Example #2: Fact – Thimerosal in Vaccinations Can Cause Children to Develop Tics
It appears that Dr. Thompson’s guilty conscience has caught up with him, because during his many telephone conversations with Dr. Hooker, he dropped yet another bombshell. The whistleblower revealed that not only had the MMR been responsible for an increase in the cases of autism seen in African-American boys, but that vaccinating pregnant women with vaccinations containing the preservative thimerosal is known to cause children to suffer from tics (sudden, repetitive movements or sounds that can be difficult to control) after they are born.
In an extremely revealing recording of the conversation between whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and Dr. Brian Hooker, we can clearly hear Thompson state:
“Thimerosal from vaccines causes tics. You start a campaign and make it your mantra. Do you think a pregnant mother would want to take a vaccine that they knew caused tics? Absolutely not, I would never give my wife a vaccine that I thought caused tics. I can say tics are four times more prevalent in kids with autism. There is a biological plausibility right now to say that Thimerosal causes autism like features!” [4]
These are strong words from the whistleblower, because during that conversation, he actually verified that giving a pregnant women a vaccination containing thimerosal could heighten the risk of their unborn child developing autism as a result.
Note: although thimerosal, a form of mercury, has been removed from many of the vaccinations in use today, the preservative still remains in flu vaccines given to pregnant women.
Example # 3: CDC Found to be Responsible for the Death of Thousands of Unborn Children
Carrying on with the theme of vaccinations being given to pregnant women, in 2012, Eileen Danneman from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) accused the CDC of “willful misconduct,” stating that she believed the CDC was responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies.
She stated that the CDC had deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when members of the CDC knew fully well that the vaccine was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths.
Documentation received from Ms. Dannemann revealed that that between 2009 and 2010, mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite these figures being known to the CDC, the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (thimerosal) had been recommended to pregnant women as a safe vaccination.
In a letter to Dr. Mercola, Dannemann wrote:
“The Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and CDC were confronted with the VAERS data from NCOW on September 3, 2010, in Washington, D.C., and then again by conference call on September 10, and then again in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 28, 2010. On both September 3 and September 10, Dr. Marie McCormick clearly denied that there were any adverse events for pregnant women from the 2009 flu vaccine.”
However, despite being presented with the facts and figures regarding the dangers of the vaccination by the NCOW, evidence revealed that the CDC deliberately concealed this fact.
At a conference a few weeks after the CDC had received the information from the NCOW, the CDC’s Dr. Shimabakuru gave a presentation on significant adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine, such as cases of Guillan-Barre syndrome, which appeared to have risen three percent, claiming it as an insignificant signal.
He made no mention of the adverse events related to pregnant women.
As luck would have it, however, his attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the audience were foiled when he was challenged by a member of the audience asking if the vaccine caused adverse events in pregnancy. Feeling cornered, he reluctantly looked in his bag and rather sheepishly presented a slide that corroborated the NCOW data, confirming that the CDC knew of the spike in fetal deaths in the fall of 2010. [5]
So, why did Dr. Shimabkauru have a slide containing compromising evidence in his bag? Why did he decide to hide the slide? Surely, if he had prepared a slide outlining this crucial data, it would have made sense to include the slide in his presentation. After all, a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths is far more significant that a three percent increase in Guillan-Barre syndrome, don’t you agree?
See reference [6] for full story and documents to support this.
Example #4: The CDC Admitted That Polio Vaccinations Cause Polio but Promote Them Anyway
In 2012, the CDC wrote a press release titled Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses — Worldwide. They wrote:
“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity. Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient. In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient.” (emphasis added)
They continued:
“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans and have the potential for sustained circulation. VDPVs resemble WPVs biologically and differ from most vaccine-related poliovirus (VRPV) isolates by having genetic properties consistent with prolonged replication or transmission. VDPVs were first identified by sequence analyses of poliovirus isolates.” (emphasis added)
The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem was “mass vaccination” and stated:
“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.” [7]
This proves that yet again the CDC actively promote vaccinations despite knowing their dangers.
Example # 5: CDC Caught Changing the Risk Criteria for Ebola Transmission
It appears that the CDC has been secretly changing their data on the risks of ebola entering the US on their website. Could this be in preparation for an onslaught of new vaccinations that are heading our way?
On August 29, 2014, the CDC announced:
“On August 28, 2014, NIH announced that initial human testing of an investigational vaccine to prevent Ebola virus disease will begin next week by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
The early-stage trial will begin initial human testing of a vaccine co-developed by NIAID and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and will evaluate the experimental vaccine’s safety and ability to generate an immune system response in healthy adults. Testing will take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
The study is the first of several Phase 1 clinical trials that will examine the investigational NIAID/GSK Ebola vaccine and an experimental Ebola vaccine developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to NewLink Genetics Corp. The others are to launch in the fall. These trials are conducted in healthy adults who are not infected with Ebola virus to determine if the vaccine is safe and induces an adequate immune response.” [8]
Given this fact, it is hardly surprising that the CDC has been quietly changing certain ebola facts on their website, is it?
John Galt from the website Shenandoah has clearly demonstrated that the CDC has been quietly revising the information regarding transmission risks on their website, while steadfastly maintaining that there is little chance of airborne transmission. He stated:
“On Thursday, August 7, the CDC quietly revised the transmission risks while maintaining there was little chance of airborne transmission of Ebola via their minions and bureaucrats speaking out in the mainstream media. The shocking part of the revision is within the footnotes which few civilians bother to read and put their trust in government officials to protect their families and their livelihoods.”
Mr. Galt continued:
“From the CDC website, I took these screen shots just in case they decided to “delete” or revise the changes made above so I can keep a permanent record of what is happening with this latest contagious disease outbreak.”
It is a good job he did, because, if he is correct, then the screenshots that he has given on his website clearly show that on August 7, 2014, the CDC stated:
“Low risk exposures
A low risk exposure includes any of the following:
- Household member or other casual contact with an EVD patient
- Providing patient care or casual contact1 without high-risk exposure with EVD patients in health care facilities in EVD outbreak affected countries” (emphasis added)
The CDC carried on to state:
“Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., healthcare personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations); or b) having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations). At this time, brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute casual contact.”
John Galt continued his article by adding the following witty comment:
“Excuse me? Low risk exposure? Before this update on August 7th the running mainstream media theme that there was little if any risk of airborne exposure and suddenly they quietly revise the page among numerous internet stories about aerial transmission of the disease in West Africa. Perhaps if one is standing in one of these famous TSA check in lines, they might start to think about the “low risk” propaganda the government is having everyone believe at this time with the sudden revision.” [10]
He could be right, but could this sudden change have been made with a new vaccine program in mind?
Example #6: SARS and COVID-19
In the summer of 2009 while the CDC was reporting thousands of Swine Flu cases in the US, they had secretly stopped counting the number of cases. The person who discovered this was Sharyl Attkisson, the star investigative reporter for CBS News. And Attkisson found out what was going on. The overwhelming number of test samples, routinely gathered from the most likely Swine Flu patients in the US, were coming back from labs with… No sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu. Attkisson published a piece about this massive scandal on the CBS News website. At that point, her investigation was shut down.
The CDC has been pushing inconsistent, ever-changing and at times ridiculous information during the coronavirus pandemic.
TIME reported that the globalists running the CDC wanted to keep borders open during the Coronavirus pandemic, refusing a Trump Administration directive to use its emergency powers to effectively seal the U.S. borders, so Pence had to intervened in early March. All this while they claim masks are saving lives with no proof and that children are in danger by attending school when they have a greater chance of drowning than dying from coronavirus.
The CDC included among their deaths tens of thousands of deaths that included sepsis deaths, malignant neoplasm deaths, Alzheimer deaths, and over 5000 injury and poisoning deaths. Nearly half of all deaths are non-pneumonia deaths and pneumonia-type symptoms is supposed to be the main symptom of the alleged virus. There are also homicides, car and motorcycle accidents, skydiving accidents, etc. listed among the covid deaths. Including these, still over 90% of the total deaths have an average of 2.6 comorbidities. Dr. Atlas. an advisor on the Trump Coronavirus Task Force, was forced to correct CDC Director Robert Redfield’s inaccurate and partial truths on the current coronavirus pandemic while a guest on the Ingraham Angle. Is there any question as to why the Trump administration would strip the CDC of their control of coronavirus data?
The CDC posted unproven guidence that the Covid-19 virus remained suspended in the air.
The CDC used phone location data to track millions Americans in 2021. They monitored curfew zones, churches, schools, neighbor-to-neighbor visits and trips to pharmacies through SafeGraph, a controversial data broker. The CDC purchased the phone data and used Covid-19 as an excuse to buy the data more quickly and in larger quantities according to documents exclusively obtained by Motherboard through a FOIA request. The CDC used the data to determine whether Americans were complying with Covid lockdown orders and who the non-compliant were.
Drs. Katherine Fleming-Dutra and Sara Oliver massively overstated the number of children who supposedly died from the Fauci Flu in order to push face masks and “vaccines,” which harmed and killed even more children, Protect the Public’s Trust claims. We now know that Fleming-Dutra and Oliver both lied about the Wuhan Flu being the leading cause of death among children while presenting false data to the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel, which ultimately voted to recommend that the CDC push Fauci Flu shots on children as young as six months old.
Slides from a presentation submitted by a watchdog group called Protect the Public’s Trusts show how citations for a non-peer-reviewed paper out of Great Britain that supposedly looked at death certificate data from the CDC. That study was later exposed as a fraud.
“The general sentiment [is] that ‘even 1 death from COVID that’s preventable is too many, regardless of how you count them,’” was Oliver’s defense in response to an email about the fraudulent study. After all this, CDC head Rochelle Walensky continued to cite that same debunked study. To this very day, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) continues to cite it as well.
CDC Grooming, Killing and Castrating Children
The federal agency that insists on suffocating children for hours in germ-ridden masks and injecting them with dangerous experimental “COVID vaccines” is also promoting an online chat space for teens to explore gender dysphoria, sex change operations, LGBT activism, polyamorous relationships and the occult.
The chat rooms, called ‘Q Chat Space,’ are advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Resources Page and are run in part by Planned Parenthood. Q Chat Space which describes itself as a “professionally facilitated live chat group for LGBTQ+ teens,” is available for “Bi/Pan Youth” of ages 13-19 and encourages teens to hide their chats from their parents. Messages in the chat are even designed to be hidden quickly while the chat room is being used.
Conversations on Q Chat Space are premised on mature sexual themes including, “Sex and Relationships,” “Having Multiple Genders” and “Drag Culture 101.” Facilitators in the chat “persuade youth to refer to themselves as bizarre things like ‘xe/xem’ and to use new titles such as ‘Black, genderqueer, grayace, and neurodivergent’ or ‘Black nonbinary queer asexual,’” Natural News reports. Teens can engage in conversations about “Gender Affirmation Surgeries” and hormone replacement therapy on Q Chat.
Another chat called “Finding Chosen Family” is aimed at assisting youth with breaking ties with members of the family who won’t accept their pangender lifestyle.
“There are also chats on astrology, including “‘Queering Tarot,’ a reference to tarot cards commonly used in occult practices, Breitbart News reports. “The sexually, politically, and even spiritually charged material is intermixed with content that appeals to young children, such as conversations on video games, Pokemon, and StarWars.”
An introductory video featured on Q Chat Space’s homepage implores members of the group to describe things that help them cope with dysphoria. “Our topic today is dysphoria and ways to deal with it,” facilitator Sam_they notes. “Let’s start with names and pronouns.” After Sam_they announces its preferred pronouns “ey/em,” the facilitator urges teen users to adhere to a confidentiality agreement.
“We want people who use Q Chat Space to feel safe, get support, and make friends. In order to make sure that happens, we need to have clear and mutually agreed upon ways to interact with each other. We ask every person who joins groups on Q Chat Space to agree they will: 1. respect other’s identities 2. keep confidentiality — what’s shared here, stays here. 3. be here for support and try to stay positive. 4. welcome new ideas and different perspectives. 5. Own up to and forgive mistakes,” Sam_they explains.
It’s important to be aware of safety blunders, corruption and conflicts of interest at federal agencies like the CDC so you can take their health recommendations with a grain of salt. Far from the independent public watchdog they’re supposed to be, the CDC is closely tied to industry and may protect their interests over those of the general public. It’s clear that we’re in dire need for truly independent oversight of the CDC and other federal agencies, but until that happens, you’re on your own to discern which health decisions make the most sense for you and your family.
It is clear that the CDC cannot be trusted when it comes to giving advice about vaccinations. Over the years, evidence has shown that the CDC continually lies, withholds evidence and fixes data to obtain the results that they want to achieve. Due to their continual dishonesty, many children have suffered lifelong disabilities as a result. Although, for many of their parents, the latest revelations have offered a glimmer of hope in a very dark world. This is a tragic waste of the future potential of thousands of children worldwide. How much longer are parents going to continue to trust this corrupt and dangerous organization when it comes to the health of their children?
- https://thecovidblog.com/2021/03/23/cdc-foundation-is-not-a-government-entity-has-many-conflicts-of-interest/
- http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-u-s-cdc-a-sock-puppet-for-the-industry-and-hopelessly-corrupt_042015
- https://vactruth.com/2014/09/10/cdc-corrupt-and-dangerous/
- https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/09/13/cdc-corrupt-disaster-center.aspx
See also:
Chronological History of Events Involving the CDC

GAO Whistleblower Report: CDC and FDA ‘altered’ Covid guidance and even ‘suppressed’ findings

FDA Approves Remdesivir for “Treatment” of Covid-19 in Babies as Young as 28 Days Old

Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden’s Public Transportation Mask Mandate

Report: FDA, NIH Data Shows 3000% Increase In Brain Injuries After COVID Jabs

CDC Quietly Lowers Early Childhood Speech Standards to Mask Decline Since Face Mask Mandates / Requirements

DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal

CDC Warns Americans NOT to Get (non-NIAID patented) J&J Shot Over Blood Clot Risk

Report: Gates Foundation Sent Over $54 Million To China Since COVID, Including To Wuhan Collaborators

Nurse Sounds Alarm On Heinous Medical Malpractice: Immediate Intubation, Remdesivir Killed Covid Patients