Elite child porn and sex ring discovered in Feb 1987 that dated back eight or nine years, and links directly into Omaha Boys Town. An anonymous tipster in Tallahassee made a phone call to police reporting two ‘well dressed men… supervising’ six disheveled and hungry children in a local park. A customs agent followed the kids to a trailer with computers and sophisticated equipment, “high-tech” bank transfers, explosives, photo albums of blood rituals, a large amount of data on various child care organizations, and a set of instructions advising cult members on moving children through jurisdictions around the country. Customs officials linked the group to the DC area and into a far-reaching investigation that included ‘The Finders’ – a group of about 40 people that court documents allege was led by a man named Marion Pettie. The investigating agents contacted the State Department and were advised to “terminate further investigation” in spite of overwhelming evidence. They investigated further anyway, reporting that “the CIA made contact and admitted to owning the Finders … as a front for a domestic training organization, but that it had ‘gone bad.’” Continue Reading…

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