The founding fathers clearly secured the right of “We the People” to bear arms in defense of himself or the State, as an absolute right and that no law can “be passed to infringe upon or impair it because it is above the law, and independent of lawmaking.” The globalists who seek a tyrannous world government under their elite control have slowly eroded this platform and are trying to repeal the 2nd amendment using false flags, lies, and propaganda to brainwash the masses that it is a necessity to reduce gun violence. Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Center has the stats to prove that (1) more guns equals less crime and less guns equals more crime; (2) expanding background checks doesn’t cut down on gun violence; (3) how gun free zones leave innocent Americans vulnerable, thus making them prime targets for mass shooters; (4) how the federal government and the institutional left are funding bogus health studies to undercut our Second Amendment rights; (5) why women concealed carry holders are surging; and (6) how the media is a total disaster when it comes to gun laws and the lexicon within the firearms industry that could prevent egregious mistakes in reporting gun crimes.
Chronological History of Gun Control

Transgender Biological Woman Murders Six in Nashville Covenant School Shooting

Washington Examiner Report: FBI worked secretly with hospitals to strip US citizens’ gun rights

FOIA Request Uncovers FBI Effort to Get Americans to Forfeit 2nd Amendment Rights

Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz Delivers EPIC Defense Of The Second Amendment

Supreme Court Upholds Second Amendment in New York Gun Case Decision

Senators Reach Agreement on Gun Control, Including Red Flag Laws to Take Guns from Law-Abiding Americans

Uvalde School Shooting False Flag

House Passes Behemoth Build Back Better

Hero armed with rifle takes down would-be mass shooter at apartment complex