- Page 1: The Deep State’s Plan to Steal the 2020 Election
- Page 2: State-by-State Breakdown (Alaska, North Carolina, Michigan, & Wisconsin)
- Page 3: State-by-State Breakdown (Georgia & Pennsylvania)
- Page 4: State-by-State Breakdown (Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, NY, Plus Trump’s Sting Operation)
Georgia spent $107 million on Dominion voting machines in 2019. In early October, a week before early voting started in Georgia, radical leftist Eric Coomer, Officer of Strategy and Security for Dominion Systemss, made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”. The illegal update was approved by corrupt SoS Brad Rappensperger. Coomer had previously bragged to Antifa members: “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!” A group of Georgia attorneys sued the state after news of the late minute changes to the Dominion voting machines, calling for paper ballots to be used instead of the controversial computer voting systems. Secretary of State Raffensperger viciously defended the change and even invited in Eric Coomer to testify in defense of the clandestine upgrade. Russell James Ramsland Jr. of the Allied Security Operations Group said a forensic audit in Savannah, “Shows tabulation machines were sending election results to CHINA.”
Evidence unearthed in a June 2021 court case in Georgia shows that failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams oversaw the staffing for the 2020 Election in Georgia.
- 200,000+ ballots transferred from Trump to Biden electronically. In Georgia Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes on election night (having already had 25,630 votes stolen electronically) as proven conclusively by number theory specialist Edward Solomon, but Biden led President Trump by 12,670 votes after additional massive fraud was allowed to be counted by corrupt state officials and politicians.
- In Georgia, sworn testimony alleges: 2,056 felons illegally voted; 66,248 under 18 voted; 2,423 weren’t registered; 1,043 used a PO Box to register; 4,700-plus absentee votes tied to non-residential addresses; 10,315 dead voted; 395 voted in 2 states; 15,700 out-of-state voters who moved out of GA; 40,279 changed county & didn’t re-register to vote1
- 460-500,000+ mail-in ballots with no chain of custody. Mail-in ballots increased from 213,033 in 2016 to 1,305,659 in 2020. Mail-in ballot rejection rate for missing or inaccurate information or for non-matching signatures decreased from 6.42% in 2016 to .36% in 2020. With a six-fold increase in the number of mail-in ballots, reason would indicate that the rejection rate would increase, or at least stay the same, with so many first-time mail-in ballots. According to Kevin Moncla (UncoverDC), Fulton County ordered and received over 1 million ballots from Runbeck in the last 10 or so days before the election. There was literally no way to sort, prepare, fold, stuff and mail out the ballots before the election, but perhaps there was no intention to mail them as there were no envelopes ordered. This fact alone removes any possibility that they intended to mail the ballots. Rejecting 2020 ballots at the same rate as 2016 would have resulted in a net gain of 25,587 votes for Trump – twice the number needed to overcome Biden’s count. TGP has a great breakdown of how GA reported different numbers of absentee ballots for days after the election. Just the News released a report showing– More than 150 batches of absentee ballots may be missing in Georgia. On 21 June 2021, Georgia Fulton County Elections Board Director Richard Barron performed a miracle by suddenly locating more than a thousand chain of custody documents for Fulton county that had been missing since the 2020 Election.
- Fulton County claimed 59,143 people voted on Election Day in person but the data only supports 21,843; the county is missing over 59,000 ballots from Election day as well
- Kevin Moncla at UncoverDC.com discovered an invoice for over a million ballots to be delivered to Georgia right before the 2020 Election. Moncla reported that these million ballots ordered from Runbeck were ordered with “no stubs”. Election crook Gabe Sterling claimed these were “Emergency ballots” that were never used, but when they were set to destroy them there were less than 285,000 left. Where are the missing 773,309 ballots?
- A Fulton County, Georgia, County Auditor’s report includes several damning revelations such as: (1) Lack of operating procedures, (2) Inconsistent procurement procedures, (3) Untimely payment of invoices, (4) Lack of supporting documentation (including nearly $2 million in overtime), (5) Improper payment of services (the County paid seven invoices to Atlanta Public Schools), (6) Inadequate safeguarding of assets (15 routers out of 260 could not be physically located), (7) County failed to return $40,000 in a grant from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to purchase drop boxes, (8) County failed to tell SPLC how many ballots were dropped in drop boxes per grant requirement, and (9) Accounting records were a mess
- True the Vote and one other organization have copies of videos that captures 240 ballot traffickers dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 illegal drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. (Reported 9/3/2021)
- Look Ahead America (LAA) released their Georgia Report in April 2021 identifying six tranches of potentially illegal votes and determined after their review of the first three that there were more than 12,000 illegal ballots counted. Here are the results:
- An A1 Shredding & Recycling truck picked up election documents/materials at Jim R. Miller Park election office in Cobb County, GA. They returned again 4 hours after a hearing in which a forensic analysis was ordered, an A1 Shredding Truck went to pick up more ballots to shred. A group of patriots got the ballots and began analyzing them until the “FBI took control of shredding truck and materials, directed they be returned to shredding operation…” The shredding operator had noticed some unusual things, so he was eventually connected to the Trump team that discovered transit reciepts connected to China. They brought in a DHS investigator, whose office in Washington notified the FBI. The FBI then claimed jurisdiction, pulled the local DHS officer off of the case, and then ordered the investigation to be shut down and the shredding to be completed.1
- Violations of Election Law: (1) The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots; (2) The SoS authorized opening and processing mail-in ballots up to three weeks before election day when the law prohibits that until after the polls open on election day; (3) The SoS materially weakened the security requirements for ballot rejection based on signature verification or other missing information.
President Trump held massive rallies in Georgia with his last one in Rome just days before the election with 42,000 attendees. Joe Biden left his basement to hold two events in Georgia on October 27, where he garnered up an estimated 70 supporters. But don’t trust your own eyes. Georgia should have been called for President Trump on election night, but because it was close enough to possibly steal, it was held up. 94% of the vote was in and President Trump had a 120,000 vote lead (>2.5%). They claimed a water pipe break led them to stop counting votes (it was a urinal overflow vastly overblown by Ralph Jones, who led the covert midnight team counting stashed suitcase ballots) at 10:30pm… statewide. At the time — even if the outstanding ballots were counted Democrats would never win the state. Project Veritas identified the exact moment Ralph Jones, Sr. was presented a court order to stop preventing poll watchers from observing the activities he and his crew were partaking in HERE.
David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party said: “Fulton County elections officials told the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm Arena at 10:30 p.m. on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1:00 a.m.” A few “workers” (Two main culprits identified as Ruby Freeman & daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss) stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated! She’s caught passing off a USB drive in a video from The Hill to Lawrence Sloan and to her daughter in a 2nd video. Ruby was also caught loading the same batch of votes 3 times. So was Ralph Jones, Sr.. Ralph Jones, Sr. the registrations chief for Fulton County who started the broken water main lie also owns a consulting firm that received funds right before the shady Keisha Bottoms won her 2019 runoff election for Atlanta Mayor where she then circumvented normal city hiring processes to retain six of her campaign staffers, one being Ralph’s son, Ralph Jones, Jr. Jr. worked with Stacy Abrams (The laughable Nobel prize nominee self-proclaimed Governor of Georgia) to get Raphael Warnock close enough to earn a runoff election against Kelly Loeffler.
Video footage from Georgia shows that poll workers were told to stop counting and leave, while 4 people stayed behind to continue counting ballots in private pic.twitter.com/bEYdFMAvsa
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) December 3, 2020
Georgia democrat Elena Parent tried to claim that the video had been debunked, but Giuliani told her they just got it late the night before and that it was being aired for the first time, so it couldn’t be debuned. Lead Stories, a Google, Facebook and China-based ByteDance owned ‘fact checker’, also tried to claim the video had been debunked, but were fact checked themselves by The Federalist and The Gateway Pundit.
In Georgia President Trump was up by as much as a 57% to Biden’s 42% and with 50% of the votes counted Trump was still way ahead. Then Biden was allocated batches of votes for hours, some with negative Trump votes and then with 89% of the votes in, Biden took the lead. From that point on for the next 53 batches of votes counted, for EVERY SINGLE vote batch the batches had exactly a 50.05% to 49.95% victory margin for Biden and Trump cementing Biden’s lead. YouTube user Endeez found at least one batch of votes of 23,000 dumped into the total 98% of them for Joe Biden. A Cobb County poll watcher, a former law enforcement officer, observed that ballots were pre-sorted into Biden and Trump votes, reported it to a officials, but was ignored.
Based on a statement from Richard Barron, director of Fulton County Board of Election and Registration who claimed no one was told to leave the Atlanta State Farm Arena on Election Night and was removed from office in February 2021, ballot adjudications happened substantially in the county, which has the largest population in the Peach State. “We scanned 113,130 as of moments ago, we’ve adjudicated 106,000 plus [93.7 percent] of those,” he can be seen saying in a video clip. “The only ballots that are adjudicated are if we have a ballot with a contest on it in which there’s some question as to what, how the computer reads it. So the vote review panel then determines voter intent.” The Government standard for adjucation is 0.0004% (or 1 in 250,000).1
Poll workers can reject or validate ballots during the RTR process. In a widely-circulated video, an elections supervisor in Coffee County demonstrated how Dominion Voting Systems voting software allows votes to be changed through the “adjudication” process. The process allows the operator to add vote marks to a scanned ballot as well as invalidate vote marks already on the ballot, The Epoch Times reported.
A Dominion representative, Aric Thompson, who scanned ballots in Floyd County (where over 3000 votes initially went uncounted that were mostly for Trump) worked as an official photographer for Kamala Harris’ campaign in 2019. Politico reported that election machines from Dominion Voting Systems (where whistleblowers have now come forward according to Rudy Giuliani) in two republican counties (one went 70% Trump and the other 60%) were down for 2 hours. Dominion’s software was used exclusively in the state of GA.
“A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before” and that “Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed. The counties use voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books — used to sign in voters — made by KnowInk.
A third county in Georgia — Gwinnett County — which uses the same software, also experienced a glitch. This glitch, however, had caused the delay of counting thousands of votes in the 2020 presidential election. Election officials estimate that roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch, yet decided to push the impacted votes through, knowing some of the votes would likely change.5 Potentially, if a data analysis of Dominion Systems is correct, 33,574 Trump votes were deleted electronically (were the ballots also disposed of or will they appear in the recount?) and another 17,407 switched from Trump to Biden. In one small GA county where the Trump team was able to obtain access to a Dominion Voting machine, they discovered indeed that votes had been flipped from Trump to Biden. They also ran an equal number of ballots through the Dominion machine and it tabulated a 26% lead for Biden.
During a December 3rd Georgia Senate hearing on the 2020 election, a poll manager detailed how Dominion workers remotely accessed her poll pad and ballot marking devices. During the hearing, poll manager Susan Boyles described Dominion employees taking over her poll pad to fix an error. “I had to give them permission to take over my poll pad so they could reprogram it.” Elaborating on her experience dealing with Dominion tech support, Boyles noted they also “remotely fixed” the ballot marking devices when they helped with the poll pads.
One week before the 2020 election PBS went to Georgia to do a deep dive of their Dominion Voting Systems. One of their experts, Harry Hursti from Nordic Innovation Labs, told PBS the Georgia system does not seem to have any safeguards.12
The Georgia Democrat Party trained activists Wednesday on how to go door-to-door to fix ballots rejected on Election Day. Called ballot “curing,” the party is able to identify individuals who had defective ballots due to incorrect marking, mismatched signatures, or some other flaw. They are then visiting those voters in person and encouraging them to fix their ballots to count for the Democrats.
TGP explains that, “it appears the Georgia Democrats’ State Board of Elections (and potentially the Georgia Secretary of State) have to be in on this. They provided actual ballots to this Democratic operation. Each ballot is a legal document! Yet, the Board of Elections (BOE) executive branch officials of Georgia apparently saw fit to hand over actual legal ballots to Democratic volunteers and operatives in this “Georgia Ballot Rescue Team” operation – so they could be “cured,” that is fixed for counting. When the Georgia BOE handed over ballots to Democratic volunteers, they utterly destroyed the “chain of custody” of these ballots.”
Counting slowly resumed on day 2 (Thursday) as 4% of the votes were counted over the next 24 hours with 187,027 votes counted and 135,876 (73%) of those votes going to Biden! Thursday morning with 98% of the votes counted, President Trump was only up by 18,098 votes with 2,432,097 votes to Biden’s 2,413,999. On Thursday morning at 6:20am they announced only 25,000 ballots were left to count, and then changed that to 50-60,000 by 8am. By Friday morning Creepy Joe was up 917 votes and jumped to roughly 7000 by Saturday. The state of Georgia had been stolen and thus so the election as the election desk declared Biden the winner of the 2020 election even.
The deadline for receipt of absentee ballots in Georgia, per Georgia election law, is “no later than close of the polls on Election Day … Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted,” this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division’s Absentee Voting A Guide for Registered Voters. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court ruling, which stayed a lower court ruling from August 31, stemming from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the New Georgia Project (NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP’s lawsuit prevailed in extending the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal, brought by the state of Georgia, Georgia election law held firm, with the higher court decisively re-establishing the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close of the polls.
A former FBI special agent spent several hours scouring the over 580,000 registered voters in the Peach State. Derek Somerville found over 57,000 cast ballots in a county DIFFERENT than where they reside. And Derek found over 17,000 ballots with OUT OF STATE mail requests.
Mark Davis, President of Data Productions, Inc. and considered an expert in five court cases concerning election disputes found 40,239 people who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election and voted in their old county, which is illegal according to Georgia law. Those 40,239 people who voted failed to register their new address in time to vote in their new county, and according to the law they cannot vote in either county until they do. The analysis also found that 267,255 people notified the USPS that they moved outside the state of Georgia, which means they are no longer eligible to vote in the state, yet, 14,980 of those people allegedly voted in the 2020 election in Georgia, 100 percent of them illegally.(DJH)
Voter GA co-founder Garland Favorito swore in an affidavit he filed with the secretary of state’s office, that in the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state where Biden held a razor-thin lead. (likely with Dominion Voting Systems) Favorito would file a lawsuit regarding the fraud in which the judge would add the Fulton County Election Board to his lawsuit.
Ignoring Georgia law, “start[ing] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ing] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST,” according to their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives – “Ballot Rescue Teams” – to do phone banking and also to travel Georgia’s counties, knocking on people’s front doors – only Democrats’ front doors, that is – and cheerfully offering to help “cure” or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly, had problems and were, allegedly, not being counted by county registrars. (Read more at TGP…)
Breitbart reported on this and that those participating in the fix were directed not to deal with Republican ballots. Were Republican ballots given to these Democratic volunteers by the Georgia election officials only to be thrown out? Or “fixed”? TGP also reported that an Onward Together project named Swingleft, a George Soros / Hillary Clinton funded NGO, in turn sponsors the “Georgia Democrat Party’s Ballot Rescue Team” which is behind the apparent criminal acts occurring in Georgia.
The “Georgia Ballot Rescue Team,” an operation of the Democratic Party of Georgia, has two high-level Democratic political operatives, brought in from out-of-state just for this operation according to a report by The Gateway Pundit.
- Alice Huling, Deputy Director for Ballot Remediation, is an abortion rights attorney, known for her work as Counsel for Reproductive Rights at the Campaign for Accountability (CfA). CfA, claiming to investigate misconduct and corruption in government and the private sector, seems to repeatedly favor targeting conservative governmental officials and organizations.
- The other Democratic operative is Abbey Meller, the Voter Protection Associate, who worked for two years with another nonprofit in this story, the John Podesta 501(c)(3) nonprofit “charity” think-tank, the Center for American Progress. Podesta, of course, was President Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff, Counselor to President Obama, and chair of the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign.
Here’s some of our trusted ballot counters in the ATL hard at work:
What is going on here? #Election2020 #ATL pic.twitter.com/NJi3xmInPT
— Essential Fleccas 🇺🇸 (@fleccas) November 5, 2020
A judge in Chatham County, Georgia, dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit over the state’s handling of absentee ballots. Fulton County issued a statement on Saturday, in which they disclosed that “some ballots were not captured” in Friday night’s vote and “a smaller number” of ballots were “not scanned.”
Rick Hanson, a registered Democrat and former Oregon state elections official, said “officials had something to hide” – that there is enough “preponderance of evidence” to “doubt the result.”
A Dominion representative, Xavier Khouri, at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, was caught on video downloading data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plugging it into a laptop, manipulating ballot scans in the file explorer, ejecting the usb, palming it (as if to hide it), distracting the people nearby, then suspiciously walking out of the room. He downloads data from the Election Management Server onto a USB, inserts it into the external laptop, manipulates ballot scans in the file explorer, ejects the usb, palms it, distracts the people nearby, then suspiciously walks out of the room. However, rather than being upset with this activity, Georgia election COO (or whatever his title is) Gabe Sterling went off on the media for reporting this.
On Sunday (Day 5), it was reported that 132,000 ballots in Fulton Country are likely ineligible due to ‘Change of Address’ red flags. Also, Georgia’s top election official dispatched a team of investigators after a ballot reporting “issue” was discovered in one of the counties most responsible for giving former VP Joe Biden the lead over President Trump and were headed to State Farm Arena.6 The Voter Integrity Project discovered over 1200 absentee ballots with the post office as their home address.
In spite of the nearly impossible odds of catching fraud during the recount, in Dekalb County election observers caught an impossible batch of votes for Biden. David Safer tweeted: “One of our monitors discovered a 9,626 vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump – an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump.” This initial batch was signed off on by 2 corrupt election officials and would have errased Trump’s gains in 3 counties after the recounts there. Even with the correction the batch went 99% for Biden.
Attorney Lin Wood said he has irrefutable evidence that Georgia local election officials were instructed by the state to report original vote totals and NOT report recount totals which are different. His lawsuit also exposes the highly unlikely result of Biden receiving all 900 (100%) of Fulton County’s military vote. Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots called elections officials in Georgia and asked whether the original vote totals or the recount numbers will be officially counted for the election. The officials told Martin they will only certify original vote totals even if the numbers do not match the recount. Several recount workers, including Democrats, have described odd batches of pristine ballots with perfectly marked bubbles all for Joe Biden.
A key whistleblower and longtime Fulton County poll manager, Suzy Voyles, told RealClearInvestigations that state investigators pressured her to recant her story about what she and other poll monitors had observed — what they called unusually “pristine” mail-in ballots while sorting through them during last November’s hand recount. State investigators, working under the direction of the Secretary of State’s office, secretly broke the seal on one suspicious box and conducted their own investigation. Raffensperger defied court orders and tampered with ballot boxes in Fulton County after the judge had issued a protective order over the ballots in January. It was only after this that he agreed to an audit while previously being adamantly against it. Pro V&V, the auditor Raffensperger chose was not certified and looked at NO ballots in order to give their clean audit opinion. Since every mention of the audit linked to Raffensperger’s statement of a clean election and no audit could be found, TGP filed a FOIA request and found that documents were only created after their request.2
The voter integrity group, led by Garland Favorito, found that the Fulton County Georgia recount was “riddled with massive errors and provable fraud” included a 60% error reporting rate and thousands of fraudulent Biden ballots. The VoterGA team found 7 falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches. The seven batches of ballot images had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, 0 votes for Trump and 0 votes for Jorgenson. Fulton Co. failed to include over 100,000 tally sheets. (via TGP)
The Amistad Project filed lawsuit on November 25th contesting GA results, citing expert opinion “that well over 100,000 illegal votes were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted.” Systematic failures by state and local election officials to adhere to the procedures outlined in Georgia’s election code were encouraged and facilitated by private monies donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg through a leftist organization, Center for Tech and Civic Life.
Attorney Sidney Powell also filed a 104-page lawsuit in Georgia alleging numerous irregularities & anomalies (different paper, watermarks, prefilled machine-stamped ballots, etc. 98-100% for Biden), old fashioned “ballot stuffing,” violations of Georgia’s Election Code, unlawful audit procedures and use of voting machines to manipulate votes. Powell’s Georgia Emergency Declaratory Judgment demands seizure of every voting machine in the state. Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. issued an order on Sunday morning Nov. 30th to freeze ALL Dominion voting machines in the state of Georgia following SoS Raffensperger’s call to wipe all voting machines in a blatant destruction of evidence attempt. The order was reversed, then reinstated again by Sunday night. A recent lawsuit by green party candidate Jill Stein will allow Sidney access to those machines to investigate the source code and algorithms used.
Also on the Sunday of Judge Battens order, Cassandra Fairbanks reported that the recount in Georgia’s Fulton County was delayed due to the Dominion Voting Systems newly purchased (by the state of GA) mobile server crashing. The very next night following Judge Battens emergency order to not delete the machines or server, the server for Fulton County was removed and Sidney Powell said her team has no idea where the server was located. An affadavit from a poll worker in the suit says that he asked if the reset will wipe the forensic info from the machines, the manager said that “Atlanta already did it.”
Georgia attorneys and SoS Raffensperger – ostensibly acting on behalf of the public via the local government – defended Dominion Voting Systems’ “trade secrets” rather than defend the Georgia voters who deserve to know how their votes were stolen. They obviously have a lot to hide.
BELOW: On 12/3, Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and the man in charge of Trump’s fight to overturn election results in several states, presented his case to a Georgia State Senate committee with plenty of explosive testimonies from Georgians who witnessed fraud.
Experienced poll workers in Georgia were fired after they blew the whistle during the hearings on suspicious activity in Fulton County. Suzie Voyales had 20 years on the job and another, 9 years. They both said it seems like election officials prefer to hire people with little to no experience rather than experienced workers. “When they are hiring 17-year-olds who have never even worked a poll, to manage a poll, and they’re all partisan—this sounds like it’s serving a dual purpose,” said Voyales.
Following the witness hearings, Governor Kemp called on Raffensperger to call for a signature audit knowing he would not.
The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Georgia on December 4th claiming the election process was overwhelmed with fraud and irregularities and a new election should be ordered immediately. The lawsuit claims over 300,000 ballots were processed illegally. A federal judge in Georgia on Dec. 7 dismissed an election-related lawsuit brought by Sidney Powell, arguing that the plaintiffs have no standing to bring the lawsuit.
On December 14th, Democrat electors met to vote for Biden (under protest), while the GOP electors also met to cast a vote for President Trump, keeping his election lawsuits from becoming moot otherwise.
On December 18th, Raffensperger announced that he had asked researchers at the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs to conduct research, including a “randomized signature match study of election materials handled at the county level” for all 159 counties. The audit would consist of reviewing a statistically significant subset of the signed absentee ballot envelopes and comparing those signatures to the ones on file in Georgia’s voter registration system. To no ones surprise, the private signature match audit conducted by GBI investigators with no observers present found no evidence of voter fraud in Cobb County.
On December 30th, the Senate held another hearing with devestating testimonies regarding fraud. Watch and read summaries of those testimonies HERE. Jovan Pulitzer explained how he can look at the Georgia ballots and determine almost immediately if a ballot is fraudulent or not. He noted that he can look at 500,000 ballots in a couple hours and actually broke into a Dominion Voting Machine real-time during the hearing. Following the hearing the subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots with the process Pulitzer outlined during the hearing.
Pulitzer told Monica Matthews that as soon as he was tasked with auditing the Fulton County ballots trucks pulled up to the facility and the ballots were being loaded into the trucks and were being shredded. On the day following the hearing, during a livestream, Pulitzer revealed the electronic voting machine was communicating with a vendor in China. The inspection was subverted and delayed by a cancelled hearing, no doubt by efforts from the corrupt leaders who carried out the fraud. Before the audit could take place, one of his team members homes in Atlanta was fired upon (5 shots).
As efforts continued to perform a forensic audit of the ballots, SoS Raffensperger lied in an Amicus Brief in order to prevent an independent audit of the 2020 Election results. Emerald Robinson from Newsmax reported that the facility in Fulton County Georgia where ballots are stored from the 2020 Election was found on May 29th left wide open and unattended. In late May 2021, the Conservative Treehouse reported:
There is an ongoing legal battle surrounding the 145,000 absentee ballots that were due to be audited. The audit was supposed to begin yesterday, Friday May 28th. However, in a last minute court filing Fulton County officials are attempting to block the audit on procedural grounds {Go Deep}. A Georgia judge granted a 30 day pause in the audit until the legal arguments could be heard in court…. and now the building was compromised?
Witnesses previously said they saw ballots being counted twice, several batches of mail-in absentee ballots without folds (which is impossible), and the appearance of copying of ballots and machine filled ballots. The initial review of low-quality resolution sample batches found a 21% difference in the number of ballots between what the election officials said was in a batch and the actual number of ballots in the batch. That is part of the reason why the judge granted a full audit of the absentee ballots in Fulton county.
Bob Cheeley, the plaintiff attorney in the Fulton County election fraud case, hired his own off-duty police security detail to guard the warehouse as he did not trust Fulton County to do the job as per court order. He was wise to do so as his security detail discovered the unlocked, unattended door when the alarm went off.
Carter Jones released a 14 page report in January on the election irregularities in Fulton County. On page 2 of the report, Carter Jones describes a counting center in chaos with a complete lack of proper control. Chain of custody rules were completely ignored at the State Farm Center, the largest processing center in Georgia. Jones created a 29 page report for Raffensperger in November 2020 describing a timeline of events at the State Farm Arena but Raffensperger ignored the bombshell report. The report brings up Jennifer Morrell’s non-profit, The Elections Group, throughout the report with potential crimes and corruption. Three of The Elections Group’s six nonprofit and academic “Partners” are Zuckerbucks recipients.GP Jones also notes that Fulton County Elections Board Director Richard Barron negotiated with the ACLU to provide 255 deputy registrars to use ENET to cancel absentee ballots.
Morrell, a consultant for the far-left eBay founder Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, is also heavily involved in the Democrats’ attempted destruction of the 2020 Election audit being performed for the Arizona Senate having signed the Brennan letter to stop the AZ audit and having served as one of Arizona’s corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ three observers. She is one of those quiet, efficient progressive-Democrat operatives who slip in and get placed where needed – along with Elizabeth Howard, Esq. from the Brennan Center and also of U.N. / Harri Hursti fame and our old friend, the spy, Ryan “Snidely Whiplash” Macias.
Morrell, Macias, and Howard are the Elite Team the Democratic machine has deployed to solve problems that threaten the security and continuance of the Biden election win. Morrell – or at least her company – can be placed in both the Atlanta State Farm Arena and the Phoenix Veterans Memorial Coliseum.GP
Corrupt Judges:
Federal Judge Timothy Batten dismissed Sidney Powell lawsuit in GA claiming that the suit had no standing, didn’t belong in federal court, and that it was filed too late (3 weeks after the election… huh?) while ignoring the merits of the case.
Here’s the corrupt elected officials of Georgia who betrayed their people.
- Brian Kemp: Now regretful, Trump endorsed the pro-China, liar and cheater Kemp, but the alternative was Stacy Abrams who still claims she is the rightful governor. Kemp stabbed Trump in the back after he rushed to certify the fraudulent election results without allowing GOP poll watchers to check signatures on absentee ballots. The Dominion Systems-connected governor of Georgia, like CA’s Newsome, may be involved in funneling $1 billion taxpayer dollars to the communist Chinese regime in exchange for political favors under the guise of covid face masks. Kemp met with the ambassador of the Chinese consulate in Houston that was shut down in July 2020 after being exposed as a CCP spy operation where they burned thousands of documents within the 72 hour span they were told to close. Kemp appears to have had a close relationship with the consul generals over the past decade.1 Kemp gave Dominion Voting Systems a $107 million state contract just two weeks after meeting Li Qiangmin, the Houston Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, in Atlanta on July 12, 2019. Jared Thomas, who was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015 when Kemp was secretary of state, left that position to become a lobbyist for Dominion Voting Systems helping the company land a $107 million exclusive contract with GA. According to True the Vote, he led a fight against their investigation to get to the truth.
- Geoff Duncan: The either blind or turncoat Lt. Governor went on CNN and said there was ‘no credible examples’ of voter fraud a few days after the election, and then nearly 2 months after the election and after 2 very damning heaings in GA he repeated the lie on Fox News.
- Chris Carr, the Attorney General, was also nowhere to be heard or seen.
- Brad Raffensperger: Corrupt lying and cheating Secretary of State who had to shoot down US Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R) and David Perdue (R) call for his resignation for his ‘mishandling and lack of transparency’ during the election, and when he did call for a recount it was a sham with 1 monitor watching what 20 people are counting making it impossible to catch any fraud and prohibited from access to signature files. Raffensperger also tried to quietly dismiss an investigation into 1000 illegal double votes. Project Veritas reported on blatant fraud via a poll watcher trying to watch several counters.
On March 6, Raffensperger (R-GA) signed off on a secret legal agreement (He had no legal authority to sign this legal document changing election law) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to alter absentee ballot procedures in Georgia. The Democrats’ attorney for this secret deal was Marc Elias from Perkins Coie, the consigliere of Hillary Clinton who has been busy managing other secretive Democratic election operations all across the country. Attorney L. Lin Wood, Jr. who is a resident and legal voter of the state filed a legal complaint on Nov. 13 against not only Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, but also against the members of the Secretary of State’s State Board of Elections for getting into this agreement.
Raffensperger also made a second secret agreement on May 8th with Perkins Coie’s Marc Elias and Gwinnett County Georgia just north of Atlanta (See full agreement here or here.) Raffensperger appears to also be involved in some laundering or shady business dealings having to do with nearly $11 million in Covid relief along with his Never-Trump accomplice Gabriel Sterling. Sterling was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the Sec. of State position in November 2018. Raffensperger’s predecessor was Brian Kemp, who had just been elected Georgia’s governor. Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office, however, strangely at the same time, was being referred to, in multiple media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager,” also shown on his Twitter account. A video shows Sterling admitting he helped set up drop boxes and promoted far left activists as absentee ballot counters for the 2020 election.
Dominion’s partner in the state is KNOWiNK, a supplier of electronic poll books, which are used to sign in voters and confirm voter registrations. KNOWiNK’s founder and CEO, Scott Leiendecker, is a former Republican election official whose wife donated $2,500 to the campaign of Raffensperger in November 2018.1 Raffensperger also attempted to wipe all of GA’s voting machines (all from Dominion) before they could be inspected. Raffensperger is also connected to the CCP through his brother, Ron, who works as CTO for Huawei’s Enterprise Storage Solution.
In the widely quoted statement on Nov 17th, Raffensperger assured everyone that the audit of Dominion machines was complete, there was “no sign of foul play,” and that “Pro V&V found no evidence” of tampering with the machines. However, Raffensperger failed to disclose that the shady company, Pro V&V, had a preexisting relationship with Dominion that dated back years nor did he disclose that V&V is the same company that previously certified the Dominion systems and also approved a last-minute system-wide software change just weeks before the election. Raffensperger refused to testify about his actions in front of the GA legislature, but he was able to initiate an investigation into a county which uncovered issues with the Dominion voting machines. The dirty politician would secretly record and illegally leak a call from President Trump which was deceptively edited by the far-left Washington Post to make Trump look bad resulting in the Trump team filing two lawsuits against him. What a dirtbag criminal! His attorney Ryan Germany was also on the call and both had ample evidence on election night of fraud and withheld it from the President. He launched an intimidation campaign against election fraud whistleblowers by sending out thug investigator Paul Braun to harass witnesses.
Mark Levin broke down how the corrupt PA officials unconstitutionally changed the laws to allow mail-in ballots, eliminate signature verification, extending deadlines, etc. all of which were denied by the Rebulican controlled legislature. So, Gov. Tom Wolf-in wolves’s-clothing went to the Democrat controlled Supreme Court of PA (after stacking it (now 5-2 dems) two years earlier with 3 hard-core liberals) and they violated the constitution by passing all of Gov. Wolf’s demands. In late 2019 the state’s Auditor General released a report that provided evidence that the state’s election process was not accurate, complete, or in compliance with election laws.In Pennsylvania, a laptop and several memory sticks used to program Philadelphia’s voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls a month before the election. Election officials in heavily-Democratic counties that received funding from Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), an obscure nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists that had under $1 million in annual operating expenses but recieved $350 of Mark Zuckerberg’s $500 million of donations under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections, allowed flawed mail-in ballots to be “cured” — that is, altered or replaced — prior to Election Day in strong democrat counties, but not in Republican strongholds – a flagrant violation of state law. On the night before Election Day, less than 24 hours before polls were due to close, Democrat Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar sought to imbue this illegal practice with the appearance of validity by issuing a statement authorizing counties to contact voters who had cast improper ballots. Even if Boockvar had the statutory authority to do this, which she did not, the timing of her memo made it impossible for rural counties to take advantage of it to nearly the same extent as urban counties. In addition, she usurped her authority and gave far-left groups access to the commonwealth’s Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE).6
In Pennsylvania:
- Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes on election night. Biden currently has 81,000 vote lead after a truck load from NY (~288,000), tens of thousands of dead and homeless, and a few computer glitches went 100% for Sleepy Joe. Mail-in ballots increased from 266,208 in 2016 to over 3,000,000 in 2020.
- Evidence of Fraud: (1) More ballots were cast than people voted by more than 200,000 votes, mostly due to 205,000 more mail in ballots than were sent out; (2) 9,005 ballots with no mailed date: (no evidence they were sent to a voter); (3) 58,221 ballots returned on or before the mailed date; (4) 51,200 ballots returned one day after the mailed date (Perhaps not impossible, but highly unlikely for the average voter to receive a ballot, fill it out, place it in the mail and have it returned the next day.); (5) On Nov 2, the day before the election, PA reports that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. On Nov 4 that number had increased to 3.1 million — an increase of 400,000 mail-in ballots at election time with literally no reasonable chance of them being used by legitimate voters. Giuliani says that evidence shows only 1.8 million were sent out and 2.5 million were counted; (6) election data shows that over 432,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump during the November election, data scientists say; while (7) 19,958 votes were caught live on CNN being subtracted from President Trump and added to Joe Biden, a nearly 40,000 vote swing alone; (8) Mathmetician Bobby Piton revealed Christmas weekend that he examined just over 9 million records in Pennsylvania and identified 521,879 unique last names meaning these people have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins who share the same last name (phantom voters). He added that there were “fewer Smiths, than should be there. 19,591 Williams have gone missing, 30,830 Johnson’s are no where to be found. 11,656 Jackson went MIA. Exactly 500 of the top 1000 names in PA have a deficit in the number of people that should be there.” Pitton also notes that 200,000 Pennsylvania ballots were edited the day after the election. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were shipped in from a distribution center in NY. (9) A whistleblower in Delaware County released video evidence of destruction of election data and equipment by election officials in the 2020 presidential election. (10) Forensic chemist and forensic document analyst expert Erich Speckin released a report on Allegheny Co.’s ballots on Sept 16, 2022 found that a more than 10,000 ballot IDs had a substantially inferior image quality compared to other ballot images provided, and also found over 50,000 “non-unique tabulator CVR numbers”. And more…
- Election Law were violated: (1) The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots; (2) PA supreme court changed existing deadline for receiving mail-in ballots from 8:00 PM on the day of election to 3 days after the election and adopted a presumption that non-postmarked ballots be considered as valid; (3) Election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties did not follow state law permitting poll-watchers to be present for the opening, counting, and recording of mail-in ballots; (4) The Secretary of State directed election officials to remove ballots before 7:00 AM on the day of election in order to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. This was done only in Democrat majority counties; (5) Election officials did not segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on election day breaking the promise made to the U.S. Supreme Court thus making it impossible to identify or remove those ballots; (6) Pennsylvania was the worst state True the Vote investigated with 1,155 ballot traffickers identified and 5 central gathering locations
President Trump was up in Pencil-vania (you could pencil in Trump as the winner initially, then Biden later, then ink Trump again after all of the fraud is removed) on election night by nearly 700,000 votes (having led by as many as 800,000) with more than 75% reporting and they still wouldn’t call it for Trump. Instead, they also paused vote counting only to see massive gains during the following days count. Several Pennsylvania counties had planned to delay vote counting well in advance of the election due to COVID safety concerns. By Thursday morning President Trump’s lead was down to 110,000 votes. On Thursday, election officials found another 750,000 ballots to count. On Wednesday they said 92% of the vote had been counted. On Thursday morning they claimed only 88% of the vote had been counted. See Richard Baris analysis HERE. By Saturday, Biden was able to add ONE MILLION votes to his totals in Pennsylvania in a dark convention hall with no poll watchers in two days and was named President Elect by the fake news (who doesn’t matter) after fraudulantly winning PA.
Pennsylvania reported more than 2.5 million mail in ballots, mostly unconstitutionally in the 3 days after the election. This number was never seen before in this state. Tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots were likely to be rejected, based on historical patterns. Instead, a mere 0.03 percent of mail-in ballots were ultimately rejected—somewhere in the neighborhood of about 1,000 votes. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots – a statistical impossibility. Over 1400 of these ballots had the local USPS office as their home address according to the Voter Integrity Project.
More than 23,000 in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database. Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.10
In sworn statement, prominent mathematician professor Steven Miller trained at Yale and Princeton, flagged up to 115,000 Pennsylvania ballots after his analysis of election data and phone interviews with Pennsylvania voters. “I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801,” Miller said in the sworn statement provided to Just the News.
In addition to his two base estimates, Miller also offered two estimates with broader ranges and higher confidence intervals. “Almost surely, the number of ballots requested by someone other than the registered Republican is between 37,001 and 58,914,” Miller writes. “Almost surely the number of ballots requested by registered Republicans and returned but not counted is in the range from 38,910 to 56,483.”
Evidence of votes being transferred from the Libertarian candidate to Joe Biden were raised on election night in Pennsylvania and the response was they “were accidentally awarded”. This ‘accident’ occurred across the country. This incident was not an isolated case. The Gateway Pundit reported on November 19th how one Internet expert created a script and ran it against the NY Times – Edison data feed that showed how votes were transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden via third party candidates.

According to The Buffalo Chronicle, the Boss of the Philly mob — ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino, might just be willing to flip on Joe Biden and the Pennsylvania political operatives who ordered up some 300,000 election ballots marked for Biden. The source alleges that Merlino and a lean team of associates manufactured those ballots at a rate of $10 per ballot — a whopping $3 million for three days of work. They were then packaged into non-descript cardboard boxes and dropped off outside the Philadelphia Convention Center.
Sources who spoke to The Chronicle on the condition of anonymity say that Merlino picked up those ballots from two private households where a trusted handful of associates were busily marking ballots with Sharpie markers. They were paid more than $1,000 per hour, often producing thousands of ballots every hour for more than 60 nearly-consecutive hours. The ballots were purchased in cash.
Six days after the election, another ‘glitch’ (Dominion theft) was caught as 19,958 votes were subtracted from President Trump and added to Joe Biden, a nearly 40,000 vote swing, live on CNN. A reader from Gateway Pundit sent screenshots and time stamps from November 5th showing Trump loses votes between each picture while Biden gains votes. In total, Trump lost 32,615 votes in an hour while Joe Biden continued to increase his votes. A nationwide data analysis of Domonion System voting machines shows 220,883 votes were switched from Trump to Biden, a 441,766 swing with another 941,248 of Trump’s votes disappeared. That’s a total swing of 1,383,014 votes to Biden just electronically. Then you have the dead voters, harvested ballots, manually created ballots, and more.
Internet sleuth, Edward Solomon, shows how Dominion tranfers and distributes votes and covers its trail by temporarily using third party candidates and other precincts to create a rabbit trail so the ratios are different. In Pennsylvania, Solomon proves that 124,649 votes were flipped from Trump to Biden.
A week after the election, the corrupt Philadelphia poll counters found another 2000 ballots and 92% went to Biden.
The Gateway Pundit reported a week after the election that William Briggs found an unusual drop in President Trump’s total votes in THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES at the same time period where President Trump lost -1,063 in Allegheny; -2,972 in Bucks; -7,135 in Chester Counties at the same time period. Joe Biden did not lose any votes. Biden had another big leap 2 days later with a big increase of 27,396. Read the full story at TGP. Allegheny is the same County that the Board of Elections voted to count undated ballots.
IT Internet and data expert, JJ Gee, provided The Gateway Pundit with an analysis of the Pennsylvania results and she found a number of questionable results including: at the 79% reported point when the counting stopped, Trump was winning 60 of 67 counties. 4 counties (Bucks, Chester, Lehigh, and Monroe) were on the verge of flipping red from 2016, but the remaining votes added were 1,338,803, 71% for Biden: 980,425 and 29% for Trump: 358,378. (See sum of totals below). NO, not because it was the “blue suburbs” remaining.
These final 1,338,803 votes resulted in Biden winning 13 counties and flipping 2 counties blue (Erie and Northampton). JJ Gee also noted that on Nov 4th at 8:36 pm, Philadelphia added 23,277 votes for Biden and 0 votes for Trump. Hey, but nothing to see here… move along say our beloved politicians, DOJ, and FBI.
A Benford analysis, a test for catching election fraud used by the State Department and forensic accountants, shows Biden’s results in Pittsburg indicate fraud. Notice how Biden’s numbers are way outside of expectations and Trump’s follow a natural curve:
Earlier in 2020, a former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia was charged and pled guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016 by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear. In 2020, fraud was again rampant in the state, especially Philadelphia where GOP poll watchers were denied access to polling locations, kept too far away to observe, and unidentified civilians were filmed leaving the polling locations with ballot boxes. In a legal challenge, the PA Supreme Court sided 5(D) to 2(R) in favor of the cheating Dems that “the law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.”
The Delaware Valley Journal reported:
The Public Interest Legal Foundation released a new video showing its investigators visiting addresses of registered voters, but instead finding non-residential commercial buildings, empty lots and, in one case, the world headquarters of Alcoa in Pittsburgh.
It’s part of their ongoing effort to get states like Pennsylvania to clean up their voter rolls, the organization says.
“Our investigation found even more evidence that the Pennsylvania election will be affected by corrupted voter rolls, votes cast from ineligible addresses and a post office that doesn’t deliver mail on time,” J. Christian Adams, the group’s president and general counsel told Delaware Valley Journal. Adams also said the organization will be releasing a longer video and more detailed information about possible illegal voting on Tuesday.
The state has been plagued by reports of dead people on voter rolls and ballot applications being mailed to the deceased. A previous analysis by PILF found more than 16,000 dead registered voters in the commonwealth, as well as individual voters with multiple voter registrations. One voter had seven active registrations because a third-party voter drive registered him seven times.1 Pennsylvania’s corrupt democrat AG called the election for Biden before the race began.
Rudy Giuliani explained how the Democrats illegally locked the doors in Philadelphia for 24 hours keeping ballot inspectors out while they counted at least 135,000 of the most highly suspect mail-in ballots brought in bundles. Meanwhile in Pittsburg, Republican poll watchers were kept so far away that they had to use binoculars, and after they got a court order to be moved 6′ closer, the ballot counters just moved the counting tables an additional 6′ further away. There were at least 300,000 ballots counted in Pittsburg that were not validated by poll watchers in violation of federal and state laws, so a minimum of 435,000 possibly invalid ballots. In addition, thousands of dead peoples votes, thousands of backdated votes, and others resulting in totals as of Sunday (Day 5) that amount to 8-900,000 ballots that may be fraudulent or illegal. Even 2 weeks after the election, ballots were being found and counted – 85% for Biden.PENNSYLVANIA WHISTLEBLOWER: A registered Democrat and poll watcher at the Philadelphia Convention Center overseeing ballot counters detailed corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia. “They will not allow us within 30 to 100 feet to supervise the ballots being counted,” poll watcher Brian Mchafferty said. “This is a coup against the President of the United States of America and I want to call out the Mayor of Philadelphia, James Kenny…the Attorney General Josh Shapiro who tweeted that there was no way that Donald Trump would win president of the United States of America….”
He continued, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing right before my eyes. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Donald Trump. This has to do with our democracy and I will tell you, there is corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia.”
We will not be silenced. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @TeamTrump @Project_Veritas @RealJamesWoods @JamesOKeefeIII @RealCandaceO pic.twitter.com/Ouhs9DJvyi
— PhillyGodfather ® Sports Bettor (@phillygodfather) November 5, 2020
THREE Pennsylvania USPS whistleblowers exposed thier anti-Trump Postmaster’s order to illegally back-date ballots to November 3rd days after the election. One is willing to testify under oath regardless of the consequences to save our democratic republic. Richard Hopkins, the 2nd whistleblower among the three, is now being targeted and was placed on UNPAID LEAVE for blowing the whistle on backdating of ballots, and was visited by federal agents (interrogated by a Trump-hating Democrat fed) who tried to ‘coerce’ him into watering down his story according to Project Veritas.
A fourth USPS whistleblower in the Philadelphia suburb of Elkins Park details orders to stop delivering President Trump and Republican mailings in this Project Veritas video.
The Soros-funded Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner, threatened to jail President Trump if he sent in uncertified poll watchers, but Philadelphia election officials are allowing NO GOP OBSERVERS while they steal away President Trump’s 700,000 vote election night lead anyway. Another prosecutor in a neighboring community has threatened to arrest the person who was hired to put the video cameras above the drop boxes.
On Friday night (Day 3), US Supreme Court Justice Alito ordered any ballots received after 8 PM on Election Day in Pennsylvania be segregated and secured and counted separately. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court (5 D’s, 2 R’s) previously circumvented the state legislature and created a law out of thin air allowing the state to count ballots for three days after Election Day with no postmarks and no signature matches.
Senator Lindsey Graham on Hannity: “I’ve got more information. We’re now finding potentially that 25,000 nursing home residents in different nursing homes requested mail-in ballots at the exact same time. You can’t ballot harvest in Pennsylvania. What are the odds that 25,000 people in different locations of the same age group requested at the same time a ballot? Somebody is up to no good in these nursing homes.”Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations shared an alarming video of Philadelphia “volunteers” handling absentee ballots in the basement of the counting center.
In Philly suburbs “volunteers” are handling absentee ballots in the basement lunchroom of the counting center. The “election supervisor” LEFT! They don’t know his name? Are you kidding me? pic.twitter.com/kEeesnbze5
— Mike Roman (@mikeroman) November 6, 2020
Project Veritas on Saturday night (Day 4) released video of Bucks County Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag confirming spoiled ballots were illegally handled and destroyed even though they are supposed to be stored for at least three years. A ballot is considered “spoiled” if an election official with authority determines it is invalid.
On Monday evening (Day 6), President Trump’s campaign filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania alleging “creation and implementation of illegal ‘two-tiered’ voting system for the election,” and saught an emergency injunction to stop Pennsylvania officials from certifying Joe Biden’s victory. Ten state Attorneys General would also join a suit against the Pennsylvania court’s attempt to unlawfully change the Constitution where individuals were allowed to vote three days after the election. The corrupt PA election officials have announced that they only received 10,000 mail-in ballots after election day, during the three day grace period that is currently being contested in court. Mmm Hmm, right!
The following day, Pennsylvania House GOP members called for a legislative-led audit of the 2020 election and demanded election results not be certified, nor electors be seated, until the audit was complete. Some blank ballots disappeared from the end-of-day count that could have been taken and filled out elsewhere.
On November 24th, the Sec. of State Boockvar certified the presidential and vice-presidential election and Governor Wolf signed the Certificate of Ascertainment for the slate of elector for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough, on November 25th, ordered the state to hold off on taking any further action to certify the results of the 2020 election “pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday,” the judge wrote. Then 2 days later filed a Memorandum of Opinion stating the PA preliminary Election Certification injunction was PROPERLY ISSUED and should be upheld – meaning it was likely unconstitutional with “statewide and National concern” giving state legislatures power to choose electors.
At a PA hearing on November 25th, a data analyst witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped whe he pointed to a stretch of time (less than 90 minutes) where Biden received “close to 600,000” votes to Trump’s “a little over 3,200.” Another very credible witness – who introduced himself: “My name is Gregory Strenstrom, I am from Delaware county, former Commanding Officer in the Navy, veteran of foreign wars, CEO of my own private company, a data scientist & forensic computer scientist & an expert in security and fraud.” – described how he personally observed dozens of USB cards being uploaded to voting machines which resulted in 50,000 votes for Joe Biden in a short period of time. She also concluded that a “likelihood to succeed” had been established by petitioners.
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, at the request of Senator Doug Mastriano (R-Adams/Cumberland/Franklin/York), the Senate Majority Policy Committee held a public hearing to discuss 2020 election issues and irregularities. The hearing featured former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. WHO: Senate Majority Policy Committee Chair David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill); Senate Majority Leader-Elect Kim Ward (R-39); State Rep. Dan Moul (R-91); State Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-89); and State Rep Paul Schemel (R-90); among other lawmakers joined Senator Mastriano in this historic hearing. Watch the devestating testimonies of election fraud below:
Rudy Giuliani pointed two huge gaps with Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots: “You have two major gaps — you have the 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone secretly put into the ballot box and then you have this gap that I don’t understand between the mail-in ballots. You’ve sent out: 1.8 million and the number you counted: 2.5 million!”
Rudy continued, “That’s totally impossible to explain other than what some of the other witnesses were suggesting that they were basically stuffing the ballot box. I believe what happened was that they never expected to be behind by 700,000 or 800,000 votes on election night. They expected to be behind by a couple hundred thousand — in Philadelphia to steal a couple hundred thousand votes, they do it every year, that’s not going to be tough. Now you have a real big problem so you had to create mail-in ballots, you had to stretch it out for a while…”(TGP)
Leah Hoopes, a Republican poll watcher from Chester testified about what she witnessed while doing her duties on election night as votes were being counted. Hoopes said she was kept in what she described as a “play pen” as an observer and no Republicans were allowed close to where the counting was taking place. She and at least one other poll watcher who called to warn her the DOJ was coming to visit her unannounced.
A three-panel judge (all appointed by Republican presidents) said that the Trump campaign’s “claims have no merit.” The Trump campaign’s senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis released a statement in response to the Third Circuit’s opinion: “The activist judicial machinery in Pennsylvania continues to cover up the allegations of massive fraud. …On to SCOTUS!”
The Amistad Project of The Thomas More Society, along with Trump attorney Phillip Kline, held a press conference where they presented three whistleblowers who revealed substantial evidence of unlawful actions made by election officials; and widespread illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the outcome of the election. A USPS sub-contracted truck driver, Jesse Morgan, testified that he drove two dozen large double-size gaylord boxes filled (144-288,000 ballots) with completed ballots from a distribution center in Bethpage, NY to Pennsylvania where his trailor, and ballots, disappeared. He was not the only driver, just the only driver to come forward. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were printed in Michigan, then sent to Bethpage, NY where workers filled out ballots for Joe Biden according to affadavits, texts, and documentation. This prompted the FBI and other agencies to interrogate him and his wife, not about the illegal ballot hauls, but about how he met The Amistad Project and got on TV, etc.
On December 4th, 76 of 141 Republican representatives in PA sent a letter asking Congress to reject the state’s 20 electors, appointed by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf, pointing to the fact that Governor Wolf has repeatedly undermined election protections in the state, and asked for an independent prosecutor and a review of the agency that oversees elections. The Democrat groups affidavits actually help prove President Trump’s case.
On December 14th, Republican electors in Pennsylvania cast procedural votes for Trump and Pence in order to preserve the ongoing lawsuits that otherwise would have been rendered moot.
In April 2021, the Supreme Court wouldn’t take an appeal by Pennsylvania Republicans claiming that the state’s secretary of state exceeded its authority when expanding deadlines for mail-in ballots in 2020 due to the pandemic, according to NBC News. Only three of the court’s conservative judges dessinted.12
After Boockvar ‘resigned’ (she was essentially fired by reluctant Governor Wolf) for being caught usurping authority and illegally changing election laws, she was replaced with acting SoS, Veronica Degraffenreid. Ms. Degraffenreid, just as bias and corrupt, almost immediately issued a directive preventing county elections boards from cooperating with Senate Elections audits. However, as Senator Mastriano noted when announcing the Pennsylvania audit, his committee has the absolute legal right to this data. She also said she would render any audited machines uncertified regardless of the fact that machines are protected from any changes as a result of copying the machine data, but she’ll still find the machines inoperable.1
Mail-in Balloting Ruled Invalid in Historic PA Ruling
Attorney Wally Zimolong won a historic case in January 2022 in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court where the justices agreed that the state’s constitution does not provide for ‘no excuse’ mail-in balloting. The court ruling said the attempt to allow such mail-in balloting was invalid from the start, meaning before the 2020 election. 80% of these 2.5 million mail-in ballots went for Joe Biden.
- Gov. Tom Wolf: At a rally in PA the day before the election, President Trump said of the crooked governor: “We’re all watching you, governor. We have a lot of friends with eyes on you.” The crooked PA politician did exactly as President Trump suspected. In a November 25th hearing, it was revealed by a PA lawmaker that Governor Wolf mandated Dominion voting systems for his state and illegally bypassed the legislature who never got to vote on it. Wolf also had barcodes, that would have proven each ballots validity, removed from mail-in ballots. Republicans questioned the actions: Why the need? Why the rush? How to pay for them?
- Lt. Gov. John Fetterman – Anti-Trumper who received an allowance from his parents until he was 50 yrs. old and tried to claim a $1M reward offered by Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick because he had 1 Trump voter that he claimed tried to vote for his dead grandmother, ignoring the tens of thousands of corpses that voted for Biden. Fetterman actually claimed that “this idea that saying that Pennsylvania was ‘rigged’ or that we were ‘trying to steal the election’ — that’s a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech.”
- AG Josh Shapiro: George Soros funded the Philadelphia AG, who fired scores of experienced attorneys in the city as promised once elected according to a Washington Times report.
- Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a product of the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP), subverted election laws in order to help Biden pull the steal. A judge (9 days after the 2020 election) would rule that she lacked the statutory authority to override and change election law. As noted previously, she sent a ‘cease & desist’ order to to get Big League Politics to remove all stories, audio, and video related to #DetroitLeaks, the reporting by intrepid journalist Shane Trejo. She, along with Gov. Wolf, tried to prematurely certify the states electoral votes to Biden which was halted by a judge (also noted a couple of paragraphs above). She usurped authority when she sought to approve, without legal authority to do so, the illegal practice of accepting votes beyond the legal deadline. She also issued an order instructing clerks not to conduct signature matches on the mail-in ballots – essentially nullifying the safeguard of signature verification in PA. Boockvar signed an information-sharing contract with the far-left Rock The Vote giving them full access to the state’s entire voter rolls and the Zuckerberg backed Center for Election Innovation and Research, who does “the software on the poll books,” helped them to cover it up. She resigned on February 1st for failing to comply with state election law.
- Veronica Degraffenreid is the acting Secretary of State. Gov. Tom Wolf (D) appointed Degraffenreid acting secretary on February 1, 2021, when he announced Kathy Boockvar’s resignation. She is suing Pennsylvania’s Senate to prevent Senate hired auditors from looking into Dominion Voting machines in their audit.
- PA Supreme Court: (5 D’s, 2 R’s) circumvented the state legislature and created a law out of thin air allowing the state to count ballots for 3 days after Election Day with no postmarks and no signature matches; shot down a lawsuit by poll watchers who were kept too far away to observe the poll workers claiming the law sets no minimum distance so they wouldn’t intervene, and another that they lacked access to vote counting centers; tossed a GOP lawsuit on absentee ballots, prohibited counties from invalidating mail-in ballots due to signatures, and lifted a very valid lower court block on certification of the election in PA due to evidence of fraud. They also had previously denied an appeal by gun stores closed by the corrupt governor in spite of President Trump’s declaration that they were essential during covid.
- PA Judges: US District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Matthew Brann (an Obama appointee) dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results
Pennsylvania officials, all democrats including the state treasurer (not shown):
These crooks had total disregard for the democratic process that allows the people to chose our representatives, took that away and cheated like hell to put another crook in the WH. Please vote all for of these criminals out asap PA… if they don’t end up in jail where they belong.
Continued on next page…