Essay on Patriotism and Globalism by Chilean-born Sven von Storch – National Sovereignty: Make Latin America Great
The Great Reset and Great Recession The world is currently facing two major challenges: First, the fight for a possible New World Order. The global leadership of the United States has turned into a struggle between the USA and China for world domination. And secondly, the international financial and currency system is facing a historic collapse. These two factors pose a grave threat to the order, stability ...

How Every Asset Class, Currency, and Sector Performed in 2019
Another year is in the books, and for investors 2019 was quite the turnaround story. Despite an early backdrop of heightened volatility, escalating trade tensions, Brexit uncertainty, and calls for a recession, the year progressed in an unexpectedly pleasant fashion. The Fed used its limited arsenal to provide additional stimulus, and global markets soaked it up to extend the decade-long bull run. By the end of ...

Merrill Lynch Caught Criminally Manipulating Precious Metals Market “Thousands Of Times” Over 6 Years
Remember when it was pure tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory to accuse one or more banks of aggressively, compulsively and systematically manipulating the precious metals - i.e., gold and silver - market? We do, after all we made the claim over and over, while demonstrating clearly just how said manipulation was taking place, often in real time. Well, it's always good to be proven correct, even if it ...

US Army Takes 50 Tons Of Gold From Syria In Alleged Deal With ISIS
As the remaining pockets of ISIS fighters faced imminent defeat in northeast Syria, the United States allegedly gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse: give us your massive caches of gold – or die. According to reports by Syrian state news agency SANA, U.S. forces struck a deal with ISIS whereby the terrorist group would give up 50 tons of gold across eastern Syria’s Deir el-Zour ...

Venezuala Coup: Opposition Party Claimed that Incumbent Nicolás Maduro’s 2018 Reelection was Invalid and Elevated Juan Guaidó as Acting President
Two things stand out about the US coup in Venezuela. First, it is unusually open. Typically, the US tries to hide its coups. Second, the coup is built on a series of obvious falsehoods, yet the bi-partisans in Washington, with a few exceptions, keep repeating them. First, we will correct the falsehoods so readers are all working from the same facts. Second, we will describe how ...

JPMorgan Gold-Spoofer Admits “Manipulating Precious Metals Markets” For Years
There was a time when the merest mention of gold manipulation in "reputable" media was enough to have one branded a perpetual conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil farm out back. That was roughly coincident with a time when Libor, FX, mortgage, and bond market manipulation was also considered unthinkable, when High Frequency Traders were believed to "provide liquidity", or when the stock market was said to ...

Case Study by Dr. Mária Schmidt: Hundreds of Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros who Profits at the Expense of Nations and its Citizens
"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change." - Michael Jackson, "Man in the Mirror" George Soros is the gravedigger of the left! What kind of philanthropist is a serial destroyer of European and Asian currencies, who wiped out the savings, retirement pensions and salaries of masses of ordinary citizens in order to reap huge ...

Bitcoin Milestone: Bitcoin’s Value Exceeds That of Gold
March 3, 2017, saw Bitcoin reach a milestone that tech website Engadget has deemed “a weird but auspicious moment in human history.” That’s because, on that day, the worth of one unit of the cryptocurrency – then $1,238.11 – exceeded that of the value of an ounce of gold, which was priced at $1,237.73 by Bloomberg Markets. Just 38 cents were in it – but it ...

“London Fix” Gold Rigging By Bullion Bank Exposed In Class Action Lawsuit: The Complete Charts
Silver bullion banks Deutsche Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia and HSBC have been accused of manipulating prices in the multi-billion dollar market in a lawsuit filed on July 25, 2014. However, a closer look reveals that the plaintff in the lawsuit, J. Scott Nicholson, has a recurring bone to pick with the banks as this is certainly not his first lawsuit alleging precious metals rigging, and as such ...

The BIS Abandons the Swiss Gold Franc and Replaces it with Special Drawing Rights (SDR) – The Last of Gold-Backed Currency!
On March 10, 2003, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) abandoned the Swiss gold franc as the bank’s unit of account since 1930, and replaced it with the SDR. SDR stands for Special Drawing Rights and is a unit of currency originally created by the IMF. According to James C. Baker, pro-BIS author of The Bank for International Settlements: Evolution and Evaluation, "The SDR is an ...