- Page 1: The Deep State’s Plan to Steal the 2020 Election
- Page 2: State-by-State Breakdown (Alaska, North Carolina, Michigan, & Wisconsin)
- Page 3: State-by-State Breakdown (Georgia & Pennsylvania)
- Page 4: State-by-State Breakdown (Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, NY, Plus Trump’s Sting Operation)
- Biden won MN by 220,000 votes but there was likely enough fraud to overturn it.
90% of registered voters turned out in MN, an all-time high, if true (though highly unlikely) in the state of nasty Trump-haters Amy Klobuchar and Ilhan Omar, who was involved with a cash-for-vote scheme in the state. It appears from a data analysis of Dominion Systems voting Machines that 195,650 Trump vote were deleted from existence and another 2,766 switched to Biden for an over 200,000 vote swing electronically. This may be in addition ot hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots. Out of 3.5 million registered voters, over 2 million apparently requested mail-in ballots and over 1.7 million of those were returned.
National File reported that a group of lawmakers (Steve Drazkowski, Tim Miller, and Jeremy Munson) who are part of Minnesota’s New House Republican Caucus filed a lawsuit (enjoined by Jose Jimenez, co-founder of the MN Election Integrity Team) late on 11/23 to halt the certification of that state’s election results. The lawsuit claims Secretary of State Steve Simon (D) “[I]llegally altered Minnesota’s election laws.” Jimenez said his team found that Dominion Voting Systems were employed in at least 6 of 87 counties. He said is team also concluded that “many irregularities were witnessed at the polls and with the management of Absentee ballots by the Secretary of State at various county locations.”
Minnesota’s top court on December 4th rejected a lawsuit that asked justices to block the certification of the Nov. 3 election results in the state because Simon’s rule changes violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Minnesota Supreme Court didn’t rule on the merits of the suit but said they didn’t act in time for the petition to be granted.
Executive officeholders:
- Governor Tim Walz (D) – A week before MN primary voters went to the polls, the Minnesota Voters Alliance and an independent group of voters filed a federal lawsuit against Walz, who mandated masks making it illegal to appear in public without a protective face mask in direct violation of Minnesota Statue 609.735, on the books since 1963, making it against the law to wear a mask in a public place and $1000 fine. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
- Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan (D) – a liberal democratic operative and community organizer who also worked for the trojan horse Council of Churches. Served in the MN House of Rep.’s from 2015-19 until elected Lt. Governor. Claims Mt. Rushmore is a white supremacist landmark and Trump critic.
- Secretary of State Steve Simon (D) – Simon illegally altered the state’s election laws prior to the election by allowing mail-in ballots to be recieved past the deadline because it “likely violates Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution” and he did so “without legislative authorization.” He called election fraud claims “foolish and irresponsible,” and didn’t know of a single case.
- Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) a radical leftist who tried to shut down Trump’s pre-election rally, tweeted early on election night begging democrats to get out and vote and please call and take a friend because “We don’t have all of the votes we need quite yet.”
- State Auditor Julie Blaha (D)
Biden supposedly won AZ by less than 10,500 votes, with more than 20,000 mail-in ballots received after the legal deadline in Maricopa County alone, so there was ample fraud to flip it to Trump. There were over 1.9 million absentee ballots. 28,000 of them are duplicated and over 200,000 of them were digitally adjudicated on the Dominion Voting machine, and 74,000 ballots were returned and counted in the 2020 election with no sign of being sent out. Expert data scientists and analysts took a closer look at what happened in 8 counties in Arizona including Maricopa, Pima, Pinal and Coconino counties, and identified a whopping 790,175 laundered votes that were injected into the system. A canvassing report in Maricopa county resulted in proof of 173,104 lost votes, 96,389 ghost votes, and 30,000 that do not match the voter record. – 299,493 IMPACTED VOTES = 1/7th of the 2.089mm total, and this is the low-end estimate. Forensic chemist and forensic document analyst expert Erich Speckin revealed that at least 36,000 ballots were questionable with ~25,000 not printed from the official pdf, which caused anomalous discrepancies on these ballots to make them easily distinguishable from their authentic counterparts.
Maricopa County relegated numerous election activities to its corrupt ballot printer Runbeck and then allowed them to trickle in thousands of ballots after election day, never providing exact counts of ballots received by Election Day. (Read full report at TGP)
Arizona was called very early by Fox News for Biden while voters were still standing in line on election night. It made no sense as not even liberal media outlets were calling it except one reason – a means to STOP everything which is exactly what happened after Fox called AZ for Biden. The Trump campaign called on Fox to recall their early decision, but they wouldn’t retract it. In Maricopa County, a stronghold for Republicans, hundreds of Trump supporters were given Sharpie pens to fill out their ballots which allegedly caused their ballots to be invalidated when they were not properly registered by the ballot boxes containing Dominion software, so a lawsuit has been filed to restore and assure these voters ballot.
True The Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s groundbreaking 2022 film, 2000 Mules, revealed that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen through illegal ballot trafficking and featured the undercover investigative work of David Lara and Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder. One week after the movie premiered, the Yuma County Sheriff and Yuma County Recorder opened a new investigation into cases of impersonation fraud, false registrations, duplicate voting, and fraudulent use of absentee ballots. Reportedly, a raid on 4 non-profits exposed in the movie and some of the criminals sang like “tweety birds.”
An expert said SharpieGate was real and he was right. In fact, the ballot instructions say NOT to use a sharpie. Another expert, Jovan Pulitzer also addressed Sharpie-gate HERE with Jim and Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit. The Arizona audit discovered some ballots were printed incorrectly and on thin paper stock that allows for ink bleed-throughs. An email released from Maricopa County Elections Assistant Director Kelly Dixon confirms the Sharpiegate scandal as she knew that most Trump voters would vote on election day:
Starting tomorrow, 10/23 and through 11/2, we are asking that Clerks hand voters BALLPOINT PENS rather than markers. We NEED to use Markers on Election Day, but for now and through 11/2, hand voters a Ballpoint Pen. You have plenty of pens in your supplies right now.
Witnesses working at the (MCTEC) Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center testified that 12% of all ballots were being sent to adjudication (staffed with avid anti-Trumpers according to reports) where votes could be manipulated and changed by the Dominion machines. Numerous supervisors offered this data when struggling to assign this large amount of ballot files to adjudicators.
Several witnesses stated a Dominion employee used an orange external drive to back up the entire system. The device was removed at night, taken off-premise, delivered to someone, and reconnected to the servers via USB in the morning. The Dominion employee admitted there was no chain of custody and would not disclose his offsite handoffs. On November 5th a home was raided and USBs were obtained along with hard drives and computers.
Fake ballots in AZ arrived via a cargo plane from Korea, ballots were protected by AZ National Guard and transported to Maricopa County for counting in order to steal the election. This report from Stew Peters discusses the sworn affidavits, court filings, and audio recordings of a Koch brothers grandson, Kenneth Scott Koch (see video below).
Sidney Powell told Newsmax that the Trump campaign has testimonial evidence that the Democrats added 35,000 votes to every Democrat candidate as a head start. Ballots used in Maricopa County in the 2020 primaries indicated the political party affiliation of the individual voter and the voter’s registration number as well – likely a blatant violations of an individual’s privacy and voter protection standards.
A video emerged from the official YouTube channel of Pima County, AZ, with officials telling voters that they should not use sharpies or any permanent markers when casting their ballot. “Use a black or blue ballpoint pen, no sharpies, to fill in the ovals next to your candidates name,” the official in the video says.
Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (R) was oddly denied access to the Maricopa County polling center. Maricopa County was home to a very large group of Trump supporters at the polling center who were protesting the stealing of the election and undaunted efforts to defraud America. Many Arizona Republican voters claimed that their votes showed as cancelled, as did some from other states as well. Republican Arizona State Rep. Kelly Townsend called on Maricopa County GOP Chairman Rae Chornenky to step down, along with her first Vice Chair, for failing to show up to certify the Dominion Voting Machines. She did! In June 2019 Maricopa County announced approving millions for Dominion voting machines.
One witness in the AZ election hearing, Maricopa County Republican Party Chairwoman Linda Brickman, said she saw votes at a tabulation center default from Trump to Joe Biden. She was also threatened and intimidated.
In a 12/4 press release from the AZ legislature, “Senate President Karen Fann and Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers today called an independent (forensic) audit of the Dominion software and equipment used by Maricopa County in the 2020 General Election. The two leaders, along with incoming Senate Government Chair Michelle Ugenti-Rita and House Majority Leader Warren Petersen, had numerous phone calls with members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.”
President Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit on Saturday (Day 4) in the swing state of Arizona, alleging that in-person voters wrongly had their ballots rejected. The lawsuit details cases in Maricopa County where eligible voters showed up on election day to cast their vote and subsequently had their ballot rejected. Full story at Breitbart.
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on 11/30. While witnesses were laying out hard evidence that AZ was stolen, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (not in attendance & obviously not interested in hearing the evidence) certified the false election results. However, Rep. Finchem called on his colleagues to withhold Arizona’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden due to significant evidence of voter fraud.
Several credible witnesses testified during the hearing on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud. One witness testified that the signatures on the ballots “didn’t even resemble” what they were matching to on file and that truck loads of ballots kept coming in for 10 days after elections officials thought they were done counting votes. This might explain how the state went from reporting a 65.9% voter turnout on November 16 and jumped to a national high of 79.9% voter turnout on November 30th by the Secretary of State’s recommended election results website ‘Arizona Vote’.
In February, 2022, Dr. Shiva released the results of his scientific review of ballot signatures in Maricopa County from the 2020 Election which showed that Maricopa County likely had more than 200,000 ballots with signature issues that needed to be ‘cured’ but only 25,000 ‘cured’ ballots were reported in the 2020 Election results.
Mathematician Bobby Piton testified that 95-99% of registered voters “voted” in key demographics and counties according to official government data and simultaneously saw his Twitter account suspended. In a letter Piton sent to the Arizona legislature in December, he pointed out that more that 50% of a sample of 1,000 voters in the 2020 election were not real people. The sample came from a list of 100,000 voters in the 2020 election in Arizona.
Another witness, Anna, says that the recorder’s office would allow votes from other states (15:40), but told her to deny GOP voters and that a ‘large percentage’ of voters had addresses from 2 apartment complexes, and a homeless man registered to vote (17:30).
The Epoch Times reported that an Arizona judge ruled on 11/30 that the GOP could review a sampling of ballots as part of an election fraud lawsuit filed there. On 12/2, enough fraudulent ballots in favor of Biden was shown from a 100 ballot sample for the judge to award a larger audit. Arizona Republicans on 12/7 called for the decertification of their state’s false election results. The Maricopa board of supervisors blocked the forensic audit at every turn before finally conceding to an audit if performed by the same uncertified idiots that approved the Dominion machines.
On December 7th, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling and affirmed Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona.
Daniel McCarthy joined Owen to discuss invoking Article 2, Section 1 in Arizona and how that may turn the election for President Trump.
Orange “external devices,” appearing to be portable hard drives, were removed from the vote tabulating area every night during the election by either election officials in Maricopa County, Arizona or Dominion Voting Systems employees, per Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward.
Forensic Audit
Republican Electors filed a motion on December 21st to intervene in the case against Maricopa County to ensure that the State Legislature gets all of the information it needs to conduct a full and complete audit of the 2020 election.
On December 14th, AZ electors voted for President Trump, securing that the state was still contested with pending lawsuits. The Arizona Senate issued subpoenas to Maricopa County on December 16th in order to perform a full forensic audit of their Dominion Voting machines, but the board of supervisors refused to comply and would not turn over any of the Dominion Voting machines. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors would finally agree to an audit (following the Biden inauguration) however they limited their choices to two companies Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, both of which have a dubious record and are linked to Dominion Voting Systems. Neither of the two firms were actually certified at the time MCBoS claimed they were. The auditors chosen by the corrupt board of supervisors, purposely conducted junk audits devoid of any real attempt to show fraud.
Neither audit report evaluated the audited server’s software configuration as it was found, nor did they compare it to the certified software configuration as approved by the EAC. Coincidentally, the software configuration of the EMS server, omitted by the auditors, would have certainly revealed the existence of any unapproved software such as the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio found in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Also suspect is the method by which both auditors went about isolating and verifying only the Dominion software.
On 18 February 2021, Arizona’s Senate, fed up after having been blocked, dodged, sued, and delayed by the state’s most populous county, Maricopa, passed a bill that would grant the Arizona legislature the authority to subpoena election records like ballots and tabulating equipment, and ignore any laws to the contrary. The Senate passed Senate Bill 1408 on its third reading in the state’s upper chamber along a 16–14 party-line vote, with Republicans voting for and Democrats voting against. Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors decided to reject the Arizona Senate’s subpoena to for turning over machines and documents for a Senate audit of the county’s results in contempt of the court. What are they hiding?
Democrat lawyers and operatives sent a very threatening e-demand letter on April 6 to the four audit teams via Hillary consigliere Marc Elias’s firm, Perkins Coie. Among the signees was radical leftist and former ACLU lawyer, Roopali Desai, an attorney who represented SoS Hobbs in a case against the Trump Campaign in Maricopa County in November and served on her election transition team. Another firm, that of leftist security expert Ryan Macias whom Hobbs snuck onto the floor of the Maricopa County forensic audit without anyones knowledge or permission under the guise of a media reporter, also signed the demand letter. The letter was sent by a hit squad led by an activist, progressive nonprofit – Elias’s favorite hammer – the Protect Democracy Project, and backed by two additional law firms, Coppersmith Brockelman in Phoenix and Barton Mendez Soto in Tempe. When this letter wasn’t enough, Marc Elias entered the picture. He alerted his gigantic national activist network of 400+ radical, Democrat-controlled nonprofits and 40,000+ eager progressive lawyers that there was action in Maricopa that needed watching. He also connected these SJWs up to the powerful progressive media network in Arizona, reporter Howard Fischer’s Capitol Media Services network.
A high tech surveillance airplane (capable of listening to all cell phone calls in and around the coliseum) owned by the Phoenix City Police Dept. was identified as circling around the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum where the forensic audit was taking place during the first week of the audit. It returned again a week later to circle directly over the coliseum.
Dominion Voting Systems and a team of 70 lawyers from Perkins Coie filed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to halt the Arizona Senate’s forensic audit as of 4/21. Katie Hobbs worked with them (including friend Roopali Desai, and Clinton-connected leftist Bo Dul) to derail the forensic audit attempt. Democrat member on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Steve Gallardo also filed a last minte lawsuit to stop the audit along with several Arizona state democrats.
Deep State players from Soros-funded Democrat Not-for-Profits (NFPs) were snuck onto the Maricopa County Audit with three of them requesting that the DOJ intervene on the audit in Arizona and stop it. AZ GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward issued a “Call to Action” asking for supporters to come together and protect the audit from Democrats who are trying to undermine or stop the process. Ward said there were serious developments causing her to believe that “we are at a tipping point” and believes the audit to be in jeopardy.
It would likely be impossible to run an election without ‘Admin’ access to the voting machines. That’s exactly what the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors claimed during the forensic audit (confirming the testimony of elections witness Jan Bryant). If this is the case, then the County did not own the election process they ceded it to their external vendor. In addition, law enforcement officials in Maricopa County refused to turn over electronic devices subpoenaed by the Arizona State Legislature during the audit, claiming that compliance with the legislature’s lawful order would create an unspecified “security risk” to “law enforcement data.” In his interview with OAN Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett said Dominion is refusing to comply with the State Senate’s subpoena and is hiding the second password for their machines. Later, (August 2021), Ariz. AG Mark Brnovich opened an investigation into Maricopa County’s failure to comply with valid and enforceable legislative subpoenas as requested by Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli.
The MCBOS refused to answer why files were deleted on the voting machines they turned over to the auditors, as did Dominion and Katie Hobbs, the corrupt Sec. of State. Fortunately, the audit team was able to recover the deleted files to the dismay of both the MCBOS and Dominion. On July 30th, 2022, Election investigator Matt Vanbibber revealed the identities of individuals who illegally deleted elections files from the Elections Management Server in April 2021. Maricopa County election Database Administrator Brian Ramirez was granted unauthorized entry to the server room on multiple occasions, and he deleted the files and on one occasion he was let in by Assistant Elections Director Kristi Passarelli.
A shocking forensic analysis by data science experts scrutinize the vote tallies and data from election night across the state of Arizona and revealed that a shocking 790,175 votes throughout the state were “laundered” in order to throw the election for Joe Biden.
The Gateway Pundit and OANN reported in March 2021 on shredded 2020 ballots found in a dumpster. What may be as shocking as the the shredded ballots in the dumpster is the fact that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors reportedly loaded a truck full of ballots and no one knows where these ballots went before they eventually landed back at the center where the ballots were being stored.
On May 7th 2021, a Citizens Group in Arizona sued the Maricopa County Board of Directors for incompliance with Arizona election law who are doing all they can to stop the audit of the 2020 election by the Arizona Senate. After the audit and before the audit report came out, the MCBOS falsely claimed that the voting machines had been compromised and could no longer be used echoing Katy Hobbs and placed an order for millions of dollars worth of new Dominion Voting machines. First of all, they had never been properly certified in the first place for the 2020 election thanks to Hobbs. Second, the machines were not compromised in any way according to the professionals who conducted the audit.
The audit revealed shocking discoveries including 74,000 mail-in ballots with no record of them ever being mailed out and 25,000 ballots that were missing serial numbers. Twitter, and their Pravda-media cohorts, moved quickly to try and get control of the narrative by adding a ‘fact-check’ to the trending topics. Their bogus claim said there is “no evidence of widespread fraud” in Arizona’s 2020 election results. Maricopa officials continued to lie and cover up the damning audit results, and their lies and excuses for large discrepancies were debunked by the audit group.
Election expert Jovan Pulitzer identified that nearly every single batch of ballots cast (well over 10,000 batches) that in every single batch the batch was modified by a human or a machine. Why were so many ballots adjudicated and why were there adjudicated ballots in nearly every batch of ballots? We don’t have all the answers yet but we certainly know that the results in Arizona in the 2020 Election should never ever have been certified.
- More on the audit results HERE
A Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote, after numerous records requests and months of waiting for responses, found that Maricopa County received and counted tens of thousands of ballots after the election day deadline. More at TGP…
Doug Ducey (R) rushed to sign legislation to allow the most populous county, Maricopa County – the county that determines who wins Arizona – to use Dominion machines in the 2020 election. Ducey, who previously vowed to wait to certify the election results until all litigation was resolved, also rushed to certify AZ’s results on November 30th after the Trump-hating Sec. of State certified the votes eith the highest turnout rate in the country (79.9%) and even as the Trump Team was conducting a hearing in AZ on voter fraud with massive evidence. Representative Mark Finchem (R- district 11), said “I believe Doug Ducey signed a fraudulent document and he knew it!” Ducey wrote on twitter that he believes nothing fraudulent or irregular occurred.
Katie Hobbs (D), who took money from foreign governments and George Soros and won in an after-election ballot dump herself (after the race had ‘prematurely’ called for her opponent) in 2018 and called Trump supporters neo-Nazi’s in a tweet, was said to have been a key player in the election fraud in Arizona and was the person responsible for choosing Dominion as the voting machine for AZ. Hobbs replaced unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody with citizen spectators while she concealed the foreign interference in the Dominion election machines, and therefore the Arizona election itself. In March 2022, Attorney General Mark Brnovich delegated his powers to enforce criminal action against crooked Katie Hobbs for election crimes.
Catherine Engelbrecht, the Founder and President of the nation’s largest voters’ rights group – True The Vote, emailed Hobbs in November for the eligible voter list report and was shocked to see that waqas@kavtech.net was cc’ed in the reply. According to Creative Destruction Media: “Kavtech is a private Pakistani-based business intelligence firm with close ties to the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI. The Co-Founder Waqas Butt is cc’d on emails containing personally identifiable voter information from the Nevada Secretary of State.”
Hobbs has previously accused the Trump administration of attempting to “sabotage” the United States Postal Service ahead of Election Day and demanded an unwarranted investigation. Now, as she as at the center of massive fraud in her state, but assures no investigation is necessary. Nothing to see here. She, also, was (s)elected by the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP). She tried to stop the Maricopa County forensic auditwith a letter and then snuck operatives onto the audit floor. Attorney Matt DePerno reported that there was a security breach of the registration servers in Arizona on November 3, 2020. Katie Hobbs knew about this as well as the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors but they kept it hidden.
Mark Brnovich (R) – a career politician who tries to have it both ways as he seeks the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat from Arizona. Specifically, Brnovich clamors for Trump’s endorsement and touts himself as a pro-Trump conservative, but explosive new documents prove his office actively considered prosecuting pro-Trump electors in the state who rightfully questioned the dubious official results of the presidential election of 2020. As reported by The Arizona Republic, Brnovich’s office requested information from the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) about a document they had received from one of the pro-Trump slates, a group known as the Sovereign Citizens of the Great State of Arizona (SCGSA). Prosecutors in Brnovich’s office gave the OFR specific instructions on how to deliver the documents to Arizona so that Attorney General Brnovich could use them as evidence to prosecute the group. Read More at NationalFile.com… Brnovich delayed and ignored smoking gun video evidence of ballot trafficking and dropped forgery and several other charges against Guillermina Fuentes, a former Mayor in AZ, and a school board member. Before the 2022 election, he asked the FBI and IRS to investigate election fraud watchdog True The Vote who has exposed an enormous amount of election fraud in AZ and all swing states.
Judges – An Obama Judge, the dishonorable Diane Humetewa, threw Sidney Powell’s case out in AZ having never provided Powell an opportunity to present her case and had her verdict completed a day after the attorneys were called in present their cases. Judge Pamela Gates, married to Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates who is part of the group that has done everything it could to prevent an audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election results, usurped authority from Judge Thomason (whose office was to select a judge) to select Judge Martin to rule over the AZ forensic audit cases.
Sheriffs – George Soros contributed at least $2 million to the campaign of Paul Penzone, Maricopa County sheriff, when he challenged Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2019. Maricopa County officials refused to provide router data to the auditors of the 2020 Election claiming the routers posed a threat to the Sheriff’s office. What is it from the Sheriff’s office that they don’t want the auditors to see?
Why did the notorious billionaire invest so much in a county sheriff? Look no further than Penzone’s Chief of Staff and Special Counsel, Stephanie Fleischman Cherny. Former and current members of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department have strongly indicated the reasons for this outside intervention, and laid out a trail of bread crumbs that led to Penzone becoming sheriff, changing nearly every policy in the department to align with the ACLU’s narrative and agenda and placing deputies in the dangerous and conflictual position of declaring their steadfast loyalty to Penzone or face significant repercussions – made-up internal affairs investigations, secret meetings, and direct action to prevent deputies from laterally moving to other departments or police forces.
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
Steve Chucri said (in a leaked recording) that Supervisors Clint Hickman and Jack Sellers did not want to perform real audits because they were scared that they actually lost their races.
Biden currently leads by 30,000 votes, but the Republican Party also has evidence that there was over 100,000 cases of illegal ballots in Nevada. . The Trump campaign asserts:
** 15k votes from vacant lots
** 19k votes from non voting Nevadans
** 42k double votes
** 8k fake addresses
** 1500 dead voters, and more…
Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria testified during a court hearing a week before the election that privacy requirements prevent over-the-shoulder monitoring of signature validation. Clark County, which has almost 71% of all voters statewide, had more than 1.27 million mail-in ballots go out. More than 413,000 mailed ballots were received as of election day but more were recieved afterwards, according to state election data, and more than 98% of those 413,000 initial votes were accepted as valid. AI and computer vision experts revealed that signature verification setting for at least 200,000 ballots in Nevada was manually lowered to 40% (Mickey Mouse signature = OK).
So, to recap: First the Secretary of State's office said no new results today. Then Washoe County said new results at 10 a.m. (which didn't happen.) Then Secretary of State said YES new results today. Then Clark said NO new results today. Now Washoe says NO new results today.
— Megan Messerly (@meganmesserly) November 4, 2020
Project Veritas released undercover video of a Nevada USPS carrier pledging voter fraud to remove President Trump from office. Also in Nevada, a DMV whistleblower said people who weren’t registered to vote were allowed to vote anyway, and then were told to register to vote by Friday so election officials could claim their ballots were legit.
A law firm working in conjunction with the Trump campaign’s legal team has identified as many as 6,000 illegal votes in Nevada. A letter was sent to the Clark County, Nevada District Attorney alleging voter fraud by people who were not legal residents of Clark County. “Indeed, we have initially identified 3,062 voters who moved from Nevada before the election but still cast ballots in this election,” the letter to the Clark County DA read. “We have verified this by cross-referencing the list of general election voters with publicly available change of address records. For instance, demographic experts agree that the National Change of Address database only captures about one-third of relocations. Consequently, this number will likely grow by 6,000 voters, at minimum. During a later presser, former AG of the state Adam Laxalt said over 15,000 people voted in Nevada and another state.
The Nevada GOP sent a criminal referral to US Attorney General Bill Barr regarding the 3,062 instances of voter fraud identified by Trump’s legal team. Ric Grenell is on the ground in Nevada fighting like hell to make sure officials are counting legal ballots only.2
Boom! As many as 6,000 illegal votes identified in Nevada — https://t.co/53s499LefR
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 6, 2020
Fox News reported that a whistleblower swore an affidavit declaring that he witnessed illegitimate processing of ballots as an election worker and claimed to have been instructed to count ballots needing signature verification that lacked the requisite signatures to be eligible.
On Sunday, Trump’s team of election lawyers held a press conference in Nevada and Matt Schlapp stated:
A second whistleblower, we have not mentioned before, describes leaving on his lunch hour and walking around the counting center. While he was walking he notice a van pulled up at the center marked Biden Harris. The doors of the van opened. Ballots were clearly visible. Ballots were opened with letter openers. And ballots were filled in and resealed in envelopes. These people who were involved in this activity then decided to create a human shield around what they were doing in the van.
Data expert Dorothy Morgan found a “historically strange” spike in incomplete voter registrations in Democratic Clark County, NV. She found a huge surge of incomplete voter registrations and those giving casinos and temporary RV parks as “their home or mailing addresses” in the Third Congressional District that covers the southern third of the state and much of Clark County (68 in 2016 to 13,372 in 2020). The Las Vegas Strip, not part of the Las Vegas City limits, is part of Clark County. In her affidavit, which has been forwarded to Trump’s team, Morgan said that her findings were just scratching the surface.
November 30th was a good day for the Trump team. President Trump tweeted late that evening that a Nevada judge had ordered the inspection of voting equipment in Clark County. Earlier that night Sidney Powell had mentioned that her co-counsel in the Flynn case Jesse Binnall had just won a discovery order in Nevada to forensically examine the Dominion machines. Also that night, a Nevada reporter tweeted that Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria who was allegedly in hiding from the process servers who were trying to subpoena him on behalf of the Trump legal team. County workers locked the building to keep them out and then Gloria hid in his house all weekend.
There was a hearing in Carson City on 12/3 on the massive fraud, but the US Postal Service prevented multiple key whistleblowers from testifying on the massive voter fraud they witnessed as postal employees. Judge James Russell, an Obama appontee, tossed the Trump Campaigns lawsuit on Friday. The Trump campaign presented over 20 binders of evidence earlier in the week, which Judge Russell said to “have little value.”
In Clark County, as it was discovered on 12/15, election officials reported an error scanning “ABOUT 70% OF BALLOTS”. President Trump tweeted this out noting that the percentage should be well under 1%. A forensic audit of a machine in Antrim County in MI also revealed a 68.05% error rate. The allowable election error rate established by the FEC guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots or .0008%. The full report can be found HERE.
Because the politicians and courts are so corrupt in the state, Nevada patriots have a plan to bypass the courts in order to get a forensic audit to reveal the fraud in NV. Mindy Robinson Reveals that plan in the video below in an interview with National File’s Patrick Hawley:
Governor Sisolak, along with the Nevada Democrats, passed the mail-in ballot law after they called an impromptu (inside of 24 hours) special weekend session 3 months prior ot the election with no public present. There, they rammed through mail-in voting and ballot harvesting which was allowed to pass even after 223,000 mail-in ballots were sent to wrong addresses in a June primary. Sisolak spent $15 million on Dominion systems covering all counties throughout the state before the 2018 election. Sisolak also rammed through legislation that made it illegal for voter registrars to verify citizenship, making it easy for illegal aliens to vote. The Trump team found over 4000 illegal aliens voted in 2020 in NV. According to a recent court filing, Clark County Commissioner Justin Jones (who is now being sued for destroying “public records in an effort to conceal his improprieties in the matter) conspired with the governor prior to both of them taking office to harm a private company, Gypsum Resources, in exchange for a lawsuit being dropped against the county.
Cegavske won the race for Secretary of State of Nevada in 2014, She supports Voter ID laws and opposes same-day voter registration and voting. Following the 2018 elections after narrowly defeating Nelson Araujo, she is currently the only Republican holding statewide elected office in Nevada.
Judge James Russell, an Obama appontee, tossed the Trump Campaigns lawsuit. The Trump campaign presented over 20 binders of evidence earlier in the week, which Judge Russell said “have little value.”
Here are the government officials in the executive branch for Nevada (all democrats except the Sec. of State):
President Trump won Texas by over 660,000 votes, but too close for comfort for most liberty loving Texans.
The fraudster team of the democrats had a plan to steal Texas, but it was not to be thanks to a bigger red wave than they expected and valiant poll watchers who stopped some of the fraud. Jennifer Fleck, an attorney who served as a poll watcher caught suspicious behavior but was in turn arrested for trespassing. Joe Biden campaign’s recent Texas political director Dallas Jones was caught running a major ballot harvesting campaign that was exposed by whistleblower Constance Stanton. Some poll watcher were illegally denied entry into Gillespie County ballot counting room.
Democrat political strategist Damien Thaddeus Jones, who served as regional political director for Beto O’Rourke’s U.S. Senate campaign, came forward to blow the whistle on a massive voter fraud ring in Harris County. The voter fraud ring was overseen by Dallas Jones, who served as Texas Political Director for the Joe Biden presidential campaign. In a stunning audio obtained exclusively by NATIONAL FILE, Damien goes into detail about Dallas Jones’ fraudulent activity and work for Biden. On the tape, “Sheila” refers to Sheila Jackson-Lee. This article delves into the massive evidence of voter fraud — including photographic evidence and sworn affidavits — that emerged in Harris County in 2020, and how its direct link to the Biden campaign provides even more justification for President Donald Trump’s ability to claim victory in the presidential election.
Ballots were found in Houston that all have the same signature and same address.
Heider Garcia, hired as the Tarrant County Elections Administrator in 2018, worked for Smartmatic for 12 years and received his engineering degree in Venezuela in 2003 when Hugo Chavez was busy using Smartmatic to steal his upcoming election in 2004 and beyond. In October, during early voting, Tarrant County had to rescan thousands of ballots due to some type of barcode discrepancy and ended up going blue for the first time in 64 years.
Texas delegates voted on December 14th for President Trump, and then “approved a resolution by a vote of 34 to 4 to “condemn the lack of action by United State Supreme Court” for tossing out the lawsuit, which was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.”
More on Texas election fraud:
The Texas government is all Republican, including the Secretary of State, Ruth Hughs (not pictured):
Texas AG Ken Paxton filed the lawsuit that many thought might save the election. This case required SCOTUS to determine if the rogue states violated the electors clause, bypassing the need for them to get into the massive fraud proof chaos. Unfortunately, the mostly rogue SCOTUS would dismiss the case claiming it had no standing. Paxton has been a stalwart in the fight for election integrity and has over 500 cases of fraud to be heard.
While there was massive fraud in IL, Biden won the state by over a million votes. Could they have created that many fake and fraudulent votes? It wouldn’t be a big surprise!
(Via TGP) An analysis shows Biden’s results in Chicago indicate fraud. Notice how Biden’s numbers are way outside of expectations and yet Trump and other candidates look reasonable:
In a video online from March 2020, the Chicago Election Board held an emergency meeting where they approved providing Dominion Voting Systems the right to remotely access their machines during the 2020 election. Eric Coomer from Dominion was on the call which indicates Dominion was the one running the elections around the US. More strange numbers appear in another analysis here by redpillx2.
The mayor of Chicago, Lori E. Lightfoot (D), is one of the most corrupt politicians in America. Jesse White was (s)elected, not by the people of Illinois, but by the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP). The corrupt executive branch officials in Illinois below [Comptroller & Treasurer (not pictured) are also Dems]:
Biden was up 450,000 votes in VA at final tally, but major, major fraud took place after President Trump’s lead grew to over 500,000 votes. When the data is finally released on electronic vote switching by Dominion, Trump will win Virginia by 350-400,000 votes.
Virginians for America Firsts’ (VFAF) 2020 canvassing demonstrated a 31% registration error-rate and a 7% votes-cast error-rate. In September 2020, just one day before the start of early voting, the State Board of Elections certified DemTech Centerpoint ePollTab electronic poll books for use, ignoring the testing laboratory’s report and Technical Data Package that included an extraordinary, legally-specific NON-COMPLIANCE disclaimer. These poll books were in wide-use throughout the state for the 2020 and 2021 elections.
There are multiple, irreconcilable discrepancies between state voter databases, including the Registered Voter List, the Voter History List, and the Daily Absentee List. There is no ability to attribute 2020 absentee votes back to their “home” precincts, which would have served as a “firewall” and check against excess ballots. There have been recurring changes made to public historical turnout data — without any explanation, database snapshots, or error documentation. Statistical analysis of election “fingerprint” data shows patterns that do not agree with the expected distributions found in free and fair elections, as specified by the published literature of USAID and research of the National Academy of Sciences.
In October 2020, Judicial Watch reported that Virginia had 24 counties with 100%, and higher, voter registration rates, yielding a statewide average rate of 95.6% (the national average was 67%). This excess registration was confirmed through VFAF canvassing, and followed a 2019 statutory notice to Virginia of similar violations of the National Voter Registration Act.
Lean-batch analysis of central absentee precinct returns shows marked, abnormal, discontinuities consistent with known election anomalies in other states. During live tabulation, there were FIVE large-batch events (over 300,000 votes-in, votes-out, votes-in, votes-out, and votes-in) with varying, improbable proportions of Biden-to-Trump votes that effectively reversed the lead in Virginia from 52% Trump to 52% Biden. Subsequent live tabulation shows nearly every batch, regardless of size, contained the EXACT SAME proportion of Biden-to-Trump votes: 55% to 45%.
There are over 900,000 voters statewide who were coded in the voter database as “active” voters, despite not having voted for 5 or more years, and in two federal elections. Records from the state Board of Elections indicate almost 64,000 more ballots than voters in the 2020 election!31
(via TGP) President Trump was smashing expectations and liberal media predictions in the state on Election night. Data scientist Sarah Eaglesfield was tracking the vote counts in Virginia in real-time on Election night and into the following morning. Eaglesfield noticed a glitch in the Virgina vote counting. At 5:12 AM the state lost 169,000 votes from 5:07 AM to 5:12 AM in the morning. An analysis of the Dominion data showed 789,023 Trump votes deleted and another 12,163 switched to Biden electronically.
Up through 11:03 Eastern, President Trump was leading 52% to Biden’s 46%. At this time 3.3 million of the eventual 4.4 million votes had already been cast or about 75% of the vote was in. This is when things went off the rails. Trump had a huge lead of 500,000-plus votes which the crooks had to eliminate; thus between 11:14 and 11:43 they created an enormous, out-of-thin-air surge of almost a half-million votes for Biden which, at 11:33 PM on November 3, suddenl1y flipped the lead in the race from Trump to Biden. But this fraudulent maneuver had two problems. First, it was hard to believe, a sudden vote swing of 4.5% in just 8 minutes; and second, those half-million fake Biden votes might show more ‘votes’ cast than there were registered voters to cast them, making the fraud immediately obvious. So the crooks had to lower the overall vote total to bring it more into line with the 2016 and prior presidential elections.5
There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden. After the ballot dumps the remaining count updates were all an impossible exact percentage of 55% Biden, 45% Trump.
After Biden was sworn in, a judge ruled that Virginia should not have allowed any ballots counted in their results that were received up to three days after the election:
There’s some fresh news from the “Where Were You in November” department this week. In Virginia, Republicans and Democrats have been continuing a feud in the courts over “emergency rules” passed by the Democrats to allow greater numbers of mail-in ballots to be counted during the last election. One of those changes allowed ballots arriving after election day and without a postage mark indicating when they were mailed to be counted. Now a circuit court judge has ruled that the rule in question violates state statutes and the practice will be banned in the future. The lawsuit leading to this decision was brought by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). This update comes from the Daily Caller.
Congressional challenger Nick Freitas (R) led his race by a healthy margin before the miraculous discovery of nearly 15,000 votes stored on a thumb drive. After the miracle votes were counted, Democrat incumbent Abigail Spanberger edged out Freitas and claimed victory, thanks to over 70% of the drive-stored votes breaking for Democrats.5
The NYT data sets used by the IT and data analysts show strangely that Virginia’s numbers are in fractions, perhaps indicating what election fraud watchdog Bev Harris calls fractional magic, a election software cheating feature where votes are counted as fractions, not whole integers (ie: Trump votes count 2/3 of a vote and Biden’s might count for 1-1/3). In addition, there are huge adjustments of +/- entries that indicate tinkering. And nearly every entry made into the system for the Presidential election had the same proportion of votes of Biden (54%) to Trump (45%). If you know you have to make up a certain amount of votes (after running an algorithm to determine the %) with only so many ballots left to count (1.1 million or 25%) then this is exactly how you’d expect the result to look – not random at all, but very definitive and methodical.
Sidney Powell, appeared to fire a warning shot via Twitter on 11/29/2020, telling voters and officials in the Commonwealth of Virginia that they also “experienced serious election fraud against multiple conservative candidates” and that “the Kraken on steroids team will see you soon.”
The final results of the NYT-Edison data feed were very close to the final results reported by the state, but Virginia’s change file differed by 1.7 million votes. How is that possible? One Virginia researcher seeking answers couldn’t get anyone to address his concerns.
Virginia Delegate Chris Head dismissed the ballot dumps and other evidence of fraud when asked by a constituent. Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares have gained some confidence from Virginians by fighting critical race theory, however they have ignored overwhelming evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election as has Commissioner Susan Beals, Department of Elections.
A group of concerned citizens and experts provided information to top Virginia officials in June. They are still waiting on the state’s response.
Virginia Government Officials in 2020
- Governor – Ralph Northam (D)
- Lt. Governor – Justin Fairfax (D)
- Attorney General – Mark Herring (D)
- Sec. of State – Kelly Thomasson (D)
New York
Many New Yorkers are tired of lockdowns and double standards from democrat politicians, but there are still tons of never-Trumpers. New Yorkers held massive boat parades in the summer and it was a curiosity to see how that would affect the polls. Tallys show Biden won with 55.7% to 43% for Trump, but 623,213 Trump votes were deleted according to a Dominion Systems data analysis and another 18,124 switched to Biden. That’s not counting any potential mail-in balloting fraud so… Hmmm. What if? We also know from whistleblower Jesse, that NY was exporting trucks full of completed ballots. Is it not highly likely that mny of these were used in their own state to secure a Biden victory?
Trump-hating NY state Attorney General Letitia James, worked in coordination with her fellow Democrat state attorneys general to pressure business leaders to coerce President Trump into conceding the presidential election and starting the transition to Joe Biden, according to a report by the New York Times. She was (s)elected as another beneficiary of the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP) and is beholden to him.
The New York City Board of Elections admitted that they left 135,000 test ballots on their machines prior to the election. These votes were included in the election night results. According to the New York Post, New York City election officials held a secret meeting (illegally) to discuss the botched vote count in the Democrat mayoral primary.
New Hampshire
A hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes. The machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by almost 6% of their vote totals. Dominion Voting Systems owns the intellectual property of the highly unreliable Diebold AccuVote machines used in New Hampshire. Tom Murray and Ken Eyring are battling the RINO’s and Democrats in NH to get to the bottom of the fraud. On April 8th, the New Hampshire Senate passed a bill to mandate an audit of the Windham, New Hampshire election results and the Governor agreed to sign it.
Following a secret meeting, it was discovered the next morning that New Hampshire officials (3 of 4, as Bruce Breton voted for Jovan Pulitzer) selected an operative, Mark Lindeman, who alleged the election fraud claims were fake and worked to try to get the Maricopa County, AZ audit shut down. According to an article at Fast Company back in December 2019, a year before the 2020 election, two experts working with Mark Lindeman and Verified Voting quit the organization over claims it was untrustworthy and was endorsing unreliable voting machines. The 2nd investigator chosen was not Jovan Pulitzer, but computer programmer Harri Hursti, an advisory board member to Lindeman’s Verified Voting.
On May 2, Jim Hoft from The Gateway Pundit and Patty McMurray from 100% Fed Up interviewed New Hampshire activist Ken Eyring and Windham, New Hampshire Selectman Bruce Breton about the controversial selection of Verified Voting to conduct the forensic audit of the November election. Three auditors selected for the Windham audit are conflicted with connections to Pelosi and Schumer. Watch below:
Shortly after the audit began, Granite Grok’s Steve MacDonald, who’s done an amazing job of keeping Americans updated on the New Hampshire election irregularities, reported about what he believes was a highly unusual late-night visit to the room where the audit is taking place by none other than New Hampshire’s Assistant AG Ann Edwards.
Granite Grok – Before the security camera footage went out for about an hour, we see an image of NH Associate AG Anne Edwards walking toward a table covered with “secured” ballots – from the November election in Windham. Also, a trooper is heard saying essentially that the coast is clear right before the cameras went out. The Windham clerk signed off 23 boxes, but now suddenly the auditors have 27?
Why is the NH AG’s office, which refused to investigate the election discrepancies for months now and has no statutory authority, “taking over the audit” and directing the auditors (who for some unknown reason are listening to them)? Why is the LHS Associates guy, Jeff Silvestro, whose business stands to lose large if these ballot-counting machines prove to be the source of the problem (we use them all over the state), there every day all day chatting up the NH AG’s office reps on site, Ann Edwards and Nick Chong Yen? Read more at TGP…
Dr. David Strang M.D., the Belknap County Republican Committee State Committee Member, examined the results in mid-May coming from the Windham elections audit and was stunned with the results. It was determined that he Windham audit team review a statewide Federal race (US Senate) and a statewide non-Federal race (Governor) as well, as both of these races were scheduled to be hand-counted that week as part of the audit.1
Many towns have bizarre date/time stamps on their machine tapes. Two towns, Londonderry and Amherst set one of their machines to zero and counted ballots on October 17 and October 23 respectively, 17 and 11 days before the election! Yes, an incorrectly set time clock could account for this, but why is this an issues in 2 of the 4 towns we have checked? Also, on several of the other Londonderry machines, they set the machine to zero around 11 PM, four hours after the polls closed when all ballots should’ve already been entered into the machines. They then ran final tally tapes three hours later. Were there observers from each party still in the room when this was done, many hours after the polls had closed?2
Observers of the audit identified numerous actions by the audit team that are very suspect. One such observation is that the auditors backdated machines under review and then performed other suspicious actions.
Rhode Island
Numerous states have been reviewed by election fraud auditors and investigators and none of the Cast Vote Records for any state agreed with the results for the state reported through Edison and Rhode Island is a perfect example of that. A comparison of the Edison data to the “Cast Vote Records” in Rhode Island tells us a little bit about how the deep state is spreading out invalid ballots to steal states for their preferred candidates.
Rhode Island’s is the only state that processes its entire election data on one computer, so all the ballots are stored in one Cast Vote Record. These graphs are from Draza Smith. The first graph represents what was reported on TV with a huge jump in Biden votes after Florida was called for President Trump.
The Cast Vote Records show a different picture. These charts should agree.
According to the Edison data charts President Trump was in the lead all night, then there was a massive injection of Biden votes after Florida was called for Trump – just like we saw in MI, PA, GA, etc. When taking the records as stored in the state’s Election Management System (EMS) you’ll notice that the Biden votes that were injected at the end of counting on TV are now spread out so it doesn’t look like there was a massive Biden ballot dump.
If elections were honestly counted, reported, and recorded, then the two plots would have the same shape. But they don’t. In Rhode Island, it looks like the Dominion software shuffled the last-minute stuffed votes into the record to spread them out and make them look natural. So if anyone checks the Cast Vote Record later, it won’t look like obvious ballot stuffing. (TGP)
Rhode Island Government Officials
- Governor – Daniel McKee (D)
- Lt. Governor – Sabina Matos (D)
- Attorney General – Nellie Gorbea (D)
- Sec. of State – Seth Magaziner (D)
Additional reports of fraud throughout the U.S.:
- Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations
- A bag full of discarded ‘ballots’ marked for President Donald Trump were found in the trash at a church in Oklahoma, witnesses claim. Video here…
- Unidentified Civilian is Filmed Taking Official Ballot Box Away from Philly Polling Place – Stuffing it in his Car
- Republican Poll Volunteers Kicked Out Of Rural Oregon Election Office
- WATCH: Video of Man Claiming to Be Burning Stolen Trump Ballots Goes Viral on Social Media
- Democrat Insider: Anti-Trump Postal Workers in GOP Neighborhoods Throw Mail-In Ballots in the Garbage
- Tons of mail in ballots in Reseda, CA being handled by election workers, not USPS
- Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Of Elections Fraud
- #MaidenGate: Blogger Discovers Ballots Cast Under Married Women’s Maiden Names
- Two Los Angeles men were charged with voter fraud after submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent registration applications on behalf of homeless people.
- Trump won Iowa in spite of an unprecedented and unlikely 99+% of over 1 million mail-in ballots being returned.
- Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor 2020 Election Posts
- 2020 Election Fraud Benefiting Biden Occurred Everywhere – Even Hamilton County Indiana Reported Impossible Results
- California Violated its Election Laws and its Results should be Invalidated
- Days Before Certifying Colorado’s Questionable 2020 Election Results for Biden, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Caught Deleting Dominion Voting Machines 2015 Proposal for Work
- Colorado Clerk Tina Peters Releases Report – Claims Dominion Voting Machines Used in 2020 Election Were Illegally Certified and Illegally Configured
- Dominion Voting Machines Arrive in Ohio County (July 31, 2021) Costing $6.17 Million Up Front — Machines Include Software to “Evaluate Voter Intent”
- Whistleblower Releases Video of Delaware County Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence and Ballots in Backroom
- New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself
- Nick Moseder Provides a Summary of the EXPLOSIVE Findings in New Mexico
- Evidence Uncovered that Election County Clerk in New Mexico Falsified Pre-Election Machine Certification Records
- Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud?
Where was the FBI?
The FBI is now a frightening entity that will harass and frame any American. If the FBI did its job it would have been all over the truckloads of suspicious activity uncovered in the 2020 election. Instead the FBI harassed the whistleblowers.
Colonel Phil Waldron (at the 19:45 mark in the video below):
I believe from what I’ve seen and the witnesses that I talked to, that this is a coup that definitely involved elements inside our own country, inside our own federal government – definitely part of a coup that was aided and abetted by a foreign threat nation state, a peer enemy nation state, China.”
Then when asked by Lindell if this could have happened without domestic help or traitors within the US, Waldron responded:
We have the name, email and phone number of a senior DOJ official from a US Attorney that said that this individual was shutting down any DOJ or FBI investigation into any election, any election related investigation and trying to shut down Judicial cases, court cases.
So from inside our own DOJ people were shutting down active investigations. You wonder why Mr. Barr didn’t find or see any evidence of widespread election fraud, is because the FBI never did anything other than to impede investigations into election fraud.
The FBI went to question truck drivers who delivered ballots and created affidavits. They started harassing the Americans, patriotic Americans, who were whistleblowers and prosecuting them.”
The Gateway Pundit reported on the FBI gang’s effort to harass and defame the innocent (real) whistleblower who gave up much to go public and report on the truck load of ballots he moved from New York to Pennsylvania. These ballots were likely all for Joe Biden and illegal. But we will never know because the FBI did not investigate the crime, they harassed the whistleblower.
Source: The Gateway Pundit
Chris Wray, the FBI Director, said he saw no evidence of fraud and was fine with the ballot harvesting that was used to help steal the election. Before the 2020 Election, the corrupt FBI Director Wray and CISA Director Chris Krebs made a video to be publicized after the election claiming the 2020 Election was the most secure ever. After the election, President Trump fired Krebs for releasing a document claiming the 2020 election was the most secure ever. President Trump fired him for his taking his own initiative to push this nonsense after 80 million Americans realized their votes were stolen.
Did Trump Trap the Deep State Election Coup Plotters in a Sting Operation?
Trump knew the deep state players so well that he signed an executive order on September 12, 2018 which described the very acts of vote rigging and fraud in which the Democrats sloppily engaged. That executive order, found at this link on WhiteHouse.gov, specifically finds that, “the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.” WATCH human rights attorney Leigh Dundas break down the significance of the EO HERE.
In addition, President Trump announced a new doctrine of “offensive cyber operations” on Sep. 20, 2018, just eight days after signing his “foreign interference” EO. As described by The Washington Post, this new doctrine swept away Obama-era doctrines: “The strategy incorporates a new classified presidential directive that replaced one from the Obama administration… It allows the military and other agencies to undertake cyber operations intended to protect their systems and the nation’s critical networks.”16
In that order, Trump declared a national emergency, meaning the 2020 election took place under a national emergency order. This allowed Trump and white hat elements inside the DoD to set up a SCIF and monitor the election theft happening in real time. Trump allowed the Democrats to steal the election, according to some, so that they would entrap themselves in a grand scheme of treason and cyber warfare that would ultimately lead to the downfall of the entire Democrat party.
Trump then dispatched DoD personnel to raid server farms in Frankfurt, Barcelona and Toronto, acquiring the physical servers that recorded all the digital proof of the election fraud. These servers, along with results from Kraken, the DoD’s cyber warfare information gathering system (the literal “Kraken” that Sidney Powell said would be released), were handed over to DIA cyber crimes and counterterrorism analysts, who produced irrefutable, bombshell evidence that was turned over to Sidney Powell for use in her lawsuits. Powell is going to roll out these military intelligence witnesses during the trials, sending shockwaves around the world. One of these witnesses is Dr. Keshavarz-Nia, a well-known cybercrimes investigator, who has a long history of working with U.S. military counterintelligence, as well as the NSA and CIA.
Code name “Monkey Werx” is an aerospace industry analyst who monitors real-time flight data of military aircraft in order to identify geopolitical events that are taking place. In the days following the Nov. 3rd election, he noticed a huge spike in military air traffic, including flights of “black ops” charter planes in an around GITMO. His analysis concludes that many of these flights are “rendition flights” where deep state traitors are interrogated for their roles in the cyber warfare election rigging attack that the United States just endured. If true, it is further evidence that President Trump is many steps ahead of the Democrat traitors who sloppily tried to rig this election and hand over the USA to communist China (via the Biden crime family).
It is also interesting that the DOJ recently amended its federal execution rules, “to allow death by hanging, electric chair, gas chamber & FIRING SQUAD.” Yes, we want to see thee communists hung… in the streets!!!
According to Townhall, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a statement after the election defending the integrity of the 2020 election. The problem, however, is two of the main election software companies that had been called into question – Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – sit on CISA. They’re lying!
It appears President Trump may have had an elaborate sting operation in place that could be the most illuminating revelation of American corruption in history. Dr. Steve Pieczenik broke this bombshell news during a broadcast of War Room with Owen Shroyer on the evening of 11/5/2020. In order to ensure the election remained fair, POTUS devised an advanced trap where hidden, trackable watermarks were put onto ballots so they could be verified if necessary.
Pieczenik said that every ballot is watermarked with QFS blockchain encryption code. “In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it, so this is not a stolen election.” The full article and video interview can be found HERE. This is true, but not enough to overcome this massive theft of our electoral process where tens of millions of fraudulent votes were cast in order to get criminal Joe Biden “INSTALLED” into the White House. We must all fight and do what we can to help President Trump.
Tony Shaffer, a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board, has a credible record and one of the first to confirm that President Trump was being spied on back in March 2017. He tweeted:
A hypothetical question for all the Democrat trolls following my feed…
What if DHS anticipated DNC counting fraud.
What if they "tagged" each legitimate ballot.
What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then?— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) November 6, 2020
— Lars █████ (@LarryCyprus) November 6, 2020
IT Expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, the inventor of platform known as ‘QR Code‘ which is on about 12 billion devices around the globe, believes ballots can be scanned to determine validity and gave his analysis on the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman:
When I started looking at ballots… I realized that everybody was speaking geek…It’s a real simple fact to prove that there was massive fraud in this election.
…We can take the physical ballot, the image scan of the ballot in the machine, the CVR file in the machine, and I can even take a shredded bag of ballots and do what we do. I want everybody to understand these physical ballots from the election, when they go into the machine, it basically makes a duplicate copy. That’s your property as an American citizen. We own it for 22 months after the election. And so when these courts started saying, well you can’t look at it, I realized it was all technical smoke and mirrors, to fool judges, to fool lawyers, to say oh we can’t really do it. So let me tell you how easy it is…
Pulitzer said he was offered $10 million to NOTgo forward with his efforts to pursue scanning ballots in the 2020 election to prove fraud.
More HERE on the Sting Operation…
When America sees everything we are uncovering they will be disgusted and even the media won’t be able to pretend voter fraud isn’t real.
Ending this crap once and for all will be fundamental to preserving our republic and faith in democracy.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 6, 2020
In a video he released on August 18, 2021 on Twitter, Jovan Pulitzer explained that identifying markings are in fact on the ballots and are exactly what they were looking for during the audit! He explained it wasn’t bamboo paper as audit detractors claimed, and it wasn’t secret “watermarks” either. It was, however, a secret printer identifying protocol established years ago by the Secret Service to help catch counterfeiters. The matrix decodes the placement of the markings and reveals the precise identity of the printer by serial number along with the exact date and time the document was printed.16 Here is the video:
Dems refer to President being “Installed”, not Elected
After Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s death, Senate Minority Leader Schumer from New York tweeted the following:
Just when you think Trump can’t get any lower, he burrows deeper into the cesspool of callous classlessness.
Democrats are united in fighting to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last wish:
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” https://t.co/Sd763urSyT
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 21, 2020
Puppets are installed by shadow governments. That’s exactly what the plan was for Biden. In spite of what would likely be a landslide victory for Trump, the shadow government’s plan was to steal the election and install Joe Biden, a long-time puppet and advocate for a new world order. No matter the outcome, the democrats plan to dispute the results until they can get their desired result. If it were a football game, it’s the equivalent of one team moving the goal post, muddying the rules, and then disputing the games blowout winner. After the time expires, the losing team stays on the field and scores touchdowns against nobody, but demands these points be counted and they are the real champions. It’s absurd, but this is essentially their plan.
Biden, after lackluster finishes at the start of the calendar, was able to dominate in the final primary of the early nominating calendar – South Carolina – giving him a much-needed boost ahead of Super Tuesday. But he was helped by the decisions of former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., to drop out and endorse him. This helped Biden consolidate the moderate and center-left vote, while Sanders continued to split the support of progressives with Warren.
Ahead of Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., had built strong momentum, having swept most of the early contests — he tied the Iowa Caucuses with Pete Buttigieg and outright won the races in New Hampshire and Nevada. President Trump tweeted: “Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters way from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier.” He added: “The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?”
On December 11th, SCOTUS threw out the lawsuit after rants by Justice John Roberts behind closed doors (see Parley below), who allegedly stated in an August 2019 phone conversation with Justice Stephen Breyer, that he (Roberts) would make sure “the motherf#*ker (Trump) would never be re-elected.”
Please help me ECHO this far and wide as fast as we can. Proof that the Supreme Court is compromised because they are cowards… They should meet the gallows…
— Davidfrede Davidfrede Thursday, December 17, 2020
A report by White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro, details massive fraud plaguing the 2020 election and alleges there was a widespread, “theft by a thousand cuts” strategy “across six dimensions and six battleground states.” The report cites comprehensive evidence, and blasts the media for its failure to cover the matter accurately. He also outlines a “coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket” occurring in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. See also his 2nd Report – “Art of the Steal”, and Volume 3 of the Navarro Report.
In spite of all of this evidence, the DC swamp combined against President Trump, including his own VP, Mike Pence. Pence had the power to hand President Donald Trump a second term by rejecting Democratic electors from swing states by December 23rd and again on January 6th. He refused to act, betraying the President and the people who re-elected him. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) sued the VP after their lawyers held a private meeting in which they disagreed about how the Electoral College vote is formally accepted. Marc Short, VP Pence’s Chief of Staff, worked with Pence in allowing the Big Steal to move forward – He’s “not a good guy” says Peter Navarro, adding that he is “a tool of the Koch Brothers — the biggest anti-MAGA movement in the entire Republican Party.”
The Republican National Committee is a strange beast sometimes. On one hand, they’ve essentially disavowed all discussions about the stolen 2020 election. On the other hand, they just posted an article and a video showing plenty of examples of Democrats denying presidential election results during the last three races they lost.
Here’s 10 minutes of Democrats denying the presidential election results of 2000, 2004, and 2016. pic.twitter.com/bJRbzEcIO2
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 28, 2022
See These Articles and Videos Also:
- Absolute Proof – Exposing Election Fraud
- Absolute Interference: The Sequel
- The Truth About the 2020 Election Fraud
- Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged
- Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued (1/24/2021)
- The Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Elections Forever
- How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 1: All the President’s Teams (11/3 – 12/23)
- Breakdown on the 80 Cases Related to the 2020 Presidential Election (2/5/2021)
- Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
- Proof The Election Was Stolen That Even a Skeptic Can’t Deny
- Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Loren Culp Sues Washington Secretary of State for 2020 Election Mismanagement – Demands an Audit of Ballots and Voting Machines
- 12 Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results
Videos Proving Election Fraud:
Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections by Mollie Hemingway – It was a devastating triple punch. Capping their four-year campaign to destroy the Trump presidency, the media portrayed a Democratic victory as necessary and inevitable. Big Tech, wielding unprecedented powers, vaporized dissent and erased damning reports about the Biden family’s corruption. And Democratic operatives, exploiting a public health crisis, shamelessly manipulated the voting process itself. Silenced and subjected, the American people lost their faith in the system.
RIGGED is the definitive account of the 2020 election. Based on Mollie Hemingway’s exclusive interviews with campaign officials, reporters, Supreme Court justices, and President Trump himself, it exposes the fraud and cynicism behind the Democrats’ historic power-grab.
Rewriting history is a specialty of the radical left, now in control of America’s political and cultural heights. But they will have to contend with the determination, insight, and eloquence of Mollie Hemingway. RIGGED is a reminder for weary patriots that truth is still the most powerful weapon. The stakes for our democracy have never been higher.
Chronological History of Events Related to the 2020 Presidential Election

2021 Presidential Inauguration of Fraudulent President Joe Biden

Washington State Democrats Propose Legislation to Ensure They Win All Future Elections and Prevent Any Public Disclosure of Fraud

Jovan Pulitzer Releases Report — Confirms Foreign Interference, Invalid Ballots

PBS Attorney Who Said Gov’t Must Seize Kids From GOP Parents Quits. Nailed in Sting Video by Project Veritas

Navaro Report 2 Released: “The Art of the Steal”

Georgia Senate Runoff

Cybersecurity Document Exposes How Globalists Stole Election — Tells Americans To “Prepare For War”

Liz Cheney ‘Orchestrated Unprecedented’ GOP Sabotage with WaPo

‘We The People’ Citizens Alliance Exposes Actual Evidence of Fraud in AZ