Aluminum is the most widely distributed metal on the planet and it’s used in the production of many everyday products. Cookware is made from aluminum, soda cans are aluminum, and aluminum foil is found in most kitchens. It is also in antacids, aspirin, vaccines, flour, and nano-particles are even sprayed in the sky (geoengineering). This overwhelming infestation of aluminum means that your risk of exposure is through the roof, which is also often made of aluminum. Unlike vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, the body does not need aluminum. And aluminum is no innocent or benign participant. Aluminum accumulates in the kidneys, brain, lungs, liver and thyroid where it competes with calcium for absorption and can affect skeletal mineralization. In infants, this can slow growth. Animal models have linked aluminum exposure to mental impairments.
Just as cigarette smoke damages lung function and overexposure to UV rays will degrade your skin, aluminum is an attacker and its target is your central nervous system. [2] Studies show that toxic metals contribute to brain diseases by producing oxidative stress and aluminum is one of the worst offenders. [1] The prevailing belief around the world is that aluminum is linked to degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Bad for the Brain
According to Washington DC’s Department of the Planet Earth, United States and Canadian regulatory agencies are interested in aluminum as a potential risk factor in elderly cognitive impairment. It makes sense, research shows aluminum can produce toxic, oxidative stress in the brain and a brain autopsy study of elderly persons found them to have aluminum levels 20+ times higher than a middle-aged group. [3] [4] The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recognizes aluminum as one of several metals known to affect the neurological system. [5] As far as aluminum is concerned, the supreme brain-health concern is Alzheimer’s disease.
Aluminum and Alzheimer’s
Many of the formal inquiries into aluminum toxicity are specifically concerned with its association to Alzheimer’s. Consistently, experts agree that aluminum exposure is something to worry about.
- The position of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Saint Louis University is that aluminum may cause liver toxicity and lead to degenerative symptoms, including Alzheimer’s. [6]
- Researchers at The School of Studies in Zoology at Jiwaji University in India describe aluminum as a potent neurotoxin associated with Alzheimer’s. [7]
- The University of California, Irvine’s Department of Medicine has reported that aluminum causes inflammation in the brain. No surprise, Alzheimer’s disease is often associated with elevated inflammation. [8]
- The University School of Medicine in Belgrade published information showing that drinking water with a high aluminum and low fluoride concentration is associated with Alzheimer’s risk. [9] Unfortunately, this is evident in New Guinea and Papua Islands where drinking water contains aluminum ions and ALS or Parkinson’s disease is collectively found. [10] The concern about aluminum pollution in drinking water has even reached as far away as Egypt. [11]
Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism
Our government health agencies, academic medicine and public health institutions have been silent on this question of what is causing the autism epidemic. They merely shrug their shoulders and say “we don’t know”, quickly adding, “It is certainly not vaccines”.
We now have 5 years of medical research, mostly from outside the United States, incriminating aluminum adjuvants in vaccines as the SOLE cause of autism epidemic. JB Handley does a nice job laying out the argument and summarizing this research.(3) He uses the web site, Vaccine Papers, as a good source for the documentation.(4) Many others have raised the red flag on aluminum adjuvants.(1-2)(31)
Revelations about aluminum neuro-toxicity have been made even more urgent by the findings of Dr Christpher Exley who found extremely high aluminum content in post mortem brains of autistic individuals. (5-8) Left Image Aluminum Foil courtesy of Wikimedia commons.
Aluminum at the vaccine injection site is taken up by macrophages which travel to the brain causing micro-glial activation, inflammation and immune activation with increased IL-6 cytokine levels, and impaired neuro development, leading to many of the symptoms of autism in animal models.(12-30)
The “authorities” have told us repeatedly that vaccines are safe, and the science is settled. You might then ask the obvious question, “Where is the data on studies showing the safety of vaccine aluminum adjuvants”? The correct answer is: “There are no suitable safety studies.“(16) The FDA merely ASSUMED aluminum adjuvants to be safe. It appears the FDA is very good at assuming things. Another outrageous gimmick is the use of aluminum adjuvants in the placebos used in trials for FDA approval. (24-25) In these studies, half the patients are injected with the vaccine and the other half are injected with placebo, and the number of adverse reactions are reported. A placebo should contain inert sugar water, not an immunotoxic aluminum adjuvant. This simple ploy allows the immunotoxicity of the aluminum adjuvant to be ignored.(24-25)
Based on published data in the medical literature, rates of auto-immune diseases are increasing at epidemic proportions.(36) See above image showing increase incidence of various auto-immune diseases, Courtesy of Bach, 2002 (37) Although the exact cause is speculative, many authors have implicated aluminum adjuvants in vaccines. (31-35) One such author is Yehuda Shoenfeld MD, who says in a July 2017 editorial in IMAJ:(33)
Adjuvants stimulate the immune system, and therefore lead to more effective immune reactions…Despite the benefits of adjuvant use in vaccination, such additives can induce non-specific constitutional musculoskeletal or neurological clinical manifestations, and in certain cases can lead to the appearance or acceleration of an autoimmune disease in a patient with a genetic susceptibility [9]. …The induction of autoimmune diseases by adjuvants was also reported in animal models…The interaction between the adjuvant material and genetic predisposition may lead to the development of autoimmune diseases as well as lymphoproliferative disorders. (33)
Conclusion: Recent medical research makes a strong case for neuro-toxicity of aluminum adjuvants as the cause of our autism epidemic. Adjuvants have also been implicated in increasing rates of auto-immune diseases. The din of silence in the media has been quite remarkable. Nothing will change unless you get involved and bring about change. Print out this article and send it to all your friends, congressmen, doctors, and family members. It is time for the din of silence to become a deafening roar that cannot be ignored.
Watch the Video below:
The HighWire with Del Bigtree exposes how a shocking aluminum study was censored; how a research scientist was injured during Merck’s Gardasil trial; and more.
The HighWire looks at aluminium from the 13th Keele Meeting on Aluminium held in Mexico. Scientists come together to look at the dangers of aluminium. Everything we use contains aluminium, so we need to make sure it isn’t creating long term issues. They interview Dr Lluis Lujan on the study he did around aluminium and pigs concerning vaccines and the causes vaccines containing aluminium had on these animals. Dr Lujan’s study was withdrawn before published. he speaks about his censored research in this interview. In this episode, The Highwire speaks to Sesilje Peterson, MSc, PhD about her experience of the Merck’s Gardasil Trial. Prof Chris Exley joins to discuss aluminium and how it is “a Greater Threat Than Global Warming”. (Puppies are a greater threat than global warming, but obviously Exley is not aware that it is a total hoax)
Aluminum as an Occupational Hazard
Exposure to aluminum, unfortunately, is common with some occupations like mining, factory work, and welding. Welding can be especially worrisome because it produces vapors that, when inhaled, send aluminum directly into the lungs in a “super absorption” status where it is released to the blood and distributed to the bones and brain. Researchers have repeatedly examined the consequence of inhaling aluminum vapors and the results are grim. Effects on memory and concentration have been cited. [12] An Italian study that compared 64 aluminum dust exposed workers with 32 unexposed controls found significantly higher levels of aluminum in the exposed employees and findings suggested aluminum to be to blame for early neurotoxic effects. [13]
Reduce Your Aluminum Exposure
Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals on earth and it has permeated mainstream products to the degree that it’s virtually impossible to completely avoid exposure. However, you can take certain measures to reduce your exposure. Use glass cookware instead of aluminum. Avoid hygiene products (antacids, deodorant) with aluminum hydroxide, natural substitutes are available. Avoid processed and frozen foods, their containers can contain aluminum. Instead opt for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and foods with responsible packaging. If toxic metal exposure is of concern to you, consider performing a toxic metal cleanse.
Chemtrails (by Dr. Russell Blaylock)
There is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds into the atmosphere. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.
Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer’s cases.
The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.
In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.
I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the life and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.
Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before.
Chronological History of Events Related to Aluminum

Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS Analysis Results: Clots are NOT “blood” clots

Hospital Engineer Whistleblower Warns of Toxic Ricin in the Next Planned Pandemic Vaccine

Guinean Coup as President Alpha Condé was Arrested and Overthrown

Routine Vaccination Kills UK Cancer Expert Shortly After The Jab

Oxford-based Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Issues Report: HPV Vaccine Review Loaded With Omissions, Errors

Swedish Study: Cervical Cancer Increases Since HPV Vaccines

Study: Super-High Levels Of Toxic Aluminum Found In Brains Of Autistic Patients

Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children

Study: Vaccinated Children face a 3000% Increased Risk of Dangerous Allergy