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The State of Israel (Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵלMedinat Yisra’el from יִשְׂרָאֵל Yisra’el, “Struggled with God”) is a nation located in the Middle East. It is the world’s only Jewish state, having emerged from Zionism in Europe and the U.S. in the 1880s-1940s. It grants citizenship to anybody considered to be Jewish, although this does not apply to anyone suspected or convicted of serious crimes or who the state otherwise considers a serious threat to its welfare. It also contains Arab Muslim and Arab Christian minorities who are remnants of the pre-1948 Arab majority, along with a small Druze community. It is the location of most Biblical events.

Israel occupies an area along the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with Jordan and Syria to the east; Lebanon on the north; and Egypt to the south. The territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are currently controlled by Israel, but disputed. The terrain varies from a temperate, coastal climate to desert conditions. Israel shares with Jordan the shoreline of the Dead Sea, at 1,378 feet below sea level.


Of the approximately 6.43 million Israelis in 2007 about 76% were counted as Jewish, though some of those are not considered Jewish under Orthodox Jewish law. Since 1989, nearly a million immigrants from the former Soviet Union have arrived in Israel, making this the largest wave of immigration since independence. In addition, an estimated 105,000 members of the Ethiopian Jewish community have immigrated to Israel, 14,000 of them during the dramatic May 1991 Operation Solomon airlift. 32.9% of Israelis were born outside of Israel. Under Israel’s Law of Return, any person of Jewish ancestry (with extremely few exceptions, such as those with a criminal background) have a legal right to make Aliyah (immigrate) to Israel.

The three broad Jewish groupings are the Ashkenazim, or Jews who trace their ancestry to Central Europe; the Sephardim, who trace their origin to Spain, Portugal, southern Europe, and North Africa; and Eastern or Oriental Jews, who descend from ancient communities in Islamic lands. Of the non-Jewish population, about 68% are Muslims, about 9% are Christian, and about 7% are Druze.

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Chronological History of Events Related to Israel

Zbigniew Brzinski's Chatham House Speech: "Today It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People, Than to Control a Million People."

Zbigniew Brzinski’s Chatham House Speech: “Today It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People, Than to Control a Million People.”

(Zbigniew Brzinski - Audience applauses) Ladies and Gentlemen, Robin. Thank you very much for your as always elegant and eloquent introduction. I've heard him many times when he was running the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and if anything his eloquent and elegant has increased ever since he's been rehabilitated in the society here. (Audience laughs; ah ah ah...) I am also delighted ...
Illuminati Whistleblower 'Mary Anne' Exposes the Satanic Rituals and New World Order Plans of The Elite

Illuminati Whistleblower ‘Mary Anne’ Exposes the Satanic Rituals and New World Order Plans of The Elite

Henry Makow’s interview with ex-Illuminati member ‘Mary Anne’ (pseudonym) who was once a ‘political figure of prominence’ working for the Illuminati. She says that the group sacrifices children in rituals eight times a year and much more... Contents 0:00 Introduction 0:45 Vernal Equinox 2:00 Sacrifice Victims, ‘Breeders’, Significance  4:35 Sexual RItuals, Dual-Lifestyles, Systems infiltrated 9:23 Illuminati & Freemasonry 13:49 Mormons 14:00 Islam 14:20 Illuminati Families, 10 global sections 17:02Answering the critics, Religions 20:20 Financial breakdown, ...
Greg Szymanski Interviews 'Svali', a Pseudo-name for a Former Illuminati Defector

Greg Szymanski Interviews ‘Svali’, a Pseudo-name for a Former Illuminati Defector

On 18 January 2006, an Illuminati defector, Svali, spoke to Radio host Greg Szymanski to reveal many of the philosophies, evils, and insider information of the Illuminati. This woman was raised in the Illuminati cult and describes a powerful secret organization comprising one per cent of the U.S. population that has infiltrated all social institutions and is covertly preparing a military takeover. Her revelations cast the ...
Yasser Arafat Dies of Polonium Poisoning? By Israel? Authorized by George W Bush?

Yasser Arafat Dies of Polonium Poisoning? By Israel? Authorized by George W Bush?

According to Wikipedia: The first reports of Arafat's failing health by his doctors for what his spokesman said was the flu came on 25 October 2004, after he vomited during a staff meeting. His condition deteriorated in the following days. Following visits by other doctors, including teams from Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt—and agreement by Israel to allow him to travel—Arafat was taken to France on a ...
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is Fired from the FBI for Exposing 9/11 FBI Gross Negligence and Criminal Conspiracy

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is Fired from the FBI for Exposing 9/11 FBI Gross Negligence and Criminal Conspiracy

Sibel Edmonds - In the wake of 9/11, Sibel Edmonds heeded the FBI's call for Middle Eastern language experts to support their counterterrorism unit. Fluent in Turkish and Azerbaijani and conversational in Farsi, she joined the FBI as a translator on September 15, 2001. She soon discovered gross negligence and criminal conspiracy in the FBI and State Department, including deliberately mistranslated documents in the Bureau's possession ...
Retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark was Told that the U.S. Gov't Planned to Attack 7 Middle East Countries in 5 Years

Retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark was Told that the U.S. Gov’t Planned to Attack 7 Middle East Countries in 5 Years

A tantalizing passage in Wesley Clark's 2007 memoir suggested that another war was part of a long-planned Department of Defense strategy that anticipated "regime change" by force in no fewer than seven Mideast states. Critics of the war often voiced suspicions of such imperial schemes, but this was the first time that a high-ranking former military officer has claimed to know that such plans existed. The ...
Several 9/11 Hijackers Later Mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report Turn Up Alive

Several 9/11 Hijackers Later Mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report Turn Up Alive

The world's media has reported that many of the so-called hijackers "fingered" by the FBI are still alive. For example the BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) carried this report: Hijack "suspects" alive and well. Abdul Aziz Al-Omari (Flight 11) (Trained Pilot) The identities of two men with the same name have been cobbled together to create an FBI “terrorist”. Both are Alive! The first has the same name, ...
9/11 False Flag Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

9/11 False Flag Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

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USS Cole Attacked in Yemen: A Mossad False Flag?

USS Cole Attacked in Yemen: A Mossad False Flag?

On 12 October 2000, while sitting in the port of Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole was allegedly attacked by some guy called al-Badawi and his accomplices. A small boat was allegedly loaded with approximately 500lbs of explosives and some ready-made suicide bombers, who then drove it alongside the Cole and... kaboom. Below is a photo of the damage to the ship. Media reports initially claimed that "conventional explosives" were used. That was ...
The Estonia Catastrophe: The Mysterious Sinking of the Baltic Ferry Estonia

The Estonia Catastrophe: The Mysterious Sinking of the Baltic Ferry Estonia

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