The founding fathers clearly secured the right of “We the People” to bear arms in defense of himself or the State, as an absolute right and that no law can “be passed to infringe upon or impair it because it is above the law, and independent of lawmaking.” The globalists who seek a tyrannous world government under their elite control have slowly eroded this platform and are trying to repeal the 2nd amendment using false flags, lies, and propaganda to brainwash the masses that it is a necessity to reduce gun violence. Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Center has the stats to prove that (1) more guns equals less crime and less guns equals more crime; (2) expanding background checks doesn’t cut down on gun violence; (3) how gun free zones leave innocent Americans vulnerable, thus making them prime targets for mass shooters; (4) how the federal government and the institutional left are funding bogus health studies to undercut our Second Amendment rights; (5) why women concealed carry holders are surging; and (6) how the media is a total disaster when it comes to gun laws and the lexicon within the firearms industry that could prevent egregious mistakes in reporting gun crimes.
History has taught us that the first thing dictators do is disarm their populations before they begin censoring, imprisoning, and even killing those who oppose them. Simply looking at the track record of nations who have stepped in to disarm their citizens entirely sheds light on the potential threat facing the modern and often “woke” state of America. Mao Zedong, the founder of Communist China, once said, “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
An estimated 65 million Chinese died due to Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was quickly silenced or removed by execution, imprisonment, or forced famine. Mao’s first action after taking control of China in 1949 was to take away all guns from the population. Anyone found with a gun post-confiscation was executed.
There are far more examples besides Mao. Hitler took guns from the Jews in November of 1938. Of course, Fidel Castro in Cuba thrust his nation into isolation and financial desperation, leaving them without any means to fight for their freedom when he disarmed his entire country. In recent history, it was the disarming of Venezuela that was the first signal of the nation’s spiral into despair. At a rally in Havana before Castro assumed power, he said, “This is how democracy works: it gives rifles to farmers, to students, to women, to Negroes, to the poor, and to every citizen who is ready to defend a just cause.”
But that stance on guns was quickly reversed when he took the reigns of leadership. For a period of three weeks after Castro took control, Radio Havana warned, “All citizens must turn in their combat weapons. Civilians must take arms to police stations, soldiers to military headquarters.” Those who failed to comply were punished, not by criminal courts but by the dreaded Revolutionary Tribunals. That mercenary-style rule sentenced thousands of Cubans to death after Castro took over.
Most recently, we have seen Canada begin the process of completely disarming its citizens.
NOW – PM Trudeau: “It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.”
— (@disclosetv) May 30, 2022
According to a report by CBC, Canada’s leadership has introduced new gun control legislation, which includes a national freeze on buying, selling, importing, and transferring of handguns in Canada.
Some of the nation’s most “progressive” political leaders have utilized the recent wave of mass shootings as a justification to disarm Americans. They have called for such wild ideas as a 1000% tax on assault rifles, essentially making them impractical to purchase.
The latest round of gun laws making its way through Washington includes a so-called red flag provision allowing local governments to create and administer laws that help ensure deadly weapons are kept out of the hands of individuals whom “a court has determined to be a significant danger to themselves or others.”
The danger of these types of laws, a precursor to disarming all citizens, is that the parameters are unclear, allowing the courts to remove weapons on speculation and engage in the due process after the fact.
The power of voting may still prove to be the greatest weapon Americans have to remain armed and protected under the Second Amendment. But, if Americans do not vote for those rights, the nation may soon find itself spiraling into a dictatorship that has ruined the lives and existence of millions of others. (TGP)
The 2nd Amendment (from FreedomOutpost)
Dan Zimmerman wrote an article on September 5, 2014, titled, The Second Amendment, the Founders and Original Intent. His article begins as shown below.
“Madison clearly states what a militia is and what its purpose is; to counter the federal government. The anti-gun folks pretend this and other documents don’t exist. They wish.
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. -Thomas Jefferson, proposal to the Virginia Constitution.
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of troops, that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States” -Noah Webster, 1787
Liberal propaganda aside, it’s very clear what the authors of the Second Amendment meant by “well regulated” They meant all those who could carry arms, organized when needed, to fight a corrupt federal government. So…who needs a select fire M-4 carbine? Every citizen who’s able to bear arms. That was the intent.”
Pay close attention to the last paragraph which shows that the intent was to ensure that the PEOPLE have a right to arm themselves with any weapon they had a right to buy. This includes the semi-automatic arms. It should be noted that before the government ruled that machine guns had to have a special license to obtain, machine guns were legal. It is the government that has made the decision that the Second Amendment does not mean what the Founding Fathers meant it to be. Why does the government want to remove guns from the citizens? We only have to go back in time to see just what happens when government removes all the weapons from the people.
“The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the state government. It is one of the “High Powers” delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it because it is above the law, and independent of lawmaking.” Cockrum v State, 24Tex394 (1859)
We see a case that makes the statement about rights that are showing without a doubt that, “The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms, in a lawful defense of himself or the state, is absolute. He does not derive it from the state government.”
This clearly shows that the right to bear arms is above the Second Amendment and cannot be violated. Yet, our government has slowly destroyed this platform and one has to wonder just what the government is doing. One also has to wonder just what is the end platform the government is looking for by attempting to destroy all the Second Amendment rights “WE THE PEOPLE” have?
We have seen the government in some instances go after our First Amendment rights so now they are viciously attacking our Second Amendment rights. “WE THE PEOPLE” have to pay attention to what is going on because if the Second Amendment is removed, “WE THE PEOPLE” have no way to keep the government removing other freedoms and beginning to control every facet of our lives. At that point, the term “WE THE PEOPLE” will lose all meaning due to the fact that the government will have control over nearly everything we do, think, or say. Let that sink in.
Let us look at some more of the ideas of the Second Amendment.
In 1867, Judge Timothy Farrar published his Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America, which was written when the Fourteenth Amendment was “in the process of adoption by the State legislatures.”
The States are recognized as governments, and, when their own constitutions permit, may do as they please; provided they do not interfere with the Constitution and laws of the United States, or with the civil or natural rights of the people recognized thereby, and held in conformity to them. The right of every person to “life, liberty, and property,” to “keep and bear arms,” to the “writ of habeas corpus” to “trial by jury,” and divers others, are recognized by, and held under, the Constitution of the United States, and cannot be infringed by individuals or even by the government itself.
Farrar, Timothy (1872). Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America
. Little, Brown. Retrieved July 6,2013. § 34. The people of the United States, in making their Constitution, do not create or confer on themselves any new rights, but they expressly reserve all the rights they then held, except what were delegated for their own benefit; and they particularly and expressly recognize and perpetuate many natural and civil common-law rights, which, of course, are placed beyond the reach of any subordinate government, and even of their own. Among these are the following : 1. The right to be, what they call themselves, ‘the people of the United States,’ citizens, and component members of the body politic, – the nation; and to participate in all the privileges, immunities, and benefits the Constitution was designed to obtain or secure for all the American people, especially the right to be protected and governed according to the provisions of the Constitution. 2. A right to the privileges and immunities of citizens in any of the several States. Among these is the fundamental and elementary right of suffrage. The Representatives to the national and State legislatures must be chosen by the people, the citizens (Section 2). Consequently, the citizens must choose them, and have a right to choose them. Am. 14, § 2. 3. A right to the common-law writ of habeas corpus, to protect the other common-law right, as well as natural and constitutional right, of personal liberty. 4. A right to trial by jury in any criminal case. 5. A right to keep and bear arms. 6. A right to life, liberty, and property, unless deprived by due process of law. 7. A right to just compensation for private property legally taken for public use. 8. A right to participate in all rights retained by, or reserved to, the people. Most of these rights, with many others, belong by the Constitution not only to the citizens, – the people of the United States, strictly so called, by reason of the franchise of natural birth or otherwise, – but also to all persons who may be allowed to be and remain under the jurisdiction and protection of our government. These are a part only of the rights held by every member of the nation, under and by virtue of the Constitution of the United States, independent of any other earthly power, and which, of course, ‘cannot be destroyed or abridged by the laws of any particular State.’ Who, then, in the United States is destitute of rights?…The States are recognized as governments, and, when their own constitutions permit, may do as they please; provided they do not interfere with the Constitution and laws of the United States, or with the civil or natural rights of the people recognized thereby, and held in conformity to them. The right of every person to ‘life, liberty, and property,’ to ‘keep and bear arms,’ to the ‘writ of habeas corpus’ to ‘trial by jury,’ and divers others, are recognized by, and held under, the Constitution of the United States, and cannot be infringed by individuals or even by the government itself.
Given all the words from those who designed and wrote our Second Amendment, it would indicate that the idea to ensure the “People” have a right to own any arm that they wish was their intention.
Tom Clancy may well have stated it best about gun ownership.
“Switzerland is a land where crime is virtually unknown, yet most Swiss males are required by law to keep in their homes what amounts to a portable, personal machine gun.” –Tom Clancy
We need to look at what a patriot of the United States said to realize that the men who wrote the Constitution knew some bad people would try to take the guns.
“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any body of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.” – Noah Webster
So, given the idea of the Democrats (or globalists) who wish to disarm “WE THE PEOPLE,” are the Democrats about to create a standing army? We have to ask this because to disarm the citizens is to make the government the one to enslave us all because we have no way to defend ourselves from any criminal which would have guns no matter how illegal it would be.
False Flags, Lies and Propaganda
A study of the numerous mass shootings that have taken place at schools and elsewhere will show that the official stories of these mass shootings don’t add up. Many point to involvement by the FBI or other agencies full of rogue agents and corrupt directors. The globalists are trying to manufacture reasons to regulate and confiscate guns, and along with the propaganda news networks like CNN, Americans are falsely being convinced that gun control is the answer.
Gun control propaganda worked in the UK after a mind-controlled individual killed 16 small children and their teacher in Dunblane, Scotland on March 13, 1996. About 10 months later, parliamentary laws were passed that said that possessing a gun in the UK meant 10 years in prison. Legislation was passed even faster in Australia when a gunman armed with an assault rifle killed 35 and wounded 19 in a massacre in Tasmania, Australia on March 28, 1996-just two weeks after the Dunblane shootings. (Coincidence that these two massacres occurred in quick succession of each other? Hardly.)
Dr. John Lott is the go-to expert when it comes to crime data and Second Amendment rights. His studies from the Crime Prevention Center have been cited in numerous pieces, including ones published on Townhall, about the Left’s incessant, and often ridiculous, efforts to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights. His studies have proven that contrary to what the anti-gun Left says about concealed carry holders, they’re actually more law-abiding than law enforcement. It proved to be useful data when the Violence Policy Center, an anti-gun outfit, decided to push the narrative that concealed carry holders were killers by fudging the data between convictions and trials pending. The VPC combined the two to cook the books. As any lawyer would know, there’s an explicit difference between a conviction and a pending trial. He’s also taken a stab at the whole myth about background checks, which isn’t the magic bullet to creating safer communities.
“I would ask gun control advocates one question: name a single place in the entire world where murder rates fell after gun control laws were passed.”
Two decades have passed since More Guns, Less Crime was released in 1998, immediately remaking the gun rights debate landscape. Not a single antagonist has refuted his empirical conclusion that more firearms result in reduced crime. Lott, who brought an economist’s empiricism to a debate saturated in passion but short on probative data, proposed “a critical review of the existing evidence on gun control and crime.” Accordingly, he asked: “Does allowing people to own or carry guns deter violent crime, or does it simply cause more citizens to harm each other?” Lott’s objective conclusion was controversial in 1998, less so today.
Based upon broad data sources and examination of FBI annual crime figures for all 3,054 American counties spanning sixteen years, he found that waiting periods, gun buybacks and background checks “yield virtually no benefits in crime reduction.” In contrast, Lott observed that “of all the methods studied so far by economists, the carrying of concealed handguns appears to be the most cost-effective method for reducing crime.”
Addressed by the third edition was the federal “assault weapons” legislation, which took effect in 1994 but terminated in 2004. Gun control advocates predicted an explosion in murder and violent crime when the ban expired, but rates actually declined substantively. As Lott noted, “rarely do we get a chance to look at the impact of gun laws when they are first passed and then when they are eliminated.”
As noted above, Dr. Lott has not encountered a single jurisdiction in the entire world where imposing gun control laws triggered a decline in murder rates. The bottom line today, just as was true in 1998, is that “the very rules that seek to save lives can result in more deaths.” Dr. Lott has thus provided an invaluable service to America and the world audience generally. Years of experience and mountains of data confirm the empirical truth – more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime.
In Oregon, Christopher Harper-Mercer was able to kill nine people at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. Oregon has a universal background check law for all gun purchases. Yet, Lott took this talking point to task in 2013, when Congress was mulling a universal background check bill by Sens. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) post-Newtown. For starters, the media was blitzing the scene, rehashing the 40 percent myth—the false claim that 40 percent of all gun sales are performed without a background check—and delved into the realm of private purchases. Lott noted that the 40 percent myth is based on very old data, with a sample size that isn’t worth considering for any serious academic review. Also, the sales in the 251-person survey from which the 40 percent myth is derived were based on sales before the Brady bill mandated background checks on gun sales. Second, most private sales where background checks aren’t performed are mostly relegated to family purchases and fall within the low single digits overall. Other than that, there’s really no hard data on private sales.
Yet, for everything that Dr. Lott has done in various publications and studies over the years, he’s now compiled in one simple book: The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies. It’s one massive triggering event for any pro-gun control liberal. It details how expanding background checks doesn’t cut down on gun violence; how gun free zones leave innocent Americans vulnerable, thus making them prime targets for mass shooters; how the federal government and the institutional left are funding bogus health studies to undercut our Second Amendment rights; why women concealed carry holders are surging; and how the media is a total disaster when it comes to gun laws and the lexicon within the firearms industry that could prevent egregious mistakes in reporting gun crimes. For example, how many times have you heard a news organization demonize semiautomatic weapons, which are really quite readily available for civilian use? In fact, the vast majority of gun owners in America probably own a semiautomatic firearm.
Here are some excerpts from his book relating to the media spin and the failure of gun registries, which is one of the main courses served by anti-gun liberals as some way to help make communities safer. In actuality, it sends the message that gun owners are criminals in waiting, and that to exercise one’s right to own a gun requires them to submit their personal information to the government. It’s atrocious:
The Media Spin
The media not only ignores positive examples of defensive gun use; news reports about the scientific side of the gun control debate are just as unbalanced. Coverage generally focuses on interviewing pro-gun control academics and questioning a gun shop owner or an NRA spokesperson for the other side of the argument. Of course, the New York Times will never run a news article on studies that find that guns save lives. Even when they write about studies supporting gun control, newspapers choose only to present comments by academics who support gun control. These articles give the impression that objective, qualified scientists are concerned about using gun control to save lives, while those with a profit or some other ulterior motive are willing to say anything to keep selling these lethal weapons. One of my books, The Bias Against Guns (2003), went through example after example of these one-sided reports in the media.
Unfortunately, little has changed. In January 2016, CNN ran a lengthy news story on studies that found gun control to be effective in preventing suicides. It wasn’t just my academic research that reporters ignored on this topic; there was also no mention of the National Research Council’s research showing that suicidal individuals had merely “substituted other methods of suicide.” Nor did the studies mentioned by CNN give any consideration to research which found that firearm suicides are not so much the product of higher gun ownership as factors related to rural areas (e.g., older men in rural areas are more likely to commit suicide because of the large male-to-female imbalance). (Also see this article)
Consider a December 2015 Deseret News article on how to curb mass shootings. The only academics interviewed were gun control advocates, namely Garen Wintemute of the UC-Davis Violence Prevention Research Program and Mark Rosenberg of the Task for Global Health. The only opposing perspective came from National Rifle Association spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen. Likewise, a January 2016 story in the New York Times on Obama’s new proposed gun control regulations balanced discussions with a pro-gun control professor and Bloomberg’s Everytown with some federally licensed gun dealers and gun owners.
[…]Registration Failures
Whether in Canada, Hawaii, Chicago, or Washington, D.C., police are unable to point to a single instance of gun registration aiding the investigation of a violent crime. In a 2013 deposition, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said that the department could not “recall any specific instance where registration records were used to determine who committed a crime.”
The idea behind a registry is that guns left at a crime scene can be used to trace back to the criminals. Unfortunately, guns are very rarely left at the scene of the crime. Those that are left behind are virtually never registered—criminals are not stupid enough to leave behind guns registered to them. In the few cases where registered guns were left at the scene, the criminal had usually been killed or seriously injured.
Canada keeps some of the most thorough data on gun registration. From 2003 to 2009, a weapon was identified in fewer than a third of the country’s 1,314 firearm homicides. Of these identified weapons, only about a quarter were registered. Roughly half of these registered guns were registered to someone other than the person accused of the homicide. In just sixty-two cases—4.7 percent of all firearm homicides—was the gun identified as being registered to the accused. Since most Canadian homicides are not committed with a gun, these sixty-two cases correspond to only about 1 percent of all homicides. [End excerpt]
We must always be vigilant. Hawaii became the first state to require its gun-owning residents to be entered into a federal database. California keeps adding more anti-gun measures on its books as well. Lott’s book serves as a how-to guide in fighting these pernicious narratives that seek to undercut one of our most vital civil liberties. At the same time, liberal Democrats, especially Obama, have been the best sales team for guns over the past eight years, with over 100 million sold since 2009. We’ve seen gun sales break records consistently for months, as talk of new gun control measures from the Hill send law-abiding Americans flocking to their local FFL. Now, everyone has the ultimate guide to knowing facts about guns, the laws, the studies, and the politics to fight these left wing narratives about firearms wherever they may appear. Support for gun rights is at its highest point in 25 years, but you can never let your guard down against those who keep pushing these lies about the Second Amendment—looking at you Hillary Clinton.
See also: 5 Facts Proving “They’re Coming for your Guns” is not a Conspiracy Theory
Chronological History of Gun Control
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