Formed on November 1, 1953 and the final report released 6 months later after efforts by some democrats to frustrate and end the investigation were somewhat successful. It was a Congressional investigation of major tax-exempt foundations linked to the international money cartel and centered on the Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, and Guggenheim foundations. The committee was unable to attract any attention from the media – controlled by the same cartel. Among those secondary foundations investigated were the National Education Association, the John Dewey Society, the United Nations Association and the Council on Foreign Relations. The Rockefeller Foundation was financing Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s studies on sexual behavior through the National Research Council to produce a series of untrue and unscientific reports promoting sexual freedom (promiscuity). The hearings were held for two weeks. Then, without warning, the committee stopped them. The committee’s senior researcher, Norman Dodd, went public about his findings almost immediately after the committee shut down the hearings. Continue Reading…
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