A movement to end the institution of slavery and the worldwide slave trade. The term abolitionists refers to those who were actively against slavery, which movement was mainly in the United States and in Britain. Among Christians, the movement originated with the Quakers in Britain and the US around 1750, and attracted mostly evangelicals. The result was that the international slave trade was made illegal around 1810, and enforced by the British Navy. All the northern states in the U.S. abolished slavery 1777-1803, and the British Empire abolished it in the 1830s in its Caribbean colonies and Canada. (Conservapedia) Modern slavery consists of millions of women and children trafficked as sex slaves, forced laborers in corrupt and oppressive governments or where corrupt organizations have bought off leaders in poor countries.
Just as abolitionists of the 18th and 19th centuries created movements demanding the end to the transatlantic slave trade and the abolishment of chattel slavery in the United States, the persistence of modern forms of slavery around the world today calls for a new, global network of abolitionists. The need for abolitionists – men and women dedicated to attacking slavery in their time – didn’t end with Frederick Douglass, William Wilberforce, the Grimke sisters, William Lloyd Garrison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Harriet Tubman. Abolitionists stand up to demand an end to the enslavement of their fellow humans wherever and whenever they see it.
Slavery is still seen in the world today. It bears the essential hallmarks of enslavement that both preceded and persisted after legal emancipation in the United States. Slavery can be defined as the total physical and/or mental control of a person, for purposes of exploiting that person’s labor and body for the commercial or personal gain of another. Ending this ancient crime once and for all is the cause of the modern abolitionist. Attacking slavery today requires understanding all its forms and building a movement to demand its end, everywhere.
The majority of sex slave victims today are runaway or thrown-away youths who live on the streets and become victims of prostitution. These children generally come from homes where they have been abused or from families who have abandoned them. Often, they become involved in prostitution to support themselves financially or to get the things they feel they need or want, including drugs.
Other young people are recruited into prostitution through forced abduction, pressure from parents, or through deceptive agreements between parents and traffickers. Once these children become involved in prostitution, they often are forced to travel far from their homes and, as a result, are isolated from their friends and family. Few children in this situation can develop new relationships with peers or adults other than the person victimizing them. The lifestyle of such youths revolves around violence, forced drug use, and constant threats.
Modern slavery is much more sophisticated than it was in the 18th and 19th century. Abolitionists of today fight slavery such as trauma-based MK-Ultra mind control where young children are subjected to unthinkable trauma which causes them to dissociate from reality and become subject to mind control programming. These mind-control slaves are used as sex slaves, assassins, and other evils. Slaves are still used for labor throughout the world as well. We stand the almighty God of Heaven and Earth in Fighting slavery, who abhors the despicable evil. If we fight for them we are doing God’s work and he will help us in our efforts whether great or small.
Modern abolitionists include (but certainly not limited to) the following individuals:
- Craig “Sawman” Sawyer and the V4CR Team
- Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad
- Ted Gunderson
- Senator Nancy Shaefer
- Tommy Robinson
- Jim and Angie – Victurus Libertas
- John DeCamp
- EndSlaveryNow.org
- Many police officers, U.S. Martials, ICE, FBI Agents, DHS, and other government organizations (Yes, there is a dark side to many government organizations as the shadow government has put many wolves in charge of the henhouses, but most agents are hellbent on stopping human trafficking and slavery.)
Chronological History of Events Involving Abolitionists

‘The Abolitionists’, a Documentary about a Sting Mission by Operation Underground Railroad to Counter Child Sex Trafficking, is Released

Brave Young Siblings, Hans and Sophie Scholl, were Executed after they Distributed Literature Alerting People to the Evil of Nazism

Susan B. Anthony cast her Vote on Election Day — Illegally

Juneteenth: America’s 2nd Independence Day as Slaves are Freed in TX after Major General Granger Enforces Emancipation Proclamation Order

Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality”

Abolitionist Julia Ward Howe’s Inspiring Lyrics to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” are First Published in “The Atlantic Monthly’

John Brown Raided the Federal Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to Obtain Arms for a Slave Insurrection

A NY Tribune Article Suggests that Sharps Rifle was an “effective weapon to fight pro-slavery Democrats” and Becomes known as “Beecher’s Bible”

Abolitionist Frederick Douglass Gives Iconic “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro” Speech