Organ harvesting has been tied to human trafficking and has become a booming business ($1bn plus) in the 21st century on a global scale. It is a criminal offense to traffic body parts, or perform transplants from any source not legally affiliated with a hospital or other medical facility, but legality doesn’t deter either side of these transactions. Notably, quite a lot of illegally-trafficked body parts are harvested by any means necessary, and are gladly received, no-questions-asked, by the person willing to pay top dollar for a kidney, a heart, or a hip. Perhaps the most horrid case, there is extensive evidence suggesting that hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs in China. And the crime is still going on.
Because desperately ill people who have money are willing to pay for an organ on the black market. Traffickers will advertise to people who have been on organ waiting lists for a long time, taking advantage of their desire to get well. On the other side, they take advantage of poverty by convincing vulnerable people to give up an organ in exchange for money. Money they may never see.
Currently, the demand for organs – specifically kidneys – is much higher than the supply available for transplants. According to global estimates, the number of transplants may only cover about 10% of the global need. While some people willingly sell their organs on the black market (not considered human trafficking), some are coerced, forced, or deceived into doing so, which qualifies as human trafficking.
Countries where the practice has been identified most often include Brazil, Pakistan, India, China, the Philippines, Egypt, the Gulf States (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates), Israel, Turkey, Colombia, and Moldova.
What distinguishes the trafficking of human beings for organ removal (THB/OR) from other forms of trafficking is that it requires “white collar crime.” An organ transplant has to be done by a medical professional, so an organized network has to be in place to facilitate the process. An OSCE report highlights the people involved in the process:
- The International Broker – AKA the mastermind of the operation. They determine the target population from where to recruit victim-donors, scout out hospitals or private clinics where the surgery can take place, identify surgeons who are willing to perform the procedure, control the funding stream, and act as the point of contact for the organ recipient. They also set up a “fee-per-transplant” arrangement at a medical facility (which entices clinics that are strapped for cash).
The Local recruiter – Also referred to as “kidney hunters,” local recruiters go into communities to find victim-donors. Sometimes they are former donors themselves. They seek out people who are impoverished, unemployed, poorly educated, and have no travel experience. Those with no basic medical knowledge can easily be persuaded to donate an organ in exchange for money. No information is given about potential medical complications. Recruitment is done through word of mouth or internet ads.
- The Minder – The minder travels with the victim-donor to the medical facility (which is often in a different country), providing guidance to the donors and recipients regarding the false statements, misrepresentation or other fraudulent actions necessary to clear immigration or other government controls. They are also responsible for ensuring that the donor goes through with the organ donation. If the person changes their mind, the minder may exert physical force and coerce them to sign the medical contract.
- The surgical team – This can include transplant surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and other medical staff. They are the ones who carry out the transplant surgery. They may also be involved in helping a prospective organ recipient to find an organ through illegal channels. While some doctors are intentionally complicit in the crime, others simply turn enough of a blind eye and don’t ask questions so they can feign ignorance.
The donor typically doesn’t get paid until after they return home. Some only receive a portion of what they were promised and some don’t get paid at all. They’re put on a plane within a few days of the surgery, with no follow up or post-op instructions. As a result of complications as well as the new reality of living without an organ, many victims are unable to work due to deteriorated health, plunging them into even deeper poverty than they experienced before.
See more HERE
Mounting evidence tells a terrible tale of murder and mutilation in China where they’re killing political dissidents to steal their organs on an “industrial scale.” Witnesses and Chinese physicians reveal that tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are being killed for their organs, which are sold and transplanted at enormous profit.
“After months of investigation, including undercover interviews with doctors throughout 12 provinces in China, we come to the regrettable conclusion that these allegations are true.”-Hon. David Kilgour, JD, Former Canadian Secretary of State, Asia-Pacific
Falun Gong is the #1 target of the Chinese Communist Party for organs because they are a cultural threat that the CCP want to eliminate, and also because they are very healthy. The kidneys, livers, and hearts are often sold on demand to patients who can afford them. That is, the prisoners of conscience are tissue typed and then killed once a matching recipient is found for their organs. The perpetrators are officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting in cahoots with surgeons, prison authorities, and military officials. Victims are held in concentrations camps prior to dissection, after which the bodies’ remains are immediately cremated.
Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese spiritual discipline in the Buddhist tradition. Pronounced ‘Fah-loon Gong,’ it consists of moral teachings, a meditation, and four gentle exercises that are a truly unique and highly effective way to improve your health and energy levels. By 1999, Falun Gong had grown to become the largest and fastest growing practice of the sort in Chinese if not world history. In just seven years since its 1992 introduction to the public, an estimated 100 million people were practicing Falun Gong.
Persecution started in July 1999 as the Chinese regime called Falun Gong “the biggest threat to national security since Tiananmen Sqaure 10 years ago.” Official communist party documents recently issued have stated, ”The competition against Falun Gong is the principal means of competition for the hearts and minds of the masses.” A 2012 party document uncovered in several geographically disparate locales exhorts authorities to create a climate in which Falun Gong are treated “like rats running across the street that everyone shouts out to smash; don’t leave them any space.”
Full of hatred and viewing them as non-people, they turned the entire population of Falun Gong prisoners into the world’s only living organ bank. Now, they could not only kill off Falun Gong, but make a fortune selling their vital organs through state-run hospitals. The country had already established a system for collecting organs from executed prisoners, now they were able to scale the whole operation up to frighteningly unprecedented levels.
The story, almost too dreadful to believe, was first revealed in March 2006, when a woman stated that as many as 4,000 Falun Gong had been killed for their organs at the hospital in which she had worked. She also said that her husband, a surgeon at the same hospital outside the northeastern city of Shenyang, had disclosed to her that he had removed cornea from the living bodies of 2,000 Falun Gong adherents.
One week later, a Chinese military doctor not only corroborated the woman’s account but claimed such atrocities were taking place in 36 different concentration camps throughout the country. He said he had also witnessed the Falun Gong being massively transported across the country in cattle trains, at night and under the cover of tight security.
In a communist regime, if the dictator is determined to do something, he can make the entire nation weep within days. And those cries can last for years. We often think of Stalin’s Great Purge and Mao’s Cultural Revolution as things of the past that couldn’t happen today. But Jiang Zemin’s personal crusade against Falun Gong is exactly the same. When Jiang started the persecution in 1999, he found little support from the other members in the Politburo Standing Committee. Undaunted, Jiang decided to act on his own, using the campaign against Falun Gong to simultaneously push out his political rivals within the party. Through this, he led the entire country to wage war against Falun Gong.
Falun Gong supporters and human rights activists overseas immediately began investigating the allegations. They placed calls to Chinese hospitals pretending to be shopping for a kidney or a liver. To their horror, one doctor after another openly confirmed: “We’ve got Falun Gong in stock; just come in and we can get you the organ within a week.”
Shocked by these reports, two prominent Canadian human rights lawyers launched their own independent investigation. They were former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific David Kilgour and renowned Canadian human rights attorney David Matas. In July 2006, they published their 140-page report. It drew, “the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true.” This investigation uncovers the on-demand nature of organ transplants in China, abundance of organs despite the lack of a functional donation system.
On June 22, 2016, they published an update to their report. It shows continued expansion of transplantation capacity after organ harvesting first came to light in 2006, driving factors behind the industry’s growth, and the role of Party and government agencies and individual officials in implementing and perpetuating the systematic killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs.
While Chinese officials typically say that China transplants about 10,000 organs a year, this Update shows that this annual figure is surpassed by just a few hospitals. Based on government-imposed minimum capacity requirements for transplant centers, the total system-wide capacity since 2000 would have easily reached over one million transplants. Given that the vast majority of these hospitals well exceed the minimum requirements, the number of transplants performed in China is staggering.
How much is your body worth?
Organ | Profit |
Kidney | $62,000 |
Liver | $98,000 – $130,000 |
Heart | $130,000 – $160,000 |
Kidney and pancreas | $150,000 |
Lung | $150,000 – $170,000 |
Liver and kidney | $160,000 – $180,000 |
These values come from the China International Transplantation Network Assistance Center (CITNAC) at CITNAC was founded in the transplantation institute at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. Its website was shutdown soon after organ harvesting was exposed, here is the archived page.
Furthermore, the China Southern Weekend reported, “The Oriental Organ Transplant Center’s rapid growth has brought about huge revenue and profits. According to previous media reports, liver transplants alone bring the Center an annual income of 100 million yuan”.
According to a Phoenix Weekly 2006 report, “In 2004, the fee for a liver transplant at the Oriental Organ Transplant Center was $32,000 (approximately 250,000 yuan). In 2005, it was over $40,000 (approximately 330,000 yuan). Some intermediary agencies charged a brokering fee as high as USD 13,000.”[3]
The illegal trade in human organs has also become widespread in Syria and neighboring countries, medical officials and victims say, with cross-border networks exploiting thousands of desperate Syrians. These networks purchase transplantable organs such as kidneys and corneas from Syrians and ship them to neighboring countries, where they disappear into the murky world of the international organ trade, they say. There are also allegations that organs have been stolen from prisoners.
There are no reliable statistics on how widespread the practice may be. However, Hussein Nofal, head of the department of forensic medicine at Damascus University and chief of the newly formed General Authority for Forensic Medicine, has been compiling evidence of the organ trade and estimates 18,000 Syrians have had organs removed for sale over the past four years of war.
The attorney general of rural Damascus, Ahmad al-Sayyed, estimated that there had been at least 20,000 cases of illegal organ sales across the whole country since the start of the war (through May 2016), especially in border areas where there are no longer any courts or police officers to enforce the laws.
He said the trade is particularly active in border areas outside the control of the Assad regime and inside Turkey and Lebanon’s camps for Syrian refugees. Nofal said organ prices vary across the region. In Turkey someone can purchase a kidney for $10,000, while in Iraq the price may be as low as $1,000. In Lebanon and Syria, the cost hovers around $3,000. He was also quoted in 2015 in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir, which is reportedly close to Bashar al-Assad‘s regime, as saying that gangs working with Syrian doctors sell corneas for $7,500 each to foreign clients and falsify their country of origin.
A 2001 BBC report disclosed that Israel per capita stands as the world’s largest recipient nation for organ transplants yet is the country with the fewest organ donors. The problem is additionally compounded by the fact that the Tel Aviv government including the Minister of Defense has historically encouraged the practice, only making organ harvesting and trafficking illegal in 2008. For years the Israeli healthcare system subsidized transplant holidays up to $80,000 in reimbursement for organ recipients to travel abroad for transplants. Insurance carriers customarily paid the tab on all remaining costs. Hughes has described Israel’s leading role in the international crime syndicate that is “organized through a local business corporation in conjunction with a leading transplant surgeon, operating out of a major medical center not far from Tel Aviv.” Additional connections include transplant surgeons in Turkey, Russia, Moldova, Estonia, Georgia, Romania, Brazil and New York City.
With Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman originating from the poorest nation in Europe Moldova, it’s no accident as Scheper-Hughes says “hundreds of Israelis have created a production line that starts in the villages of Moldova, where men today are walking around with one kidney.” Despite organ trafficking being a flagrant international violation of law, Israeli crime rings are still actively harvesting organs from the world’s poorest countries.
It’s a crime condoned in large part by wealthier nations like Israel and America where the affluent can afford to pay “extra costs” to get bumped up on multiple waiting lists for livers, kidneys and corneas. Wealthy nations predatorily feed off poor nations and corruption at the highest deep state levels ensure that the guilty parties are never brought to justice. Frequently the criminal body snatchers end up not even paying poor donors the quoted price promised. It bears resemblance to poachers killing endangered species like African hippos and elephants for their ivory tusks or cutting off shark fins and then leaving the animals bleeding to death. To the traffickers, internal human organs are just another precious commodity worth far more than any donor’s human life.
A 1984 law made human organ trafficking illegal in America. But the first case in the US occurred in July 2009 when an Israeli citizen living in New York who paid donors in Israel $10,000 was arrested trying to sell them for $120,000 each to three Americans in need of kidney transplants. After making millions trafficking in kidneys, he was not deported because his crime was not deemed “of moral turpitude” and after the organ peddler served a brief two and a half year prison sentence, he was released in December 2014. The convicted Israeli trafficker carried a gun on him and if he encountered misgivings by a potential donor, the kidney smuggler would allegedly point his finger at the donor’s head simulating he was pulling the trigger. His illegal racket became the biggest corruption case in New Jersey state history as it uncovered a money laundering scheme into the millions. A former state assemblyman who was the current NJ Commissioner of Consumer Affairs resigned over his involvement and the supervising FBI agent concluded:
New Jersey’s corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the country. Corruption is a cancer that is destroying the core values of this state and this great nation.
Considering how widespread the Israeli crime syndicate rings are that continue harvesting and trafficking organs at will to this day, it appears the US judicial system’s over-the-top leniency in this case amounts to complicit condoning of the international crime operation and undoubtedly is taken as a greenlight for business as usual by the crime cabal responsible for global harvesting and trafficking of both body parts as well as human slavery. Corruption at the top of the international government crime cabal keeps this sordid criminal epidemic in operation and immune from any accountability, not unlike the obscene profiteering from illegal wars or the international drug trade enjoyed by the US government and the most powerful central banks laundering dirty fed drug money. These blatant high crimes are but symptomatic of a decaying, fast crumbling US-Western Empire nearing its final stages of collapse.
In December 2015 another Israeli organ trafficker was arrested by Interpol police at the Istanbul airport. After forty days in Turkish custody, he was extradited back to Israel to face charges. The organ smuggler had made arrangements to tap the large destitute Syrian migrant population in Turkey to coordinate illegal organ surgeries with local doctors in small private hospitals. He already had charges against him for his illicit operations amongst impoverished organ donors in Kosovo, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka from 2008-2014. He had also placed ads in Russian newspapers in search of potential donors. As is typical, no information or medical follow-up is ever given to donor victims who often suffer complications. For example one boy in Kosovo was paralyzed after his kidney removal.
Consistent with the evil crime cabal forces that operate in coordinated unison, the US-NATO-EU-Israel-Turkey-Saudi-Gulf State axis-of-evil that is overwhelmingly guilty of not-so-covertly financing, training, supplying and supporting global terrorism in the form of the Takfiri Wahhabis’ Islamic State terrorists (IS/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/al Nusrah/al Qaeda). And since Russia in support of the Syrian Army have literally blown up the IS terrorists main source of revenue funding – stolen oil from Iraq and Syria on its way to Turkey and Israel, the business of organ harvesting and trafficking on that same black market is now becoming big business. In 2016, the Spanish daily El Mondo claimed that the Islamic State terrorists are cutting out bodily organs of captured Syrian and Iraqi soldiers as well as civilians and refugees while still alive for transplants for either their own wounded jihadists or selling them as a needed source of revenue. ISIS is also reported to be killing even its own seriously injured militants for organ harvesting and trafficking. Additionally the terrorists are extracting large volumes of blood from Mosul prisoners. Personnel at one Mosul hospital claimed that they have witnessed at least 183 corpses with missing body parts. ISIS has set up a medical team with a German doctor said to be in charge that transports fresh organs to the Syrian and Iraq Kurdistan fronts for transplants into wounded terrorists or sold on the black market. The UN Iraqi ambassador last year made these same accusations, reporting that the terrorists have executed a dozen doctors for refusing to harvest organs. It was confirmed when shallow mass graves of mutilated bodies missing kidneys were discovered outside Mosul.
And in November 2015 the Palestinian ambassador to the UN once again accused the Israeli regime with harvesting Palestinians’ organs killed in clashes with occupying forces. Then as far back as October 2012 reports that the US backed Free Syrian Army had been engaging in this same heinous practice of kidnapping-murder of Syrian civilians for organ harvesting.
And then it was confirmed by a January 2011 Council of Europe report that once again another US-NATO backed ally the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) led by current president of Kosovo ran a “mafia-like” operation smuggling guns, drugs and Serbian body parts into Europe for profit from the 1990’s through the first decade of this century. Recall that the US and CIA financed and deployed al Qaeda terrorists as KLA partners-in-crime during those same 1990’s balkanizing Yugoslavia into a half dozen fragmented US puppet states. Instead of being tried and convicted of war crimes, two months ago the Kosovo parliament rewarded Hashim Thaci by electing him as the current Kosovo Republic president with his claims he has “nothing to hide” from the new crimes court in Hague.
Returning to the Turkish-Israeli connection in organ harvesting and trafficking, probably the two most notorious gangsters involved in this despicable crime is a highly skilled Turkish surgeon named Ysef Somnez and the Israeli middleman “fixer” Moshe Harel with ethnic Turkish ties responsible for matching donor organs with recipients and the electronic transfers of millions upon millions of dollars. Both of these criminals were actively involved in the extensive Kosovo smuggling operations with the Turkish doctor performing thousands of surgeries on both money starved donors from Moldova, Turkey, Kosovo and Russia and wealthy recipients from Israel, the US, Canada and Germany. They also have been indicted in Kosovo, Israel, Turkey as well as by Interpol and despite being international fugitives on the run for nearly a decade with both having repeatedly been arrested and then released in Israel and Istanbul, both managed to elude prosecution to remain at large.
Both Erdogan’s Turkish government and Netanyahu’s Israeli government are known to be extremely lax towards enforcing organ harvesting and trafficking laws and it’s believed that both nations with US Empire blessings have sheltered and allowed the crime duo to remain free. The Turkish surgeon on both his blog as well as meeting in person with a New York Times reporter in 2011 while sipping Turkish red wine even boasted that he’s performed over 2,400 organ surgeries and been awarded a commendation letter he’s framed from the Israeli Ministry of Health thanking him for his life-saving work. Again, instead of being behind bars where they belong, this crime pair are super-wealthy jetsetters flying around the world living large as psychopathic criminals with powerful friends allowing them to literally get away with murder.
Both Somnez and Harel have cashed in on the Syrian refugee bonanza cutting out Syrian kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs and corneas to make their mass killing in Turkey. Just as Turkey and Israel have bought up the bulk of stolen black market oil from the terrorists they love, so do they profit from stealing human organs from hospitalized Syrian civilians brought to Turkey for treatment. After the surgery, young Syrian victims minus their vital organs are cruelly left bleeding to death. Turkish doctors confirmed that out of the 62,000 wounded Syrian civilians and soldiers treated in Turkish hospitals, over 15,600 of them had internal organs removed and were returned dead on arrival to Syria for burial. The mass murderers Somnez and Harel left their infamous mark in the multibillion dollar organ trafficking industry in Kosovo, Turkey and Tel Aviv.
Every major war in the last two decades from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya to Ukraine has been visited by bloodthirsty body snatching ghouls out to make a grotesque profit. Tony Cartalucci writing for New Eastern Outlook drives home the hypocrisy that the US-led axis-of-evil screams foul play with “human rights abuses” whenever any force (like Russia) attempts to stop the menacing Western sponsored terrorists yet when the Nazis of Kiev are literally ripping the hearts, lungs and kidneys out of residents in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, not a peep is heard from that axis-of-evil. Firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses reporting the rampant killing of civilians in the breakaway provinces by organ snatching mass murderers are totally blacked out or quickly dismissed by Western mainstream media. The international airport personnel in Boryspil observed many small aircraft chartered with refrigerators for organ transplant storage. A kidney bought for ten grand quickly gets turned over for 150 grand. The overlapping crime ring fingerprints of the same greedy body snatchers from Israel, Turkey and Kosovo keep surfacing whenever and wherever investigators begin poking around on every warfront.
The barbaric crimes of a multibillion dollar gangster business sanctioned and protected by the likes of Israel, Turkey and the United States is yet one more crime against humanity committed daily by the mass murdering cabal. Rather than accept the evils of global slavery and organ trafficking perpetrated by power and profit driven psychopaths with total impunity, the corrupt, criminal victimization of preying on and murdering poor humans to keep a few rich humans alive is morally reprehensible. The perps need to be held accountable while their victims need justice.
Chronological History of Events Related to Organ Harvesting

Palestinian Media Watch Report: US hospital in Gaza is for “trafficking in organs” and medical “experiments” on Palestinians

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse

California Organ Procurement Companies with Links to Hillary Clinton Admit Guilt in Illegal Body Parts Trafficking

Freedom House released a Report on China’s Religious Freedom

Ca, A.G. Kamala Harris Launches Raid on Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden’s Apartment and Stole Unreleased Video Footage Exposing Planned Parenthood

Report: Knights Templar Drug Cartel Made Recruits Eat Children’s Hearts in Initiation Rite

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Disappears