The case begins in 1995 when multiple young girls began disappearing around the area of Bertrix. Marc Dutroux, the abductor, was linked to a VIP elite pedophile ring that extended beyond Belgium. Dutroux, though unemployed and receiving welfare from the state, owned seven homes and lived quite lavishly, from his involvement in the pedophile ring. Girls as young as 8 reportedly starved to death in a makeshift dungeon in his basement, after months of extreme sexual abuse, and “the sessions not only involved sex, they included sadism, torture and murder.” The cover up included the prosecutors sitting on a politically sensitive list of high-profile customers in Dutroux’s thousands of video tapes; refusal to co-operate from many of the Belgian establishment, magistrates, and police. A parliamentary panel revealed the names of 30 government officials it said were complicit in the hiding of Dutroux’s misdeeds, but none were ever punished. Continue Reading…

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