Taking Back Our Stolen History


A purported science to cool the earth from global warming (a deliberate hoax to create global fear) where military, commercial, and private contracted airplanes spray aerosol throughout the skies. The real agenda is much more sinister. Aluminum oxide, barium, and other chemicals including arsenic, cadmium, and lead are being sprayed into the atmosphere all coming down to the earth eventually and destroying plant life and causing asthma, Alzheimer’s’ disease, Morgellons disease and other problems in humans and animals. A high placed military insider claims that bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and placed on fine filaments for release (then activated by the sun), and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, a former government scientist, has shown nano technological weapons to be present.

The familiar aviation term “contrail” is a contraction of the two words “condensation” and “trail”. Similarly, a “chemtrail” is a logical application of the contraction rule where two similar words, “chemical” and “trail” are spliced together as a single recognizable word. The term “chemical trail” became part of the NASA lexicon when published in the document “Chemical Aspects of Upper Atmosphere Research”. Excerpt below:

“Langley research center released tetramethyl-lead vapor trails in lower heterosphere”

“Thus, in the search for a satisfactory chemiluminescent agent, the Langley Research Center released tetramethyl-lead vapor trails in the lower heterosphere during two night-time (early morning) experiments on January 22, 1964. In each experiment about 22 Ibs of liquid Pb(CH 3) were carried aloft by the type of rocket shown in figure 6. The visible chemical trail extended from an altitude of about 89 km. to 113 km…”

Source: NASA: “Chemical Aspects of Upper Atmospher Research” Published May 8, 1964, Page 6 and 7
By Richard A. Hord and Harold B. Tolefson (PDF)

A “chemtrail” is a combination of the words, “chemical” and “trail” are spliced together as a single recognizable word. The term “chemical trail” became part of the NASA lexicon when published in the document “Chemical Aspects of Upper Atmosphere Research”. Contrary to rumors of “conspiracy theory”, the Department of Defense invented and published the term, “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry manual for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy. With the manual funded by the American taxpayer, the term “chemtrails” continues to be used by observers to describe unusual jet aircraft or rocket emissions. The term used for the manual appears to bear a different use of the contraction than is used today.

The heavy spraying began in NATO countries in the late 90s, but today chemtrails are being recorded pretty much everywhere, from Russia to Brazil, South Korea to Cuba. This is a program of extraordinary scope and importance. However, while we know a chemtrail program exists, there is very little hard information on how it functions and what its goals are.

Commercial airliners are involved in spraying. In the very beginning, the aerosols were sprayed solely by military planes, but now the program has been expanded and commercial airliners have been outfitted with aerosol units controlled by computers and satellites. Photos provide evidence of this, like this Lufthansa jet flying over the US.

In the airline industry, the operation is known as Project Cloverfield. In 2000, a high level executive at an American airline revealed his office was visited by two men from an unnamed government agency:

‘They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren’t cleared for it…We were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.’

Delivery by commercial aircraft raises the possibility that many countries have not given consent to being sprayed, and may be unaware it’s even happening.

We, the people, are under attack by a small group of mad scientists, out-of-control government agencies and profit-seeking billionaires pretending to “save the earth” from global warming. These “global control-freaks” want to manipulate weather patterns – in order to dominate the Earth’s resources. In reality, military programs like HAARP and chemtrails which over-heat the atmosphere and poison the sky (and farmland) seriously threaten all life on this planet. What if global warming was just a hoax or worse? Are these toxic substances in chemtrails, GMO’s and vaccines being (deliberately) created to reduce the world population?

According to many geo-scientists, the chemtrail program consists of spraying 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum oxide, barium, and other chemicals including arsenic, cadmium, and lead into the atmosphere to cool down the planet. This program, also known as “Project Cloverleaf”, is one of the most secretive programs within the airline industry of the United States. But, many of the pilots don’t even know what (or why) they are actually spraying! Naturally, the question you have to ask is: why are they doing this to us?

Simply put, weather control (through chemtrail spraying) can be used as a weapon against any country or government by creating drought and famine. Obviously, this would destroy the ability of a nation to grow food and remain independent. Once a country is desperate for food, it allows other governments to impose their rule and authority in exchange for rain or other resources.

A water-filled upright human is a sizeable antenna. And since all moving electrons generate electrical current, all those electromagnetic waves inundating our everyday lives pass into our bodies, where they each generate an electric current. These induced electric currents change the charge on which our complex bioelectrical body/brain/heart network operates to maintain our health and vitality.

In October 2011, scientists from around the world gathered in Orlando, Florida for the American Association for Aerosol Research conference. Most importantly, there was a lecture called: “Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation”. These (crazy) scientists discussed how different aerosols (toxic materials) could create cloud cover to reflect sunlight away from the earth and increase (or decrease) rain fall in certain regions of the world.

Who benefits from weather modification and weather control programs? Consider this: Since 1997, weather has been traded as a commodity at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Many experts agree, this is exactly when geo-engineering programs rose in popularity. Since commodities are directly affected by the weather – predicting these trends could be very profitable to those individuals who have the ability to control or manipulate our weather.

It is well-known among contemporary researchers that a modern-day population control agenda is aggressively under way. There are two modalities to population control:

1. Sterilization: Sterilization slows population growth. If reproduction falls below a factor of 2.1, then population begins decreasing.

2. Murder: (genocide, abortion, etc.) Ending life is an obvious method of population reduction, but if this modality is being executed as a matter of public policy, then it must be done in ways that do not make it known to the public.

Weather manipulation is a daily occurrence – Chemtrails are used in conjunction with HAARP for geo-engineering (the technical term for weather control). Much is written about the ability to create disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis against an enemy, but we don’t realize that weather patterns are manipulated all the time. Scott Stevens was a TV weatherman in the US but quit his job upon realizing that this was happening on a nightly and daily basis.


Global warming is the cover story for the increasingly severe and bizarre weather worldwide.

Geo-engineering is used to force GMO crops on the world. Manufactured floods and droughts damage harvests and put farmers out of business.

Monsanto has the patent for GMO seeds that are drought and flood resistant, as well as resistant to the poisonous effects of aluminum, one of the key metals in chemtrails. Any farmer who refuses to grow GMO crops will not be able to guarantee a good harvest and will go out of business. Even worse, Monsanto’s end game is to force what are termed ‘Terminator’ seeds on farmers worldwide. These crops don’t produce seeds, meaning the farmer has to buy new seeds from Monsanto every planting season!

Weather Derivatives are chemtrail insurance. – You may wonder how the big players protect their interests from weather warfare. Say, how does George Soros, who owns thousands of acres of farmland in America, protect his profits from engineered drought?

Companies use financial instruments to hedge against risk of adverse weather conditions. They first appeared in the late-nineties, the same time the heavy spraying started! Michael Agne, a trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, explains how they work:

‘You’re betting there’s going to be a weather disaster within a particular time-frame, at a particular location, and when it does happen there’s going to be a big pay-off.’ Obviously, insiders can make big bucks making bets based on the geo-engineering timetable.


Chemtrails are a ‘soft kill’ operation – Soft kill attacks primarily aim to disable and weaken the enemy, not kill him. As Dr. Len Horowitz has explained, wars are an inefficient way to lower population numbers because they destroy infrastructure. The preferable scenario is to create a sick population dependent on the military-medical-industrial complex for their health. In this way, you have population control, make vast fortunes doing it and keep the infrastructure intact.

Chemtrails are a multi-pronged attack.

Firstly, the metallic salts used in the aerosols are highly toxic and require our bodies to waste tremendous amounts of energy removing them. Millions of people cannot do it. In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease, a condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.

The second thing is the release of diseases. A high placed military insider claims that bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and placed on fine filaments for release. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply. In addition…

Must Watch VIDEO

Even more crazy and fearsome is a revelation by Barry Trower, an expert in microwave technology. He discusses below the ability to revive viruses that are even hundreds of years old with microwave frequency, and suggests that they can be sprayed (like they did throughout the 50’s with germ warfare technology) and a virus such as the bubonic plague can stay dormant until they activate it – perhaps using HAARP or other microwave technology to do so at the time of their choosing.


Third, chemtrails contain nano technological weapons. Surprisingly, this fact has remained so low-key in the alternative media. It is well proven by researchers like Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and former government scientist Clifford Carnicom.

The nanotech consists of genetically modified organisms that are basically bio-robots. When we inhale them, they take up residence in our bodies and live as parasites. When the infestation becomes advanced, the individual develops what is termed Morgellons disease. He is so weak that he can barely do anything and suffers an array of bizarre and ghastly symptoms: scabs that don’t heal, hair that falls out and is replaced by pseudo hair and unceasing crawling sensations beneath the skin.

Morgellons is a new condition that has appeared in the last decade – the same time the heavy spraying kicked in! There are an estimated 60,000+ sufferers in the US alone, and their symptoms are chronicled by the Morgellons Research Foundation.

Recommended Podcast:

Jamie LeeSofia Smallstorm interviews Jamie Lee, a adventurer, blogger, author and activist in the alternative realm.  A former Wall Streeter, Lee now lives in northern California, pursuing health and organic farming.  The skies in this region took him into a thorough exploration of geoengineering, which resulted in his second book – Geoengineering a.k.a Chemtrails: Humanity’s 6th Great Extinction Event. Lee and Smallstorm are both well studied in geoengineering / chemtrails and discuss nanotechnology (1/80,000th the sthickness of human hair) and how these self-replicating nanobots can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and re-assemble inside the bodies nervous system where radiofrequency wave technology can then be used to alter our health.

Sophia Smallstorm goes deeper into nanotechnology here:


There is evidence that the nanotechnology in the aerosols creates genetically modified red blood cells. Clifford Carnicom has found these cells in the atmosphere and in the blood samples of most people he tests. They are quite unlike normal red blood cells; they can grow outside of the body in a petri dish, survive high temperatures and withstand being doused in acid. Clearly, this is highly sophisticated bio warfare!

We don’t know for sure what purpose they serve, but the answer may have been provided by Ray Kurtwell, one of the biggest names in the transhumanism movement. In a recent speech he said: ‘In the next 25 years we will have bloodcell -sized devices that go inside your body and keep you healthy from inside, that go in your brain and interact with your biological neurons and merge with our biological intelligence.’

When an establishment scientist tells us with certainty that something will exist, assume that it already does. There is a chance that the ‘blood-cell sized devices’ that Kurtwell mentioned are the weaponized red blood cells being discovered, and that mind alteration is currently underway.

How do the perpetrators protect themselves? The Illuminati never launch an attack without making sure they’re protected first. For instance, President Bush took an anthrax vaccine two weeks before the anthrax attacks in 2001. They may drink a solution once a day that removes the toxins from their bloodstream, or have a chip put in their arm that acts like a tiny dialysis machine.

Many involved in the operation probably don’t know the true agenda. Dr. Bill Deagle was a doctor at Buckley air force base and claims to have treated the pilots who were spraying the aerosols. He says that ‘95% of them told me they were up there spraying to reflect the sun to stop global warming, so most of them are dumb enough to believe that garbage.’


The Illuminati are vandalizing the skies, as visibly as a graffiti artist spraying a wall, and yet most of us remain oblivious. Like little else, chemtrails bring home just how desperate our predicament is.

Despite this, I think anti-chemtrail activism has tremendous potential. The existence of the operation is easy to prove and we have the testimony of many whistleblowers. The protest movement can continue to generate momentum because chemtrails will persist for decades to come.

In the meantime you and your children are being conditioned to believe these are just normal by subliminal brainwashing messages:

The original source of this article is Global Research | Copyright © Rady Ananda, Global Research, 2013

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