Socialist Senator (D-MA) and 2020 presidential candidate from the party of liars, she stands out as a fraud and habitual liar. She was first exposed as a fraud when President Trump challenged her (nicknaming her Pocahontas) to take a DNA test and she did. She was 1/1024th, or 0.09% Indian. The average European American is 0.18%. In other words, she’s whiter than your average white person!”1 She listed herself as ‘Native American’ in the Harvard law directory where she taught prior to politics. Also, while telling families they cannot have school choice or charter schools, she is lying to them about her children going to public school, who actually went to an expensive public school. Also, she lied falsely claimed she was fired from a teaching job because she was pregnant, and advertised to MA residents watching the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, a 30-second campaign commercial that said America should be more like communist China.
Bag of Lies
She claims to be the daughter of a janitor and even Barack Obama called her a janitor’s daughter in an endorsement ad when she was in a tight Senate race in 2012 in Massachusetts. Obama also endorsed her for 2020. But her father’s death certificate- with info supplied by Warren herself- says her dad was a flight instructor for the US Army. His obituary says he was a “self-employed businessman.” Her brother was reportedly ‘furious’ she claims their father was a janitor.’ He said, ‘My Dad was never a janitor. Well, he was a maintenance man.’ but it was only brief “work he found after losing a job as a salesman after his heart attack”.
Elizabeth Warren’s entire career has been based on a lie. The notion that she’s some sort of expert on the financial sector is another. Not only is the Senator from Massachusetts bad on basic economics — advocating policies that would grossly punish the poor, ignore the consequences of central banking, and being a general embodiment for everything bad about modern progressivism — but she is ignorant of basic facts that played out during the financial crisis according to Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute.
The University of Pennsylvania Law School’s 2005 Minority Equity Report identified Warren as the recipient of a 1994 faculty award, listing her name in bold to signify that she was a minority. And Warren listed herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) from 1986 to 1995, The Washington Post reported. Harvard law school listed her as a minority and Warren even provided recipes for a 1984 cookbook titled “Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole,” listing herself as a Cherokee. The Daily Mail reported in that three of those recipes were plagiarized from a French chef.1
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) has continually taken aim at parents having a say in what school their child attends. What’s ironic, however, is Warren doesn’t want parents who send their kids to public school to decide where their child is sent but Warren herself made the choice to send her kids to an elite private school in Texas.2
The Washington Free Beacon obtained a yearbook for the private school Ms. Warren’s son attended. Back in the 1980s, the school charged roughly $15,000 per year for tuition. The Warren campaign tried to tamp down the controversy by claiming Ms. Warren was technically accurate because, “Elizabeth’s daughter went to public school. Her son went to public school until 5th grade.”4
One of her cornerstone stories while campaigning is that she was fired from a teaching job because she was pregnant. In Warren’s telling, her horrible principal wished her luck and threw her out on the street. That news must come as a real shock to the maligned principal and board of education, since they appear to have treated Warren with nothing but respect and offered her a job extension. They accepted Warren’s resignation with regret, and why not? It’s not every day you lose your sole American Indian on staff, which no doubt immediately messed up their “diversity is our strength” ratio.3
In 2019, she tweeted out that “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.” That is not only a lie, but a horrible smear of a man who serves and protects Americans. Darren Wilson did not murder Michael Brown. Warren’s noxious play here was obvious. Warren is performing wretchedly among black Americans and decided that lying to them would help build that support. Based on recent polls, it didn’t work. If she fails to capture the nomination, her continued failure with these Americans will be the main reason why.3
PolitiFact refused to even acknowledge one of the worst lies in recent history, stating, “Because the significance of [Kamala] Harris’ and [Elizabeth] Warren’s use of the word is open to some dispute, we won’t be rating their tweets on the Truth-O-Meter.” The Michael Brown “hands-up, don’t shoot” lie was proven definitively. Wilson was the victim who was fighting for his life, a heroic man forced into a terrible situation. But Democrats will never admit the truth since the lie serves their purpose far better.3
During the 2020 Presidential campaign, Warren accused Bernie Sanders of saying that a woman couldn’t win the election. He denied saying it. When asked about it, Warren replied, in a major lack of self-awareness, “How could the American people want someone that lies to them?”
“How could the American people want someone who lies to them?”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 19, 2020
Warren should not be able to escape liability for her deceptions. The Texas Bar should open an ethics investigation of Warren’s false representations about her identity. So should the Senate Ethics Committee.1
Judicial Watch uncovered evidence that Elizabeth Warren gave false statements under oath regarding Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) activities when she served as the agency’s interim director. According to the records, Warren and the CFPB were intimately involved in brokering a 50-state settlement underway with the nation’s largest mortgage lenders related to alleged improper foreclosure procedures. This evidence seems to contradict Warren’s statements before Congress suggesting her office responded to requests for advice, but did not seek to push its views.
During a March 16, 2011, hearing of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Ms. Warren downplayed her agency’s involvement in the state settlement negotiations: “We have been asked for advice by the Department of Justice, by the Secretary of the Treasury, and by other federal agencies. And when asked for advice, we have given our advice.”
But this does not come close to telling the full story.
Emails obtained by Judicial Watch from several states suggest her agency’s participation was far more intense and aggressive. Warren called emergency meetings by phone and in person with attorneys general nationwide to contribute unsolicited input on the matter. The documents also indicate that Warren’s office insisted on keeping its contact with the state attorneys general secret. For example, in a February 25, 2011, email to the Executive Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), Iowa Assistant Attorney General Patrick Madigan wrote: “Elizabeth Warren would like to present the CFPB’s view on loan modifications.” Two weeks earlier, a similar email was distributed to NAAG’s Loss Mitigation Subgroup on Warren’s behalf. In an email on February 15 regarding that meeting, Madigan points out that “The CFPB wanted me to stress the confidential nature of this briefing.”
Author Peter Schweizer visited “Fox & Friends” to discuss his new book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, which offers a look into some of the shady dealings of the United States’ political leaders, including Elizabeth Warren.
Schweizer said there is a “three-layer cake of corruption” with Warren.
“[Warren] was actually a government consultant paid by the U.S. Congress in the 1990s to rewrite our bankruptcy laws. OK, that’s all fine and good, but she did the typical Washington crony move: She cashed in. After she rewrote those laws, what did she do? She went to the corporations who would benefit from the law and said, ‘Hire me, and I will help you interpret the law that I myself wrote.’ And she made millions of dollars doing that.”
She’s also got a daughter who set up a business. She was setting up that business while Elizabeth Warren was head of the TARP Oversight Committee, and what ends up happening is the daughter gets her business financed and gets advisors from the very investment banks that Elizabeth Warren’s TARP Committee was bailing out.”
Absurd Policies
Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All healthcare plan comes with a price tag of ‘just under’ $52 trillion, but she claims not ‘one penny’ would be paid for by the middle class – instead billionaires will face huge new bills. ‘We don’t need to raise taxes on the middle class by one penny to finance Medicare-for-All,’ she says in her long-awaited plan for single-payer health coverage. The progressive wealth tax behind it would however hit the ultra-wealthy for vast sums – with a six per cent tax on all wealth over $1 billion at the heart of the scheme.5
Her Accountable Capitalism Act, which would mandate that 40 percent of the directors of large companies be selected by the employees and corporations with more than $1 billion in annual revenue would have to obtain a federal charter, would have a more fitting name if she called it what it is: The New Communism Act. Elected workers’ and peoples’ committees? That might have been good politics in Russia in 1917, but today? Doubtful. Communism has been a huge failure in Russia, Cuba, Eastern Europe, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and a good portion of Africa. It has never worked, and is a stillborn political idea, except on some college campuses, CNN and NBC and, maybe for a brief period, in The New York Times.
Sen. Warren and her supporters claim the bill would address “income inequality.” The experience in all of the above countries is that the elite get much richer and the poor get much poorer. The way to raise incomes is to encourage a strong economy, which the senator’s bill would destroy.
Here’s a sampling of what would happen: capital would flee the United States, just as it did under President Obama, and crater the economic recovery. All those companies that are reinvesting in the United States and building new plants would stop doing so. Unemployment would skyrocket, and the new hope now given to African-Americans, Hispanic citizens, and women in the job market would evaporate. Pensions of American workers would collapse. All those “rich capitalists” and everyone else, including union pension plans, would simply short American companies and make another bundle. In short, it’s an incredibly stupid economic idea.
Initially she had a great case to make. Some of those investment bankers, Fannie Mae leaders, and other financial manipulators should have gone to jail after the financial crisis; they didn’t, and Sen. Warren failed in the one real job we gave her. She rightly spoke out about those who made a bundle securitizing mortgages, selling them to investors, and then shorting their own products and lying about it. She said they should be in jail, but ultimately, she did nothing about it.
This political move, combined with Sen. Warren’s indictment of the entire law enforcement system in America as “racist,” a comment she made at Dillard University and elsewhere, suggests she is a national politician who cannot read the (red/blue) map. Few people in the red or blue states on that map will accept her anti-law enforcement pitch. With unemployment falling, and serious hope returning, the political tool of attacking law enforcement will be much less effective if an improved economy leads to a decline in urban frustration.5
In addition, Warren has a plan to combat the fake global warming crisis that would restrict new housing completely unless the homes were zero carbon footprint. This is a stated policy but I’m sure she’ll have plenty of other restrictions to unveil, but while you and me are peddling to work on our bikes to save the planet, Fauxcahontas will be flying around in her private jet and hoping t o not get caught…
The best part of this video is that after Elizabeth Warren realizes she’s been caught on camera exiting a private jet.
She attempts to hide behind her staffer. As if that would work. 🤣🤣🤣
— Francis Brennan (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@FrancisBrennan) February 4, 2020
Iran Connection
Warren’s son-in-law, with whom she is close, has troubling ties to the Iranian regime, according to a 2020 book by Peter Schweizer. The book, Profiles in Corruption, reveals Sushil Tyagi, who is married to her daughter, Amelia. Tyagi was born in India but moved to the United States, where he met Amelia while they were both pursuing MBAs at Wharton Business School. She attended his brother’s wedding in India, recounting it in her memoir. She and her husband Bruce Mann in December 2009 served as witnesses for a power of attorney corporate document he filed in India.
Since his marriage into the Warren family, Tyagi “has been involved in a series of curious—even troubling—business ventures around the world,” Schweizer writes. Tyagi runs Tricolor Films, and in 2008, produced a film called The Song of Sparrows, directed by Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi. Tyagi was listed as the film’s sole producer on a New York Times page, in credits which have now been deleted. A look back at the page’s archive revealed that the film was funded by the Iranian government agency that is overseen by Iranian propagandists.
Schweizer writes:
The full credits of the film, for some reason, seem to also have been scrubbed from the internet. We obtained a copy by using the Wayback machine and made a startling discovery: the movie’s chief investors included none other than the social deputy of the State Welfare Organization (SWO) of Iran (SWO-“معاونت اجتماعی سازمان بهزیستی کشور”) as well as the Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran. (“سازمان فرهنگی و هنری شهرداری تهران”)
These two investors in the film might appear at first glance to be innocuous cultural organizations—but they are not. Both are funded and controlled by the Islamist Iranian government.
The Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran states: “This organization was founded in 1996 and [does] its activities under the supervision of a board of trustees composed of various cultural institutions such as IRIB and Islamic propaganda organization.”
The Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran’s page promotes cultural events such as one for school children entitled “The Seal of Hostages,” attended by several top Iranian officials, according to the book. Another event is the inherently antisemitic Quds Day on the last day of Ramadan. The organization also arranges marches, as well as organizes posters and other materials, for Quds Day. Its site says, “A new plan for the destruction of Israel will be launched, and the Quds Cultural Radio station will be located at the Radio Station. Also, the ‘I love the fight against Israel’ is distributed among the people.”
Schweizer notes, “Quds Day typically features massive crowds organized by the Iranian government chanting ‘death to America’ and burning effigies, with full media coverage.” He writes Tyagi’s The Song of Sparrows has film credits that read like “who’s who of prominent Iranian government institutions.” For example, there is a thank-you to the “Iranian Revolutionary Guards Air Force.”
This was during a time of heightened U.S.-Iran tensions, when Washington had accused Iran of assisting in the killing of five American soldiers based in Iraq, and the then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had repeatedly threatened that the United States, which he declared a “satanic power,” and warned that Israel would disappear from the face of the earth.
Tyagi also produced another film by Majid Majidi, but even less information is available about this film, Schweizer writes. According to the book, a now deleted Web page describes Tyagi’s production company this way:
Leveraging their relationships with studio executives, access to top creative talent, and the high-level support that they enjoy from numerous foreign governments, this Los Angeles–based production company is developing a number of major international-themed projects for feature films, television, and interactive media.
“It is not known what foreign governments those might involve beyond Iran. Why the website was shut down is also unknown,” the book says.
Chronological History of Events Involving Elizabeth Warren

Fake Fact-Checkers label Washington Times Article on Importance of CO2 as False and Misleading

Congress Overrides President Trump’s Veto of $740 Billion Defense Bill

GOP-Controlled Senate Passes ‘America Last’ Green Card Giveaway to Reward Big Tech

2020 Election: The Greatest Election Fraud in History as Globalist Consortium Carry Out Coup to Take Over America

Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape and Sex Assault

Democrats Turn Iowa Caucus Into a Disaster; Buttigieg Declared Winner

Democrats Kill Amendment Protecting Americans from Credit Discrimination Based on Politics, Religion

‘Profiles in Corruption’ Released, Revealing How Biden Family Siphoned ‘Millions in Taxpayer Cash’

Nancy Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump