AIDS Testing
In HIV, the death spell came to people in the form of two antibody tests called ELISA and Western Blot, initially. Not PCR tests—they came later, to measure “viral load,” and were specifically not to be used for diagnosing HIV. Rather, to stress people out about their “surrogate markers,” said to represent where they stood in their battle against HIV. (Did people really need to be in a “battle” against HIV? This was the trillion-dollar question.)
In any case, those tests were not built on a “gold standard” which means purification of an actual virus. Purification means the pathogen has been separated from all else. HIV co-discoverer and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier famously told journalist Djamel Tahi in an interview: “I repeat, we did not purify.”
HIV, like the 2020 Coronavirus COVID-19 and others, was never “separated from everything else.” It was and is a laboratory artifact, a set of lab-tortured antigens around which a “test” was built—a test which shattered countless millions of lives, because people watched TV and believed what they were told. They didn’t get a chance to hear what Kary Mullis or dozens of other real scientists had to say about the supposedly deadly retrovirus, HIV.
Nothing was proven before it was asserted. This became the norm, paving the way for the situation of 2020. Global viral communism. We all dreaded this would happen, but we never dreamed they would choose a cold virus. A Corona virus.
In the early 1990’s, PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction) came into popular use, and Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize for it in 1993. PCR, simply put, is a thermal cycling method used to make up to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, making it large enough to study. As it correctly says on PCR’s Wikipedia page, PCR is an “…indispensable technique” with a “broad variety” of applications, “…including biomedical research and criminal forensics.” [Italics mine.] The page goes on to say, to my dismay, that one of the applications of PCR is “…for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”
“PCR has also had a great impact on the field of AIDS, or rather, HIV research. PCR can, among other things, detect HIV in people who test negative to the HIV antibody test.
The word “eccentric” seems to come up often in connection with Mullis’ name: His first published scientific paper, in the premier scientific journal ‘Nature’ in 1986, described how he viewed the universe while on LSD – pocked with black holes containing antimatter, for which time runs backward. He has been known to show photographs of nude girlfriends during his lectures, their bodies traced with Mandelbrot fractal patterns. And as a side project, he is developing a company which sells lockets containing the DNA of rock stars. But it is his views on AIDS that have really set the scientific establishment fuming.
Mullis, like his friend and colleague Dr. Peter Duesberg, does not believe that AIDS is caused by the retrovirus HIV. He is a long-standing member of the Group for the Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis, the 500-member protest organization pushing for a re-examination of the cause of AIDS.
One of Duesberg’s strongest arguments in the debate has been that the HIV virus is barely detectable in people who suffer from AIDS. Ironically, when PCR was applied to HIV research, around 1989, researchers claimed to have put this complaint to rest. Using the new technology, they were suddenly able to see viral particles in the quantities they couldn’t see before. Scientific articles poured forth stating that HIV was now 100 times more prevalent than was previously thought. But Mullis himself was unimpressed. “PCR made it easier to see that certain people are infected with HIV,” he told Spin in 1992, “and some of those people came down with symptoms of AIDS. But that doesn’t begin even to answer the question, ‘Does HIV cause it?’”
Mullis then went on to echo one of Duesberg’s most controversial claims. “Human beings are full of retroviruses,” he said, “We don’t know if it is hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands. We’ve only recently started to look for them. But they’ve never killed anybody before. People have always survived retroviruses.”
Mullis challenged the popular wisdom that the disease-causing mechanisms of HIV are simply too “mysterious” to comprehend. “The mystery of that damn virus,” he said at the time, “has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it. You take any other virus, and you spend $2 billion, and you can make up some great mysteries about it too.”
Like so many great scientific discoveries, the idea for PCR came suddenly, as if by direct transmission from another realm. It was during a late-night drive in 1984, the same year, ironically, that HIV was announced to be the “probable” cause of AIDS.
“I was just driving and thinking about ideas and suddenly I saw it,” Mullis recalls. “I saw the polymerase chain reaction as clear as if it were up on a blackboard in my head, so I pulled over and started scribbling.” A chemist friend of his was asleep in the car, and, as Mullis described in a recent special edition of Scientific American: “Jennifer objected groggily to the delay and the light, but I exclaimed I had discovered something fantastic. Unimpressed, she went back to sleep.”
Mullis kept scribbling calculations, right there in the car, until the formula for DNA amplification was complete. The calculation was based on the concept of “reiterative exponential growth processes,” which Mullis had picked up from working with computer programs. After much table-pounding, he convinced the small California biotech company he was working for, Cetus, that he was on to something. Good thing they finally listened: They sold the patent for PCR to Hoffman-LaRoche for the staggering sum of $300 million – the most money ever paid for a patent. Mullis meanwhile received a $10,000 bonus.
Mullis’s mother reports that as a child, her lively son got into all kinds of trouble – shutting down the house’s electricity, building rockets, and blasting small frogs hundreds of feet into the air. These days, he likes to surf, rollerblade, take pictures, party with his friends – most of whom are not scientists – and above all, he loves to write.
Mullis is notoriously difficult to track down and interview. I had left several messages on his answering machine at home but had gotten no response. Finally, I called him in the late evening, and he picked up, in the middle of bidding farewell to some dinner guests. He insisted he would not give me an interview, but after a while, a conversation was underway, and I asked if I couldn’t just please turn my tape recorder on. “Oh, what the hell,” he gruffed. “Turn the f#$%er on.”
Our talk focused on AIDS. Though Mullis has not been particularly vocal about his HIV skepticism, his convictions have not, to his credit, been muddled or softened by his recent success and mainstream acceptability. He seems to revel in his newly acquired power. “They can’t pooh-pooh me now, because of who I am,” he says with a chuckle – and by all accounts, he’s using that power effectively.
When ABC’s “Nightline” approached Mullis about participating in a documentary on himself, he instead urged them to focus their attention on the HIV debate. “That’s a much more important story,” he told the producers, who up to that point had never acknowledged the controversy. In the end, “Nightline” ran a two-part series, the first on Kary Mullis, the second on the HIV debate. Mullis was hired by ABC for a two-week period, to act as their scientific consultant and direct them to sources.
The show was superb, and represented a historic turning point, possibly even the end of the seven-year media blackout on the HIV debate. But it still didn’t fulfill Mullis’ ultimate fantasy. “What ABC needs to do,” says Mullis, “is talk to [Chairman of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony] Fauci and [Dr. Robert] Gallo [one of the discoverers of HIV] and show that they’re assholes, which I could do in ten minutes.”
But I point out, Gallo will refuse to discuss the HIV debate, just as he’s always done.
“I know he will,” Mullis shoots back, anger rising in his voice. “But you know what? I would be willing to chase the little bastard from his car to his office and say, ‘This is Kary Mullis trying to ask you a goddamn simple question,’ and let the cameras follow. If people think I’m a crazy person, that’s okay. But here’s a Nobel Prize-winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people. It has to be on TV. It’s a visual thing. I’m not unwilling to do something like that.”
He pauses, then continues. “And I don’t care about making an ass of myself because most people realize I am one.”
While many people, even within the ranks of the HIV dissidents, have of late tried to distance themselves from the controversial Duesberg, Mullis defends him passionately and seems genuinely concerned about his fate. “I was trying to stress this point to the ABC people” he says, “that Peter has been abused seriously by the scientific establishment, to the point where he can’t even do any research. Not only that, but his whole life is pretty much in disarray because of this, and it is only because he has refused to compromise his scientific moral standards. There ought to be some goddamn private foundation in the country, that would say, ‘Well, we’ll move in where the NIH [National Institutes of Health] dropped off. We’ll take care of it. You just keep right on saying what you’re saying, Peter. We think you’re an asshole, and we think you are wrong, but you’re the only dissenter, and we need one, because it’s science, it’s not religion.’ And that was one of the reasons why I cooperated with ABC.”
“I am waiting to be convinced that we’re wrong,” Mullis continues. “I know it ain’t going to happen. But if it does, I will tell you this much – I will be the first person to admit it. A lot of people studying this disease are looking for the clever little pathways they can piece together, that will show how this works. Like, ‘What if this molecule was produced by this one and then this one by this one, and then what if this one and that one induces this one’ – that stuff becomes, after two molecules, conjecture of the rankest kind. People who sit there and talk about it don’t realize that molecules themselves are somewhat hypothetical, and that their interactions are more so, and that the biological reactions are even more so. You don’t need to look that far. You don’t discover the cause of something like AIDS by dealing with incredibly obscure things. You just look at what the hell is going on. Well, here’s a bunch of people that are practicing a new set of behavioral norms. Apparently, it didn’t work because a lot of them got sick. That’s the conclusion. You don’t necessarily know why it happened. But you start there.”
Alan Cantwell, M.D. – a physician and AIDS researcher who has authored two books on the man-made origin of HIV/AIDS (“AIDS & THE DOCTORS OF DEATH: AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF THE AIDS EPIDEMIC” and “QUEER BLOOD: THE SECRET AIDS GENOCIDE PLOT.”).
Natural Treatments for AIDS / HIV / HPV
On Friday, November 30, 2012, the Kansas City Star, page A12, had the headline: U.S. Lists Blueprint to Fight AIDS. The article is total nonsense, prior to that article there had already been a cure for AIDS for more than 10 years. The government is not looking for a cure for AIDS, the government is suppressing cures for AIDS.
In 1983, Robert B. Strecker, PhD (a pathologist), and his brother Ted uncovered thousands of pages of documents indicating that the AIDS virus is a synthetic microbe genetically engineered in the laboratory. In February 1999, attorney Boyd E. Graves uncovered scores of government documents that contain the timeline of how, when and where, and by whom, the virus was developed and administered.
If the government knew about the development of the AIDS virus, it is certain that neither the government nor anyone who is profiting from AIDS has any interest in eradicating it. It gets worse. Many AIDS patients trust the non-profit organizations that specialize in working with AIDS patients.
Like the U.S. government, many, if not all, of the large AIDS organizations are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry. The executives of these non-profit organizations may get very handsome salaries, or other benefits, from Big Pharma. These organizations persecute and lie about effective treatments for AIDS so that Big Pharma can make many billions of dollars from the insurance of AIDS patients.
A similar situation exists in the cancer industry. ALL of the large “cancer research” organizations are fed money from the bottomless money pit of the pharmaceutical industry. They are not looking for a cure for cancer, they are looking for part of the money pit of Big Pharma.
Ditto for all large charity organizations related to health, such as the “March of Dimes.” I personally know of three cures for polio which existed even before the March of Dimes was organized.
But let’s talk about AIDS.
AIDS is a highly profitable “disease” for Big Pharma and the medical community. It is one of the diseases, like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, that is so profitable there is absolutely no interest in orthodox medicine finding a cure – ever.
In fact, there are several very well documented cures for AIDS that have been suppressed, and even persecuted, by the medical cartel and their cronies in government.
If the “charity” you get information from strongly pushes prescription drug cocktails, and says nothing good about Mother Nature or alternative medicine, you can rest assured they are under the total control of Big Pharma.
This website sells nothing. This website charges nothing. This website is run by cancer researchers who do not receive a penny from Big Pharma, nor do they want a penny from Big Pharma. We would rather be poor and serve humanity than be rich and betray human beings in need.
We have no conflicts of interest. We do not have AIDS ourselves. The information we provide is free. But we know how to kill microbes because cancer is also caused by a microbe. Keep that in mind.
Just like cancer patients, AIDS patients are sick and tired of being betrayed by the media and the “authorities.” We have no conflicts of interest.
One thing that bothers us is the very poor communications within the AIDS community. Even people with AIDS seem to do a very poor job spreading the word among other AIDS patients regarding effective treatments for AIDS.
It is easy to kill the AIDS microbes in the bloodstream (e.g. the Bob Beck Protocol).
But it is not easy to kill the microbes “hiding” in the liver. This requires “liver cleanses” or “liver flushes” along with protocols that kill microbes in the bloodstream. Some supplements do that. Also, some electromedicine treatments do that as well. See #3 in the Reference Manual.
Also, see the “Liver Flush” article which explains how to kill some microbes in the liver and other organs:
This article will focus on the microbes in the bloodstream, except that the High RF Frequency Generator with Linear Amplifier and High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier and Cullen Zapper can also get rid of microbes in the organs.
An AIDS patient may be able to stay alive indefinitely simply by killing the microbes in the bloodstream using the Bob Beck devices and colloidal silver.
Warning: Women who are pregnant, who might be pregnant, or who might become pregnant should be careful about taking any cancer treatment or AIDS treatment that kills anaerobic cells. The reason is that in the early development of a fetus, many of the fetal cells are very similar to anaerobic cells and may be killed by some cancer or AIDS treatments. It is better to find a treatment that kills microbes.
The Bob Beck Protocol
Bob Beck did not discover this protocol; two medical doctors, a Dr. Lyman and a Dr. Kaali, discovered the protocol in 1990. Had there been any integrity in medicine, their discovery would have eradicated AIDS from the planet earth before over 30 million AIDS victims died.
However, their discovery was immediately shut down in 1991 when they went public. Their discovery was suppressed by the orthodox medicine they worked for. While they did shut down information about the treatment temporarily, for various reasons, it is now highly public information, especially in the patent office.
Bob Beck found out about the Kaali and Lyman treatment, and being a PhD in physics, and being a long-time expert in electromedicine, immediately jumped on the treatment. He had to hire a private investigator to track down the original research article, which will be linked to in a moment.
One thing that must be understood about this protocol is that NO OTHER orthodox or alternative treatment for AIDS, including chlorine dioxide, can be used on the same days as the complete Bob Beck Protocol.
Here is a quote from Bob Beck on this issue:
“First, for several days prior to starting this program [and during the program], you must avoid ingesting anything containing medicinal herbs, foreign or domestic, or potentially toxic medication, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, laxatives, tonics, garlic and certain potentially toxic vitamins, because blood electrification will cause electroporation, …, which is lethal. You can read “Electroporation, A General Phenomenon for Manipulating Cells and Tissues,” by J.C. Weaver, Journal of Cellular Biology, Book 51, page 426 (1993), Harvard/MIT. Both the magnetic pulser and the blood purifier can cause electroporation [Interview with Dr. Beck, 1997].”
Continue reading at
Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund?
- The U.S. Government’s PEPFAR is the largest funder of any nation to a single disease in the world, and the largest donor to the Global Fund, to the tune of over $90 billion to date. Despite this, due to the fact that the Global Fund is located in Geneva, Switzerland, it is not subject to U.S. taxation, jurisdiction, or law. George W. Bush’s 2006 executive order afforded the Global Fund additional exemptions, privileges, and immunities.
- Three U.S. Presidents, over 35 governments, the UNDP, the Global Fund, GAVI, and over two dozen major non-profits along with countless smaller ones, have been cashing in for nearly two decades.
- Bill and Melinda Gates, Jeffrey Sachs, Kofi Annan, and Amir Attaran are listed as the founders of The Global Fund, but who really strategized and implemented its structure, its funding, and its “immunity” status?
- In 2015 USAID awarded Chemonics $9.5 billion to fund these supply chain programs. Only 7% of the drug shipments were delivered on time and in full. This is just one example. There are countless scandals throughout this book.
- There are allegedly 23.3 million people on HIV treatment. The new three-in-one pill runs $75/year per person in developing countries. The Clintons, among others, are cashing in on this new drug. An almost identical therapy in the U.S. runs $39,000 per person, per year. The global HIV drugs market exceeded a value of $24.7 billion in 2018.
This is potentially one of the biggest, ongoing slush funds of our time, perpetrated by over 35 governments, “philanthropists,” politicians, so-called elites, and celebrities, while preying on the weak at heart to donate their hard-earned money to the “Global Fund” that helps children and adults beat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. But does it really? How much of the money is going toward this and how many people are the meds really reaching? Reports raise serious concerns. We are talking about BILLIONS of dollars changing hands among governments and the wealthy, in addition to “Acts”, “Bills”, and “Executive Orders” all strategically aligning for this operation to function full throttle – across three former U.S. presidencies. Scandal after scandal has rocked this “cause” – a cause that should most definitely be under investigation, but with all of its immunities and safeguards in place, who will investigate?
The Global Fund is an octopus with many arms, including the UNDP receiving funds and acting as an implementing partner in numerous countries. Once a few “elites” and governments orchestrated the structure, everyone joined in. Scores of NGOs lined up, and celebrities quickly jumped aboard in their “ambassador roles” and organized their foundations, including Bono’s ‘RED’ and ‘ONE’ campaigns which beg and shame the public into purchasing their products because the funds allegedly “help save lives.”
Just think what $90 billion dollars could have done to save the homeless, the sick, veterans, single parents, and those in need in the U.S. Just think how many people in developing countries have been exploited.
In order to disclose all of this “open sourced” information and show how it all connects, it is pertinent to understand the timeline before getting into the multitude of actors and the scandal itself. Why? There are many reasons that will become obvious as you read, such as the involvement of three US presidents, and a particular couple that has been very involved with AIDS since the 70’s, and not by way of humanitarianism. Quite the opposite.
Due to how expansive this network is, this book has been broken down into numerous chapters which will be available for download in PDF format in The Bookshop. It begins with the timeline, which will give a very brief breakdown of events and some of the actors involved, just to establish their strategy and the basis for subsequent chapters, which will be rolled out over time. The timeline acts much like a road map and is absolutely mandatory reading to see the strategy involved.
Continue reading this excellent investigative report at CoreysDigs…
WATCH: The Creation and Introduction of AIDS – Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman was an employee of vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co. Inc. and was Chief of Staff for the vaccine division. In this interview he discusses how the AIDS virus was introduced to the population.
WATCH: Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Kary Mullis Challenges The Myths About Aids – There is no connection between HIV and AIDS
WATCH: A Rushed Vaccine Caused AIDS – Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes explains the history behind the AIDS virus
WATCH: HIV & AIDS – Fauci’s First Fraud – A deadly new virus is discovered…there’s no treatment or cure…it’s highly contagious…everyone is a potential victim…the world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders…new clusters of cases reported daily…
WATCH: The Aids Scam – An Interview With Bryan J. Ellison – In this 1995 interview, Mr. Ellison explains that scientific tests show that HIV does not cause AIDS and that AZT is a killer drug.
WATCH: Is the AIDS $90Bil in Taxpayer Dollars being used as a Slush Fund for Bill Gates & Globalists –
Chronological History of Events Related to AIDS / HIV
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