GS: A question I’ve wanted to ask you, and this is such a wide subject. I’ve had a chance to talk to you for a number of days, and I’ve done some stories about it.
You go back home, you’re twelve years old. You say you were schooled in the twelve disciplines.
SV: Yes.
[12 disciplines, from Svali’s online book:1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel: ” The child will be taught spiritual principles of “traveling” both internally and externally, with set ups, role playing, and guided exercises reinforced with trauma. The goal will be to reach “enlightenment”, an ecstatic state of dissociation reached after severe trauma.”
9,10,11: “Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling.” (Details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult. These roles include Informers, Breeders, Prostitutes, Pornography, Media personnel, Preparers, Readers, Cutters, Chanters, High Priest/Priestess, Trainers, Punishers, Trackers, Teachers, Child Care, Couriers, Commanding Officers and Behavioral Scientists.)
12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]
GS: So your life begins, and you know now you’re in some type of organization that is very different than what most people experience. Tell us… I guess what I want to do is leave it open to you to begin. You’ve written so in-depth on this story. I’m just going to give you the microphone and let you begin. Tell the listeners what you think is important about your original training, about the group and about many things that I know people want to know about the Illuminati. Go ahead.
SV: Okay. Well Greg, first I want to say that my purpose in talking about this is not to glorify evil. There are very wicked people out there, very powerful people. I don’t want to at all magnify their power, but I do want people to know that this is real. These people exist. People who say there are people out there that are involved in these activities… it really happens.
I also, because I know that there are children being hurt in the group every day, and that’s my motivation for coming forward.
I don’t like giving interviews for obvious reasons. I am willing this one time to lay aside my privacy and personal safety because these people need to be stopped. They need to be stopped.
GS: Okay. SV: Okay? GS: Go ahead.
SV: Normally children in the group are born into it. The Illuminati very rarely does outside recruitment. That’s not their main method. It’s just passed down generally, generationally from father to son, and mother to daughters to children. And so the whole family line has been in it.
Throughout the centuries people have tried to escape, but a lot of times they were either poisoned, murdered or set up to look like a suicide. They don’t like it when people leave, and they try to make it very difficult – simply because it looks bad. (slight laugh)
They go through an enormous amount of training, from the time they are an infant. You undergo indoctrination. And when I say indoctrination, I don’t just mean like cult programming so much as watching your parents and seeing what they do.
My parents modeled their behavior. To them the group was very important for growing up. I saw that three times a week, everything was dropped to tend to the activities. Okay?
GS: Okay.
SV: Basically the training process is designed to help you take on your adult role in the group. The Illuminati cover so many levels there too. It goes all the way from what most people think of as a satanic coven type thing, at the very low local level, all the way through… it’s a huge, enormous business corporation.
At the mid-levels, you have people overseeing finances and administration, who are overseeing… I mean, these people are making a LOT of money through gun running, through white slavery, prostitution, pornography. They have links and ties to the Mafia, left and right. And, in fact the mafia are afraid of them. (Laughs)
GS: Hm.
SV: Yeah. (Laughs): Well, think about it! Because they know that you don’t cross the members of the group. They have a very spiritual orientation. They are not satanic, though; they are Luciferian, which is different.
The ultimate goal of their spiritual philosophy and their sense of discipline is they believe that should you complete all of your training, you become a god. That is their actual end goal. They believe in the achievement of Godhood – of Illuminist philosophy – through what they call Enlightenment, or Illumination, which is how they got their name.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: They are international. In Europe there are twelve fathers who sit, who represent the different nations of Europe. They are very expectantly awaiting He Who Is To Come, and during that ceremony in the Vatican, (bumper music starts) on my knees I had to swear my allegiance to serve He Who Is To Come. They believe that the coven…
GS: Svali, can you, uh, I have to take a break.
SV: Sure.
GS: We’ll continue with the massive organization, your role as a mid-level person in the Illuminati on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 33:27]GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal, and I’m talking with Svali. Svali, why don’t we just pick it right up where we left off at the break. You were telling us about this hierarchy that starts with twelve fathers. Can you just run that down for us so people know exactly how this group is organized?
SV: Sure. At the top levels, it’s in Rome. That’s the power center or the heart of the Illuminati, where the power base is. And that’s why all leadership must swear fealty in Rome, because that’s considered the core of, the spiritual center of the Universe. That’s how they view it.
From there, in Europe there are twelve fathers – one for each country in Europe. When I was younger I had to also meet with the fathers at one point and kiss the ring, and go through another ceremony of allegiance to them as well.
In the Illuminati, the European Fathers rule over what are called the different houses. For instance, if you are from Germany then you belong to the German House, if you are from France you belong to the French House – they call them Houses. UK, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Italy and others.
From there, America was considered a mission field for them. In the 17, actually in the 1600s, Pittsburgh became the first port of entry for them. That’s where they first settled. That’s why it’s still considered a spiritual power base for the group on the East Coast in the US.
GS: You know, I did want to mention one thing. A caller / listener / reader of your stories sent me an email, and said, “Greg, check into the reason why President Bush, right after being elected, went into and talked to a Masonic group there.” I found that quite interesting.
SV: Oh yeah.
GS: Go ahead.
SV: It’s the spiritual power base for the group. From there, it spread out across the Atlantic seaboard, and then throughout the nation. The nation is divided into many regions, multiple regions but seven main regions. The East Coast region has its spiritual power base in Pittsburgh, but the administrative power base is in Alexandria, Virginia. That’s where they administer the finances during the day to day operations.
The West Coast, or the West region, west of the Mississippi, has its power base in the San Diego area.
GS: And that’s where you spent a lot of time, correct?
SV: Yeah. Yes. I was sent from, the Alexandria Council sent me to San Diego to help them out.
GS: Okay, go ahead.
SV: Those are the two, of course, main regions. And then each of those regions are divided into sub-regions.
So then you have your Regional Councils sitting over those, and overseeing activities. If you can think of the structure of a large multinational corporation, that’s really how the Illuminati is structured. Then beneath each of the regional councils are your local councils. They call them sister groups or sisters, or your local councils. Then you have your local groups under those as well, or what they call the sister groups.
Any major metropolitan city could have anywhere from five to fifteen groups, depending on the size of the population base. Or more.
GS: Now you were saying that, how many people are in this group in America now, from your estimate, of knowing a lot of this stuff? Go ahead…
SV: Pure Illuminati, I would say about one percent, give or take, based on population.
GS: So it’s a fairly huge… big organization, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Now their goal, basically. Just give us the broad overview goal, and then I want to get into some of these, you know, your role in it, and some of these ways that the Illuminati makes money that you learned about.
SV: Yeah.
GS: Go ahead.
SV: You know, when you say “To rule the world,” it almost sounds laughable – like “yeah, right”, you know. I think people get ideas of thinking or wanting to rule the world. But really, that is their goal. They believe that they are the intelligent leaders, and they believe that the rest of the world are sheep that need wise… They see themselves as wise leadership. So they believe that their goal is to rule the world.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: But at the same time, they have occult ways of doing that. Their main way of doing that is behind the scenes. They believe in infiltration of the media, of education and of government – those are the three areas – and of the financial system. And they have successfully done quite a bit of all four throughout Europe and the US, as well as other countries.
GS: Now you said that they, basically the Illuminati is divided into about six or seven groups, and everyone is born into a group. Could you outline what those groups are?
SV: Well no, it’s all one group, there are just different levels.
GS: Yeah, that’s what I mean. Like the Sciences, the Government, or…
SV: Oh. Oh. Okay. The Illuminati is divided into different branches of learning. These branches include Sciences, Military, Government, Leadership, Scholarship and Spiritual. Those are the six branches of learning. And while all children need to undergo some training or teaching in each area, as they get older… They begin profiling you from infancy, and they know where your activities and abilities are. Then you’re, you really go into… Most people specialize in one branch or possibly two branches of learning.
GS: And you were involved in what branch?
SV: I was heavily involved in Sciences, and also to some degree I did some Spiritual as well – but mainly Sciences.
GS: Just to backtrack one minute, these twelve disciplines. As a child, you were rigorously trained in this, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Okay. And what were those disciplines?
[1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel. 9,10,11: Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling – details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult. 12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]GS: I mean, if… You don’t have to go through each one of them, but what primarily were you taught?
SV: (pause) I think the best way would be to give you an example of just one type of training that they do.
GS: Okay.
SV: I was two years old. I was left in a room for probably a 24-hour period. When you are that age it is hard to estimate, but it was a long time. I know that the sun did go around (laughs) at least once, and it wasn’t just like a few hours.
At that age, when you are two and you are left alone without food and water, you are terrified. And at the end of the time, I was just dying of thirst. My morale was just… I have never been so thirsty in my entire life.
My mother walked into the room. A lot of times they have the children, you know, or the parents train the children at these early ages. There was a table in the middle of the room and I was sitting at it. She brings in this cold pitcher of water and she starts pouring it. I said, “Mom! I want a drink of water,” and she slapped me out of the chair. (pause)
GS: Hm.
SV: And I remember crying! And as I’m crying, she’s drinking the water in front of me, and she leaves! She takes the pitcher of water. And a couple of hours later, she came back in and did the same thing. And I said, “Mom, Mom, I want water!” And she slapped me! I mean, across the room.
After this had happened about three times, luckily I was bright enough that by the third time she came in, I mean, I remember crying silently, but I just looked at her. I didn’t ask.
After she got up and left with the pitcher, a man came into the room. He said, “You did very well that time.” And then he gave me a drink of water.
GS: Hm.
SV: That was part of the “learning not to want” stage. Looking back on it, I realize now as an adult that the part of that training was to teach me not to recognize my own physiological needs and respond to them, but to look to outside people to tell me what I wanted or needed. Which is what…
GS: Now you basically, you told me you led a dual life in the Illuminati. That’s basically how they function.
SV: Oh yeah!
GS: You have a day job, and then at nighttime you’re quite busy sometimes with the cult activities, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Okay. What I wanted to get into… you were talking about these groups. I remember I mentioned to you, you said you had these meetings three times a week. I said, “Well, what about if I wanted to go and visit, and maybe do a story about them?” What would happen, or how could… would I be able to find one of these meetings that were going on, in your area of Escondido?
SV: Well no, because of the security measures. And A), you really don’t want to show up unannounced at a meeting if you could get through their security, because the chances are you would never make it out alive. Let’s just say that a certain auto accident would occur, and be reported in the papers: “Unfortunate accident – man accidentally runs into tree.” (Laughs) I mean, I’m serious!
The security that they have during group meetings is so intense that it would be very difficult. They have security at the one-mile perimeter, the three-mile perimeter and the five-mile perimeter. They have three people assigned. Usually one is up in a tree where you can’t see him at the five-mile perimeter.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And then you have one person who is standing, looks like a security guard for the estate, because these are often large, wealthy estates, which is appropriate. He is dressed in a uniform. The third person is standing hidden behind a tree. As cars come through, and they come through the gates – remember these are gated estates.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: So if it’s not someone on their approved license checklist, they will stop the car. It’s just like at a military installation. They will say, “Can I help you? Are you lost?” Their goal is to delay the person. Now if a person is saying, “Oh, this is blah blah blah,” and they are just asking for directions, they will give them directions, be very pleasant and send them on their way, to where they are supposed to be going.
But if they are acting as if they want to go further into the estate, and this is not an okay person, then they will say, “Uh, all right, well HE’S NOT EXPECTING YOU.” That’s a code word. That tells the person either behind, up in the tree, or hidden further back – they radio ahead and they say “UNEXPECTED VISITOR.”
At that point, everyone has been trained to pick up and leave immediately, within five minutes – with no traces of the activity.
GS: So this is some of the methods they go through so you don’t get caught. I know that you wrote an article about why the cult doesn’t get caught.
SV: Oh yeah.
GS: It’s pretty specific. You have so much stuff here, and we can’t get into it all in two hours, so please pick and choose what you think is most important. But I find that to be interesting – why the cult doesn’t get caught. Is there anything in just a brief time you could explain to us… that?
SV: Well, their security, their money, their influence. Some of these people even own newspapers. Imagine trying to get a (laughs) article published, you know, disclosing… There’s a lot of reasons why they don’t get caught. That’s the first thing people ask.
Then my next question is, “Well, how many child pornographers are there out there, that the police have been chasing for years, and have never found or caught?”
GS: Correct.
SV: And they’re not even members of a secret organization. They’re just trying to hide, you know. So when you consider that…
GS: Now you…
SV: Okay.
GS: Yeah. You were a mid-level person in this organization, a head trainer. We’re going to get into those specifics in the next hour. But you know, what did you learn about the infiltration of this group into all our different areas of government and media? They are basically at the high levels of most of our financial institutions also, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: And that is a great way to pursue their goal. I guess I’ve got to ask you this. How come things are moving a little bit faster in America now? I remember back in the 80s when I was confronted with this, when I came back home I didn’t really see this kind of New World Order movement… all this different symbolism that you see now. What is going on, just for our listeners, right now? Why are things stepped up since 9-11?
SV: I believe it’s because they can see the fulfillment of their goal… See, I’m going to sound very cynical now, and please forgive me for this, okay? Their goal is to rule the world, and personally I believe that they do – it’s just not open yet.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And they say they’re now preparing people for when they disclose themselves openly. Does that mean that they can’t be stopped? I believe they could. I believe it would take a miracle, because of the amount of infiltration I see at all levels of society, and the world. These guys, these people have a lot of money. They have a lot of influence. And your average person has no idea of how much is going on behind the scenes that no one understands.
But, with that said, I think that they’re already there, they just aren’t open. These people just don’t know where they’re going! (Laughs) If they did, I think the average person would be horrified to know how much is going on behind the scenes that people really don’t know.
GS: Yeah, and the point of this interview, one, I had two goals…
SV: But… But you see, I don’t want to sound disparaging, because I am also a strong Christian. I have faith in God, and I believe through prayer, and through people knowing… I mean, I would like them to be stopped. I just don’t know, at this point, how do you take on the financial institutions of the world, the major oil enterprises of the world, you know? (Laughs) That’s the question! (Laughs) You know?
GS: Yeah! You know, it is a difficult question. Now you’re in the mid-level of this group. You worked your way up to a head trainer, correct?
SV: Yeah… Yeah.
GS: Now what did you learn… Before we get into specifics, you outline some in of your writings, the big money-making… the ways this group makes its money. Can you go over and outline some of those methods?
SV: Again, if you can think of an illegal activity, they’re probably involved at some point. Maybe not overtly, at the point of where the actual money is first shaking hands – but when you have child pornography, prostitution, white slavery, gun running, gambling, then at some point where the money is changing hands, buffered by about four layers of people, there’s going to probably be someone from the Illuminati involved at that point. These guys have their fingers in everything.
GS: Now…
SV: Uh…
GS: Go ahead.
SV: But they also use legitimate means. They launder their money. When you have a lot of money, you have to do something with it. And so, these men don’t come in and say, “Hi! I’m a member of the Illuminati and I want to run your bank.” What they’ll do is they’ll quietly come in and become a quiet investor, start buying up shares. And over a period of maybe, almost a lifetime, they will get a controlling interest in the bank, or become a very… you know. Or maybe in their son’s lifetime.
That’s the other thing about the Illuminati. The Illuminati do not see it as “This is what must happen now, in my lifetime.” These people have goals that last for centuries, for two centuries. They are very, very patient.
GS: And that’s why the specific training of the children is so important, correct?
SV: Yes. It’s to teach you PATIENCE. Everyone knows, growing up in the group, we may not see the coming order disclosed or open or revealed in our lifetime, but our children or our grandchildren may. So they will spend their entire life trying to bring about the goals of the organization.
GS: (Chuckles) Hm. Incredible. So now you’re in the mid-level. I can see now where they used these programming techniques, the different mind control techniques. We have a minute before the break. Just kind of whet our interests about how you… what your specific role was.
SV: Well, they did a lot of what you might call human experimentation. And they had a lot of research protocols going on. So one thing I did was to supervise the research going on. I was teaching the younger trainers and head trainers how to do things more efficiently, how to do their job well, but also reviewing their research reports for errors or problems.
Eventually I became kind of a consultant. If a problem occurred, or they didn’t know how to install something, or if they needed assistance, I would help them with problem solving as well.
GS: Okay, Svali, I’m going to have to take a break. We’ll be back in three minutes. We’ll continue, on Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 54:24]GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’ve got a short four minute segment here, then we’ll take a break and come back with Svali for a whole [additional] hour. We’re talking about jobs in the Illuminati, the practical daily jobs that these members of this group, who are infiltrated in America heavily… what they do. Now one thing I find interesting, Svali, knowing the media… I’m not going to name names or anything, because I don’t have any specific information. But I find it interesting.
Doing some background checks on a lot of the top media people in our country, they all come from these very wealthy families. (Laughs) Now that’s not the typical MO for a journalist. A journalist is somebody who grows up on the street, wants to talk to people, I can think of Jimmy Breslin, guys who never went to college, didn’t know how to type, and just got in there, took their tie off and started writing stories.
But you know, as you look at the media now, there are all these silver spoon kids – growing up with silver spoons. I find that quite interesting. How deeply infiltrated, from your knowledge, are they in our media?
SV: Wow. Pretty… I do know, uh, fairly deeply. I remember that when I was in San Diego on Leadership Council during meetings, they would laugh about how people had no idea of how much they were being influenced and didn’t even know it. They found that kind of amusing, which is… I mean, that’s the mindset of people in the group, though. They’re like, “The sheep have no idea that they’re being led by the hand.”
And they find it amusing, because they show it as evidence of… I mean, I’m just describing what they say, I don’t agree with it now, but they saw as evidence of the stupidity of the m… of the average person – that they have no idea.
I’m not saying that every news story or every newscaster is a member of the group… by no means. But, they specifically do teach and train and educate children that show an aptitude for the media, because they want that. And if the person has a bright, charismatic personality, and presents well, then that child will go into that, if they have their verbal communication and other skills required.
GS: Well, you know, that could explain why a lot of our stories really never get covered, outside of the influence they have financially and the ownership of the media.
SV: (crosstalk) That’s absolutely not by coincidence.
GS: What’s that?
SV: Not at all a coincidence.
GS: Yes. That’s a good idea, folks, why you’re not getting the news from those outlets. Not only in our government. It explains a lot of things. Look at the war in Iraq. Look at the evidence there that shows what is wrong. Look at what they’re doing in Iran right now. I mean, it’s incredible. All this stuff is pretty obvious, people. There’s something behind it. Svali is here trying to explain this organization from her knowledge, and it is quite, quite a story.
I know this idea. You were involved as a trainer of mind programming? I mean, this is just, I’m looking at some of the chapters in a book you have yet to publish [in paper book form]. We’re talking about brainwave, color control, metal, jewel programming, programming link to stories and movies… I mean, it goes into suicidal programming.
In just a minute here before our break, can you kind of break down what you learned about the importance, well, oh! We’ve got to take a break, Svali, sorry. We’re going to do that quickly, then we’ll get back to you. We’re talking to Svali, regarding her role as a head trainer in the Illuminati, the American Illuminati. We’ll be back, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, in two minutes.
[END OF FIRST HOUR]GS: Okay, we’re back on the Republic Broadcasting Network. One more hour. We’re talking to Svali, and she was a head trainer in the Illuminati.
Svali, what type of programming do they actually teach you, and how do you learn these different techniques?
SV: Well, you’re taught from childhood on. My training in how to be a programmer started very young. I was mentored by another programmer at the age of 5, by a doctor at George Washington University. Not only did he do the programming on me, but also taught me how to do it to others. The types of programming… again, that could be a whole ten-hour segment to go into depth. From the time a child is an infant, all through their life basically, they are tested, they are profiled. Trainers can create a psychological profile, and then they update it frequently.
Basically, they are trying to install in this child the ability to obey, loyalty to the group, and the ability to do their job within the group.
Now those jobs vary in complexity. You may have on one side a child trained to be a prostitute. On the other end you may have a child trained to become a governmental figure, which is a lot more complex programming.
But as long as the loyalty to the group is instilled, and that is the first and foremost programming always installed, then no matter what their eventual role is, they will remain loyal. And that becomes their first loyalty. Whatever nation, whatever their public role in life is, their first and foremost loyalty will be to the group, and to serve its goals – whether they know.
A lot of times, the goal is [also] to be able to help the child create that complete division between their day role and their night role. So a pleasant, charming, wonderful, kind person in the daytime could be an absolutely cold, ruthless person at night – or during the day, you know, it’s also during the day they do it.
Then you may have a housewife with children who goes out and completes a courier job for the group. And no one would ever suspect her. Who is going to suspect [that] this lovely-looking little housewife with a baby in a car seat is actually carrying some valuable documents?
Again, the first and foremost other thing was to instill loyalty, and they want to discourage people from questioning orders. They really don’t want you questioning that, and they want you to obey their directives. Should people show signs of not doing that, then they go on for tune-ups. Actually people are being programmed all through their life. We used to call them tune-ups. It’s a lifelong process for members of the group.
GS: We have a minute here before our break, and we’ll get back and get in depth into some of these areas. But what went wrong with you? I mean, the dropout rate probably is very low…
SV: Extremely low. (laughs)
GS: …considering the number of, considering the training. But what went wrong with you? They somehow missed something.
SV: When I was very young I absolutely believed in the goals of [the group]. You never saw a more loyal group member. I thought that they were saving the world. I thought that we were doing a wonderful thing. But the older I got, I started to see the methods that were being used for so long, and that the ends do not justify the means. I became increasingly cynical, partly because I saw what I was doing to people. I was lying to them. I was manipulating them. I was telling them things that weren’t true. I remember questioning this, thinking, “I was told lies as a child too, then. I was manipulated.”
GS: Wow.
SV: And finally you start to question, as an adult, the things you were taught. (bumper music starts)
GS: Okay. We’re going to take a break, Svali, we’ll be back in three minutes on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 8:27]GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. Svali, I wanted to ask you a question. Before we get into how you finally left the group, and what happened to you afterwards in your life now – tell us. You wrote an article that is very interesting – A Day in the Life of a Trainer for the Illuminati. Tell us what you went through in a normal day in your role at the Illuminati. Go ahead.
SV: Okay. Basically I would get up. At the time that I described in that article, I was teaching at a Christian school. And so I would get up, I would get my two children dressed and ready for school. Just like a normal mom, you know, go through the day, come home. We’d have little friends over and play, and stuff like that. Then, you know, have dinner. I was a good mom. I was your average American housewife – on the surface.
But underneath the surface, then my husband and I would remind each other on nights when there was a meeting. And then what we would do is when we would go to sleep, I had programming in place that would allow me to wake up within ten minutes of the specified time. If I knew there was a meeting that night, I would wake up ten minutes before it was time to get ready and go. A lot of times we would even go to bed with our clothes on. And I never really thought that was abnormal, you know?
GS: Mm hm.
SV: I thought everyone went to bed with their clothes on. I didn’t even question it, you know, on nights when we had meetings. I thought, “Oh, it’s warmer.” (Laughs)
GS: Okay.
SV: And then we’d get up and go, and drive to the meeting. I was also very involved in Military in San Diego. In fact the group has a lot of military orientation. So on top I would take the kids to their area, there was an area where the kids would go and change. They had a room and we would have like baskets of clothes, and we would change our clothing. You’d pick out your clothing, it had your name on it, and put on your uniform. Or whatever you wore that night. The kids would wear these little miniature military uniforms.
Then they would go out and do their training exercises. They were learning how to march, how to shoot. All kids in the Illuminati, at least in that area, know how to take apart a gun, put it together and shoot with deadly accuracy by the age of eight years old. Martial arts, there’s a lot of martial arts training. Sometimes I’d help supervise that, or fill in if there’s a military trainer [who] was [absent]. Everyone had to be – there was a lot of cross training. But most of the time I supervised the training. I would be working on implementing programming, or what we’d call tuning up – reinforcing previously installed programming in adults.
At that point I was normally supervising the younger trainers. They would be doing it, and I would be there watching and making sure they did it correctly. Or I would be also evaluating whether – sometimes every once in a while we’d be working on something that was somewhat experimental, and then I would be taking a more active role, assessing the person’s responses to the new protocol, recording it and if there was any difference between established parameters for that protocol or expected responses, I would be flagging that.
GS: Give me an example of someone you were working on. What… how would they be introduced, what would be the reason? Would they be military, what is, how does someone get sent to you?
SV: No, these were all members of the group!
GS: Oh, okay.
SV: Oh! I can tell you that in San Diego, twenty percent of the active members of the group were active military.
GS: Okay.
SV: Okay? And think of military intelligence. Think high-ranking officials, colonels, (laughs), commanders. My ex-husband was a lieutenant commander in the Navy, getting ready to become a commander, okay?
GS: All right.
SV: These are not stupid people.
GS: So you were basically working on the programming of the members involved.
SV: (crosstalk) Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah.
No, we didn’t program people who were not members of the group. You CANNOT install significantly traumatic mind-control programming in a person who is not a member of the group.
GS: (crosstalk) Good.
SV: Now there are certain… what you can do is what we call passive programming, which is basically through media means. If someone’s watching a television program, they go immediately into alpha state. Everyone in the group, even a baby in the group knows that, because these people are very much into behavioral psychology. That’s a trance state, almost, a very relaxed state where messages can be implemented.
And that’s why I very strongly suggest people be very careful about the TV shows they watch! That’s all I will say about that.
But no, you cannot take an adult who is not a member of the group and do what we did to them. They would go psychotic, or they wouldn’t survive it, probably. They wouldn’t be able to psychologically handle it.
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