The false philosophies on human sexuality that were developed based on Kinsey’s “sex research” have provided the foundation and rationale behind today’s comprehensive sexuality education programs that teach children of all ages they have a right to sexual knowledge and sexual pleasure. Kinsey’s “research” has also been widely used to liberalize laws restricting sexual behavior, to reduce punishments for sex offenders, and to promote masturbation, premarital sex, and homosexuality, among other things, as healthy and normal. However, it is now widely known that Kinsey’s research was fraudulent. Based in part on interviews with incarcerated criminals, prostitutes and pedophiles, rather than normal, healthy members of society, Kinsey claimed his findings applied to the general population.
Kinsey’s findings were also based on the sex abuse of children by pedophiles. In fact, table 34 in Kinsey’s own book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male documents the abuse of a number of infants, toddlers and older children who were sexually abused by pedophiles to induce orgasms that were timed with a stop watch over a 24-hour period.
Kinsey claims he never asked the men to abuse the children, he just reported on the “scientific research” they sent to him. Kinsey claimed this “research” showed that children derived sexual pleasure from their sex abuse, even if they were crying, convulsing or screaming.
In his biography of Kinsey, James Jones writes that Kinsey was a deeply disturbed individual with bizarre sexual fetishes and that Kinsey, an admitted bisexual, engaged in masochistic sexual behavior. The Kinsey Institute today continues its sex “research” and was recently granted consultative status at the United Nations, which they intend to use to advance their radical sexual agenda throughout the world.
From Kinsey to Planned Parenthood to SIECUS to the UN to Children Across the World
In a speech at the United Nations, internationally recognized expert and medical doctor, Dr. Miriam Grossman, asked,
“Who came up with the notion that it’s necessary to teach the world’s children about high-risk sex acts their parents never heard of? Planned Parenthood and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). These groups portray themselves as guardians of our children’s health and claim to provide students with all the information and skills they need to make smart choices. Their curricula, they declare, are comprehensive, age-appropriate, ideologically neutral, and medically accurate.”
International Planned Parenthood Federation and SIECUS, organizations that both hold consultative status at the United Nations, have used that status to become world leaders in developing and promoting Kinsey-inspired comprehensive sexuality education programs for children worldwide.
Dr. Miriam Grossman continued.
I’ve discovered that the vision of groups such as Planned Parenthood and SIECUS—the groups at the helm of sexuality education in the U.S.—is not sexual health. It is sexual freedom. These large and powerful organizations believe in sexuality that extends from cradle to grave. They tacitly endorse early sexual activity and multiple partners as well as sexual experimentation, which are the very behaviors that fuel the epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, abortion and emotional distress.
Those people who practice the lifestyles endorsed by these groups have more doctors’ appointments, not less. . . . I’ve studied the history of sex education and one of the things you need to understand is that sex education is a social movement. Its goal is to change society. That was true 50 years ago when it began, and it’s still true. The objective is to change my society, and now, yours.”
One of the learning objectives [of sexuality education] is to “change social norms.” [Those who advocate for comprehensive sexuality education] envision a world without sexual taboos and restrictions—a world free of Judeo/Christian morality where each individual, regardless of age, should be free to make his or her own sexual choices . . . and no judgment [is] allowed . . . It’s an “anything goes as long as you use a condom” philosophy of sex education.”
Dr. Mary Calderone, a Kinsey enthusiast, had been the medical director for Planned Parenthood when in 1964, using seed money from Hugh Hefner (the founder of “Playboy” magazine), she founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).
Like Kinsey, Dr. Calderone believed there was an urgent need to break from traditional views of sexuality. She believed sex education had too much negativity—too much focus on unwanted pregnancy and diseases. The real problem, she insisted, was that society is puritanical and repressed. According to Calderone, proper sex education would teach children that they are sexual beings and that the expression of their sexuality is positive, natural and healthy at all ages.
Referring to Kinsey’s research, Calderone stated that “professionals who study children have affirmed the strong sexuality of the newborn.” In a book written for parents, she said, “Children are sexual and think sexual thoughts and do sexual things.”
Another founding board member of SIECUS was Kinsey disciple Wardell Pomeroy who had been Kinsey’s co-author and a former Kinsey Institute director. Pomeroy believed that religious taboos were too restrictive, and that society’s entire belief system needed to be reconsidered. He claimed that traditional religion wooed people into prescribed boundaries for thinking and that boundaries were no good. He also asserted that physical pleasure has worth as a moral value.
Pomeroy was the author of a 1977 article appearing in Penthouse titled “A New Look at Incest.” In this article, he says “Incest can be a satisfying, non-threatening and even an enriching emotional experience.” Aiming their material at young children has been intentional at SIECUS from the very beginning. A 1980 Time magazine article called “Attacking the Last Taboo,” referred to Pomeroy as part of the “pro-incest lobby” and quoted him as saying: “It is time to admit that incest need not be a perversion or a symptom of mental illness…Incest between … children and adults … can sometimes be beneficial.”
To date, SIECUS and Planned Parenthood have been the world leaders in creating and promoting comprehensive sexuality education programs that incorporate Kinsey’s controversial sex philosophies and that encourage children and adults to explore their alleged sexual desires without constraints. SIECUS has partnered with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Nanette Eckert of SIECUS is one of the main authors of UNESCO’s highly controversial International Guidelines on Sexuality Education.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children. This is because unlike traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is highly explicit and promotes promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors to children as healthy and normal. CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on teaching children how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways. Yet, ironically, comprehensive sexuality education programs are anything but comprehensive as they fail to teach children about all of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity. The ultimate goal of CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society, which is why CSE could be more accurately called “abortion, promiscuity, and LGBT rights education.” CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sex education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of their sexual health. Click here to see numerous examples of many of the harmful components of CSE programs directly from various CSE program manuals.
The Deceptive CSE Agenda
Comprehensive sexuality education is usually disguised with innocuous sounding names like human rights education, gender equality education, or sexual and reproductive health education or information. CSE is typically taught to children at the youngest of ages, often without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
Since opposition to CSE programs is increasing as more and more parents are learning about its explicit nature, CSE advocates have become better at disguising it. For example some CSE programs are called “abstinence plus” programs when they have little or no focus on abstinence and largely focus on sexual pleasure. Just because a program is not specifically labeled “comprehensive sexuality education” does not mean it is not CSE. So programs called “sexual education,” “sexuality education,” ”sex education,” or a number of other things, can still be CSE if they have many of the harmful elements of CSE regardless of how it is labeled.
Increasingly, government officials are pressured at the United Nations and elsewhere to accept “comprehensive sexuality education” without ever seeing the actual curricula or understanding its graphic nature. In fact, in several instances, UN ambassadors have been manipulated into giving speeches on the UN floor promoting CSE as the solution to many world problems, without realizing what they are promoting.
Later, however, when they see the actual content of CSE programs, they are aghast as they learn how CSE promotes radical sexual ideologies and behaviors that conflict with the religious and cultural values of most people. (Click here to see links to excerpts from CSE programs.)
Who Promotes or Profits from CSE?
Click here for an extended list of CSE supporters >
Comprehensive sexuality education is promoted by powerful and respected organizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and UN agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. Even the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) promotes CSE. (See
In addition, CSE is heavily promoted at the UN and at national and state legislatures by paid lobbyists of multi-million dollar organizations and businesses (the most prominent being International Planned Parenthood) that profit from services they provide to young people and adults who are sexually active. In fact, it is not unusual for these lobbyists to become members of official UN delegations without the governments understanding the deceptive sexual CSE agenda the lobbyists are intending to promote.
Lucrative “sexual and reproductive health care services” can include sexual counseling, family planning, contraception, condoms, abortion, testing and treatment for STIs, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, as well as related commodities, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc. The early sexualization of children through CSE can create lifelong paying customers for these services, so this is big business.
Click here to see a recent example of how a UN delegation was compromised by a CSE lobbyist who managed to get on the Ugandan delegation.
Click here to see the extensive steps International Planned Parenthood and UN agencies have taken to manipulate African governments to accept comprehensive sexuality education.
Click here to learn more about those who profit from and promote or fund comprehensive sexuality education.
Advocates of comprehensive sexuality education programs claim that among other things, CSE programs will reduce teen pregnancy and STD infections and that they do not sexualize children. However, as you explore the documentation on this site, including research on CSE programs, you can judge for yourself if these claims are true or whether the exact opposite may be true. And remember, the health and innocence of our children are at stake.
See Also:
Chronological History of Sex Education

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