(UCE-1 in the United States v. Buryakov case[1] and Male-1 in the United States v. James Wolfe indictment[2]) was a paid FBI informant whom the Obama Department of Justice and FBI lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court about, alleging Page was an “agent of a foreign power” in order to secure surveillance and wiretaps against Donald Trump, the 2016 Trump campaign, Trump transition and Trump administration.[3]
The Obama FBI leaked false information to Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News about Carter Page, then swore before the FISA court Isikoff and the Yahoo News article were independent corroboration of their own investigation.
The deliberate and deceptive compromising lies that Obama and Clinton operatives represented to the United States Judiciary are pivotal to the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and 2017 Deep state coup attempt committed by enemies of American democracy.

The FBI under James Comey, and later Acting Director Andrew McCabe, knew Carter Page was not an agent of a foreign power, and illegally used the Carter Page FISA warrant to intrude into all the electronic communications – personal and campaign related – of the entire network of Trump advisors (Michael Cohen, Michael Caputo, Michael Flynn and hundreds of others) to gain retroactive approval as cover for their lawbreaking and an “insurance policy” against Trump’s election.
Donald Trump has never met Carter Page.
In a Bloomberg interview Carter Page described himself as having advised the state-controlled natural gas giant Gazprom and helped it attract Western investors.[4] Julia Ioffe reported for Politico that Carter Page was a mid-level executive at Merrill Lynch in Moscow who played no role in any of the big deals he boasted about. Almost no one in Moscow remembered Carter Page. Until Trump read his name off a piece of paper handed to him during a March interview with the Washington Post, almost no one in the Washington foreign policy world had heard of Carter Page either.[5]
Paid FBI informant
Carter Page was a paid FBI Under-Cover Employee (UCE-1) in 2013, and remained the primary FBI witness in a case against agents of the Russian Federation through March 2016. When Russian intelligence attempted to recruit Page in 2013, Page went to the FBI and informed them of the approach. Page agreed to wear a wire for the FBI, to build a case against the Russian spies, and was compensated for his efforts. The DOJ and FBI recognized Page’s help as indispensable in securing the arrest, indictment, and conviction of Russian spies. Several fled the country before apprehension.
Ten days after the Department of Justice publicly announced the convictions of the Russian spies with Page’s help, Page joined the Trump campaign as an unpaid volunteer.
In October 2016, the Obama Department of Justice represented the 2013 attempted recruitment of Carter Page by Russian intelligence as successful to FISA court, alleging Page was an “agent of a foreign power.” The fraud committed against the court by Obama operatives was intended to gain retroactive approval for their illegal surveillance throughout the 2016 presidential election, and as a future “insurance policy” against Trump’s election.
The court granted FISA Title I surveillance authority, the most severe and intrusive authority, giving the FBI authority to apply the same intrusions against anyone Carter Page had electronic communications with, and in turn anyone Pages’s contacts had communications with – eventually the entire Trump campaign – as if it were a spy nest, drug cartel, or terrorist organization.
On March 11, 2016 a DOJ press release announced
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that Evgrny Buryakov, a/k/a “Zhenya, pled guilty today to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of the Russian Federation, without providing prior notice to the Attorney General.
The FBI obtained recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit Carter Page who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company. In response to requests from Sporyshev, Carter Page provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by Page and supporting documentation relating to Carter Page’s reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices.”[6]
Obama FISA abuse
DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel wanted a “legal” way to spy on the Trump campaign. The highest levels of the Obama DOJ and FBI asked for and received FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page in October 2016. The Obama DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division, knew Carter Page was not a Russian spy, misrepresented facts and perpetrated a fraud upon the FISA court. The authority became the “legal” cover for their own criminal intent and actions.
The “Title I” designation as a foreign agent applied retroactively to any action taken by Carter Page, and auto-generates a list of people he came in contact with. Each of those people, groups or organizations could now have their communication reviewed, unmasked and analyzed by the DOJ/FBI with the same surveillance authority granted upon the target, Carter Page.
FISA Title I surveillance of U.S. citizens is the most intrusive, exhaustive and far reaching type of search, seizure and surveillance authority, permitting the FBI to look at every aspect of Mr. Page’s life. All communication, travel and contact can be opened and reviewed. All aspects of any of Carter Page’s engagements are subject to being secretly monitored. This is an entirely different level of surveillance authority, the highest possible, and outside FISA-702 search queries (Title VII) of US persons.
Because “FISA Title I” surveillance authority against a US citizen is so serious, only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants. One of the four people authorized to make such a filing is the Asst. Attn. Gen. John P. Carlin who was head of the DOJ National Security Division. Carlin who, together with the FBI counterintelligence unit, conscripted Carter Page as an FBI Under-Cover Employee to gain a guilty plea from a Russian operative in early 2016, then turned around six months later in October 2016 when things weren’t going so well for Hillary Clinton, and accused Carter Page of being an agent of a foreign power.
Inspector General Horowitz’ Findings of FBI investigation of Russia and Trump
On December 9, 2019, Horowitz, a Democrat and Obama-appointee, released his report stating that the FBI made serious mistakes and infractions, and lied to the court, but also stating that somehow showed no political bias during the investigation of Trump and Russia.[7] The report was still scathing, and did show 17 wrong actions in its applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court).[ Despite the fact that one of Christopher Steele’s sources told the agency that his statements had been mischaracterized or exaggerated, the FBI still continued to rely on information from Steele. Steele, the British ex-spy was reported to be a friend of Donald Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, for several years by several news organizations, and Ivanka met with Steele about employing him to do work for The Trump Organization. The report found that the FBI had a legal “authorized purpose” to ask for court approval to begin surveillance of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.
Source: Conservapedia
Chronological History of Events Related to Carter Page

Igor Danchenko Found Not Guilty on all Counts by Far-Left DC Jury in Durham Investigation

DOJ Inspector General Horowitz Releases FISA Report

FBI Official Goes Under Criminal Investigation for Altering Surveillance Document of Carter Page – Allowing Agency to Spy on Trump Campaign

Report: 100 Actions the Deep State FBI and DOJ took that were Corrupt, Criminal, or Outside Policy in Order to Exonerate Hillary and Setup Trump

Report: Bruce Ohr Warned FBI and DOJ Officials that Steele’s Dossier was Connected to Hillary Clinton and Cautioned them It May be Biased

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page

Nunes FISA Memo Made Public: Confirms FBI Coup Against Trump to Spy on his Campaign using Fake Dossier Paid for by the Clinton Campaign

RussiaGate: After Trump Wins the 2016 Election, a Deep State Coup to Oust Him Begins with a Dirty Fake Dossier Paid for by the Clinton Campaign

Brennan’s Declassified Notes Show Hillary Planned / Approved Russia Hoax Scandal to Vilify Trump