In 1988, authorities looked into allegations that prominent citizens of Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians, were involved in a child prostitution and drug trafficking ring. Alleged abuse victims were interviewed, who claimed that children in foster care were flown to the East Coast of the US to be sexually abused and viciously raped by important men and taken to political parties where they would be abuse sexually, usually at ‘after hour’ parties, as wellas used as drug couriers. Candid pictures and videos were taken to blackmail these powerful people. The investigation was blocked at every turn and a massive cover up resulted involving the police, the local and national media, the Nebraska courts, and the FBI. The legislative committee’s chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case. Separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a “carefully crafted hoax.” Continue Reading…

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