The Deep State is the System of the Beast
From Daniel 7, and correlating that symbolism with that of the Revelator, we can understand that the beast represents the kingdoms, organizations, and political entities of the earth that are evil in their tactics, goals, and means of accomplishing them. In Daniel’s dream, the fourth and final beast was “the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” As the monsters of the sea, Leviathan & Rahab, which only God could subdue, were the epitome of chaos, death, and sterility – order, life, & fertility won the victory through their defeat. Likewise, these are the tools of the beast’s counterfeit kingdom – the political entities (controlling governments thus making the beast seemingly all powerful), the intelligence agencies (making the beast seemingly all knowing via technology) & corrupt organizations (the Google’s, Amazon’s, Nike’s, Monsanto’s, and all of the organizations that drive Marxism, materialism, etc.) of the earth that fight against Christ, his principals, and kingdom and seek to inflict chaos, death, and sterility upon the earth’s inhabitants in order to destroy the coming Kingdom of God and build instead Lucifer’s evil kingdom.
Beast is derived from the Greek word Therion, meaning ‘a wild beast of prey‘. Contrast this meaning with other uses of beast in scriptures which is translated from the Greek word zoon or ktenos meaning a domestic animal or beast for food. We are not talking a real beast here, but a symbolic beast. In Daniel 7, it was made clear that a “Beast” meant a kingdom or group of kingdoms. The last of Daniel’s four kingdoms, covering the period when Revelation was written, was of course Rome and its successors. The fourth beast in Daniel came out of the sea (Daniel 7:3). It was dreadful and terrible and had ten horns (7:7). It spoke great things (7:20) and persecuted the saints (7:21). Finally the end came, the saints possessed the world (7:22) and the Beast was burned with fire (7:11). In Revelation 13, the Beast comes out of the sea and has ten horns (Revelation 13:1). Everyone was scared of it (13:4). It spoke great things (13:5) and persecuted the saints (13:7). Finally the end came, the saints possessed the world (20:6) once the Beast had been burned with fire (14:9-10).
Three components characterize the beast that John saw, as (1) it was “like unto a Leopard“; (2) its feet were as the feet of a Bear; and (3) its mouth as the mouth of a Lion. All of these symbolic characteristics are that of violent and aggressive carnivorous beasts which gives us an indication of the kingdoms and major corporations we’re dealing with in the last days. Contrast these with the merciful, kind, and loving characteristics that draw us to the Lamb of God. It will not be love, nor charity that will draw most of the world to worship this beast, but rather greed , lust, and indulgence – greed for power, lust for money and the material things of the world (mammon), and indulgence in the vain things of the world. These will be the heart and desire of the world.
Like Unto a Leopard
The leopard is a strong, agile, and stealthy flesh-eating predator. They feed by hiding and catching prey that wanders too close. If a leopard were easily detected by prey, it would quickly starve to death. Most kills of their prey occur between sunset and sunrise. Like the leopard, the beast seeks to devour us as prey and camouflages himself to be nonexistent, typically operating under the cover of darkness (in secret), turning a situation that seems totally harmless into grave danger, as the beast is hidden in plain sight ready to devour us. When we wander too close he will gradually inches his way towards us placing one paw into the footprint of the one before it so as to not be heard or seen. As stealth-like a creature that exists, it approaches its wayward prey, and only the most alert and quickest in retreat will escape. One characteristic of the beast is destroying us by deception (no devil exists, conspiracies don’t exist, immoral thoughts are harmless, one time can’t hurt, letting our guard down on high standards, etc. that camouflage themselves from us until it is too late. Certainly the Machiavellian, clandestine, cunning, crafty, & stealth-like maneuvering of certain organizations, governments, and other groups resemble the leopard and are certainly representative of the beast. They camouflage their evil works and designs to make them either appear as good or even hidden, non-existent so that they remain undiscovered. The Socialist plan of gradualism, derived from the techniques of Roman General Fabius Maximus, who avoided frontal assaults in favor of wearing down his opponent over time through more gradual tactics (every step, as leopard sneaking up on its prey, is carefully planned) that weaken them both mentally (harassing in all manors) and physically (disrupting food supply, etc.). This is one of the cunning and deceptive tactics utilized by the beast.
In the Bible, Jeremiah 13, Jeremiah is commanded by the Lord to take a linen girdle and put it upon his loins, then later was commanded to take the belt and hide it in the cavity of a rock by Euphrates, which Jeremiah does. A few days afterwards he is asked to go back and retrieve the belt which is now “marred” and “profitable for nothing.” The Lord relates to Jeremiah regarding Israel in verse 10, “This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing. Skipping to verse 23, He then says, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” Thus the saying today that a leopard cannot change its spots as the notion that some things are too rooted in evil to change. “So inured in this corrupt behavior have the people become that they are hopelessly fixed in it. They are no more capable of changing their ways than an Ethiopian could change his skin or a leopard his spots. Therefore they will be scattered, because they forgot the Lord and ‘relied on what was false’ “(Moffatt).
Leopards are also, interestingly enough, targeted by lions. In Revelations 5:5, the One worthy to open the book with seven seals was called “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David.” Both of these phrases are titles of Jesus Christ. “Lion of the tribe of Juda” is a fitting title because a lion is majestic and powerful and because the Savior was born through the lineage of Judah (see Genesis 49:8–10; Matthew 1:3; Hebrews 7:14). The title Lion of Judah is a stark contrast to the meek and sacrificial “Lamb” mentioned in verse 6, but these two images convey that Christ possesses both majesty and meekness. As pointed out on the Satanism / Luciferian page, Satan has great power as symbolized by his 10 horns of false sovereignty, but full power belongs to the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb with seven horns that represent His fullness of power. Certainly, the Lion is King of the animal kingdom.
Fabian socialism and the slow, deliberate infiltration of governments and organizations by the Illuminati are examples of stealth tactics of the beast system as symbolized by the leopard. Gradual and carefully planned deceptions designed to wear us down over time, slowly corrupting, slowly taking away our freedoms, slowly killing, and slowly advancing their evil designs until one day we wonder how did this beast get its teeth around my neck so quickly?
Feet as the Feet of a Bear
The bear is another fierce beast but differs from most other land carnivores and omnivores with its human-like plantigrade feet as the entire foot touches the ground as it strides. These feet give it the ability to stand on its hind legs which it often does to intimidate, but mostly to get its nose high in the air to use its powerful sense of smell which is seven times more powerful than a bloodhound’s sense of smell. The feet are also equipped with long, sharp claws used for climbing trees. John here symbolizes the human-like nature of the beast because Satan uses evil humans, Satanists, and Luciferians to accomplish his work for him. Satan and his minions were cast out of heaven without the opportunity to have a human body of flesh and bone, and the bear’s feet are a likeness for the people, organizationsand kingdoms of the beast that employ force and intimidation to achieve their agenda and claw their way to the top. Communism is a rule by force.
Mouth as the Mouth of a Lion
The lion is another fierce and carnivorous beast that is known as king of the jungle. Synonymous with the mouth of a lion is the fierce roar which induces fear to all who can hear it – up to five miles away. This might also represent those organizations of the beast that use their power to intimidate (roar of a lions mouth) and put fear in their enemies. The mouthpieces of the kingdoms of the earth are merely puppets only, having been placed in power by the powerful overshadowing forces of the world.
A lion has great canine teeth that are spaced such that they can slip between the cervical vertebrae of their prey and sever the spinal cord. The shape of the back teeth, which are called carnassals makes them work like a pair of scissors, for cutting pieces of meat. The Lion prefers to use its powerful 700 PSI jaw strength to strangle its prey by the throat. Thus, the mouth of a lion for killing its prey is the 3rd beastly characteristic that John symbolizes of the first beast. But, as if the fierce and carnivorous teeth and jaws weren’t enough, this beast will be ‘dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly‘ and have ‘great iron teeth‘. It will be different then all the beasts (worldly kingdoms) that were before it.
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces…
This great and powerful kingdom prophesied by Daniel, as well as John the Revelator, will devour all who oppose it. Certainly that opposition will come from the courageous who will fight for freedom and liberty and refuse to be enslaved by a tyrannous one world government. Gatherings of patriots such as those seen in the Ukraine in 2013 in defiance of the tyrannical political leader Viktor Yanukovych, as millions gathered in the square in protest to tyranny, and as the armed police tried to intimidate and force them out, the patriots were eventually forced to defend their cause with only stones and shields vs. the advanced weapons of the police.
Out of the Sea
From certain old testament uses, the sea clearly often portrays unsettled political and social conditions which revolution & tyranny arise (Dan 7, Isa. 17:12-14, Jer. 46:7-8, Jer. 51:55). Further, the water represents chaos and unchecked iniquity. (Ps. 18:4, Isa 43:2). The term chaos has been adopted in religious studies as referring to the primordial state before creation, strictly combining two separate notions of primordial waters or a primordial darkness from which a new order emerges and a primordial state as a merging of opposites, such as heaven and earth, which must be separated by a creator deity in an act of cosmogony. Because of association with the creation in Genesis, where “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2), Chaos was further identified with the element Water.
Certainly, any discussion of the beast… the people, organizations, and political entities that fight against the Lamb of God… must include the mention of chaos. Chaos is a major tactic of Satan and his minions. Satan causes chaos by stirring up wars, often through false flag operations, greed for power of resources, etc. He stirs up racial tensions (his minions help his cause: ie. George Soros and other globalist puppets like him fund riots / revolutions throughout the world and globalist controlled MSM propaganda to boot). He stirs up religious tensions and every cause for hate he can stir up in the hearts of men to war and despise one another. Satan is the King of Chaos and directs his servants to bring as much as possible upon the earth.
Chronological History of Events tagged ‘Deep State’

Catholic Archbishop Warns Trump of ‘Masonic’ Plot

Vindmans Fired: Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness, Brother Escorted Out Of The White House

‘Profiles in Corruption’ Released, Revealing How Biden Family Siphoned ‘Millions in Taxpayer Cash’

Two Former CIA Directors Admit: ‘Thank God For Deep State’ Involvement Pushing Impeachment

StratCom DC 2019

NYT Columnist Admits Deep State Exists… But To Protect Us From Trump

Fox News Maria Bartiromo Calls out Lindsey Graham on his Broken Promises to the American People

ICIG Stonewalls Congress and Refuses to Explain Why He Backdated Secret Changes to Whistleblower Form

Fox News Endorses National Gun Confiscation