A valley in the geographic sense (most of which is the Santa Clara Valley), is in northern California from San Francisco to San Jose, primarily on the western side of the Bay. The area is home to many high-tech companies, including Hewlett Packard, Intel, Adobe, Yahoo, Google, Apple, Twitter, Cisco, Oracle, and AMD. These monopolies work together as a cartel to shape the thoughts of the public via censorship and promotion of propaganda from their CIA and China masters. Silicon Valley is also a two-tiered society of the haves and the have-nots. It has a large homeless population, and poor people living in rundown trailers camp out along one side of Stanford University, not far from the headquarters of Google. Silicon Valley companies rely extensively on work visas to exploit foreign labor, thereby denying engineering opportunities to Americans. Silicon Valley has replaced Hollywood as the primary funding source of liberal politics, including censorship of conservatives.
The area has a relatively high percentage of atheists among its population, and those having religious views feel uncomfortable speaking out:
Julie Fredrickson, a longtime tech entrepreneur and conservative Christian, tells me she frequently feels her religious beliefs are out of place in the tech world. “I’m confident that discovering I’m a Calvinist would lead to some awkward conversations I don’t necessarily want to have with Silicon Valley folks,” says Fredrickson, CEO of the cosmetics company Stowaway. “People who have actually, very carefully considered belief systems, whether religious or otherwise, don’t always feel safe expressing it.”
According to a 2017 report, the Chinese government and the CIA are competing to fund high-tech projects, particularly those related to the development of artificial intelligence, which suggests a new “arms race” may already be underway. The DefenseOne blog reports China is winning that race in a big way, powered by a 100-to-1 investment advantage. The report quotes Charlie Greenbacker, the ‘technical product leader in artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, analytics, and data science’ at In-Q-Tel, a type of angel investor set up by the CIA to provide funding for projects that are deemed of national security interest.
The tech official said the spy agency is currently interested in projects involving:
- image recognition – Orbital Insight, a company that analyzes satellite images to discover trends and patterns on a global scale,
- natural language processing – Primer, a company that sells an AI tool that can read and summarize text, and
- predictive analytics – Celect, a company that has a predictive analytics engine that can accurately predict retail market trends months in advance, but also accurately predicted the 2014 fall of Ukraines pro-Russian government months in advance.
Greenbacker said:
“Our model is to put a little bit of pressure at the right spot to influence a company to make sure it develops things that are useful to our customers,” Greenbacker said.
But, he also noted the U.S. intelligence investment is lagging far behind foreign investors, most notably the Chinese government:
“The entire government spent $1.1 billion on unclassified AI programs in 2015. The estimate for 2016 was $1.2 billion. Meanwhile, Softbank [a Japanese multinational conglomerate] has a $100-billion-dollar fund for this. The Chinese government in their most recent five-year-plan has put $150 billion in this.”
That’s an area where Congress is already working to shore up gaps that could become significant national security concerns in a hurry. Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) have drafted bipartisan legislation to close loopholes and gaps in the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States review process that would allow China to fund American research that could then be transferred to China and used against U.S. citizens.
In 2019, Fast Company caught on to what Breitbart News had been highlighting for some time: that the Big Tech Masters of the Universe are developing systems to monitor and regulate personal behavior that closely resemble China’s totalitarian “social credit” system. The “social credit” system assigns all Chinese citizens a “social credit score.” A citizen’s score drops if he engages in a range of disfavored activities, ranging from littering to supporting political dissidents. Citizens whose score drops low enough can find themselves subject to strict punishment, including bans from the use of public transport, exclusion from top jobs, and prohibitions on their children attending top-rated schools. This may sound alien and Orwellian, but as Fast Company notes, Silicon Valley is bringing a version of this grim reality to America.
Many Westerners are disturbed by what they read about China’s social credit system. But such systems, it turns out, are not unique to China. A parallel system is developing in the United States, in part as the result of Silicon Valley and technology-industry user policies, and in part by surveillance of social media activity by private companies.
The article goes on to note a range of ways in which western citizens are being systematically rated, and in some cases excluded, by corporate America. These include insurance companies scanning the social media feeds of applicants, an app called “PatronScan,” that logs the face and name of troublesome bar and restaurant clientele, and the growing tendency of services like Airbnb, Uber, and WhatsApp to ban users for arbitrary reasons.2 Read more…
And in the U.S., social media already “scores” both customers and businesses. If you don’t measure up to the standards of Airbnb, Rocket Mortgage, or Uber, you may not be able to rent an apartment, get a mortgage, or reserve a taxi. Facebook, Google, and other Big Tech companies already police the internet for what they identify as “fake”… or perhaps merely inconvenient… news.
Since the Trump administration swept into power in 2017, in spite of thinly veiled opposition from Silicon Valley – as it was later revealed, big tech effectively conspired with the Clinton campaign to hurt Trump’s chances – the drumbeat of unprecedented anti-trust scrutiny has grown steadily louder, facilitated by the president’s own publicly-voiced suspicions.
The Wall Street Journal reported in 2019 that the DoJ had opened an anti-trust investigation of Alphabet Inc., which could “present a major new layer of regulatory scrutiny for the search giant, according to people familiar with the matter.” The report was sourced to “people familiar with the matter,” but was swiftly corroborated by the New York Times, Bloomberg and others.
For months, the FTC has appeared to be gearing up for a showdown with big tech. The agency – which shares anti-trust authority with the DoJ – has created a commission that could help undo big-tech tie-ups like Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, and hired lawyers who have advanced new anti-monopoly theories that would help justify the breakup of companies like Amazon. Read more…
Everybody knows that the feds played an important role in the funding and development of the internet. Al Gore even claimed he “invented” it. Less well known is how the Deep State’s clandestine agencies provided early-stage financing for today’s Big Tech companies… and how they enjoy a cozy and mutually profitable relationship, controlling the flow of ideas, information, and opinions to the public… and preparing for the next stage: directly controlling its money… and its behavior.
The deep state takes great measures to control the most influential tech companies that control information flow such as Twitter, YouTube, Google, Facebook, and Apple because control of these companies will lead to control of perseption, which is what they’ve been doing for decades.
Interestingly, Silicon Valley parents are obsessed with keeping their children away from screens. Even a little screen time can be so deeply addictive, some parents believe, that it’s best if a child neither touches nor sees any of these glittering rectangles. These particular parents, after all, deeply understand their allure. These parents are now asking nannies to keep phones, tablets, computers and TVs off and hidden at all times. Some are even producing no-phone contracts, which guarantee zero unauthorized screen exposure, for their nannies to sign.
Activist Post has recently published 2 articles about recent reports from The New York Times and Fox News about this. Silicon Valley parents’ concerns about their kids’ own use and exposure and tech aren’t new. Still, these parents DESIGNED the products that many parents and schools are providing for children. So what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander.
A tool some Silicon Valley key players use in an attempt to merge with something they perceive to be more powerful, such as AI, is psychedelic drug usage. Alex Jones has been on the forefront of exposing the elite’s usage of powerful drugs to attempt communication with other dimensions. Popular Silicon Valley drugs include psychedelic mushrooms, LSD, DMT and big pharma pills such as Adderall. In the now-famous Joe Rogan Experience podcast in February 2019, Alex broke down the government’s use of DMT.
Below: “Silicon Valley is doing all it can to help the Biden-Harris ticket, and this is just the beginning,” the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host told viewers in September 2020. “This year, for example, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and other billionaires threw major financial support behind an organization called Acronym. Reportedly, Acronym has set up bogus news sites in swing states to portray Democrats in a positive light. Oh, kind of like the propaganda they claimed Russia was propagating in the last election.”
Since Trump’s election, Carlson alleged, Silicon Valley has attempted to protect their interests by supporting Democrats who align with Wall Street “and multibillion-dollar companies like theirs.”
“So there’s a reason Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are now the standard bearers of the Democratic Party. It’s not because Democratic voters loved them so much — they didn’t. It’s because they’re compliant. Joe Biden has trouble formulating sentences clearly. He’s not posing a threat to tech monopolies. Of course not, after 50 years of shilling for corporations.”
- https://www.conservapedia.com/Silicon_Valley
- https://www.trunews.com/article/china-cia-competing-in-silicon-valley#!
- https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/silicon-valley-parents-spy-on-nannies-to-make-sure-they-arent-using-screens-around-their-kids-and-make-them-sign-no-screens-contracts.html
Chronological History of Events Related to Silicon Valley

Whistleblower: US and UK Military Contractors Launched Initial Censorship Group that Later Morphed into the Censorship Industrial Complex After 2016 Trump Election

America First Legal Uncovers Vast Censorship Network Funded by State Department, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Others

US House of Representatives Forms the ‘Weaponization of Government’ Select Committee Headed by Patriot Jim Jordan

Twitter Suspends Christian Conservative Rapper Bryson Gray

Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story

Global Black Friday Strike by Amazon Employees to Demand Company ‘Ceases Awful, Unsafe Practices’

‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower

Berlin State Supreme Court Rules Elections in the German Capital were Fraudulent and Corrupt; Orders Redo

Musk Takes Control of Twitter, Ousts Top Executives