(Manhattan Beach, CA) A case which involved over 450 children in the 3-5 year old range over a period of years. The story occupied national headlines for most of the 1980’s and, once again, prosecutors were anxious to sabotage the investigation to conceal the identity of powerful and well connected pedophiles who were abusing these kids at off site locations and had them returned to the school before the parents arrived to pick up their children. The CIA created a front group called The False Memory Syndrome Foundation to debunk, ridicule, and defame victims (and their advocates) of Satanic Ritual Abuse, pedophilic sexual abuse, and CIA cult mind control activities. The board members of FMSF reads like a Who’s Who of CIA contractors and ‘consultants,’ and Peter and Pamela Freyd, executive directors along with founder, Dr. Ralph Underwager, were accused by their children of sexual abuse. Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson investigated and found substantial evidence that the children were telling the truth and the truth covered up by powerful figures with no charges or convictions. Continue Reading…

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