A staged crime intended to gain a hate crime enhancement, usually for the purposes of gaining victimhood, sympathy, or celebrity status. It can also occur to assist fundraising efforts for an organization. A common element in hate crime hoaxes is that no perpetrator is ever arrested. Leftist mainstream media often sensationalize hate crime hoaxes as symptomatic of some underlying social condition that only a particular political party or piece of legislation can address. Another common element of hate crime hoaxes is public shaming of a group outside of a legislatively defined protected group.
Liberals frequently claim that the United States is a “racist” country, or that it is filled with “racists,” but they need to continually fabricate “hate crimes” if they want to make any effort at proving such a claim.[1]
Examples of hate crime hoaxes
It was found that despite the number of real anti-Trump attacks, many “pro-Trump” attacks were found to be hoaxes.[2] The U.S. saw many fake “hate crimes” after the 2016 election,[3] with the vast majority of them being staged by liberals to falsely frame conservatives.[4] While the media frequently gives large coverage to these hoax hate crimes, treating them as real, it does not give that coverage to actual hate crimes against conservatives.[5]
- The Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax. Smollett evidently was intending to get a payraise or possibly his own TV talk show.
- The Al Sharpton/Tawana Brawley hate crime hoax. Sharpton was rewarded with an MSNBC show and national leftwing celebrity status after having successfully participated in the hoax.
- Duke lacrosse case.
- Michigan LGBT hate crime hoax. Nikki Joly, an LGBT activist who was once named by the local Jackson City newspaper as “Citizen of the Year,” set fire to his own home in a hate crime hoax.[6]
- CDTA Bus Fight Hoax or State University of New York at Albany bus attack hoax. In January 2016, two black and one Hispanic female University at Albany (SUNY) students (Alexis Briggs, Asha Burwell and Ariel Agudio) gained national attention[7][8] when they accused 10 to 12 white men and women of harassment and assault and that “racial slurs were used by the perpetrators”[9] while riding a public CDTA bus.
- The hoax triggered campus protests.[10] The three were eventually indicted by a grand jury and arraigned for “10 misdemeanor charges, including assault, attempted assault and false reporting, along with a violation for harassment.” Furthermore, the university expelled Agudio and Burwell and suspended Briggs for two years.[11]
- Agudio and Burwell faced up to two years in jail for false reporting conviction but were sentenced to three years’ probation, 200 hours of community service and a $1,000 fine when they were found guilty of two charges out of the original eleven. Briggs accepted a plea deal from the district attorney’s office of community service in exchange for a public apology.[12]
- NYC anti-Muslim subway hoax. In December 2016, Yasmin Seweid, a student at Baruch College, claimed she was attacked on a New York City subway by three white men who tore the hijab from her head while yelling “Donald Trump” and anti-Islamic slurs. Shortly afterwards she was charged by the New York City police department for filing a false report and eventually admitted to it.[13]
- Toronto hijab hoax. In Canada, an 11-year-old girl reported that a man twice tried to cut off her hijab with scissors as she walked to school with her younger brother. Her story captured international attention and public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory. Trudeau said,
“My heart goes out to the young girl who was attacked, seemingly for her religion. I can’t imagine how afraid she must have been, I want her and her family and her friends and community to know that that is not what Canada is, that is not who Canadians are… We are better than this.”[14]
Even after the police reported the incident never occurred, Trudeau doubled down on fearmongering:
“We have seen an unfortunate pattern of increased hate crimes in past months directed towards religious minorities, particularly towards women, a warning sign of increased intolerance.”
- Matthew Sheppard Hate Crime Hoax. Matthew Sheppard was murdered in Wyoming over an illegal methamphetamine drug deal. National fake news media and the Clinton administration portrayed it as an anti-gay hate crime.
- The Laramie Project. Matthew Sheppard was allegedly killed in a hate crime, whereas recent evidence has shown Sheppard was a methamphetamine dealer and was killed in a drug deal gone wrong.[15]
- 2018 Midterm election hoax. A gay black Obama campaign worker was arrested for painting “Kill all Jews” on a Brooklyn synagogue days before the 2018 Midterm elections.[16][17]
- A claimed “hate crime” in a Michigan university hospital in 2019 was shown to be a hoax, with a claimed “noose” not even being a noose.[18]
- Georgia Democrat house minority leader Erica Thomas claimed a white man told her to “Go back where you came from” while standing in a supermarket express lane. The man, a Cuban American who hates Trump, supports the Squad, and once Tweeted that Trump should go back to Germany, denied the accusation. Thomas later recanted her claim.[19][20][21][22][23] A witness then came forward alleging Thomas herself told the Cuban to go back to where he came from.[24]
- Ex-NFL football player Edawn Coughman owns several pizza and ice-cream restaurants in Georgia. When police responded to a 911 call about a suspicious person and break-in they discovered Coughman staged a burglary and vandalism of his own business, including the spray painting of “Monkey”, “MAGA” and Swastikas on the walls.[25]
- Immanuel Christian School/Karen Pence hate crime hoax. A 12-year-old girl claimed that three boys at Immanuel Christian School held her down and cut her dreadlocks while using the racially charged term “nappy.” The wife of Vice President Mike Pence, Karen Pence works at the school. CNN’s Bakari Sellers, NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post all reported the incident nationwide and used the incident to attack Karen Pence.[26]</ref> The girl’s family finally released a statement acknowledging the initial allegation was false. They apologized to all involved: “To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” they wrote. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”[27]
- Dreadlocks hate crime hoax. A private high school student fabricated a racist attack where fellow students cut off her dreadlocks.[28]
- Mississippi insurance fraud. A Southaven, Mississippi man, Trumaine Foster, called the police on February 4 to report that someone had spray painted racist graffiti on his two cars. According to WREGNews3, the word “N******” was written twice on one vehicle. and the words, “Leave N****** and Trump” on the other. WREG reports: Foster was taken into custody Friday and charged with insurance fraud and tampering with evidence.[29]
- Tennessee White Pride hoax. In Johnson City, Tennessee, a black woman was arrested for scraping the words “white pride” into the sidewalk in front of a local gym owned by a black man. Mahagany Teague, 41, was arrested for vandalizing DC Fitness, and was being held on a $1,000 bond at the Washington County Detention Center, according to WCYB.[30]
Source: Conservapedia
Chronological History of Hate Crime Hoaxes

Hate Hoax: Probe Finds Black Airman Fabricated Racist Text Messages From Supervisor

Author of Social Media Threat Proclaiming White Power And Threatening Murder Spree Against Blacks at County Fair Identified As Black Teen

Duke Volleyball Player And Her Politician Godmother Lied About Being Called N Word During BYU Game

Black Female Student Admits to Scrawling School Water Fountains with “White” and “Colored”

Dems Behind Another Hate Hoax: Lincoln Project Forced to Admit to Planning Tiki Torch Stunt

Another Fake Race Hoax: Media Claims Rockies Fan Yelled N-Word at Black Batter after Yelling Mascot Name “Dinger”

Hate Hoax: ‘Noose’ Reported on College Campus Turns Out to Be US Flag on Construction Crane

Texas A&M Police: Racist notes on student’s windshield were put there by the alleged victim himself

NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace pulls Noose Hoax, Later Exposed by FBI