Considering you’re spending a third of your life on top of your bed, your mattress could be a significant source of toxic chemical exposure. Harmful flame retardant substances you might find in mattresses include PBDE, Deca, boric acid, antimony, melamine, vinylidene chloride, bromine and formaldehyde, all of which are associated with serious health effects. Toxic chemicals aren’t the only way your mattress might make you sick. Other factors that could harm your health include dust mite droppings, mold and fungi, sweat, saliva, urine and dander from pets sharing your bed. When shopping for an organic, chemical-free mattress, look for one with Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and/or Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS) certification. The value of other mattress labels is discussed below. The best and purest mattresses on the market will adhere to multiple safety standards. Be especially careful when choosing a mattress for your child, as products intended for children and babies are also those most likely to be doused in flame retardant chemicals. (From Dr. Mercola) Read More…

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