Head of the New York investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., a Rothschild agent, and one of the most powerful men in modern history. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotsky’s trip from New York to Russia. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilson’s presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Schiff’s actions, perhaps more so than anyone else’s, fundamentally altered the course of American history.

The Schiff family shared a house with the Rothschild family in Frankfurt in the later half of the 18th century. The Rothschild sons (the “5 arrows”) went on to capture control of the banking markets in the major capitols of Europe, culminating in Nathan Rothschild’s seizure of control of the Bank of England in 1815. Jacob Schiff washed up upon America’s shores in 1865, shortly after the Civil War. As a first step he had to buy into a banking house; but it had to be the kind of a house that he could absolutely control and mold for that primary objective of entrapping our U.S. money system.
According to playright and whistleblower Myron Fagan, Jacob Schiff came here to carry out 4 specific assignments:
- Number 1, and most important, was to acquire control of America’s money system.
- Number 2, find desirable men who, for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress, in the US Supreme Court and all federal agencies.
- Number 3, create minority group strife throughout the nation, particularly between whites and blacks.
- Number 4, create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, but Christianity to be the chief target.
After carefully scouting around; Jacob bought a partnership in a firm that called itself: Kuhn and Loeb. Like Schiff; Kuhn and Loeb were immigrants from German Jewish ghettos. They came to the U.S. in the mid 1840’s and both of them started their business careers as itinerant pack peddlers. In the early 1850’s; they pooled their interests and set up a merchandise store in Lafayette, Indiana under the firm name of Kuhn and Loeb servicing the covered wagon settlers on their way west. In the years that followed; they set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added pawn brokering to their merchandising pursuits. From that to money lending was a short and quick step.
Shortly after he became a partner in Kuhn and Loeb; Schiff married Loeb’s daughter, Teresa, then he bought out Kuhn’s interests and moved the firm to New York and Kuhn and Loeb became Kuhn, Loeb, and Company; international bankers with Jacob Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly the sole owner. And throughout his career; this blend of Judas and Machiavelli, the first hierarch of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy in America, posed as a generous philanthropist and a man of great holiness; the cover-up policy set forth by the Illuminati.
It was in the decades following our Civil War that U.S. industries began to burgeon. Railroads needed to be built. The oil, mining, steel, and textile industries were bursting out of their swaddling clothes. All of that called for vast financing; much of that financing had to come from abroad. That meant the House of Rothschild and that was when Schiff came into his own. He played a very crafty game.
He became the patron saint of John D. Rockefeller, Edward R. Harriman, and Andrew Carnegie. He financed the Standard Oil Company for Rockefeller, the Railroad Empire for Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie. But instead of hogging all the other industries for Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, he opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to Morgan, Biddle, and Drexel. In turn; Rothschild arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for those three; but always in partnerships with Rothschild subordinates and Rothschild made it very clear to all those men that Schiff was to be the boss in New York.
Thus at the turn of the century Schiff had a tight control of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street which by then, with Schiff’s help, included Lehman brothers, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist banks that were headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds. In short; that meant control of the nation’s money powers and he was then ready for the giant step – the entrapment of our national money system.
He served as the Director of many important corporations, including the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad. Schiff, who made his fortune from interest bearing loans, was the main player behind the ‘Hebrew Free Loan Society’ in 1892; an organization which issued interest-free loans only to Jews (and is still in operation!)

Schiff’s descendants exercised some power and influence in their own right, though nothing like the Patriarch did. Schiff’s granddaughter, Dorothy Schiff, was the owner and Publisher of the New York Post for over 40 years. She once claimed to have “had a relationship” with Franklin D Roosevelt. Kareena Gore-Schiff, the daughter of former Senator, almost US President, and Global Warming con man Al Gore, is married to Andrew Schiff, the great great grandson of Jacob.
1897: Schiff: The Trojan Horse
Schiff’s most history-altering accomplishment would have to be the role of ‘Trojan Horse’ which he played in the late 1890’s. At a time when Jewish influence in America was relatively minor, and Jewish numbers were yet very small, it was Schiff’s cajoling of the outgoing U.S. President, and former New York Governor, Grover Cleveland (D) that prevented the massive wave of Jewish immigration to America from being shut down.
The Immigration Bill of 1897 would have required immigrants to pass a literacy test; something that Russian Jews would not have been able to do. After passing both Houses of Congress, Cleveland’s veto, induced by Schiff, saved the day for the incoming Communist and Zionist Jews of Russia. Jewish historian Lawrence J Epstein writes: “It is staggering to consider the alternative course American Jewish history would have taken had this measure passed.” And it is equally staggering to consider the alternative course American history would have taken had the measure passed.”
1905: Schiff Weakens Tsarist Russia
Schiff hated Christian Russia with a passion. He worked ceaselessly to overthrow the Romanov Dynasty and replace it with Jewish Reds / Communists. Toward that end, he personally financed, and sold bonds on behalf of, about 50% of the entire Japanese war effort during the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, the war ended with a Japanese victory. Russia’s loss was also facilitated by Schiff’s boy, President (and also a former New York Governor) Teddy Roosevelt, whose negotiating intervention clearly favored Japan over Russia. Roosevelt had became President after the conservative William McKinley was conveniently assassinated by a Red.
For his role in securing victory for Japan, Schiff was personally awarded a medal, the Order of the Rising Sun, by the foolish Japanese Emperor. “Foolish” because Schiff’s gang and their Roosevelt henchmen were, at the time, already plotting Japan’s ultimate demise; a process which started with Teddy’s escalating naval moves in the Pacific (Philippines, Midway, Guam, Pearl Harbor), and culminated with Franklin’s war and murderous Atomic bombs of 1945 (actually dropped under Truman 4 months after FDR’s death).
Schiff’s Jewish agents in Russia skillfully used the humiliating loss of the Russo-Japanese war as an occasion to launch a Communist revolution. The bloody Revolution of 1905 ultimately failed, but the Tsar’s regime was left considerably weakened. Many of the returning Russian POW’s came home brainwashed after Schiff had arranged for Communist propaganda to be given to them while in Japanese captivity. The final Bolshevik overthrow of Russia in 1917 will owe its success, in large part, to the damage done to Russia by the team of Jacob Schiff & Ted the Red Roosevelt on 1905.
1907-1914: Schiff Runs the Galveston Movement
Not content with flooding the Northeast with future Communists, Progressives, and Zionists from Russia, Jacob Schiff founded and financed the ‘Galveston Movement’ – an effort to settle Russian-Jewish immigrants in the south and west of the United States. Schiff himself described the effort in an article he wrote in 1914. Schiff wrote:
“The committee placed itself promptly after its organization into communication with the Jewish Territorial Organization, of which Israel Zangwill is the head, and an arrangement was entered into between that organization and the Galveston Committee, under which the former undertook to make propaganda in Russia and Romania for acquainting intending emigrants with the advantages of going into the United States through Galveston (Texas), rather than to and through the overcrowded and congested North Atlantic ports.”
Instead of confining the arrival of Jews to just the New York, New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey areas, Schiff’s clever scheme would facilitate the spread of the liberal/progressive plague to even the most conservative parts of the country. He knew exactly what he was doing!
The New York bankers had artificially inflated the stock market with easy loans. When lending was then tightened, the bubble burst. Stocks crashed 50% and bank runs followed. The Zionist NY Times and the Wall Street bankers used the Panic of 1907 to make a case for establishing a European style Central Bank (as Karl Marx envisioned)
Several years later, Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma will accuse the Banksters of conspiracy: “The Panic was brought about by a deliberate conspiracy for the enrichment of those who engineered it.” JP Morgan, John D Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, and Paul Warburg all declare that the lesson of The Panic is that the US needs a Central Bank.
Nine months before the planned crisis, Jacob Schiff warned in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce that “unless we have a central bank with control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history”.
The following year, Schiff’s boy, Teddy Roosevelt appointed a “bi-partisan” National Monetary Commission to study the causes of the Panic and make suggestions. The Chairman of the Commission was Senator Nelson Aldrich (whose daughter will one day be the mother of the 5 Rockefeller sons, David, John III, Nelson, Winthrop, & Lawrence)
1909 / 1914: Schiff and Friends Control the N.A.A.C.P.

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the most well-known Black American organization. What is not widely known is that its founders were ALL Zionist Marxists! Early Jewish co-founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Emil Hirsch. A black Communist named W.E. Dubois was cleverly put up as the NAACP’s front man.
In 1914, Jacob Schiff became a Board member of the NAACP. With a giant like Schiff on board, the organization was now ready for the big time. Zionist money and influence has long dominated this “civil rights” organization, which did not elect a non-Jewish President until 1975!
By design, Schiff’s Jewish-controlled NAACP drew Blacks away from the positive influence of the Black-American conservative patriot Booker T. Washington, a dominant Black political leader who believed in America’s founding principles and sought to build bridges between Whites and Blacks.
The liberal Democrat NAACP represents the opposite of what the Republican Booker T stood for, which was self reliance. NAACP is an anti- White Globalist Marxist tool that serves to divide Americans while herding radicalized Black voters (who they do not care about!) into the Leftist political camp. As a result, even today, 90-95% of Blacks blindly vote for Democrat candidates.
1912: Schiff Takes Down Taft and Installs Wilson
President William H. Taft proved to be a Constitutional Conservative, and not a big government “progressive” like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt. But what really angered Jacob Schiff most of all was Taft’s refusal, told to Schiff in person, to dampen trade relations with Tsarist Russia. According to Henry Ford’s sources, Schiff and his entourage left the White House saying. “This means war.”
In order to oust the popular Republican Taft in 1912, Schiff and company recruited Teddy Roosevelt to run for President again, as a third party challenger. This maneuver split the Republican vote in two, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to steal the Presidency. Wilson’s Jewish owned presidency would turn out to be disastrous for America, and the world (The Fed, World War I, Russian Revolution, Jewish foothold in Palestine, Depression of 1919-1920)
They set up the National Democratic Headquarters at 200 Fifth Avenue and Henry Morgenthau Sr. was made chairman of the Finance Committee. I was made his assistant. I saw everything that went on because I handled all the books. Jacob Schiff and the Jews started looking around for a man to put up as President. They got Woodrow Wilson, a rascal who wasn’t worth the powder to blow him to hell!” – Benjamin Freedman
1913: Schiff’s Brother-in-Law Takes Control of the Fed
Paul Warburg is widely considered to be the “Father of the Fed”. As its first New York City Branch Chairman, it was Warburg who ran the new counterfeiting, loan-sharking and market rigging operation, while an Anglo Saxon named Charles Hamlin provided the protective “Christian” cover as its nominal Chairman.
But in the grand power scheme of things, as powerful as Paul Warburg was, and came to be, Schiff still outranked him, at least in America. Schiff had already been well-established in New York for 37 years before Warburg had even arrived from Germany. Warburg settled in New York in 1902 as a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., where he was junior to Schiff. Schiff was actually the Brother-in-Law to Warburg’s wife, Nina Loeb. Recall that it was Schiff who called the Crash of 1907 in advance, as well as providing an idea for “solution” to such problems in the future. So if Paul Warburg is the “Father of the Fed”, then old Jake is the Grandfather.”
1917: Red October / The Bolshevik Revolution
As was the case during the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the chaos of World War I enabled the Communists (Bolsheviks) to stage another uprising in 1917. Leading the diabolical efforts was Jacob Schiff’s loyal agent, Leon Trotsky, freshly reestablished in Russia after having hidden in Brooklyn for the past decade. The Tsar had been forced to abdicate earlier that same year. The provisional government would then be overthrown by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks.
The following year, Schiff’s agents murdered the Tsar and his entire family. The reign of terror that the Soviets then ushered in would plague humanity for decades to come. Scores of millions would be murdered! And it could never have happened without the tireless leadership of Rothschild, Schiff and their Junior partners. Soon after the Revolution, Schiff removed Russia (now the Soviet Union) from his “do-not-lend list.
Chronological History of Events Involving Jacob Schiff

The House Banking Committee Staff Report on Corporate and Banking Influence Reveals Connection Between Rothschild and Federal Reserve Cartel Banks

Red Symphony – The Interrogation of Rothschild Agent Christian Rakovsky Reveals Rothschild-Illuminati Conspiracy to Establish a World Dictatorship of the Super Rich

Lundberg Publishes an Expose of ‘America’s 60 Families’. “This Defacto Government is… Invisible, Shadowy. It is the Government of Money in a Dollar Democracy.”

The Council on Foreign Relations is Established

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the Work of Jewish Planning and Jewish Dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to Have a New World Order.”

The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild – an Israeli State in Exchange for US Entrance into the Great War

The Bolshevik Revolution: An Illuminati Takeover of Russia?

World War I Begins: What is the Real Reason for WWI?

A Group of International Bankers Leave NJ Railroad Station for Jekyll Island to Plan the Takeover of the American Banking System with the Federal Reserve Act