With the race riots of Springfield, IL (Lincoln’s hometown) as a catalyst, the NAACP was founded six months later as a covert military intelligence spyfront. The public generally believes that the NAACP was founded by people like W.E.B. DuBois (who would later become a leader of the Communist Party), but the truth is that the organization had a heavy Jewish influence from its inception, founded by Henry Moscowitz (a German Jew) on February 12, 1909 (100th birthday of Abraham Lincoln) and aided by Rabbi Emil Hirsch. Of course, the organization consisted of a larger group including African Americans W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Archibald Grimké, and whites such as Mary White Ovington, William English Walling (the wealthy Socialist son of a former Russian slave-holding family and married to a Jewish wife), Florence Kelley, a social reformer and friend of Du Bois; Oswald Garrison Villard, and Charles Edward Russell, a renowned muckraker and close friend of Walling. Continue Reading…
Chronological History of Events Involving the NAACP

Hate Hoax: ‘Noose’ Reported on College Campus Turns Out to Be US Flag on Construction Crane

The ‘Church Committee’ is Formed by the Senate to Investigate Corruption and Criminal Activity by the Intelligence Community

Rosa Louise Parks, a Resident of Montgomery, AL Refused to Obey Bus Driver James Blake’s Demand that she Relinquish Her Seat to a White Man.

Claudette Colvin Arrested for Refusing to Give Up Her Bus Seat in Montgomery, AL

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is Founded… as a Covert Zionist Military Intelligence Spy Front?