Best known as the attorney for the so-called UkraineGate whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, but there’s much more to know. While representing and touting fake whistleblowers, Zaid, as exposed by Wikileaks, leaks info to the CIA/FBI on real whistleblowers after sucking them in. He was also the attorney of Mohamed Al-Fayed, promoting the conspiracy theory that Princess Diane was murdered by the Crown because she was pregnant; was the founding legal partner of Whistleblower Aid; proclaimed in 2017 that the “#coup” against president Trump has started and that “We will get rid of him“. Zaid’s odd behavior on large-scale tech profiles has raised suspicions as to what his motives may be for participating in the coups to railroad President Trump. Jeffrey Epstein was a client for 25 years, he’s connected to John Podesta (thought to be a pedophile from the PizzaGate emails) and he once bragged online about getting individuals with “child porn issues” national security clearances.1,2

Adam Schiff Says He Has Received a ‘New Whistleblower Complaint’ on Russian Election Meddling, Claims DHS ‘Altered Intel’

Trump Tweet naming Ciaramella is Deleted. Twitter Claims “Glitch”

Mark Zaid, Future Attorney for Fake Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, Tweet’s ‘#coup has started’ in One of Many Anti-Trump Tweets