Taking Back Our Stolen History
Sexual blackmail
Sexual blackmail

Sexual blackmail

a standard element of statecraft and organized crime where individuals over which deep states seek control, are either induced to voluntarily perform proscribed sexual acts, or rendered insensible through use of drugs and then framed. Scopolamine or substances similar in effect might be used. Once compromising recordings have been made, they are used to blackmail people, facilitating the covert subversion of public organizations by deep state operatives.[1]

In 1953 the CIA started Operation Midnight Climax, which covertly filmed unwitting people’s sexual encounters with prostitutes, as part of its research into the effects of drugs such as LSD, and into clandestine recording technology. In the past, effective recording required a prepared room equipped with microphones and hidden cameras to ensure reliable depiction of the sexual acts. UK groups had regular venues to carry out such operations, reportedly including Kincora Boys’ Home, Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square.[2] US venues are rumored to include Washington’s “embassy row,” Jeffrey Epstein’s multiple homes, private islands and jet. Technological developments allow for easier gathering of blackmail material.

Government intelligence and deep state spies as well as diplomats should be well aware of this tactic, so drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, benzodiazepines, aphrodisiacs or scopolamine may be administered to lower self-control and/or impair memory. Peer pressure from compromised individuals is another vital element, for example, who may induce colleagues to drinking with them at social functions.

Institutions which vest decision making in a few senior individuals (i.e. hierarchies) are particularly vulnerable to subversion by blackmail, since only a few people need be compromised. Where advancement up the hierarchy is accompanied by increased privileges (e.g. a high salary) the compromised individuals and their compromisers have a mutual self interest in their advancement up the hierarchy.

Many different taboos surround sexual activity so, various forms may have been used for blackmail since time immemorial. Methods have evolved along with changes in sexual taboos and recording technology. In the modern era, recording devices – particularly cameras – have boosted its effectiveness. Copies of these recordings may or may not be given to the victims, and the threat of their exposure may or may not be made explicit.

Homosexuality used to be taboo and/or illegal in many countries. This is interesting when combined with the observation that certain institutions (particularly all male boarding schools) might almost have been designed to promote it. Some commentators have commented that various intelligence agencies have had (or still have?) a culture of homosexuality. (J. Edgar Hoover, for example is widely suspected of being a homosexual and of having a 40 year ‘marriage’ to his deputy Clyde Tolson[3][4]). Spooks are not widely noted for their habitual following of laws, so one explanation for this culture of sexual criminalization might be the desire to use sexually blackmail to rein in members of these organizations. The legalization of homosexuality rendered obsolete an accumulated stock of recordings of homosexual sex. Later operations instead switched to “sex” with juveniles and/or rape of children.

J. Edgar Hoover became notorious for his use of blackmail and a 2012 biography claimed he had the largest collection of pornography in history (at the time, illegal), used in part for self-amusement, part for blackmail purposes. Hoover was reported to be “mostly interested in nudes of famous people”.[3] The FBI attempted sexual blackmail of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. The CIA’s secret MK-Ultra program sought to erase and program the minds of thousands of young and vulnerable boys and girls. The Greenbaum speech

During the 1980s, the Franklin child prostitution ring, the Finders cult, the Dutroux sex ring in Belgium and throughout Europe from the 60’s until it was exposed in 1996, and other VIP sex rings partly exposed this pedophile operation, however the Epstein sex ring exposed US President Bill Clinton and many other high profile so-called elitists’ perverted sexual appetites for sex with young girls and boys.

Source: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Sexual_blackmail