It was developed and launched as a money transfer service at Confinity (a company that developed security software for handheld devices founded by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Ken Howery in 1998) in 1999, funded by John Malloy from BlueRun Ventures. In March 2000, Confinity merged with, an online banking company founded by corrupt, and was renamed PayPal in 2001 after dropping other banking services. Following a 2001 IPO, PayPal sold for $1.5 billion to eBay in July 2002 and spun back off as its own company on July 18, 2015. PayPal has developed a poor reputation with freezing funds for 180 days, slow processing, poor customer service, and particularly for bullying conservative merchants. During Operation Choke Point, gun dealers across the country had their accounts blocked and frozen. Already notorious for freezing WikiLeaks’ account in 2011, PayPal has also withdrawn services from Infowars, Jihad Watch, Gab, Faith J Goldy, Red Ice TV, FreeStartr (an alternative to Patreon and GoFundMe set up by free speech maximalist Chuck Johnson, and many others.
In 2015, PayPal announced that it will assert copyright ownership over all intellectual property of anyone who uses its payment services. PayPal fully controls your funds and can freeze your account at any time, leaving you without access and without a Payment solution. Once an account is frozen it’s often held by PayPal for months on end (usually 180 days)while your bills pile up and your business stands still accruing charge-backs and other fees. In the meantime, PayPal makes interest on your money. Even without being frozen, funds can take up to 21 days to become available, at which point you must manually request a transfer to your bank account and wait up to 4 more days to get the funds into your bank account.
Customers must set up a PayPal account in order to purchase, creating an extra step in the buying process. PayPal is not a regulated financial institution and is not FDIC insured. PayPal monitors its own fraud filters and you have no insight into how transactions are accepted or declined. Without making an educated decision yourself, you risk missing out on potential sales.
PayPal Bullying
During the Obama administration, Eric Holder began Operation Choke Point to crack down on political enemies such as gun owners. PayPal lent their muscle to the cause as en enforcer by blocking gun dealers access to their accounts and outright refusing to service the gun industry. In 2015, PayPal announced that it will assert copyright ownership over all intellectual property of anyone who uses its payment services.
Craig “The Saw Man” Sawyer, a TV Personality and ex-Military man who served as a SEAL Team One operator, Sniper trainer, and too much to list here (see full bio here), started an organization to go after pedophiles far and wide ( While Craig Sawyer was on Alex Jones’ radio show garnering much attention to his GoFundMe account with donations pouring in, GoFundMe decided to shut the funding down and cancel the account. V4CR was also suspended from their YouCaring campaign. One common attribute to most online funding sites is the use of PayPal as the merchant service provider which proved problematic as PayPal suspended Craig’s account and ceased $46k of his organizations funds, seemingly without explanation. PayPal eventually released his funds, but it is apparent that they have clearly taken sides in the cultural and ideological debate.
Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller’s “American Freedom Defense Initiative” are just a couple of the groups that were temporarily banned by PayPal in 2017. In 2018, PayPal banned Infowars in a political ploy designed to financially sabotage an influential media outlet just weeks before the crucial mid-term elections. The company claimed that Infowars violated PayPal’s “acceptable use policy” because it “promoted hate and discriminatory intolerance against certain communities and religions.” No specific examples whatsoever were officially provided to back up this claim, which relies on a nebulous definition of “hate” which is so vague that virtually anything could qualify.
Off record, Infowars was told that criticism of Islam and opposition to transgenderism being taught to children in schools were two of the examples of “hate”. The ban was instituted despite containing no political content whatsoever, emphasizing how the decision was a broader attack on the Infowars platform. The ban was handed down just weeks after George Soros-funded group Right Wing Watch published an article demanding that PayPal terminate its agreement with Infowars for “egregious violations of the platform’s own terms of service.” (source) Infowars has sued the money transfer service in response.
Paypal Copyright Ownership of All Intellectual Property of Its Users
In 2015, PayPal announced that it will assert copyright ownership over all intellectual property of anyone who uses its payment services. The update comes in the aftermath of the announcement that eBay and PayPal will split apart into two separate companies. Under the heading “Intellectual Property,” PayPal announces that it is introducing a new paragraph to its agreement, effective July 1, 2015, that will allow the company to “use content that you post for publication using the Services”.
“When providing us with content or posting content (in each case for publication, whether on- or off-line) using the Services, you grant the PayPal Group a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against the PayPal Group, its sublicensees or assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property right: your provision of content to us, your posting of content using the Services, and the PayPal Group’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the Services.”deep state,
PayPal users reacted to the terms of agreement update by expressing their shock and confusion.
“Wow! Does this mean that anything I might funnel through Paypal will belong to them, and that they can do what they like with it, without consultation, interference or redress?” asked one respondent. “So, for example, my business website: they could override my copyright if I channel it through them in any of their services?”
“This paragraph really made my hair stand on end,” remarked another Paypal user. “I hope someone better qualified than myself will be along to reassure us soon. Alas, PayPal is a necessary evil in order to do business online but, boy, they do take liberties from their position of power.”
Paypal wants ‘brain chips’ to replace passwords
Paypal’s ‘Global Head of Developer Evangelism’ Jonathan LeBlanc is pushing implantable brain chips as a replacement for passwords, but insists that such technology must be made to fit inside “cultural norms” before it is accepted by the general public.
LeBlanc envisages using brain chips to measure thought patterns so that childhood memories could be invoked by the user to unlock their computer.
LeBlanc also discusses how bio-hacking companies are already using embedded NFC and RFID tags to unlock doors. In January, the BBC reported on a company in Sweden that was implanting its workers with computer chips under the skin in order for them to access the building.
“Daily ID chips” with wi-fi sensors could also be swallowed by employees to provide secure authentication, says LeBlanc.
Paypal is currently working with partners to get the ball rolling on such technology, a process LeBlanc says is part of the payment processor becoming a “thought leader” on the transition.
“I can’t speculate as to what PayPal will do in the future, but we’re looking at new techniques – we do have fingerprint scanning that is being worked on right now – so we’re definitely looking at the identity field,” LeBlanc told the Wall Street Journal.
“Realistically the ones that will succeed, whether it’s embeddable, ingestible, injectible or what have you, are the ones that are going to play into cultural norms, the ones that are going to meet the demands of the populace overall….and not be creepy, so even though they seem creepy at the current time, the future are gonna be the ones that hit those cultural norms,” said LeBlanc.
More in this Infowars report HERE
Misery loves company. Been screwed by PayPal? Read other Horror stories and learn how and where to complain at
PayPal Alternatives
TransferWise is a much cheaper alternative to PayPal for international transfers (see their comparison tool vs PayPal). Their new shiny multi-currency borderless account helps consumers, freelancers and businesses to send, receive and spend money across borders with minimum fees.
TransferWise works like this: It cuts out sneaky hidden charges and sticks to one upfront transfer fee. It’s also interesting how the money gets moved around. For instance, let’s say you’re in the US and want to send money to a friend in France. You make the payment and the money goes into TransferWise’s American bank account. It then pays your friend from the TransferWise France bank account using the real exchange rate. Therefore, the money never actually crosses borders–keeping rates even lower and making the transfers rather fast.
- One of the most accepted and cheapest tools for making international money transfers, with 4 million customers globally.
- Very transparent pricing.
- Their new borderless account allows you to hold and transfer between +40 currencies.
- With TransferWise for business you can invoice your customers in the currency that works for them.
- The money never actually crosses borders so you can keep down costs and ensure fast transfers.
- You can’t send or receive money if it’s not a bank transfer
- You can only receive money in EUR, USD, AUD, and GBP with the borderless account
- You don’t get all the nifty extra features like recurring billing yet
2Checkout is one of our favorite PayPal alternatives, mainly because it’s all about accepting payments globally. As we said a bit about PayPal in the introduction, you’re still somewhat limited to the countries you can accept payments from through PayPal. 2Checkout looks to change that. The fees in the US are exactly the same as PayPal, but we’ve found that other countries enjoy better rates when accepting payments from customers.
You can calculate the payment pricing to see if 2Checkout is more affordable than PayPal in your country.
- You don’t have to pay any monthly or setup fees.
- Accept major payment methods including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal.
- Choose from 87 currencies, eight payment types, and 15 languages.
- The advanced fraud protection goes through over 300 security rules for each transaction.
- Several customizable checkout options are available. The checkouts are also mobile-friendly, branded, and localized.
- Setup recurring billing for your customers.
- Lets you connect a merchant account with a payment gateway.
- Integrations include over 100 online carts, an API, and sandbox.
- A 1% fee applies to payments you accept from customers outside of the United States.
- $20 is charged on your account for all chargebacks.
- The average fee for currency conversion is 2-5% above the daily bank exchange rate.
2checkout is one of the top PayPal alternatives, and we mainly like it because of the international payments. It doesn’t matter where you’re located, so you shouldn’t have any problems.
With similar rates and fees as PayPal, the Skrill platform may seem the same at first. However, the prepaid debit card and the simple interface is enough to consider it. International payments are far easier with Skrill since the money can be sent and transferred immediately to a debit card that the company sends you. Then the debit card can be used wherever you want, including ATMs.
- The account setup is one of the easiest in the business.
- The security is solid.
- Uploading and receiving funds, while also spending money at Skrill merchants is almost always free.
- The Skrill account can be used anywhere around the globe.
- All you need to make or accept a payment is an email address.
- Skrill has a full system set up for gambling and playing games with money, so it’s a good solution for those options.
- Sending money to an email address or another Skrill wallet costs 1% of the amount sent, with the charge capped at $10.
- The company has rather strict fraud prevention tools, so you may end up finding that your account is frozen. However, this has been known to happen at PayPal too.
- Reports have shown that the customer service isn’t the best at Skrill.
The Authorize.Net system (a VISA solution) is rather popular with online stores, as the platform provides reasonable rates, quality customer service and an interface that pretty much anyone can use. Although you don’t have the ability to send and receive payments from friends and family, it’s a quality PayPal alternative for those who would like to accept payments and get in on the most widely used gateway on the planet.
- Over 400,000 merchants use Authorize.Net, so they’ve got to be doing something right.
- The reliability and security are far above the competition.
- A free mobile app and swiper come along with your account.
- The free 24/7 support is the best in the business.
- You have the ability to sync with QuickBooks.
- There aren’t any setup fees for a payment gateway or merchant account.
- You don’t get the personal finance and sending tools you would get in PayPal.
- There’s a monthly gateway fee of about $25.
- If you sell globally, add a 1.5% assessment for international transactions.
- Chargebacks are $25.
PayPal alternatives that have bullied or banned conservatives. AVOID THESE!:
- Stripe – When Lauren Southern was banned from Patreon, she did what free-market conservatives recommended, and set up her own fundraising platform, powered by Stripe. Then, directly after Southern hit the headlines again over her lifetime ban from the U.K. for distributing leaflets satirizing Islam, Stripe abruptly withdrew their service.Stripe informed Southern that she was banned for violating their rules on “Prohibited Businesses and Activities”, although they did not highlight precisely how she violated it. The list includes a prohibition on activity that “encourages, promotes or celebrates unlawful violence toward any group based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other immutable characteristic.”Stripe has also withdrawn services from FreeStartr, an alternative to Patreon and GoFundMe set up by free speech maximalist Chuck Johnson. Johnson says the platform has also been banned by PayPal. Already notorious for freezing WikiLeaks’ account in 2011, PayPal also withdrew services from nationalist YouTuber Faith Goldy earlier this week.
- GooglePay – Google. Need I say more?
- Braintree (owned by PayPal)
- Amazon Pay – and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is the Deep State’s new favorite front man, elevating him to the alleged richest man in the world (We know the Rothschild’s, Rockefellers, Barkley’s, etc. hold that title)
- Payoneer – Through Mastercard who led the PayPal ban on Wikileaks as well as Jihad Watch and others.
Chronological History of Events Related to PayPal

PayPal Reinstates its Policy to Fine Users $2,500 Directly from their Accounts if they Spread “Misinformation”

PayPal’s New AUP Leaked

1,000 ‘Woke’ Companies Unite Against Election-Integrity Laws!

Survey: America’s Most Trusted Brands are USPS, Amazon, Google and PayPal? Only 4% Trust Hollywood!

PayPal De-Platforms Conservative Street Artist Sabo, Holds His Funds for Six Months

PayPal Reveals that they are Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian SPLC

Gab Banned By GoDaddy, Shopify, Medium; AG Plans Investigation; Founder Inundated With Death Threats

Facebook, YouTube, Apple & Spotify Ban Infowars’ Alex Jones

Snowden Leaks Docs on Secret Government Agency Online Manipulation & Subterfuge Tactics