Going Global
The UNEP report mentioned above reveals that “15 percent of the fiscal stimulus funds committed for 2009-2010, which exceed $3.1 trillion, can be regarded as green in nature… most green components are oriented towards energy efficiency and renewable energies in a variety of sectors.”
A BusinessWeek article, “How Italy Beat the World to a Smarter Grid” stated on November 16, 2009 that, “After several false starts, 2010 finally could be the year when smart meters go global.”
Indeed, it is:
- Italy has already implemented Smart Grid technology in 85 percent of its homes nationwide
- earth2tech.com reports that Smart Grid will generate $200 billion of global investment in the next few years
- The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has laid out a global roadmap to insure interoperability of Smart Grid systems between nations
- Global companies are rushing to gain their share of the global Smart Grid market: IBM, Siemens, GE, Cisco, Panasonic, Kyocera, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, etc.
- China is spending $7.32 billion to build out Smart Grid in Asia
Other countries with Smart Grid pilot projects already launched include Germany, France, England, Russia, Japan, India, Australia, South Africa and a host of others. Regional organizations such as SMARTGRIDS Africa have been set up to promote Smart Grid in smaller countries.
Thus, the global rush is on. In every case, Smart Grid is being accelerated by government stimulus spending. The global vendors are merely lining up their money buckets to be filled up with taxpayer funds.
As is the case in the U.S., there was little, if any, preexisting or latent demand for Smart Grid technology. Demand has been artificially created by the respective governments of each country.
Smart Grid meets 100 percent of the Technocracy’s original requirements as described above. In other words, it will monitor and control both delivery and consumption of energy and other green resources such as water and gas.
The Smart Grid initiative was developed and funded by government agencies and NGO’s. It was the Energy Department’s Bonneville Power Authority that invented the concept in the 1990’s. It was the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that invented the Grid Friendly Appliance Controller. It was the Federal Administration that showered billions of dollars over the private sector to jump-start the nationwide initiative to implement Smart Grid in every community.
If the Federal government had not been the initial and persistent driver, would Smart Grid exist at all? It is highly doubtful.
Following the same pattern as the U.S., many other industrialized nations are implementing Smart Grid at the same time, using their own stimulus money. This synchronized implementation is certainly by design, and as such, it implies that there must be a designer. Who might be providing such top-down coordination on a global basis must be saved for another paper. One thing is certain: The technology being purchased world-wide all originated in the United States and is being marketed by the same global corporations as mentioned above.
Lastly, there is an assumption throughout Smart Grid literature that the Federal Administration will have full visibility of all data within the Smart Grid, even down to the individual household. They will also be in a position to set national, regional and local distribution and consumption policies, such as your “fair share” of available energy, gas and water.
International standards created for Smart Grid will also enable the U.S. Smart Grid to be connected seamlessly with Canada and Mexico, thus providing a comprehensive North American energy management and distribution system. Is Smart Grid destined to be a global phenomenon? Yes. Is it designed to support a new global Technocratic, resource-based economic system? Yes.
Technocracy must be seen for what it is: An attempt to impose a totalitarian, scientific dictatorship. In 1933, it called for the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as dictator in order to “pave the way for economic revolution.” Fortunately at the time, they failed in their attempted coup.
If today’s Smart Grid is successfully completed, it will enable the conversion of our existing economic system into something far different and far worse. This is why the American people repudiated Technocracy in 1933, and this is exactly why we (and citizens around the world) should thoroughly repudiate it today.
money is flowing freely to establish a new “smart” energy grid that will replace every utility meter in the U.S. with digitized units, thus providing 2-way communication between your house and the energy grid masters. And yes, Smart Grid is the exclusive creation of the U.S. government.
Note that funds are not being used to actually upgrade the infrastructure (e.g., new high-voltage transmission systems) but only to implement monitoring and controlling of consumers.
When comparing the original requirements for implementing Technocracy in the 1930’s to the requirements for Smart Grid issued by the Department of Energy, it is no surprise that they matched point for point.
Once in place, Smart Grid will enable the U.S. Department of Energy to set and enforced national policies for both distribution and consumption… even down to the level of directly controlling the power hungry devices in your home, like thermostats, washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.
Furthermore, the Smart Grid is simultaneously being implemented in a host of other countries around the world, from Japan to South Africa to Russia, etc., all paid for by their own economic stimulus packages. The creation of international standards will allow inter-communication between Smart Grid systems in different countries.
There are other complementary government initiatives that make a lot more sense in light of understanding Technocracy.
- RFID – Radio Frequency Identification chips in passports, driver licenses, etc.
- NAIS – National Animal Identification System to track all animals.
- Internet Monitoring – Total monitoring of the Internet by the NSA and Homeland security.
- Fusion Centers – Created by Homeland Security, the FBI and NSA to collect “intelligence” on all Americans at the state level.
- Facial Recognition – using biometric data to track citizens wherever they appear on a government-placed surveillance system. Biometric images are created and stored when you receive a Passport or driver’s license, for instance.
Again, when I say “government initiative” I mean just that. None of these had one ounce of private interest before the government decided to pursue them. Using stimulus funds in order to create jobs for the “green economy” may be the ultimate ruse to finally spike the existing economic system and usher in the “New International Economic Order” that the Trilateral Commission envisioned in 1973.
The above article was originally published in 2010 on August Forecast & Review | Written by Patrick Wood
- Scott & Hubbert, Technocracy Study Course, Technocracy, Inc., 1934
- Background paper for the ministerial consultations, Governing Council of the United Nations Environmental Programme, December 14, 2009
- The Smart Grid: An Introduction, U.S. Department of Energy
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, website
- 2010 Strategic Plan, Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability
- The Networked Grid 100: Movers and Shakers of the Smart Grid
- Meloan, Steve, “Toward a Global ‘Internet of Things‘”, Oracle Software, November 11, 2003
- Wi-Fi for the Smart Grid, Wi-Fi Alliance, 2009
- Obama Announces $3.4 Billion Investment to Spur Transition to Smart Energy Grid, Department of Energy Press Release
On January 10, 2017 Khanna released to the world his latest propaganda book, Technocracy in America: Rise Of The Info-State. Promotional material states,
“American democracy just isn’t good enough anymore… The ideal form of government for the complex 21st century is what Khanna calls a ‘direct technocracy,’ one led by experts but perpetually consulting the people through a combination of democracy and data. From a seven-member presidency and a restructured cabinet to replacing the Senate with an Assembly of Governors, Technocracy in America is full of sensible proposals that have been proven to work in the world’s most successful societies. Americans have a choice for whom they elect president, but they should not wait any longer to redesign their political system following Khanna’s pragmatic vision.”
To showcase this latest book, TIME published Khanna’s own summary, 5 Radical Solutions to Fix Our Busted Government, in which he discusses 5 policy recommendations that are very reminiscent of Technocracy policies seen in the 1930s:
- Abolish the electoral college
- Create a streamlined and expert Cabinet
- Replace the Senate with an Assembly of Governors
- Let the Supreme Court modify the Constitution
- Restore a strong federal service that knows how to run a country
Technocrat Henry A. Porter wrote Roosevelt and Technocracy in 1933. He bluntly called for President-elect Roosevelt to declare himself dictator in order to summarily implement Technocracy. He likewise called for the abolition of Congress.
In order to implement Khanna’s Technocracy, President-Elect Trump would similarly have to declare himself dictator, because the citizenry of America would never voluntarily accept these moves.
Fortunately, Khanna’s radical Technocracy in America will not be released into a vacuum because Patrick Wood’s book Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation has already been warning about this for two years (released in 2015). Additionally, he has addressed hundreds of audiences on radio, video and in person about the reality and dangers of Technocracy.
For all those who have doubted whether Technocracy is a clear and present danger to America (and the entire world), you can and should translate your doubts into alarm, because the global elite themselves have now declared that Technocracy is the endgame.
More recently, the UN’s 2030 Agenda and New Urban Agenda agreements have been adopted by over 190 nations of the world. The 2030 Agenda established the 17 new and expanded Sustainable Development Goals for the next 15 years, while the New Urban Agenda sets the standards for Smart Cities throughout the world. Between the two initiatives, the UN is asking for control over 100 percent of all production and 100 percent of all consumption. They, in turn, will utilize science and the Scientific Method to restructure and control the entire global economy and society.
Americans rejected Technocracy in the 1930s and saved themselves from Scientific Dictatorship. While Khanna wrote in TIME “a bit more technocracy could ensure America’s best days aren’t behind it”, Dr. Wood suggests the polar opposite: “Technocracy will destroy America as a nation and as a culture. It will trample freedom and liberty with the jackboot of Scientific Dictatorship.”
Be warned. Be alarmed.
With the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election being a failure for the globalists, they may be ready to stage a coup on democracy and do away with the office of President altogether – convincing America that the system is broken. Patrick Wood says in an article on his website, Technocracy.news, the following:
First, note that there have been a rash of articles appearing recently in globalist media hammering on the failure of and soon demise of Democracy.
- Washington Post 2/10/16 – Is U.S. ‘presidentialist’ democracy failing?
- Salon 11/8/16 – President Trump: A colossal failure for democracy
- Huffington Post 3/1/16 – Five Reasons ‘Representative Democracy is Failing Us
- New Yorker 11/7/16 – The Case Against Democracy
According to globalist reasoning, Democracy was a useful tool to get us to where we are today, but it is woefully inadequate to take us into the future. It’s dead. It’s over. It’s time for something new, a final solution to America’s myriad problems.
Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted this in his 1970 book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role In the Technetronic Era, namely, that Communism and Socialism were necessary stepping stones to get to the end game, but they were not the end game in themselves. The final target was to be Brzezinski’s Technetronic Era, which I pointedly contend is little more than warmed over Technocracy from the 1930s. In 1973, Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller to create a “New International Economic Order”.
Second, President Obama took only eight years to systematically deconstruct America using radical Marxist tactics. It was a thoroughly effective game plan, and it has decidedly broken the existing political/economic system in the process. In fact, it was so broken that Hillary Clinton, the mistress of political gamesmanship, could not even win the 2016 Presidential election! This ‘failure’ happened as Trilateral Commission members surrounded Obama for all eight years of his tenure as President, and as Clinton and her campaign was carefully managed by Trilateral bigwig John Podesta.
After 40 years of careful observation, I have concluded that the globalist strategy is always played like a chess game. They think several moves ahead of us, and they use every means possible to cover their tracks and to mislead about their future intentions. Antony Sutton and I broke their code in the 1970s, and I attest that nothing has changed today.
Thus, the next move on this grand chess board will be to fuel the flames of discontents who call for (demand) trashing democracy altogether. Simultaneously, Technocracy will be presented as the perfect, if not only, solution to replace it.
So, it is no coincidence that global scholar Parag Khanna’s new book, Technocracy in America: Rise of the Info-State, was released on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, just 10 days prior to Inauguration Day for President-elect Trump. Nor is it a coincidence that Khanna has already gained a major platform of progressive media to push his radical ideas:
- TIME 12/2/16 – 5 Radical Solutions to Fix Our Busted Government
- Washington Post 1/4/17– The U.S. might be better off without Congress — and a president
- Geopolitical Monitor 1/4/17 – Interview: Dr. Parag Khanna on How to Fix the US Political System
- Huffington Post 1/9/17 – Sick Of American Democracy? The U.S. Could Learn A Lot From These Countries
Some readers will immediately reject my prediction as being ridiculous, stating that Technocracy will never gain any foothold in America. Such readers would do well to review history; in the 1930’s and 40s, there were over 500,000 card-carrying, dues-paying members of Technocracy, Inc. and it was wildly popular with millions of other Americans. If Americans were dumb enough to believe it then, they can be dumb enough to believe it today.
You can test my prediction in coming weeks and months in two ways. First, watch for calls to end democracy or radically restructure government. Second, watch for increased media coverage of Khanna’s call for a ‘direct technocracy’ in America. Some of the high points of Khanna’s book include,
- Abolishing the electoral college
- Turning the presidency into an Executive Committee with multiple members
- Abolishing the Senate, replacing it with executive Technocrats from each state
- Transferring custody of the Constitution from the Senate to the Supreme Court
- Filling civil service positions with apolitical Technocrats
- Removing politicians from any influence on operational issues regarding society
Trilaterals and global elite strategists are not the only people in the world who can play chess. I have just given you their most-likely next move in advance, so the only question that remains is, how you will answer that move?
* Yes, America was founded as a Constitutional Republic, but progressives and elitists do not recognize this form of government. Therefore, they will never refer to America as anything other than a Democracy.
Chronological History of Events Related to Technocracy

Biden White House Wages War on 1st Amendment

McConnell Joins With Schumer To Block Potential Trump VETO Of Defense Bill, Keep Big Tech Protection

GOP-Controlled Senate Passes ‘America Last’ Green Card Giveaway to Reward Big Tech

The Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Give Lecture Warning How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible

DARPA Launches Project CHARIOT in Bid to Protect Big Tech Profits / Give Backdoor Access to IOT

Facebook Threatens to Blacklist PragerU Facebook Page

World Economic Forum Begins (3-7) Cyber Polygon Simulation to Practice Cyber Attacks that Will Usher in Great Reset

Stanford Scientists Take Next Step in Brain-Machine Interface Research

Twitter Hires China CCP-Linked AI Expert