Founded in 1995 by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post (for propaganda to shape public opinion) & Whole Foods, is the largest online retailer in the US. The company did not make its first quarterly profit until 2001. The ownership of the Post dovetails with Amazon’s role working with the CIA. Amazon, has acquired several In-Q-Tel-funded start-ups and entities and is a long-time CIA contractor.
Amazon is a monster that with the help of government exploits Americans and continues to engulf and devour its competitors. USPS, selling out small American businesses, grants Amazon special treatment by delivering its packages on Sunday and even on major holidays. If individuals make purchases from Amazon Smile, the company donates a portion of the sale to a charity of the buyer’s choice (as long as it is not a conservative group blacklisted by the SPLC) such as International Christian Concern.
In 1996, it was reincorporated in Delaware. Amazon issued its initial public offering of stock on May 15, 1997, trading under the NASDAQ stock exchange symbol AMZN, at a price of $18.00 per share ($1.50 after three stock splits in the late 1990s). It has grown to be the retail company with the largest market capitalization in the United States, while destroying thousands of community retail stores in the process.
The company has expanded from reselling goods to designing and manufacturing electronics. It started with the Amazon Kindle e-book reader in 2007 and has grown to include multifunctional Amazon Fire tablets, Fire TV and Fire Phone brand smartphones. Amazon is also a major provider of cloud computing services. In 2010, Amazon invested $175 million in LivingSocial, a local deal/coupon site. In 2013, Amazon launched the “Amazon Prime” paid membership service which provides free shipping to its members as well as free online access to movies and archived television programs. In 2014, Amazon announced that it would be partnering with Twitter, an agreement that allows individuals to make purchases using a hashtag. Also in 2014, Amazon acquired the right to administer the .buy top level domain in an auction for $4,588,888.
In 2018, Amazon announced it would raise its minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour, though this was a political stunt, as most of its workers already made over $15 an hour, and it was transitioning to replacing human labor with robots.
During the 2020 leftwing, anti-capitalist riots the Amazon warehouse in Redlands, California was burned down. Amazon placed the slogan, “Black Lives Matter” on storefronts. was listed as one of numerous leftist-controlled companies that have gone “woke” and now support the criminal rioters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the wake of the 2020 leftist riots.
Bezos is gifted with the ability to re-frame an issue and this can be seen in its effort to paint a positive image of Amazon as a good neighbor and job creator. Ripping apart this illusion is the sad truth that when Amazon creates a job one or more are lost in another part of the economy. As for being a “good neighbor,” during the COVID-19 fake pandemic lockdowns, an article appeared on Viable Opposition detailing how Amazon exploited and price gouged customers during the bulk of the lock-down. They grew massively while small businesses shut down across the world.
It is difficult to quantify all the damage Amazon has done to America as it has burrowed its way into the fabric of society. This company has exploited communities by continually telling consumers it is the answer to a “better America” while it feeds at the government teat. Only after it has wrecked communities leaving many Americans jobless and retail stores sitting as giant empty shells might short-sighted consumers finally see the airs of their way. Amazon is bad for America – it is that simple!
An example of this surfaced a while back when it was reported that Amazon would be allowed a two year trial in New York state to ship food to customers and be paid with their EBT cards. This is going to hammer Amazon’s competitors located in these areas. While nobody seemed to care this translates into grocery stores willing to locate in poorer areas losing business to a company unwilling to locate in these less desirable markets. This is a rather self-defeating in that it rewards those unwilling to commit to making the community better and damages the brick and mortar stores that will. Not only do these stores pay local real estate taxes and provide jobs for those in the community they also are forced to deal with a huge number of shoplifters.
While in the past many politicians fell over themselves to be in its shadow that trend is stalling. Because of its massive advertising budget and other ties to Amazon, we find the media often seems to be in bed with Amazon and portrays the company as both the flavor of the day and the future of commerce. This means you seldom hear anything bad about the retail behemoth in these stories put before us that are in effect free advertising. These so-called news articles are often spun to place Amazon in the most flattering light.
Over the years Amazon has employed a strategy that takes no prisoners. It even crushes merchants working on its platform by stealing their product ideas and undercutting them on prices. This is done by giving their own Amazon-branded products premium real estate on their website. Amazon has also been stepping up efforts to recruit Chinese suppliers and manufacturers directly which cuts small American merchants out of the picture. As these new Chinese players have entered the picture “an explosion” of counterfeit products and fake reviews have hit the site. This is an issue prominent in Chinese e-commerce.
For all the praise many people and politicians heap upon small business they are often quick to cut the very throat of the creator of much of our wealth and jobs. The sale of goods over the internet has a great deal of merit, but how it is carried out can have a profound effect on society. Only as local stores continue to close, our children cannot find jobs, and property values begin to wither it will become apparent we have made a deal with the devil. Amazon excels in creating illusions that fail to hold up under scrutiny. Its vision of drone delivery is an example of the kind of pop it can garner with its news blips. Because of its influence, you can count on the media to turn any news about Amazon turned into a promotional ad.
Current tax laws at the local, state, and federal level have changed little over the decades and lag far behind how business is conducted in our modern age. This feeds directly into creating an unfair advantage for Amazon which has used them as a foundation to fuel its growth. Still, even more troubling is how the company has created an environment that draws in other sellers of goods then in a predatory manner undercuts their ability to compete. When you add these actions to Amazon’s growing influence in Washington due to its strong relationship with the CIA and deep state with its CEO’s ability to drive public opinion through the Washington Post we have every reason for grave concern. Remember the proverbial saying ‘power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. In short, this is why Amazon has become a threat to our democracy and capitalism in America.
People often claim to expound old-time values such as cherishing personal relationships with the people in their neighborhoods that they do business with. Still, it seems some consumers become almost giddy at the thought of receiving a package from an online seller mistaking it for a gift. The truth is these packages are not free. Even if they are paying the same price such goods come with a hidden cost levied against their community. That cost is lost jobs, local sales, and a lower tax base. This is why if prices are anywhere near the same it is wise to “do the right thing” and support your local merchants.
America also needs to investigate ways to level the playing field and protect the brick and mortar retailers that provide jobs and are so important to the fabric of communities. Washington has become tangled up in its own feet that it is unable to get anything done, so it is time we the people take action, that is why everyone should “boycott” anything Amazon.
Some say that Amazon’s logo is the Devil’s tail.
Federal Tax-Free Monopoly
Gigantic Amazon (market cap now over $1 trillion) does not pay its fair share of taxes and has used transfer pricing and tax loopholes as well as foreign domicile to skirt its full tax obligations. In 2017, Amazon reported $5.6 billion of U.S. profits and didn’t pay a dime of federal income taxes on it. It also got a $789 million windfall from Trump’s tax law to his dismay.
The problem with Amazon has to do with a government that’s helped it become a market monopoly. Two experts on community wealth building speak to Laura about why Amazon’s effort to corner the market on commerce make it a dangerous and unprecedented economic phenomenon.
Amazon operates multiple monopolies and unfairly stifles competition. It uses its incredible power to crush smaller companies and ensure they can never compete against the tech giant. It also censors conservatives and relies on Chinese child labor.
During the coronavirus epidemic, Amazon claimed it prioritized essential products on its various services. Unsurprisingly, the critical products Amazon prioritized happened to be Amazon’s own. Amazon products were advertised with faster delivery times while the quicker delivery times of third-party sellers were hidden. Bezos’ behemoth claims this was an honest mistake caused by its algorithms, but isn’t it funny this mistake benefited Amazon?
Amazon Prime is the second-largest video streaming service in the world and Amazon Fire is in fierce competition to be the number one streaming stick service in America. It’s estimated that 57 percent of the American streaming stick market is controlled by Amazon. Amazon Fire, despite being one of the largest services, blocks WarnerMedia’s HBO Max and NBCUniversal’s Peacock from its platform. According to Variety, Amazon blocks these services because they compete with Prime. This shows Amazon does not want to be solely a distributor and only wants to favor its own services.
These cases demonstrate how Amazon weaponizes its monopoly power to crush smaller competitors. A streaming platform can’t compete against Prime if it isn’t available on the most popular streaming stick service in America. Companies that sell essential goods can’t compete against Amazon when Amazon only prominently features faster delivery times for its own products.
Axios’ reporter, Ina Fried noted: The Postal Service actually added delivery on Sunday in some cities because Amazon made it necessary.
Journalist Lauren Kaori Gurley broke the story with reporting for Motherboard noting that “as a subsidiary of Amazon, the world’s biggest company, Whole Foods could easily afford to pay its hourly employees for sick days taken during the coronavirus outbreak without breaking the bank. Instead, the company has put the onus back on workers, and they’re not happy about it.”
Promotion of Sexual Exploitation
From the “Dirty Dozen” list compiled by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, which each year “exposes and calls to account groups, agencies and businesses that contribute significantly to the normalization of sexual exploitation,” the center ranked Amazon No. 1. They explained, “This list ensures that their participation and collusion with the various aspects of the sex trade becomes public knowledge and equips citizens with information and tools to hold them accountable.”
“No corporation should profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation,” said spokesman Haley Halverson.
“Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer” is “promoting material that sexualizes children and normalizes the dehumanization and sexual commodification of women,” the group said. “Items for sale on Amazon include child-like sex dolls, photography books with eroticized child nudity, pornographic magazines, and clothing items, and more. Their Kindle e-reader is riddled with sexually explicit content containing incest, babysitter, and group-sex themes.”3
Child & Slave Labor
Perhaps most disturbingly, Amazon profits from Chinese supply chain factories, which reportedly rely on forced labor. Many of these slaves are Uighurs and other persecuted minorities. A 2019 investigation revealed that Amazon’s Echo and Kindle were produced by Chinese schoolchildren working overnight. Is it honest capitalism to utilize child and slave labor to undercut American manufacturers who pay their workers a living wage?8
Sells Fake and Unsafe products, which controls an estimated 40% of all U.S. e-commerce and handles more consumer searches than Google, has been found to sell counterfeit supplements including fake CBD oil although Amazon prohibits the sale of cannabidiol (CBD) products.1 A Wall Street Journal investigation found 4,152 items for sale on Inc. ’s site that have been declared unsafe by federal agencies, are deceptively labeled or are banned by federal regulators—items that big-box retailers’ policies would bar from their shelves. Among those items, at least 2,000 listings for toys and medications lacked warnings about health risks to children.
The Journal identified at least 157 items for sale that Amazon had said it banned, including sleeping mats the Food and Drug Administration warns can suffocate infants. The Journal commissioned tests of 10 children’s products it bought on Amazon, many promoted as “Amazon’s Choice.” Four failed tests based on federal safety standards, according to the testing company, including one with lead levels that exceeded federal limits. Of the 4,152 products the Journal identified, 46% were listed as shipping from Amazon warehouses.
Amazon’s struggle to police its site adds to the mounting evidence that America’s tech giants have lost control of their massive platforms—or decline to control them. This is emerging as among the companies’ biggest challenges.7
Amazon itself admits to use what is called, “algo curation”. It uses rankings to shape decisions to buy. Recommendation engines inform the viewer driving them to purchase. These are optimised to illicit and force engagement. On Amazon this means $$$. The shaping of curation habits by various techniques is grounded in gaming and a level of fraud. Reviews are controlled some even manufactured to give desired algorithmic outcomes. The whole system is rigged and controlled by Amazon.
They suppress rankings, rig the algorithms and suppress sales, even if they don’t outright ban a title they don’t like or agree with. One tactic that conservative authors have noted is how Amazon sells conservative books at full price, although it doesn’t affect the authors share it persuades potential buyers to look for less expensive options.
Amazon Prime censored the popular documentary “Hoaxed” in April 2020. The documentary was made by right-wing personality Mike Cernovich and criticized the mainstream media. “Hoaxed” was in Prime’s top 50 documentaries prior to its removal. It’s not a huge mystery why Bezos, who owns The Washington Post, may not want to feature a documentary that skewers the media from a right-wing perspective.
Amazon’s Twitch banned Donald Trump, the president of the United States, from its platform in June over “hateful conduct.” Twitch claimed Trump’s famous 2015 comments about illegal immigrant rapists and his remarks about “tough hombre” criminals at his June Tulsa rally constituted “hateful conduct.” This justification is ridiculous and amounts to viewpoint discrimination against millions of conservatives.
Amazon controls the publishing industry in an almost complete monopoly of the digital public square and has the power to decide — what you get to read. This is a complete infringement and denial of the First Amendment and restricts all our freedom.
It was reported in September 2017 that Amazon had deleted numerous one-star reviews of Hillary Clinton’s book What Happened.
Amazon banned several books that helped people escape homosexuality.
Banning of books:
Amazon’s Alexa
A video in which comedian and Conservative Review commentator Steven Crowder conducts a Q&A session with Amazon‘s “Alexa” went viral over Thanksgiving weekend. His goal? To see if he could uncover any political leanings the device might have secretly built into it. As it turns out, Alexa is a bit of a social justice warrior. That part didn’t make it into the ads for the artificial personal assistant – and I doubt Amazon could expect to sell many if they did.
After asking Alexa a question about Jesus Christ, the unexpected response prompted him to ask a number of other questions, such as how many genders there are. Alexa gave a lengthy, ideologically driven response explaining why there are not two genders (yes, really). When asked about the Prophet Mohammad, Alexa gave a rapid-fire response praising Mohammad. Watch below:
Amazon Ring
t’s not enough that Amazon is on record working with the FBI with its Facial Rekogntion biometric software … no, Amazon is also spying on its customers of its home surveillance cameras called “Ring,” The Intercept reported. The home security system developed by Amazon is planning to build a database of neighborhood watchlists using facial recognition technology. Documents obtained by the Intercept revealed that the company is working with law enforcement on a system that will identify people who are considered “suspicious,” and let Ring owners know when these individuals are near their home, using the facial recognition software built into the security system’s cameras. The software will also give the Ring owner the ability to notify police or call in the suspicious activity on their own.
Amazon’s Ring for Android app is loaded with third-party trackers harvesting a “plethora” of customer data, a new investigation claims — and an Amazon engineer for the product wants it completely shut down. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has discovered that third-party tracking software within the Ring doorbell app is sending customer data to four analytics and marketing companies, including Facebook, Google, MixPanel and AppsFlyer. That data includes personally identifiable information such as names and private IP addresses.5
Amazon Bans International Sale of Seeds
Throughout human history, people have brought seed of their favorite foods — but no longer. The technocrats are now banning international sales of SEEDS on Amazon/Wish, due to the “dangerous Chinese Mystery Seeds” false flag — even as parts of the US experience seed shortages! This “Problem/Reaction/Famine” dialectic is actively being used in many areas to engineer food shortages ahead, in order to further a technocratic, transhumanist rewrite of our food system and takeover of society.
- Heirloom grains interview:
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A startling new investigation has revealed that Amazon provides charitable funding to the controversial and hyper-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center through the AmazonSmile customer giving program. Yet Amazon lets the SPLC act as a gatekeeper for the program, which means SPLC denies Amazon customers the ability to give to politically conservative organizations. As a result, organizations that promote conservative ideas are cut off from funds, while Amazon allows donations to a variety of liberal organizations that include Planned Parenthood, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the SPLC itself, which is the 33rd largest recipient of AmazonSmile contributions.1
Since 2017, however, AmazonSmile has appointed the SPLC to control access to these funds through their propagandist “hate list,” which they have acknowledged is intended to be used to inflict economic discrimination and censorship on organizations they put on the list. It is part of the SPLC’s broader effort to stigmatize and eliminate mainstream conservative thought. Amazon barred prominent Christian legal groups such as International Christian Concern and pro-freedom Alliance Defending Freedom from participating in its Amazon Smile charitable program, which allows nonprofits to recoup a small fraction of the money their supporters spend through Amazon. ADF, which specializes in First Amendment law and has won cases at the Supreme Court, is barred from Amazon Smile on account of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which labeled ADF a “hate group.”
That includes the Islamic Center of Jersey City, whose imam called Jews “apes and pigs” and requested Allah’s help in killing them “down to the very last one,” according to the Anti-Defamation League. The Islamic Society of North America is able to take part in Amazon Smile, despite a 2009 federal court ruling the U.S. government has “ample evidence” of ties between the group and Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.2
Treat Employees Poorly
Shannon Allen was an injured Amazon employee paid so low, she was forced to live and sleep in her car.Solutions
Three things that we can do:
- Boycott – Stop shopping on Amazon and drop your Prime account and all Amazon web services.
- Like Europe, which has levied fines of over $300 million and has an anti-trust case for $1.5 billion against Amazon, the US government should commence legal action against Amazon and its devious practices.
- Write your Senators and Representatives demanding hearings and action focused on Amazon and the tech tyranny. Tell them to Break It Up.
Chronological History of Events Involving

Ooops! AZ FOX 10 Calls Arizona Governor’s Race For Democrat Katie Hobbs 12 DAYS BEFORE Election on LIVE TV

Air Force Expels Master Sergeant for Refusing Experimental COVID Vaccine

Colbert Producers Caught by Police Invading US Capitol After Work Hours — Aided by Adam Schiff

Fox News Advocates For Sex Change In Minor Children, Highlighting Parents Who Sexually Reassigned Their 5 Year Old

DirecTV drops Trump-friendly One America News

Tucker Carlson Says He Has Confirmed The NSA Is Spying On Him

Fox 26 Reporter Releases tape of ‘Corruption,’ ‘Censorship’ via Project Veritas

FLORIDA: DeSantis Signs Tough Election Integrity Bill, Bans Mainstream Media from Signing Ceremony

Dominion Voting Systems Sues Fox News for $1.6 Billion Over 2020 Election Claims