The patsies
(Dr. Kevin Barrett) Fifty years ago, Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
On April 24th, 2013 the same National Security State that killed JFK still rules America, using the same tools of murder and deception. And it appears to have set up two “Oswalds” –Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – to take the blame for the Boston Marathon bombings.
The parallels between Oswald and the brothers Tsarnaev are uncanny.
First parallel: All three have been exonerated by crime scene photographs.
Eyewitness testimony established that Oswald must have been on or near the ground floor of the Texas Book Depository – not the sixth floor “sniper’s nest” – when JFK was shot. This testimony is supported by a picture of Oswald standing in the street outside the Depository as the presidential motorcade goes by.
Expert photographic analysis has revealed that the figure in this picture is Oswald, not Lovelady, as JFK assassination expert Dr. James Fetzer explains in his article “JFK Special: Oswald was in the Doorway, after all!“
The photographic record of the JFK assassination, like that of the Boston bombings, not only exonerates the patsy, but reveals who really committed the crime.
Photographic evidence places Edward Lansdale, America’s top political assassinations specialist, and CIA agent and future president George H.W. Bush standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository running the JFK assassination. This evidence is discussed in the article “Did George H.W. Bush Coordinate a CIA Hit Team?” by Richard Hooke and James Fetzer.
Photographs of the Boston bombing similarly exonerate Dzokhar Tsarnaev, who is seen in this photograph leaving after the bombing with his backpack still on.
If Dzokhar Tsarnaev was framed, that means that his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was also framed.
Crime scene photographs show us who really planted the bombs. The bomber was a member of a paramilitary operative team wearing black caps with identical skull logos. The photo below shows the bomber fleeing the crime scene without his backpack. That backpack has a white square on top. The paramilitary bomber is the only person in any of the photos with a backpack featuring that white square.
Here is the same backpack after the explosion.
So the Brothers Tsarnaev, like Lee Harvey Oswald, are innocent patsies. But Oswald, unlike the Brothers Tsarnaev, was able to speak for himself. After his arrest, and before being gunned down in the Dallas Police Department basement by CIA-linked mob hit-man Jack Ruby, Oswald said: “I’m a patsy.”
The Brothers Tsarnaev may never be allowed to speak in their own defense; fifty years after Oswald’s “I’m a patsy,” the National Security State appears to have learned that lesson well. Indeed, the Israeli doctors tasked with treating Dzokhar Tsarnaev in the hospital reported that “he may never speak again.” (Why were Israeli doctors assigned an American national security case? Perhaps for the same reason that an Israeli team of terror specialists flew to Boston, on a trip organized before the bombing, to take charge of the “investigation.” After all, Israel is the global “A Team” of false-flag terrorism.)
Dzokhar Tsarnaev did speak out, in a way, in his own defense – by endorsing 9/11 truth before he was framed for the bombing. Using his Twitter account, he wrote: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job.” That tweet, like Oswald’s “I’m a patsy,” may go down in history. It strongly suggests Dzokhar’s innocence. (Why would any Muslim who knew 9/11 was an inside job – as 80% of Muslims do, according to polls – want to commit terrorism whose only beneficiaries are Zionists and imperialists?)
Though the Brothers Tsarnaev will not be allowed to defend themselves, their loved ones are doing it for them. Their mother, father, and aunt all say they are innocent patsies, framed by agents of the National Security state.
Another Tsarnaev-Oswald parallel: They were Russian speakers who were shadowed for years by the FBI before being framed for a spectacular crime.
Oswald was not only shadowed by the FBI, he was actually reporting to the FBI on a regular basis during the years between his return from Russia in 1961 and his murder on November 24th, 1963.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, his parents tell us, was shadowed for years by the FBI before being set up as the patsy in the Boston Marathon bombings.
The FBI, we may recall, is the agency developed by arch-criminal J.Edgar Hoover as America’s gestapo. Though most low-level FBI agents are honest, the higher-ups are psychopathic criminals – mobsters with badges.
The FBI organized the plot and built the bomb that devastated the World Trade Center in 1993. FBI informant Emad Salem, who hatched the plot and delivered the bomb as part of his FBI duties, secretly recorded a conversation with his FBI handler protesting about how the FBI delivered a real bomb, not a dummy bomb as promised.
It is well known, even among mainstream scholars, that the FBI has organized virtually every “Muslim terrorist” incident of the past decade. As Judge Napolitano admitted on Fox TV, the FBI has been involved in at least 17 false-flag plots to attack America since 9/11.
Another uncanny parallel between Lee Harvey Oswald and Tamerlan Tsarnaev is that both were earmarked “enemies” (Tsarnaev a “radical Muslim,” Oswald a “communist”) who traveled to Russia on mysterious errands – and both, according to official pronouncements, managed to pass completely undetected by the national security apparatus of both nations! In reality, both were being run by US federal agencies –Oswald to feed top secret U2 data to the Russians to make the fake U2 shootdown plausible and destroy Eisenhower’s detente; and Tsarnaev to interface with CIA-Mossad assets in the “Chechen al-Qaeda community.”
“Al-Qaeda-linked radical Muslims” in Chechnya are allies, not enemies, of the US. Their “terrorism” is entirely directed at Russia, and they are armed, trained, and sent on their missions by the US government. As I wrote in a recent article, the correct translation of “al-Qaeda” is “The CIA Database.”
So if Dzokhar Tsarnaev was a terrorist – which seems unlikely – he was part of a group controlled by US government agencies. But it seems much more probable that Tsarnaev was an Oswald-style patsy: A pawn on the grand chessboard who was deemed expendable, arrested, and then murdered to keep him from talking.
Like Oswald, who was murdered in the Dallas police station while in custody, it appears that both Tsarnaev brothers were in perfectly good health when they were arrested – and then were shot after their arrests. Dzokhar Tsarnaev’s aunt has positively identified Dzokhar as the “naked man” arrested by Boston police, uninjured and in perfectly good health. And helicopter videos show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev looking healthy and uninjured as he climbs out of the boat he was hiding in. (The government says he was critically wounded – but look at the images yourself and decide.)
Bottom line: The US National Security State and its Israeli handlers – not the Brothers Tsarnaev – is the real perpetrator of the Boston bombings…and the real enemy of the American people. The complete lockdown of Boston, which removed eyewitnesses from the streets and allowed the frame-ups and shootings of the Brothers Tsarnaev, is a taste of the kind of martial law and draconian repression that is in store for the American people if they do not rise up in rebellion against the criminals posing as their guardians.
The Trial & Conviction
Dzhokhar, 21, was sentenced to death by a US jury on May 15, 2015 for helping his elder brother Tamerlan carry out the Boston Marathon attack that killed three people and wounded 264 others.
The 12-member federal jury unanimously agreed to put him on death row following 14 hours of deliberations over three days. He was previously convicted on April 8, 2015.
His older brother Tamerlan, 26, was killed on April 19, 2013 in an alleged shootout with police in Watertown, Massachusetts.
American scholar James Henry Fetzer says Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were the “patsies” of the Obama administration and that Dzhokhar’s conviction and death sentence over the Boston bombing is a “huge scam”.
“All the authorities know that this was a drill and that he had nothing to do with it,” said Fetzer, who is also a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin.
“He and his brother Tamerlan were simply patsies who were chosen to benefit the political agenda of the Obama administration,” Fetzer told Press TV on May 16.
“This is an outrage, this is a scandal, this is an indication that the United States has sunk to a new low,” he said.
Prosecutors described Dzhokhar, who is an ethnic Chechen, as influenced by al-Qaeda who carried out the attack as an act of revenge for the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While there is significant evidence supporting the accused Boston bomber’s innocence, none of it made it into his trial, which just concluded with guilty verdicts on all 30 counts against him. It seems that law enforcement, the media, and especially Tsarnaev’s own lawyer, Judy Clarke, were focused on suppressing any evidence that could have undermined the official story of the bombing. The truth has been covered up just as effectively as it was the day Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby.
Clarke insured Tsarnaev’s conviction when she opened the trial by admitting that he had carried out the bombing on April 15, 2013 with his brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan, who was killed in the aftermath. Clarke painted Tamerlan as the instigator in an apparent effort to spare Dzhokhar from execution, but that may happen anyway as the trial now enters the sentencing phase.
Clarke is known for her ability to keep her clients off death row (including Unabomber Ted Kaczyinski; alleged 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui; and Jared Loughner, who was convicted of shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords), but given the weakness of the evidence against Tsarnaev, Clarke’s strategy amounted to throwing in the towel before the trial even started.
But what about making the prosecution prove guilt? To say that Clarke could have created reasonable doubt if she had wanted to is an understatement. In this article, we’ll look at the evidence that should have been introduced at Tsarnaev’s trial but wasn’t (Keep in mind that Dzhokhar had claimed his innocence, which conflicted with the supposed confession he wrote on the inside of the boat where he was captured on April 19, four days after the bombing).
Most have taken for granted from the beginning that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar did what they are accused of doing. But how many would be surprised to learn that the evidence against them depends on the statements of just two people – and these just happen to be the two most suspicious characters in this incredible story. While there is little direct evidence of guilt, there is plenty that points to the brothers being set up as patsies.
Investigative reporter Russ Baker (, who has written extensively about the case, explains in one of his articles just how thin the evidence is against the brothers is (Note that the “Danny” referred to below is the alleged carjacking victim, whose identity remained hidden until the trial. He has since been identified as Chinese immigrant Dun Meng.):
“Without the murder of the MIT policeman, followed by the carjacking confession reported by Danny, we would have no solved crime, no evidence linking anyone to the horrific Boston Marathon bombing except some grainy video of two guys wearing backpacks in a sea of other backpack-wearers near the source of the explosion. The assumption many of us make that the Tsarnaevs planted those bombs is just that: an assumption that, in the absence of the reported confession, has no evidence behind it.”
No evidence behind it.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) refuses to budge and continues to deploy the dubious logic that to confirm or deny the existence of SAMs would be an unwarranted invasion of Tsarnaev’s privacy. This was in response to a request filed back in 2015 through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), seeking documents about the conditions of Tsarnaev’s confinement. The DOJ denied the WhoWhatWhy? request and subsequent appeal.
Essentially a form of solitary confinement, SAMs typically bar prisoners from communicating with anybody outside their prison cells, except for a very small number of pre-approved individuals, such as attorneys and inmates’ family members. SAMs were originally justified as a way to prevent members of organized crime from sending to compatriots outside the prison messages that could conceivably result in death or serious bodily injury. In the case of Tsarnaev, this justification rings hollow since DOJ insists that he and his brother Tamerlan had no “nexus” to any terrorist group and acted completely on their own.
But it also has the effect of giving the government total control over the narrative and backstory of a troubling event like the Boston Marathon bombing. No one from the media can speak with Tsarnaev and even his defense team and family are severely restricted in what they can reveal about their communications with him.
The official story of the Boston Marathon bombing is a very strange one indeed, particularly for what happened in the days that followed the main event. This version includes a murder, a carjacking, a shootout, an escape, a police manhunt, martial law, and even a hideout confession amid a hail of gunfire.
As the story goes, two radicalized Muslim brothers of Chechen descent decided they wanted to strike out at a visible American target in retribution for the killing of Muslims around the world by the U.S. government. The brothers allegedly placed and detonated two pressure cooker bombs filled with shrapnel in separate locations – the blasts coming just a few seconds apart – near the finish line of the Marathon just before 3 p.m. on April 15, 2013.

The brothers had seemingly gotten away with the crime until they took a series of inexplicable actions (this is on top of the fact that they chose to remain in the Boston area after the alleged bombing rather than simply getting out of town). These events started three days after the bombing when police released photos of the brothers and asked the public for help in identifying them. They were labelled as “suspects.” This, we’re left to conclude, spooked Tamerlan and Dzhokhar into making some very reckless decisions that brought about their downfall.
On the night of the 18th, they are alleged to have killed MIT police officer Sean Collier in order to get his gun, although they didn’t take the gun. Then the brothers are alleged to have committed a carjacking and to have told the victim that they were responsible for both the Boston bombing and the Collier murder. We’re told that they took the victim for a drive that involved stops at a bank and a gas station. They took the carjack victim’s Mercedes SUV and then supposedly allowed him to escape so that he could tell authorities that his captors had admitted to being responsible for the bombings and the murder. Not very smart…
The two followed this, we’re told, by leaving the scene of the carjacking with both the Honda Civic they arrived in and the stolen SUV, although they abandoned the Honda at some point.
The allegedly stolen Mercedes was later spotted by police, we’re told, leading to a shootout in Watertown, Mass. It was there where Tamerlan was allegedly shot. Dzhokhar is supposed to have jumped into the SUV and driven over his brother’s body in escaping (possibly causing his death). Soon after, he allegedly abandoned the vehicle and ran off on foot, hiding in a boat parked behind a home.
The owner noticed blood on the outside of the boat and that the cover had been disturbed, and he looked in to see Dzhokhar lying inside. Police were called, and this led to what we were told was an exchange of gunfire between Dzhokhar and police, although it came out later that the suspect was unarmed and that police had done all the shooting.
Later we found that Tamerlan was well known to the FBI. So they appeared to be lying about not knowing who he was. It is also interesting that authorities told the public not to consider any images that didn’t come from police.
“These images should be the only ones, and I emphasize the only ones, that the public should view to assist us,” said FBI special agent Richard DesLauriers.
Fortunately, independent researchers have looked at other images, and this is how we know that so much of what was reported is simply false.
One image that doesn’t fit in with the official story is the one that shows the allegedly exploded backpack at the scene of the second bomb. It was clearly a dark color, while the backpack Dzhokhar was photographed carrying was much lighter. And, the exploded pack had the same white square on the back that was visible on the backpacks carried by the men who appeared to be from Craft International.
The release of the surveillance photos of “the suspects” supposedly panicked the brothers because they then are alleged to have kicked off a crime spree that would ultimately bring them down. And the supposed violence that followed is what has left a strong impression with the public concerning the alleged guilt of the brothers. (“If they are innocent, why did they shoot it out with the cops?” is how it goes.) But how much of that story stands up – or makes sense?
It started with the brothers’ alleged murder of MIT cop Sean Collier on the 18th, three days after the bombing. Collier was parked between two buildings on the MIT campus, and we’re told that the brothers had one gun but wanted a second one. So they allegedly fired multiple times into the car. They then took off without taking the gun.
Does this make any sense?
If the brothers’ escape plan included going to the campus of MIT and shooting a cop, then they must really have wanted to get caught. So far, we haven’t been given any hard evidence at all to support the accusation that the officer was killed by one of the brothers. Video presented at Dzhokhar’s trial does not contain anything that identifies either brother.
This part of the story is reminiscent of the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. That was pinned on Lee Harvey Oswald even though eyewitnesses said two men, neither resembling Oswald, went up to Tippit, and at least one fired before the two ran away in opposite directions (p. 24, Mark Lane’s recent book, The Last Word). In the public mind, the extra murder solidifies the belief in the guilt of the suspect or suspects.
Then we come to the most significant aspect of the case against the brothers – the alleged carjacking that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar are supposed to have committed in the Brighton section of Boston shortly after shooting Collier. This was critical to the official story for two reasons: the carjack victim allegedly heard one brother confess to the bombing, and the “escape” of the alleged victim is what led authorities to impose martial law as they launched a manhunt for the two suspects. As Baker points out in a pair of articles detailing the inconsistencies in the carjacking story, the public’s understanding of what took place is based entirely on this claim concerning an alleged confession.
Baker writes: “The alleged carjacking led to a law enforcement shutdown of the greater Boston area, a huge manhunt, and subsequent confrontations in which Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot and killed. His younger brother, Dzhokhar, was seriously wounded by multiple gunshots while hidden in a boat, before being apprehended by police.”
The alleged carjacking victim’s identity was not publicly known initially. He was described in reports as “Danny” and has had his face and voice disguised in interviews. He claimed that he feared recriminations from “terrorists.”
Prior to the trial, Danny claimed he told police that the brothers only let him live because he wasn’t American. And while he didn’t understand what they were saying, he heard them say “Manhattan” several times (oooh, that’s ominous). Danny is supposed to have told police that the brothers confessed to both the bombing and the murder. But many elements of his story have been inconsistent from one media interview to another.
As Baker points out, it was reported by the Boston Globe, NBC and CBS that Danny was held captive for 90 minutes. Then officials, including the Cambridge, Mass. police chief, announced that it had been 30 minutes. Meanwhile, an Associated Press report had him being let go after just a few minutes.
Did the brothers confess to him about the bombing and the Collier murder or just the bombing? Numerous media reports mentioned both, but the criminal complaint only mentioned the bombing. And an ABC interview with Danny only mentioned a confession about the bombing and not about Collier.
And how did Danny escape? Again, this depends on whose report or which interview you read. Was he simply let go after a few minutes? Did they leave him alone in the car when the brothers went to pay for gas? Or is the story about Tamerlan being distracted by his GPS while Dzhokhar paid for gas the real reason? That one’s more exciting because it involves an actual escape. But it, like the rest of this story, makes no sense.
Why would the brothers kill an MIT cop to get his gun and then not take it? Why would they carjack someone when they already had a vehicle? Why would each drive a vehicle for a while before abandoning the one they had originally? Why continue to drive Danny’s SUV when its theft would have been reported to police? Why let Danny go, or let him escape, so that he can run to police and pass on the confession? Why confess to something in the first place?
And why remain in the Boston area three days after the bombing if they were actually guilty? None of this makes the slightest bit of sense, and yet we’re supposed to believe it on the word of a “victim” whose identity wasn’t even known for two years. (It’s important to remember that the carjacking directly led to authorities to lock down the city, imposing martial law in a supposed effort to apprehend the suspects.)
At some point, allegedly anyway, police tracked the supposedly stolen SUV and cornered the suspects, leading to the big shootout between them and police in Watertown. Boston police commissioner Ed Davis says police “pinged” the carjacking victim’s cell phone after he was let go by the brothers (or escaped). This allegedly let the police know that the suspects were in Watertown.
“A local officer spotted the brothers driving in two cars, a Honda sedan and the stolen SUV, said Watertown police chief Ed Deveau. (This conflicts with the report that the Honda had already been abandoned.) Deveau says the brothers stopped, jumped out, and started firing on the officer, while more police rushed to the scene.
“Quickly we had six Watertown police officers and two bad guys in a gunfight,” Deveau he said, adding that at least 200 shots were fired; maybe as many as 300.
“We have reason to believe, based upon the evidence that was found at that scene — the explosions, the explosive ordnance that was unexploded, and the firepower that they had — that they were going to attack other individuals,” Davis told CBS News’s Face the Nation.
Incredibly, Deveau claims that one of the brothers threw a pressure cooker bomb at police during the gunfight with officers. “We believe it was an exact duplicate of the Boston Marathon bombs,” he said (they claim to have found a lid to a pressure cooker).
For some bizarre reason, the brothers stood in the light of the headlights of their car as they exchanged fire with police. We were told they had a veritable arsenal of weapons, but then later that turned into one gun between the two of them. Tamerlan was allegedly shot, and as he lay on the ground, we’re told that Dzhokhar got behind the wheel and drove over his body while escaping.
Alleging that Dzhokhar drove over his brother makes him seem less human, but is it at all believable? We later heard from an eyewitness that it was police who drove over Tamerlan’s body. And, according to, the brothers may have been trying to surrender to police.
So, the brothers are cornered by several police officers during a shootout that supposedly featured between 200 and 300 shots fired, and one, Dzhokhar, is allowed to escape in a car? A short distance away, he ditches the vehicle and then runs away? You can really see how that whole martial law thing came in handy. Regular cop tactics just weren’t going to get the job done this time.
So, did Tamerlan really die either in the shootout or after being run over? A video surfaced later from that night that showed a man looking awfully like Tamerlan, handcuffed and naked, being placed in a police car. Police say this wasn’t Tamerlan, but Dan Dicks of Press for Truth reports that he spoke to the brothers’ aunt, Maret Tsarnaeva, who said that the man in the video was absolutely 100% her nephew.
If true, this means that Tamerlan was murdered while in police custody.
Some things the brothers were accused of were later proven to be untrue. We were told they had shot Transit Police Officer Richard Donohue during their shootout with police, but it was later admitted that Donohue had been killed by police “friendly fire.” We were also told the brothers had robbed a convenience store. Then we were told they didn’t do that either.
The story of the shootout involving police and Dzhokhar when he was hiding in the boat turns out to have been a lie also. We were told by Davis that there was an exchange of gunfire between Dzhokhar and police that led to his capture. Later, authorities admitted Dzhokhar had been unarmed and that police riddled the boat with bullets unilaterally. At the end of the shootout, the story goes, Dzhokhar may have shot himself in the throat on purpose (huh?). Later, a police spokesman said the throat wound looked more like a knife wound than a bullet wound.
Oh yes, and the owner of the boat, David Henneberry, is quoted as saying he saw that the cover on the boat appearing to be disturbed, so he looked into the boat and saw a pool of blood. We also hear that he looked in and saw Dzhokhar lying in the boat. But photographs taken the next day show only a small amount of blood where Dzhokhar would have climbed out (and it’s highly unlikely that the police would have cleaned up the blood inside the boat by the next day – especially when we can plainly see a small amount blood on the outside of the boat).
Continued on next page…