trump won NC by more than 75,000 votes.

Two Republican members of North Carolina’s state elections board resigned after signing off on a settlement to help voters fix absentee ballot problems that has been criticized by state GOP leaders, officials said.

In North Carolina, a coalition of Democrat-aligned special interest groups got the state to agree to accept mail-in ballots up to nine days after Election Day and to allow voters to “cure” any problems with these ballots. North Carolina election officials also agreed to create vote-by-mail ballot “drop-off” stations, which was essentially an invitation for “ballot harvesting. ”That’s why NC was never called for Trump on Election night – there was a clear path to cheat.

Cal Cunningham (D) was expected to flip North Carolina blue, but his opinion ratings shot down following National File’s reporting on his lies and misdeeds, including two mistresses.

More than two dozen people, including nearly 20 illegal aliens who voted in the Presidential election in 2016, were charged in March 2021 regarding a NC voter fraud probe.

There were alot of things that didn’t make sense in North Carolina with the questionable re-election of Roy Cooper, the high % of votes in Durham and Orange counties that went to Biden and Cooper, and more.

The governor, AG, and secretary of state in North Carolina are Democrats.


  • Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes on election night, but Biden currently has a 146,007 vote lead. Michigan had 548,000+ fraudulent votes. In 2016 587,618 voters requested mail-in ballots.  In 2020 3.2 million votes were cast by mail-in ballot. Democrats voted by mail at a rate approximately two times that of Republican voters.
  • Violations of Election Law: The Secretary of State (1) unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots, (2) sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration, and (3) and also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification; (4) Local election officials in Wayne County — containing 322,925 more ballots for Biden than for Trump — opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present; (5) Local election officials in Wayne County also ignored the strict election law requirements of placing a written statement or stamp on each ballot envelope indicating that the voter signature was in fact checked and verified with the signature on file with the state.
  • Evidence of Fraud: (1) 174,384 mail-in ballots in Wayne County had no valid registration number, indicating they likely resulted from election workers running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times; (2) 71% of Wayne County Absent Voter Counting Boards were unbalanced, where the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast; (3) 200,000 mail-in ballots dumped at 3:30am all for Biden (video evidence by TGP and phone GPS data tracking by TrueTheVote); (4) Dozens of witness intimidated, harassed, ignored, and locked out of Detroit; numerous statistically impossibilities found by data analysts, etc. Data analyst Edward Solomon uncovered the Dominion software’s illegal algorithms by reverse-engineering the voting returns and proves that 287,980 votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties; (5) Courageous Detroit elections worker whistleblower Jessy Jacob testified that the Zuckerberg Drop Boxes were cleared out every hour and that there were no ballots left to process at the Detroit Department of Elections by 8:30PM on election night, so WHERE DID DETROIT’S 3:30AM *AND* 4:30AM BIDEN BALLOT DUMP VOTES COME FROM?

As President Trump seemed to be pulling away and set for the decision desk to call the state for the incumbant, the unprecedented decision was made, along with several other swing states that Trump was leading in, to stop counting votes. Then, in the wee hours of the night, Biden gets a massive dump of 200,000 ballots – 100% for him. Just enough to give him a slight lead. This was absolutely election fraud in a state led by an avid anti-Trump, tyrant dictator of a Governor, Whitmer. The Trump campaign immediately filed a lawsuit to halt counting because they were not granted access to several vote counting locations, as well as to review the 200,000 ballots that magically appeared in the dark of night.

A study conducted by Richard Baris who, of course was banned by Twitter for tweeting damaging info to the deep state, the director of Big Data Poll, found that over 10,000 dead people returned mail-in ballots in the state. According to Baris, some of the people may not be dead — instead, they may have been made up entirely.

You can see a rise of over 138,000 votes for Biden in the live updated screenshot below (even though the NY Times claimed it was only 13,800 and a typo – not true) while not a single vote for Trump comes in. A ballot watcher in Detroit, who was present when the ballots arrived, confirms the fraud. Former State Senator Pat Colbeck was a poll watcher who also witnessed the 3:30am ballot dump of 61 boxes and alot of other fraud. The second image shows that the over 200,000 vote lead President Trump had when the counting was stopped was completely erased by the morning, appearing that the majority of the more than 200,000 fraudulent all-Biden votes were processed together, but then mixed in with other votes and processed for the remaining 60-70,000 or so. The Gateway Pundit announced on 12/17  that they had requested a 2 hour span of video from the TCF Center that would cover the 3:30am ballot dump. It took the TCF Center 2 months to finally deliver on the 2 hours of video requested and the evidence is stunning!

In 5 seconds, Biden’s total votes in Michigan went up 140,000 votes. In 9 problem Michigan Counties, the absentee votes between Trump and Biden are so similar that John Droz who performed a study based on available data says they are clear indications of vote machine manipulation and that it was more probable to win the powerball lottery 65 times in a row than for these anomalies. He points out other anomalies that all point to fraud in favor of Biden.

Articia Bomer was a candidate for US Congress with the US Taxpayers Party. She is a Detroit resident, and she was present at the TCF Center on Nov. 3rd and 4th when the votes from Wayne County were tabulated and says she witnessed the announcement of 50 boxes of Biden ballots dumped at 4am, ballot harvesting at local church, officials TAMPERING with tabulators, poll workers changing Trump votes to Biden and refusing to count Trump votes, poll workers bringing in luggage and boxes, poll workers using deceitful tactics and colluding with Democrats to try and EXPEL GOP Poll Challengers, ejection of Republican poll watchers, ignoring poll watcher objections, and suspicious meetings of poll workers. Read article here. The Gateway Pundit sued for video recordings the night of the ballot dump and was able to eventually obtain video evidence of ballot dumps that the Washington Post and Politifact each tried unsuccessfully to debunk.

Other TCF or Detroit witnesses include:

  • Braden Giacobazzi Talks About Systematic Harassment of GOP Poll Challengers at TCF Center
  • Kristina Karamo Saw Ballots Being Given to Biden in Detroit
  • Shane Trejo Describes 3:30a.m. Illegal Ballots Arriving in Detroit
  • Hima Kolanagireddy said that she observed the ballot count and never saw a single Trump ballot in Detroit in 2 days (of 4 that went together with her, only one saw a single Trump ballot), even among military votes. “Everytime they would scan the ballot, nothing would come up in the system,” she said. The system was the qualified voter file which is the registration of legal voters. “They were entering names of people manually and assigning them a poll number…. We were told the Clerk’s office verified both the signature and date of birth for ballots that did not have them,” she said. Kolanagireddy noticed the same exact signature on many of these illegal ballots. She saw all kind of fraud and intimidation tactics used in Wayne County. Read her testimony at TGP. VIDEO HERE
  • Whistleblower Melissa Carone is now on record with the court saying she told her supervisor about massive fraud in Detroit at the TCF Center on election night and was told, “We’re not here to run their election” by her boss! This case is part of one filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center. A Detroit Judge, Timmothy Kenny, has already essentially said all the affidavits are irrelevant in his mind because the City of Detroit says they did everything okay. Carone witnessed:
    • The same ballots being run repeatedly, where the same stack of 50 Biden ballots became 500 votes
    • No valid or legal oversight of ballot process, it was just Democrats policing Democrats
    • Poll workers duplicated ballots and were changing the votes on the ballots, stealing votes in plain sight!

Her testimony has been deemed “not credible” by dishonest fact checkers after a corrupt judge, Timmothy Kenny, dismissed a lawsuit by her and other witnesses of fraud. This same judge has been giving violent felons, child molesters, and more get-out-of-jail-free cards usind covid as a pretext.

  • Patrick Colbeck Describes Fraud in Detroit
  • Jose Aliaga saw the 4am Biden Ballot Drop!
  • Ann Rudisill Describes Detroit Election Fraud
  • Barry Doherty, an electronic data systems expert, also came forward to describe illegal internet connectivity of Detroit’s voter tabulation machines.
  • Two poll watchers reporting fraud including ballots turned in with no names on them.
  • Several vehicles suspiciously pulled into the Detroit polling facility with carloads of ballots. Also, in footage taken by poll watcher Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, a person in a white van was filmed loading up a red wagon outside the ballot counting location at 4am in Detroit and bringing it inside to the secure counting area. SoRelle released the video to Texas Scorecard, because she wanted to raise “alarms that the box may have been a ballot box that arrived long after all ballots were expected to have been received at the counting facility.” The website reports that “other images appear to show suitcases and coolers moving in and out of the secure area where mail-in ballots were being counted during a shift change at 4 a.m.”
  • Andrew Sitto said, “These People Were Vicious – I Saw All Kinds of Illegal Behavior” including the 4am ballot dump.
  • Adam de Angeli came forward to disclose that he was the whistleblower behind #DetroitLeaks, that showed the plan to make the steal.
  • An Asian poll watchers best describes the many irregularities and secret activity she saw in a short period of time as what “felt like a drug deal.”
  • Chris Schnorak, a GOP Poll Challenger at the TCF Center, said “They didn’t disqualify a single ballot” even though many ballots did not have voters who were on the list of legal voters published by the Secretary of State. Schnorak also describes the culture of intimidation, having seen many birthdates around 1900, and more.
  • Bob Cushman was one of the poll challengers who witnessed the suspicious boxes of ballots arrive 8 hours after polls closed, and was kicked out of the TCF Center when he tried to record otther fraud he witnessed.
  • Elizabeth Forlini was a Republican Poll Challenger in Detroit the day after election day. She said poll workers were verbally abusive and intimidating from the start. She helped process the military ballots from active military members when she noticed odd birthdates. “1938, 1939, 1940, all for Biden.” “We had to be escorted out by Detroit Police because of how hostile the crowd was.1
  • A forensic report released in April 2021 by Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno showed modem chipsets installed in the voting system motherboards of Dominion voting machines. In May 2021, DePerno filed findings in the Circuit Court for Antrim County that there were 1,061 “phantom” ballots that do not exist found in Antrim County, nearly100% turnout between ages 65 and 80 which is highly unlikely, and 20.3% of all ballots were sent to PO boxes.1

Russ Ramsland, an elections security expert with the Allied Security Operations Group, joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the Michigan presidential election and confirmed the vote was fraudulent with proof:

The things you find in Michigan are amazing. There are over 3,000 precincts where the presidential votes cast compared to the estimated voters from the SOS (Secretary of State) is 99% all the way up to 350%. Those kind of numbers don’t exist in the real world. So where did all those votes come from? And looking at that, we’ve gone back and looked at some of these huge vote dumps that were mostly Biden’s. We call them spikes. We’ve gone back and traced the spikes. We’ve seen where they were cast, primarily in four counties. We looked at how long it took to cast those votes. And we looked at the equipment that exists at all of those locations by serial number. And the fact of the matter is we can’t see any physical way possible for some of those votes to have been in those kind of numbers because they just don’t have the equipment that can produce it in that timing.

In the affidavit concerning the election in Michigan, Ramsland determined – without question – that vote fraud and ballot tampering took place in the 2020 General Election in Michigan determining the results as they are currently known to be a “physical impossibility.

State election leadership in downtown Detroit prevented GOP poll watchers at the TCF Center from entering the former Cobo Center due to claims of COVID. There was a GOP watcher at nearly each table in the center by late morning, but after lunch break Detroit officials and police blocked GOP poll workers from entering. According to one poll watcher, vote counters with BLM masks and racial justice clothing were allowed into the center but GOP observers were not. Then, they blocked the windows so the poll watchers couldn’t even see inside the building.

Then came the time to count the military votes.  The Republicans were looking forward to this because these votes are traditionally Republican.  Right before this a number of Republican poll watchers decided to take a quick break.  When they came back they were prevented from getting back in the room.

When Patty from 100% Fed Up finally forced herself into the room, she uncovered why they were preventing Republicans from entering the room. The Gateway Pundit spoke with Patty and she said the ballot counters were taking Xerox copies from the envelopes and filling these suspect Xerox copies on to a legitimate ballot to feed through the machine. When allowed, Republican poll watchers were limited in the room and labeled with big signs while Democrat poll watchers and ballot counters were not labeled the same.3

A ‘software glitch‘ used to tabulate ballots in Antrim County, MI caused at least 6,000 Republican votes to be counted as Democrat, according to Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox. She made sure those 6000 votes were switched back to President Trump. A short investigation revealed that 47 counties in Michigan may have also suffered from a similar glitch with the same software, which could have caused some red counties to rake in a higher number of Democrat votes than usual. Hmmm? Same glitch that Twitter has – it only affect conservatives! Michigan announced in August 2018 that the state had spent $30 million of federal funds for voting machines – largely from Dominion Voting Systems.

After a forensic audit of 22 Antrim County Dominion machines, the team showed that it was not human error as stated by AG Benson, rather it was the software of Dominion. Benson temporarily sealed the result, but a Judge overruled her allowing the forensic results to be released which showed a 68.05% error rate. The FEC allows .0008%. Following the bombshell findings by Mr. DePerno and his team of IT experts, a fakerisk-limited audit” (Sidney Powell said that “ZERO of the 15 violations of the Election Record chain of custody… would be discovered via the Michigan SoS audit guidelines.“) was ordered by Sec. of State Benson, but results would be meaningless as the voting machine seals had already been proven to be broken over 2 weeks earlier indicating tampering. Benson had six officials present for the audit and they were instructing volunteers to count multiple ballots with the exact same signature and bags of spoiled ballots. RLA guidelines were not followed.

Attorney Matt DePerno said of the 6000 vote flip, “The vote flipped based on the algorithm. It can be done manually or through a machine. We believe it was done through a machine. It’s either a function of the program, or it’s done offsite. My guess is that it was shipped offsite, adjudicated, and then sent back to the system, or it was done internally in the program. It was one of the two,” he explained.

DePerno told TGP that the report shows “internet and adjudication files were wiped clean on Nov. 4th,” adding “They destroyed election results!—They destroyed election results in a violation of state law.” He told us, “They were required to keep these records for two years after the election, and they deleted them!

DePerno filed another explosive report in the ongoing Antrim County 2020 election lawsuit in April 2021 where DePerno’s team says they were able to manipulate software that was able then to flip votes to Joe Biden. Jack Posobiec ran a shocking report on the alleged voter fraud. Following the release of his report Attorney DePerno was in discussions to appear on FOX News and FOX Business Network.  DePerno was expecting to go on with hosts Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity. But this never happened.  The channel got back with him and told him they were covering the coronavirus vaccine instead.

Deperno also had his office broken into (5/14) and was forced to reschedule a press conference (5/17/21) in Traverse City, MI at the VFW hall, where he planned to drop a bombshell discovery in the Antrim County voter fraud case due to the venue recieving threats. DePerno and his team would report at the presser held at another venue that the tabulator machines can be reopened after the election, then run more ballots can be run through the tabulator, and a new tabulator tape with new ballots can be printed with the tape backdated to November 3rd.

Bill Bailey, a Central Lake Township resident, has filed a lawsuit against Antrim County for voting fraud in the Nov. 3 general election, saying he has evidence to prove his point (complete statement here).

Another ‘glitch’ led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later. An analysis (Watch VIDEO) by the inventor of email, Dr. Shiva, along with data analyst Phil Evans & Election Commissioner and data analyst Benny Smith, reveals a total of 69,000 votes were transferred by a computer algorithm from Trump to Biden which totals 138,000 vote differential once (separate from the 138000 3am dump) subtracted from Trump’s total andd added to Biden’s.

This can perhaps only occur if the voting machines, many from Dominion Voting Systems, are illegaly connected to the internet. A highly respected, former candidate for MI governor was a poll watcher in Detroit where he signed an affadavit that “we got visual confirmation” routers and WiFi connectors were used throughout the TCF Center during ballot counting.

Kelly Garrett was acting as Mayor of Lathrup Village while she was also working as a full-time Project Manager/Customer Relations Manager for Dominion Voting Systems.  According to her Linkedin resume, Kelly started working at Dominion in May of 2017, but a $25 million contract with the State of MI showing Kelly’s name as one of the Dominion representatives executing the deal, is dated March 1, 2017.

Dustin Kingen, Chairman for Precinct 219 in Detroit, said “We were instructed not to accept ballots that were not specifically marked as received, but I saw it happen. I called the hotline they provided to us for problems, and the people there didn’t know what to do. These people were claiming they never received their live ballots, but they could have just been lying and turned them in later, it’s not possible for us to check those things at the polling places.”

Data scientist Sarah Eaglesfield discovered that the largest cluster of votes in Wayne County (Detroit) came from unlikely sources… A psychiatric hospital, followed by an apartment block with not apartment numbers recorded, a convent, an elderly care home, and a homeless drop-in center. Of the 566,788 absentee ballots cast in Wayne County, the absentee data file provided by the Michigan Secretary of State indicates that 203,311 ballots show that no application for an absentee ballot was mailed or sent to that voter by their local clerk, a rate of roughly 36%, suggesting that either wide scale ballot harvesting was being done, or the post office was backdating illegal ballots, or there was widespread absentee ballot fraud as many people have alleged.” At least 2060 in Wayne County alone have been confirmed dead well before the election took place.

A USPS whistleblower said that in Michigan, ballots recieved late were being sorted to a special bin, then collected in Express Mail bags to be fraudulently “hand-stamped” with bogus Nov. 3 postmark. An election clerk in Michigan discovered that the total votes counted by election software DID NOT MATCH the printed tabulator tapes indicating obvious fraud.

An attorney and former Michigan Assistant Attorney General was a certified poll challenger at the TCF Center, and noticed duplicate ballots were getting assigned to a new name, likely a noneligable voter, and was told to move back due to ‘covid concerns’ and behind the screen where he could not observe what was going on. Read his amazing affadavit HERE

Changing Birth Year: It was noticed that thousands of dead persons or 120 yr. olds voted …democrat, of course. William Bradley died in 1984 and would have been 118 years old and deceased Donna Brydges (born in 1901) voted via absentee ballot in Mason County. That would make her 119 years old! There’s one better! June Aiken (born in 1900) voted via absentee ballot in Jackson County, Michigan. That would make them 120 years old!

A registered voter in NJ voted in PA. He died in 2011. His name was Joe Frasier. Yeah, that Joe Frasier – the former heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Rudy Giuliani broke the news at a press conference on the morning of November 7th.

A poll watcher in Michigan was kicked out of the hall where ballots are being counted from the 2020 election.  Before leaving the hall the poll watcher obtained a screen print identifying potential voter fraud. You can read seven out of eight voter names listed on the screen image below – all their birthdays showed as January 1, 1900. What’s interesting is that all these people exist, but with different birth years and none of them appear to be regular voters. The public QVF (Qualified Voter) system doesn’t give a birthday, just a birth year. The birth year in the public QVF shows one individual noted above as being born in 1988 and lives in Detroit.   It also shows that as of November 2nd, this individual did not request an AV ballot. Another individual lives in Detroit and was born in 1967.

There are eight records for one individual in the state, three in Detroit, born in 1954, 1963, and 1965. Another was born in 1961 and lives in Detroit City and voted absentee on October 23rd. There are two individuals with a common name who live in Detroit, interestingly they live at the same address.  One was born in 1966 and the other in 1944.  One of these individuals has never voted before, and the other one only voted in 2012.  This year, one of those individuals requested an absentee ballot but did not return it as of November 2nd. Another individual listed above was born in 1979 and did not receive an absentee ballot as of November 2nd even though this individual requested one and has never voted in his life.

The eighth individual identified above was born in 1971, lives in Westland, and did not request an absentee ballot as of November 2nd.  This individual never voted in her life. The electronic system should include the most accurate data. Experts when asked said there was no reason this data should be wrong as displayed in this photo.

An experienced Michigan data vendor who works on campaigns suggested this could be the case, “Practically how they’re stealing the vote is that they’re having to fraudulently cast votes for people who didn’t actually vote. So they’re going to fill out ballots at the end for people like this, that’s how they’re stuffing the ballots, that’s the way this would work. They would vote absentee ballots on the last day or two. Looking at these results, it’s most likely the Clerk is just stuffing ballots using these names.”

It is possible that the poll counters are actually filling out black ballots in the halls and using the names associated with 1900 birth dates.  If this is the case this could potentially be traceable and identifiable. Read full story HERE @ TGP

For two days, several internet sleuths were using a Michigan government website to check for dead Democrat voters so the site was shut down.

Kanye West’s thousands of votes were given to Joe Biden, according to witnesses, who said poll workers joked about it as they physically altered ballots to remove votes for Kanye, and instead add them to the Democrat totals. “The Secretary of State took these people’s vote and changed it.”

Biden’s vote numbers in Michigan do not match Benford’s law at a 99.999% significance level. Benfords law has been used on many occasions to prove election fraud (2000 & 2004 elections, 2003 California gubernatorial election, etc.).

Janice Winfrey, the Wayne County clerk, threatened a dog attack on reporter for asking about election fraud.

Two Republicans on the four member Board of Canvassers for Wayne County, initially refused to certify the county’s election results due to irregularities in polling books, mainly in the city of Detroit, however they reversed course later that evening after threats. Ned Staebler, the far left (Antifa & BLM supporter) Democrat on the board of canvassers threatened and used intimidation tactics against the two during an online conference call, calling them ‘racist’. In addition, Michigan Democrat state Representative-Elect Abraham Aiyash, 26, warned Palmer her children could face retribution from Black classmates in school as he named the school they likely attend. Aiyash wagged his finger at the camera as he intimated the threat. Then, the next day, the two Republican board members rescinded the coerced vote and filed affidavits that their families were threatened.

Read The Trump Campaign’s Full Michigan Lawsuit — Including Election Fraud Witness Affidavits

According to Ramsland the voting data shows that the numbers produced show clear indications that the vote totals are the result of an algorithm (fractional magic) that manipulated the voting results. The final numbers reported in Michigan appear in decimal points, not whole numbers.

michigan2020-11-04T06:54 :48Z640.5340.4481925865.661615707.52
michigan2020 -11-04T06:56:47Z640.5340.44 81930247.6641619383.808
michigan2020-1104T06:58:47Z640.5340.4481931413.3861620361. 792
michigan2020-11-04T07:00:37Z640.5330.451941758.9751639383 .75
michigan2020-11-04T07 :01:46Z640.5330.451945297.5621642371.3
michigan2020-11-04T07:03:17Z650.5330.451948885.18 51645400.25

Michigan State Senate Committee on Oversight held a hearing on election issues on 12/1 with multiple whistleblowers testifying:

A lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of the presidential election in Michigan was dismissed in a federal court by Obama appointee Linda Parker on 12/7, with the judge, after sitting on the case for days, saying that the lawsuit was “An Amalgamation of Theories, Conjecture, and Speculation.” Ten days later it made it to the docket of the Supreme Court. The suit includes forensic evidence of the Dominion Voting Systems machine proving systemic fraud and should be a priority, but Roberts delayed hearing the case until January 14th.

RINO Republican Party leaders stood in the way of principled conservatives in the legislature hoping to seat a slate of pro-Trump electors to combat the vote steal in the state. Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clarkville) shut down the Capitol, using COVID-19 and the potential of violence as an excuse, thus locking these principled conservatives out of their offices. Then, when a group of GOP electors on Monday arrived at the Michigan state Capitol to cast their votes for President Trump, the police blocked them from entering and redirected them to Governor Whitmer, but eventually the Republican electors voted for President Trump.

In addition to Grand Traverse Republican Party Chair, Haider Kazim, and Michigan’s Asst. AG Erik Grill trying to quash the election fraud case,  Peter Wendling, an attorney representing township supervisors in Antrim County, argued that the court should not allow further discovery on the Dominion voting machines because it could be too costly to replace the equipment should it be damaged or rendered unusable. Wendling called an investigation into the machines “overly burdensome and unnecessary.” Incredibly, Mr. Wendling requested that if experts look at the equipment, Dominion should have a say in who inspects their machines—the machines DePerno is claiming intentionally changed the results of the 2020 election. Antrim County attorney Chris Bzdoz agreed that an investigation into the Dominion machines should not be allowed.

The Governor, Lt. Governor, Sec. of State, and Attorney General are all Democrats… corrupt ones!

  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer – On April 15, 2020, the American Freedom Law Center filedfederal civil rights lawsuit against the dictator Whitmer and several county prosecutors, challenging certain provisions of her executive order, EO 2020-42, that were tyrannical and irrational. The lawsuit alleges that various provisions of the Governor’s latest executive order violate the First (freedom of association), Second (right to bear arms), and Fourteenth (due process and equal protection) Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, the Contracts Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and the Michigan Constitution’s protection of the right to bear arms.
  • Garlin Gilchrist, a former Detroit left-wing activist, was picked by Whitmer. His background is in progressive politics and computer programming — he used to work for Microsoft, was a political organizer for the left-wing MoveOn.org and managed social media for Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign. Gilchrist ran for Detroit city clerk in 2017 and was endorsed by a range of left-leaning groups, including Our Revolution, which grew out of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential run.7
  • Jocelyn Benson is Michigan’s Secretary of State. She is a British Pilgrim Society groomed, NPR, Five Eyes “special relationship” operative put in place to destroy Donald Trump’s lead in Michigan. She was endorsed by the George Soros-funded SoSP back in 2010. She was trained by the radical SPLC, where she was director, on how to manipulate elections for the UN (& how to get away with it) Also at the heavily Soros-funded SPLC, she targeted patriot organizations under the guise of white supremacists and neo-Nazi’s. Incoming State Representative Steve Carra and Michigan activist Bob Cushman filed a successful lawsuit against Jocelyn Benson over the explosive allegations that poll workers were being trained in how to commit voter fraud. Benson, who endorsed Biden for president during the DNC and pushed for mail-in ballots,  also misprinted the Trump line on ballots intended to be mailed to troops serving overseas, the Detroit News reported. She unilaterally voided the legal requirement that voters provide a signature when requesting an absentee ballot, establishing an online request form. In a Dec. 1 memo (pdf) from the Michigan Bureau of Elections, which is overseen by Benson’s office, she “is pushing for the mass deletion of election data.” She fired one town clerk, Stephanie Scott, who refused to obey her orders to delete voter machine info from 2020 Election while dropping charges on a democrat city clerk, Sherikia Hawkins, accused of 6 voter fraud charges in 2018.

Benson again usurped authority and signed an information-sharing contract with private, partisan organizations such as Rock The Vote giving them full access to the state’s entire voter rolls and the Zuckerberg backed Center for Election Innovation and Research, who does “the software on the poll books,” helped them to cover it up. MI Republican activists, Kristina Karamo, host of the Kristina Karamo ProjectDr. Linda Lee Tarver  29-year Secretary of State election integrity liaison, and Angelic Johnson, went to Lansing, MI to put Benson on notice that the Amistad Project had filed a petition on behalf of Tarver and Johnson for the state legislature to conduct a meaningful and transparent audit of the fraudulent election in MI.9 Benson refused to testify before legislative oversight committees in mid-December investigating allegations of fraud. She engaged in obfuscation and efforts to run the clock out by not cooperating with discovery efforts, hiding evidence, and deliberately stalling and requesting time extensions.

  • Dana Nessel is also being sued by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) for unfairly and unjustly targeting her political opponents, which is a clear abuse of public office. The openly gay jew tried to establish a “thought criminal” database in her state to keep tabs on conservatives, Christians, and others whose views run contrary to her Leftist agenda. She launched a war on Christmas in Dec 2020. After the election, she tried to intimidate a witness to fraud, Shane Trejo, by sending a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways. The #DetroitLeaks reporting shows Detroit poll workers who were trained in how to lietrained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.9 In a 2nd (Twitter censored) #DetroitLeaks video, Shane Trejo shows how her overuled demands for 6′ social distancing for poll workers was overuled, but in spite of the judges ruling to get this out to all poll workers asap and no later than 5pm the next day, it was ignored and kept hidden from them and the poll workers were continuously kept far away. Nessel threatened any state attorneys who challenged a fair election and also threatened to criminally charge GOP state lawmakers who met with President Trump in Washington DC on the stolen election. Nessel is lawless, unhinged, ignorant and angry as hell, like every other democrat.
  • Judge Cynthia Stephens – Appointed in 2008 by Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, this rogue judge ruled that postmarked mail-in ballots can be accepted up to 14 days after Election Day, and third parties are allowed to deliver these ballots. This fraud-friendly delivery service is commonly known as “ballot harvest.” It’s all the rage in California and other third world and communist countries.
  • U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker – This Obama appointee denied Sidney Powell’s request to decertify the state’s election result and slammed her claims of a vast election-fraud conspiracy as an assault on hard-fought voting rights. Powell was fined $200,000 for having the audacity to claim the 2020 Election was corrupted in Michigan.  Judge Parker knows all.
  • Judge Timmy Kenny: dismissed a lawsuit by fraud eyewitnesses Melissa Carone and other witnesses of fraud. This same judge has been giving violent felons, child molesters, and more get-out-of-jail-free cards usind covid as a pretext.

Former Michigan Trump Campaign Director Scott Hagerstrom told Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit that several Republican lawmakers in the state of Michigan were NOT supporting the Trump team in their investigation of election fraud and abuse, however the GOP Senators from MI did request a full audit before election results were certified with the following list of allegations:11

  • Counted ineligible ballots
  • Counted the same batches of ballots multiple times
  • Instructed poll workers to backdate absentee ballots
  • Counted late ballots after illicitly pre-dating them
  • Used false information to process ballots, such as using false or incorrect birthdays
  • Duplicated ballots illegally
  • Counted ballots even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls
  • Ordered election workers to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots
  • Barred poll challengers from observing the transposition and certification of absentee ballots that need to be transposed, including military ballots
  • Coached voters to vote for a particular candidate and party

Thanks to the above corrupt democrat government officials and the many turncoat GOP officials in MI, the vote was illegally certified on 11/23 when another republican traitor ignored the overwhelming evidence and sided with the democrats. Anti-Trumpers and democrats were given a stage to gaslight the good Michiganders who saw their state stolen by these Communists. The case to decertify the Michigan Election results is a very strong one thanks to relentless patriots such as Patrick Colbeck and many others fighting for election integrity.


A federal judge ruled 6 weeks before the election that mail-in ballots could be counted up to six days after Election Day, and a ballot can be counted even if there is no “definitive” sign of a postmark on it.

  • In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes on election night. Biden currently leads by 20,565 votes following a 125,000 3:30 dump and Dominion’s electronic manipulation to maintain that lead. Mail-in ballots increased from 146,932 in 2016 to 1,275,019 in 2020.
  • Violations of Election Law: (1) The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) positioned hundreds of unmanned illegal drop boxes to collect absentee ballots.  (The use of any drop box, manned or unmanned, is directly prohibited by Wisconsin statute. Any alternate mail-in ballot site “shall be staffed by the municipal clerk or the executive director of the board of election commissioners…”  “Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election.”). Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Vos and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald publicly stated they agreed with drop boxes; (2) The WEC encouraged voters to unlawfully declare themselves “indefinitely confined in order to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo ID requirements.  Nearly 216,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined in the 2020 election, nearly four times as many as in 2016 and at least 52,000 in Racine County did not provide photo ID leading the County sheriff to investigate this violation of the law by the WI Election Commission (He found out that they sent instructions to nursing homes in all 72 counties on how to break state law with their residents!); and (3) Strict laws requiring signature verification of mail-in voters were ignored or circumvented by election officials. Proper chain of custody and dual controls to prevent fraud were also missing.
  • Evidence of Fraud: (1) One hundred thousand ballots were supposedly missing and directed to be “found” after election day; (2) a Binford analysis indicates fraud; (3) A late night spike between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. ET increased votes by 125,000, 100% for Biden; (4) multiple witnesses of ballets being double fed through tabulators, keeping poll watchers at distances of 8-10 ft., an impossible finish for Biden according to a Binford analysis, etc. (5) A study confirms that former top Democrat operative and the de facto city elections chief for Green Bay, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, was given keys to the KI Center ballroom in Green Bay, where absentee ballots were stored and counted for days prior to the election. (6) The Brown County clerk said the city of Green Bay “went rogue” where election law experts said the city illegally gave left-leaning groups (funded by Zuckerberg, Soros, etc) authority over the election led by the Mayor, democrat Eric Genrich, and Spitzer-Rubenstein who wanted access to “cure” absentee ballots like they did in Milwaukee (2 of the ‘Wisconsin 5’ or the 5 largest communities in WI that split Zuckerberg funding to  pull off the steal for WI. (7) More than 60,000 people registered to vote in 2020 whose identities didn’t match corresponding state identification. (8) Wisconsin elections officials removed more than 205,000 voters from the rolls AFTER the election was over. (9) Wisconsin HOT, a grassroots group for election integrity, uncovers 23,000 votes with same phone number and 8,000 voters registered in 1918 in one county! They also uncovered that a Racine Clerk worked with a former Facebook employee, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, to create an app to track votes in real-time before the 2020 election. Rubenstein asked to get into ‘WisVote’ per an email obtained by Wisconsin HOT. (10) 1.5 million illegal voter registrations, 155,000 suspected fake voters, “Well over 50,000 illegally cast ballots that we can prove” from an Election review in Jan 2022. (11) Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly (Mar 2022) on their investigation of ballot trafficking that 7% of the ballots in WI at the ballot drop boxes were likely fraudulent votes ( over 137,000 ballots); (12) 29% Of Wisconsin’s Entire Voting Population Was Added in 10 Months of 2020.

With over half the votes in, including Biden’s stronger counties, Trump was going to win Wisconsin… EASY! Then, everyone wakes up and BOOM! Biden had a late night spike while everyone slept to put him safely in the lead. between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. ET, the total number of votes increased by 125,000. Of these 125,000 votes, 100% were for Biden, without a single vote for President Trump recorded. No graph takes a spike like this, particularly considering the timing, without election fraud. There were also reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raised serious doubts about the validity of the results. Seven Democrat Wards in Milwaukee turned in more votes than registered voters. 90% of Milwaukee wards reported 90% voter turnout! Five of them are in the city’s eleventh aldermanic ward, on the city’s far Southwest Side where Biden came within 200 votes of totaling as many as both Trump and Hillary earned. I guess Biden had the real silent majority. Where were these voters when Biden was campaigning to a half dozen dems in circles and his bus driver? Team Trump wisely requested a recount. Wisconsin needed 89% statewide turnout (2016 was 67%) to defeat Trump and nullify what would have certainly been a landslide.

Biden defeated Trump in Milwaukee 195,034 to 48,110, a margin of 145,916. He won 80 percent of the city’s total vote. Milwaukee had some shady actions and delayed reporting as one watchful observer tweeted (causing his twitter account to be suspended):

“Milwaukee was supposed to report at 1am. Than they delayed until 2pm. Than delayed until 3am.

At 3:30am, Biden over comes a 4.1 lead.”

The Gateway Pundit had an expert conduct a Benford analysis, a statistical technique which identifies outliers in data sets.

Here’s part of his analysis:

Of the 4 counties, 802 aggregated precincts comprising the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, we get a significant deviation from the expected using Biden’s vote totals, and a p-value of 0.00002 (0.002% probability of a result at least as extreme as this one). Clearly, it does not follow the expected pattern. Trump’s vote totals are much more consistent, with P = 0.87.  [The Biden data makes no sense in Milwaukee.]

Aggregating the other 11 largest counties, 1040 precincts, both appear normal for both candidates.

Reporters actually FILMED Milwaukee Election Commission Senior Executive Claire Woodall-Vogg feeding totals into a machine in the wee hours of the morning WITHOUT any election observers and then transferred the numbers onto a USB drive illegally and against protocol, but then claims to have lost the flash drive! What a crook! Claire’s friend, Ryan Chew who works for the Soros-connected Elections Group, sent Clair an email at 4:17am on election night:

Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am.  I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting.”

As was the case in MI (2X), PA, GA, and VA, Wisconsin also shows evidence of electronic vote manipulation in what officials have minimized as ‘glitches‘, however they always seem to come out in Biden’s favor. Not a single incedence has been reported where Trump was the beneficiary. Approximately 10,000 votes were moved from President Trump to Biden in just one Wisconsin County.

During a Wisconsin hearing on 12/11, it was revealed that a nursing home resident in Wisconsin said she wanted to vote for President Trump, but a nursing staffer bullied her into voting for Joe Biden. Previously, a whistleblower in Milwaukee found that every developmentally disabled client she spoke with had their vote stolen for Joe Biden. NewsTalk1130 reported:

Susan, a disability service coordinator who works with developmentally disabled adults who live in various assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

On another report of possible fraud, according to Wisconsin law, an absentee ballot requires that it be signed by a witness who also lists his or her address. Should the ballot not contain the a witness address, the ballot is disallowed and must be returned to the voter so that the witness can provide that information. However, according to a report from the “Dan O’Donnell Show,” sources claim that “clerks and vote counters” in the state wrote in the witness signatures themselves. Furthermore, the report claims that the election workers chose to write in the addresses because they were illegally advised to do so by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC).

“The statute is very, very clear,” said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman. “If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it’s not valid. That ballot is not valid.” Read more at Breitbart…

Wisconsin Statute 6.86 provides that an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his or her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct.

Judge Gableman, who was hired to get to the truth about election fraud in Wisconsin, had to issue subpoenas to meet with election officials, but as of July 2022, his subpoenas have been ignored.  Election officials targeted are ignoring his efforts to get to the truth in the 2020 Election. Gableman filed suit to get the mayors of specific cities to sit down and discuss the 2020 Election as well but they also refused. Why would they do this if they were innocent?

The Trump campaign filed for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, Milwaukee and Dane, and paid a three million dollar filing fee for the recount, however the election officials initially only chose 12 of 176 names submitted by Republicans with 176 counters altogether (<7%), but was upped to 54 after push back. Many took no interest in the recount – focusing instead on their mobile phones. Republicans on the Wisconsin Board of Elections were able to block efforts by Democrats to enact last minute changes to the state’s recount procedures. The observer who spoke to Empower Wisconsin said the volunteers who are assisting with the recount, for the most part, haven’t been obstructionists. It’s the county elections officials, the supervisors, “that are being ridiculous.” Sources at the scene say the elections officials’ conduct begs the question: What are Milwaukee County elections officials hiding? 

Bob Spindell sounded the alarm on the night of day #5 of the recount and said the Milwaukee County Elections Commission is refusing to let Trump’s observers see either absentee ballot envelopes or ballots clearly. Trump’s reps were forced to sit 8 to 9 feet away from the ballot counters. Still, these watchers were able to spot thousands of fake ballots in Dane county with the same signature” “MLW.

Three weeks after the election, a Wisconsin group, Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, filed an emergency petition with the WI Supreme Court after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots.

President Donald Trump on December 2nd, filed a lawsuit against election officials and leaders in Wisconsin, alleging “unlawful and unconstitutional” acts and asking the court to forward the matter to the state legislature. The suit (pdf), filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Division, focuses on “unlawful and unconstitutional acts by Wisconsin public officials,” the Trump campaign said. Defendants in the suit include the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), the Mayors of Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha, Green Bay, and Racine, other election officials, Secretary of State Douglas La Follette and Gov. Tony Evers. (ET)

On December 14th, Wisconsin’s Supreme Court made two rulings.  One for and one against President Trump.  The ruling for the President should give him plenty of votes to win the state. With regards to the case thrown out, TGP reported on this case and related topics previously as the Supreme Court held their hearing on the case with at least two Justices calling Trump’s actions racist with one of those being liberal Supreme Court Justice, Jill Karofsky, claiming it was also filed to “overturn the election so your king can stay in power. But the Wisconsin Supreme Court did agree with the President’s position on indefinitely confined cases where Sec. of State Doug La Follette allowed voters to claim “indefinite confinement” using covid as an excuse in order to avoid having to provide a photocopy of their ID when requesting an absentee ballot. This win could be enough to overturn the 20,000 deficit in WI. In fact, one of Biden’s electors broke the law by falsely claiming to be ‘indefinitely confined.

Also on Dec 14th, Wisconsin Republicans followed the rule of law and met to put forward their own electors. Republican GOP Chairman Andrew Hitt told reporters it was “to preserve our role in the electoral process while the final outcome is still pending in the courts.

On May 27, 2021, The Washington Examiner and MSN reported:

A top GOP legislator in Wisconsin (Assembly Speaker Robin Vos) will hire three retired police officers to investigate parts of the November 2020 general election, joining other Republicans across the nation who are skeptical of President Joe Biden’s victory.

TGP reported that this was because of his relationships with two men who happen to hate President Trump, Reince Priebus, and Paul Ryan.  They found this tidbit in an article from 2016. Too many RINOs in Wisconsin benefitted or were involved in the election theft. The Wisconians must rise up and demand a forensic audit!

Wisconsin’s Gov’t officials:


  • U.S. District Judge William Conleyruled 6 weeks before the election that mail-in ballots could be counted up to six days after Election Day, and a ballot can be counted even if there is no “definitive” sign of a postmark on it.
  • U.S. District Judge William Griesbachblocked a Wisconsin Voters Alliance lawsuit seeking to disallow unconstitutional private funding (“ZuckerBucks”) that gave went almost exlusively to democrat run cities.
  • The Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected one of President Trump’s election lawsuits saying that the president would have to work the case through the lower courts first in spite of clear precedence in the Gore v. Bush case. In a 4-3 decision, conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn joined the court’s liberal judges. They also mysteriously ruled that voters can stay on the voter rolls even after they move.

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