A movement by the elite that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology – a merging of man and machine to achieve immortality. The most common transhumanist thesis is that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into different beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the natural condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings. It is essentially eugenics. It’s the lessening of the human factor in humanity for the sake of the few who control. Transhumanism is a counterfeit for the promise through Jesus Christ of Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven through accepting and living His gospel – an attempt by secular humanists to become as Gods themselves, ruling over the lesser humans.
Transhumanism is a bizarre aspiration to achieve immortality, along lunatic lines like cryogenics, placing miniature robots in our bloodstream, “augmenting” ourselves as cyborgs, and even uploading our minds to the Internet. Sound like the ravings of a mad scientist? Yes but they are being spearheaded by the likes of Google. They are in the hands of those who can exercise extraordinary control over our lives. One of Google’s own heads of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, left, a Jew, is the revered modern-day prophet of transhumanism.
The truth is that a formidable conspiracy has taken place right under our noses for the last 50 years. While our attention has been focused on JFK, UFOs and 9/11, a plot to create the ultimate surveillance tool has proceeded unnoticed: the rise of the All-Seeing Eye, the personal computer.
Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.
Transhumanist themes have been reflected for decades in movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, the Terminator series, The Matrix, and Transcendence, but is best encapsulated in the recent movie Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson, who takes a “smart drug” to achieve ever increasing intelligence, until she merges her mind with the Internet, to become a god.
This idea is rooted in an occult belief first developed in the sixteenth century by Isaac Luria, father of the New Kabbalah, and the godfather of Rosicrucianism. Luria’s idea, which proposed that man was evolving through time to become God, served as the basis for the Theory of Evolution, promoted by Thomas Huxley’ X Club. Huxley’s grandsons were Aldous Huxley, the visionary behind MK-Ultra, and eugenicist Julian Huxley, a founder of UNESCO.
Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous who authored Brave New World, first used this word Transhumanism. Huxley was a member of the British Eugenics Society, eugenics being the foundation of Transhumanism.
Eugenics rests on a necessity of there being superior and inferior genetic pools in the human population. It might be very socially unacceptable to speak publicly of there being some races, ethnic or cultural groups who are inferior to the rest, yet in secrecy this is exactly what elite Eugenicists believe.
The public is guided to love the idea of Transhumanism by being persuaded that it is not a goal attached to race or ethnicity, but simply a means of bettering all of humanity. This is quite untrue.
Elite Transhumanists have no desire to “evolve” all humankind, their goal is one which seeks to advance only their own bloodlines and to leave the rest in disadvantage to them so that these unfortunate ones have no choice but to become their slaves, their lab animals and their labor force.
“The lowest strata are reproducing too fast.
Therefore… they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilization.” – Julian Huxley
The elite, as they are wrongly called, are blood relations of one another, descending from the hybrid tyrants who ruled in result of this same Transhumanist philosophy pre-flood.
Julian also wrote the introduction to The Phenomenon of Man by Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 -1955), known as the Catholic Darwin. Identified as the leading influence of the New Age movement, Teilhard is also regarded as the “Patron Saint of the Internet.” Teilhard influenced Marshall McLuhan, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick and Terence McKenna with his theory of a “Noosphere,” which would represent humanity’s development of a collective consciousness.
Today referred as the “Global Mind,” it underlines the plans of Google and the transhumanists to create artificial intelligence. By merging with the Internet, which will accumulate all human knowledge, and peer into every aspect of our lives, it will achieve omniscience.
This, the transhumanists believe, will serve as a new god, to unite the world in a communal purpose, and usher in the New Age, or what Kurweil refers to as The Singularity. To understand the Luciferian significance of these ambitions, McLuhan himself explained:
“Electric information environments being utterly ethereal foster the illusion of the world as spiritual substance. It is now a reasonable facsimile of the mystical body [of Christ], a blatant manifestation of the Anti-Christ. After all, the Prince of this world is a very great electric engineer.”
David Livingstone’s “Transhumanism- The History of a Dangerous Idea” . His web site.
From HumansAreFree.com:
…here are 7 disturbing reasons explaining why transhumanism is said to be the greatest threat to the human race and what needs to be done to prevent it.
- Mass exploitation for world takeover – In their power-mad pursuits, prepared to spend countless millions, the ruling elite see transhumanism technology as a way to becoming immortal godlike beings.Like most advanced technologies, they will continue to develop transhumanism for their own selfish benefit and as a means of mass exploitation for world takeover. However, what they don’t realize is that we humans are already powerful godlike beings. – The ‘next level’ or ‘transformation’ comes from the consequences of the realization of this.
- Loss of spirituality – While accepting transhumanism technology without discernment, seen purely as ‘beneficial’ or ‘enhancing’ through cybernetics, genetic changes, mind-altering drugs, robotizing, bionics, micro-chipping and nano-technology… there is a serious risk of humans losing their power through a loss of spiritual connection to God/ Goddess/ All-There-Is: Infinite possibility, infinite wisdom, infinite love…. If this happens en masse, becoming robots, humans will lose their ability to do anything significant against the ruling elite’s control system. – For the ruling elite this would be the ultimate ‘got you where we want you human race.’
- Loss of humanity – As a consequence of 2, as we become dehumanized ‘empty shells,’ those human qualities of empathy, compassion, generosity, kindness, caring and sharing… would be lost. This would lead to disastrous consequences: It is love that makes the world go around. Similarly, as James Corbett said, “Only love will defeat the New World Order.”
- Controlling – In summary of 1-3 don’t fall for the ruse: While it’s great, for example, that lost limbs can be effectively replaced by the technology, ultimately, transhumanism is a way of controlling the people, while masquerading solely as ‘beneficial’ or ‘enhancing.’ The creation of the hive mind through transhumanism and technocracy has long been on the ruling elite’s controlling agenda. The hive mind is flawed in that it does not address humans as individuals. When push comes to shove, with all their individual needs and self-expressions humans are bound to revolt against the technocrats’ hive mind control system…
- Mass surveillance – Take the use of micro-chipped pills to monitor drug dosage control in patients as an example of mass surveillance. The micro-chips in the pills could be used for other darker purposes such as mood altering and mind reading during the surveillance, activated from a central control location using computers. Mass mind controlling through surveillance is high on the technological autocrats’ wish list…
- Some serious health threats – There’s the disturbing case of vaccines capable of changing our DNA. The vaccine introduced into our bodies contains live viruses. These viruses can incorporate into our host cell’s DNA and thus alter our genetic composition and gene expression. A deeply concerning health issue is the recent push for vaccinating pregnant women, which has to stop. If you are pregnant or know anyone who is then please circulate the following or other similar pieces. Going beyond the mother’s placental barrier, the vaccines have shown to cause brain damaging alterations in the developing foetus through their toxicity. This also causes foetal inflammation. With further vaccinations after birth and drug treatment such as paracetamol to try and reduce the infant’s inflammation, the brain-damaging continues:
- It causes further alterations in the brain’s structural development, mainly affecting the pre-frontal cortex the front area responsible for cognitive (thought) processes and the animalistic limbic system a region of the hindbrain affecting emotion.
- The 3rd important part of the brain also affected is the anterior cingulate cortex (sorry about the jargon) which acts as a relay station allowing connections between the pre-frontal cortex and limbic system. Damage and mal-development of these 3 brain structures results in a number of disorders such as autism…
Microchip Implants
Dr Katherine Horton in an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford. She worked as a high energy physicists on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland. She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, University of Oxford, and conducted admissions interviews for undergraduate physics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford.
Dr. Horton gradually realised that she, as well as her family and friends, were being used as target practice for modern military weapons and subjects of human experimentation with non-consensual body implants and neurotechnology. The crimes against her and her family and friends were committed with egregious impunity because all police services, Intelligence Agencies and courts were in Deep Capture by a global criminal network that owned the Secret Services and had infiltrated every area of public life.
Dr. Horton as well as her family members and those of her friends experienced brutal assaults and survived assassination attempts. Dr. Horton was permanently mutilated and repeated brutal premeditated assaults and had to begin fighting for her life. Dr. Horton also discovered that she had been non-consensually implanted without her knowledge with microchips. The radio-frequency emissions from these illegal chip implants that form an interconnected system, called a Body Area Network in the scientific literature, were measured by experts in a professional Faraday cage at a Belgian university.
She also discovered that members of her family and friends had equally been implanted. Dr. Horton has begged for help from the human rights charities, Swiss & UK & German police, Swiss criminal police, Swiss military police, the German Federal Crime Squad BKA, the Swiss & UK Attorney Generals, the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal, the Heads of MI5 & BND and the German ambassador to Switzerland. All committed dereliction of duty by refusing to help. The police even took active steps to intimidate her.
Dr. Horton discusses her research discoveries regarding microchipping in the videos below:

In our present context, transhumanism and their technologies aim to re-engineer humankind and are, by their very nature, drawn from occult or alchemical principles as a cyclic set of redemptive patterns. Modern science is a reflection of the original alchemical imperatives, established to assist humanity in achieving a prodigal return after the fall. Yet, there are always two streams to this return: service to self or service to others, left hand path or right hand path, creativity, entropy, yin-yang. Learning to discern and discriminate the choices which lead to an increase in awareness rather than an unconscious decrease is determined by context. And it seems the present context is dominated by a technological ascension that is entropic in nature.
There has been a persistent push toward group consciousness, group-think, consolidation/centralisation, SMART societies, ecological fascism and the general hijacking of Truth in order to supplant and engineer a counterfeit reality which nonetheless, achieves the required energy – by the consent of the masses. For ceremonial psychopaths, free-will is still paramount and much tastier meal if the decision is given willingly. One has to make the choice – even unconsciously – to be follow objective reality as far as is possible or to choose to be deceived.
The contemporary Elites within America (the latter-day Atlantis and New Babylon) are fixated on the idea of transformation. As discussed previously we can see that these Illuminist/Rosicrucian/Baconian roots have required centuries long social engineering efforts culminating in a precise set of phases in the 20th and 21st Centuries. The slow establishment of an Official Culture of mind-body addiction serves as a platform by which social and cultural experimentation can take place. We might say there are five main ideas implanted into the minds of the global population:
- The idea that the Earth is overpopulated and extreme measures are needed depopulation by all and any means.
- Human influenced global warming to create fear and finance; to camouflage cyclic environmental, cataclysmic and cosmic changes.
- Human induced Terror Industry to promote fear and finance.
- Genetic engineering to save humanity (cure diseases, disability, farming)
- Genetic engineering and bio-technology to “improve” humanity
The 4C’s of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control underpin these three main strategies with: a) banking infrastructure predicated on credit and debt cycles and b) the Structural Adjustment Team organisations to implement debt and the maintenance of poverty and war. The final technological transformation and its religio-occult apocalypse care of monotheistic religions represent the “ascension”; a magical reversal of the Tower of Babel moment and a return to the States of both Babylon and Atlantis. A New World Order will rise out of the ashes and the template for a SMART World State will advance a breakaway society. This enclave of self-proclaimed New World Priesthood will oversee a chipped, genetically modified, modernised slave race – willingly accepted. The energy of the mass mind will serve as a mega-ritual of perceived alchemical ascension by a minority of psychopath masquerading as transhumanist saviours.
Accordingly, the transformation of humankind across all domains is currently obsessed with socio-cultural “androgynous fusions” since it is the esoteric masculine androgyny that dominates the global occult Establishment. The engineering of these fusions is operating through genetics and chimeras, biology, agribusiness, entertainment, art, media, military R & D and of course, transhumanism as the main hub for disseminating the new philosophy and the transformation of consciousness toward the prophesied Singularity.
Or, according to author Joel Garreau:
“… it means that any human being – a microcosm – will be capable of himself or herself becoming a macrocosm, of literally stretching out, via computer interfaces, to control robotic space probes, millions of miles away. The next step is towards true computer-enhanced telepathy and interface, “to rig a distant machine such that it can pipe what it is sensing directly into the brain of its human host. The goal is to seamlessly merge mind and machine, engineering human evolution so as to directly project and amplify the power of our thoughts throughout the universe.” [2]
This explains the Establishment expression of an inverted alchemy and its obsession with sexual subversion, androgyny as expressed through pathological elements of (Nazi) occult bi-sexuality, homosexuality and the now modern PR surrounding transgender studies surfacing in popular culture – often in combination with a transhumanist ethos. This is not to condemn the LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Gay and Transgender) movement at its core, only to raise questions about its appearance at this juncture and with awareness of what has been discussed. Recall that normal humanity – including normal gay men and lesbian women – are being used to fulfill an agenda that has nothing to do with social or spiritual emancipation. The occult elite are in control of the mechanism though not necessarily the inherent unpredictability. If indeed we are facing a omni-directional engineering of the social body then it is logical that these patterns of sexuality have surfaced throughout history where separation and persecution dominated, or an understanding of sexual orientation was allowed to occur, usually based on higher knowledge concerning its place in the whole and the key distinction between mere difference and obvious pathology.

The spiritual concept of the androgynous man is a symbol of bi-sexuality and asexuality of the Divine Unity – the completed Self. It is a symbol for the integration of all noble aspects not just sexual. However, sexual/creative energy informs all. Indeed, rudimentary sex organs of both sexes are present in the human foetus – an embryonic androgyny. And as Farrell and De Hart propose, this may be the results of an actual scientific knowledge that man was literally made in the image of the God(s).
Down through history ancient culture across the globe has seen the masculine associated with differentiation, and the feminine with union. This symbolism was rooted in an elite science that actually knew that biologically it was the male that indeed was responsible for the “primary differentiation” and sexual differentiation, with the feminine or reception as the “default” program set to “female.”
“Alchemosexuality” was the echo of a scientifically-based ancient culture such as Atlantis which was destroyed as result of their all-consuming hubris, the knowledge was lost along with everything else. But if human males carry BOTH chromosomes and this was applied as a form of “analogical magic” this would be likened to: “…a symbol of the physical medium in which all distinctions are united.” And where such thinking as related to a primordial alchemosexuality: “… even finds expression in the ancient belief that male sperm: ‘was held to contain a particle of prima materia out of which everything was made.’ ” it is in this sense that: “… the phenomenon of androgyny itself is a residue of mankind’s actual primordial state – as is actually claimed by various traditions – and occasionally manifests itself for whatever reason, including the possibility that it is being deliberately, though covertly, sought and engineered.”
Even more importantly:
“…modern genetics falsifies the ancient metaphor in one significant way, in that it is the female rather than the male which is the “default” setting for the program of human embryonic development.
But i[t] also confirms the ancient metaphor in another significant way, in that it is the male that is a “special program” of differentiation, for without the Y chromosome, development would proceed along the lines of the female. We cannot help but recall the fact that in ancient Mesopotamian lore, the “gods” engineered mankind by a chimerical mixture between a proto-human “female” donor and a “god” male donor. [3]
Hence the distortion within the ruling power echelons where a predominance of paedophilia and gay sex magick within military-occult circles comes into play. The idea of the default setting of man is taken as an exclusive Will to Power, the masculine as the “Keys to Creation” rather than the integration and synthesis of both sexual energies. The Fall and subsequent re-engineering of humanity was accomplished when the genetic symbiosis of X, Y chromosome interrelation ceased to indicate androgyny but degenerated into mere sexual divisions.
If the unification of the sexes was indeed a reality in some dim and and very distant past, and the human race was divided into males and females, as also much later suggested by Plato and possibly Aristotle, it reinforces the sheer alchemical ambition foisted on humanity – viewed as Frankenstein by the Elite, a monster to be transmuted – is extraordinary to behold. It seems they have not – perhaps cannot – learn from the past. If individual consciousness is being sacrificed for group consensus and group consciousness based on androgynous fusions which are all rooted in an archaic re-enactment of an ancient Fall and the assumed ascent, most of humanity will flow into that “Great Work” voluntarily.
The only problem is, it is the usual hi-jacking of Truth; it is a trap which will provide a choice for the observer to apply the knowledge to truly SEE or to believe the lie, the latter signifying a return not to primordial androgyny but to primal matter.

We see a strange reflection of this genetic dissection and manipulation across all domains of society. It is a forced fusion of opposites and coerced interplay of group-think and herd mentality being corralled towards a technocratic fusion of consciousness. Anomalies abound with transsexuals cast a drift in a sea of artificiality where once such individuals had a place in society as spiritual channels. Those that were half-man/half woman were revered in many ancient and indigenous cultures as they were seen as shamans given the task of attuning with higher realities in order to maintain the integrity of the community, by a communion with “Spirit.” The last thing they were subjected to was isolation and hatred. Yet, in this culture of extreme differentiation and sexual psychopathy is makes perfect sense that sexual minorities are also hijacked and co-opted for elite uses, subverting minority roles so that narcissistic tribal groupings and endless labels for “rights” and further differentiations dominate. Similarly, agriculture and animals become commodified just as the ecology of the mind and its external environment succumb not to the freedom of technology, but its further constriction.
From commercials to pop stars to military “breakthroughs” we’re seeing the robotization agenda in full swing. It’s a definite dehumanizing trend that is being programmed into an unsuspecting human population. The impetus for this “bionic body” gains its momentum from the health (s)care faction. There are wonderful inventions to help humanity. No doubt. But just like splitting the atom can go both ways, so does everything. And right now, the Controllers are ruling. They have the technology to help the blind see, the immobilized move, replace missing limbs… But don’t be fooled. The PTBs are always out to control. Period.
The promise of technology to heal all physical ills is very real and to be welcomed. Meanwhile, the pay off from that healing is not being addressed and can be seen in current expressions within pop culture. While the undoubted interrelatedness and interdependence of the global populations is emerging as a very real global brain, the ponerological aspects of this manifestation is clear. Art, music and the Hollywood, gloss of cyber erotica, the Nazi roots of Sado-Masochism, bondage and porn is being mainstreamed. It is quite literally, coming online as the merging of man and machine is sold as sexy. Hollywood’s productions are not mere entertainment. It’s a form of psycho-entrainment, teaching humanity to resonate with whatever themes and memes it wishes to introduce into the human consciousness. And transhumanism is HUGE in their agenda.
According to physics the Universe may be “hardwired” to produce observers so that in one sense, the Universe can know itself through the medium of a complex organism like humanity. This has been called the “Anthropic Cosmological Principle,” which includes four sub-principles. It is the fourth sub-principle – the Final Anthropic Principle – which concerns transhumanism and which exactly describes the abiding rationale behind such beliefs in that the processing of information must be brought forth in the Universe, and once it comes into existence, it cannot die out. This may be true, but it is a huge leap to assume that observers and participants all adhere to the essential qualitative energy of Universal Creativity. There is supreme intelligence of the machine and there is the omnipotent Gods of pre-history – neither of which designate ultimate benevolence.
Spirit is neutral but flows through the polarities of negative and positive. It is this underlying binary cycle of Light and Dark consciousness expressed through group endeavour that holds the most danger: a) through the networking of knowledge without prejudice and with a co-linear intent that it is group conscious; or b) through the development of belief, ideology and subjective evaluations designed to create group consciousness as a template for the future. The latter accentuates contraction, conformity and authority with the artifice of the opposite – the effort expressed that is equal, unchanging and constantly running on empty. It is the uniformity and crystallised “consensus” that drives hierarchical group consciousness, where the restriction of a singular authority impedes creativity and leads to entropy.
The former – a network of service to others – actually serves the self, as it strives to disburse accumulated energy in favour of both individuality and the community; creativity is expressed as part of an holistic organism, where each “cell” is a fractal representation of the whole – a contribution of unique effort which is shared and transformed. It is this uniqueness of individual experience that drives and enriches the network.
Transhumanism, if not presently located in an entropic spiral is rapidly heading that way. Since we might presume that individuals and humanity en mass, represent a vast storehouse of DNA transmission and receivership capability, the inherent quality must define these attributes; it must depend upon our conscious choices to expand awareness and therefore resist lies and deception in favour of group conscious creativity. Perhaps we then become transducers of qualitative energies that demand a transmutation of our inner ecology, thus leading to the potential to change our outer environment.
No intermediate machinery is needed, silicon, quantum or otherwise.
In a recent Wall Street Journal essay, “Looking Forward to the End of Humanity”, Adam Kirsch posits a technological push, impelled by the global coronavirus pandemic, that would abolish death:
Eternal life through advanced technology seems like a pipe dream for a society that, until recently, had trouble manufacturing enough masks to save doctors’ and nurses’ lives. Yet Covid-19 may turn out to be just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts to create what its advocates call a “transhuman” future. With our biological fragility more obvious than ever, many people will be ready to embrace the message of the Transhumanist Declaration, an eight-point program first issued in 1998: “We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth.”
There is an abundance of well respected thinkers who believe this is possible, including Google Ventures founder Bill Maris, cited in the article, and Yuval Noah Harari, in his Homo Deus sets the tone early on by declaring:
In the twenty-first century, humans are likely to make a serious bid for immortality….Humans always die due to some technical glitch….Nothing metaphysical about it. It is all technical problems.
Then of course, no discussion techno-utopianism would be complete without Ray Kurzweil, who posits a “technological singularity” which would provide for a personalized and totally controlled universe for every human, one where they would be in complete control to experience whatever they desired, for all eternity, once we all upload our consciousnesses into the cloud.
The WSJ piece hits on the same theme:
Today, cognitive scientists often compare the brain to hardware and the mind to the software that runs on it. But a software program is just information, and in principle there’s no reason why the information of consciousness has to be encoded in neurons.
The Human Connectome Project, launched in 2009 by the National Institutes of Health, describes itself as “an ambitious effort to map the neural pathways that underlie human brain function.” If those pathways could be completely mapped and translated into digital 0s and 1s, the data could be uploaded to a computer, where it could survive indefinitely.
Does any of this sound like heaven? Or paradise? Valhalla? That’s not surprising because Scientism (as distinct from exploration and discovery using the scientific method) has ushered in a new era of material reductionism so that religion, spirituality, or any other non-material aspect of reality that cannot be readily quantified have been stripped of relevance and meaning in our Brave New World.
Something has to fill the void that the absence of religion and spirituality will vacate. In my next book, The Singularity Has Been #Canceled, I posit that this vacuum will be filled with techno-utopian thinking, which will pull forward utopia and everlasting bliss from the next life, and via the promise of expertly managed technology, roll it out into this one. Read full story here…
More videos:
- Ray Kurzweil’s Transhumanist Agenda (Infowars Paul Joseph Watson & Jakari Jackson)
- Google, Facebook & DARPA – The Transhumanist Agenda – David Icke
- Predictions for 2020s with Ray Kurzweil
- Epic Debate Between Transhumanism and Christianity
- Transhumanism in Light of the Bible
- Dr. Carrie Madej Warns about the Agenda of Transhumanism (Covid Vaccine Related)
- Transhumanism – The War On Human Nature