In assassinations and false flags where a conspiracy by the deep state is involved, a patsy is setup for rapid placing of blame which provides closure to what might otherwise result in inconvenient and potentially damaging investigation of deeper forces at work. This also provides a chance to stir up strife by inciting factionalism. The ‘nut’ aspect means that a rational explanation is not required, while the ‘lone’ aspect explains the lack of any supporting documentary evidence.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, Gavrilo Princip, Bruce Ivins… Official historical narratives are full of “lone nuts” who – whether afflicted by extreme greed, envy, desire for fame, pernicious ideology or mental illness – all decided to act independently of any organisation to carry out a murder of someone important in some deep political matter. A paper published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (and distributed by the US Secret Service) found that around 2/3 of assassins had previously been arrested (not necessarily for related offenses), 44% had a history of serious depression, and that 39% had a history of substance abuse. Read more at Wikispooks…
Chronological History of Events Involving a Lone Nut

20 Killed, 26 Badly Injured in Mass Shooting at Cielo Vista Mall and Walmart in El Paso, TX

2018 Pittsburgh Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue Shooting False Flag Event

FBI Arrests their own Patsy for a Cleveland 4th of July Terror Plot that They Planned

Lone Nut in Armored Truck Barricades the Pat Tillman Bridge over Hoover Dam

Valentines Day Mass School Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Was it a False Flag to Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Las Vegas Route 91 Country Music Festival (Mandalay Bay) Shooting: The Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History Kills 59, Injures 527. A Massive Cover Up.

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting: Esteban Santiago, a Muslim who Claimed the “Gov’t Controlled his Mind and Forced Him to Watch ISIS Video” Wounds 13 and Kills 5s

Orlando Pulse Nightclub: Mass Murder or False Flag?

Brussels Attack: Was it a False Flag?