A series of riots, hailed as the beginning of the gay liberation movement, perpetrated by homosexuals in 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. This Inn was a secret homosexual bar (known for men called ‘chicken hawks’ wanting sex with underage boys) which operated outside the law and bribed police officers to look the other way so that it could continue operating without a liquor license and in violation of public indecency laws. It was owned by the Genovese mafia family. When the police moved to end the illegal activities at the bar and injured several patrons in the process, the homosexuals rioted, injuring many police officers and innocent bystanders. Homosexuals consider the Stonewall Riots to be their Rosa Parks or Braveheart, an act of defiance against injustice, while many social conservatives see them as the unfortunate nascence of the gay agenda in the public eye. Continue Reading…

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