The United States invaded Iraq (which interestingly was then one of six nations left in the world who didn’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank), based on the false agenda that Iraq needed to be disarmed of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s). The former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the highest ranking military officer in the United States – said that the Iraq war was “based on a series of lies”.
Many high-ranking military officials, top Republican leaders and key architects of the Iraq war said that the war was really about oil. And yet the American people haven’t seen any benefit … top oil economists have said that the Iraq war substantially raised the price of oil.
The American government sold the Iraq war under false pretenses. Read More…

Iraqi PM to Resign as Violent Protests Grip the Country

The People’s Tribunal on the Iraq War: A Grassroots Tribunal Exposing the Lies and Crimes of the Iraq War

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The Toppling of Saddam Statue in Firdos Square was Staged by the US Marines Psychological Operations Teams

US Gov’t Fabricates Jessical Lynch Rescue Story to Manufacture Support for the Iraq War

The Iraq War Begins: A Pre-Planned (Before 9/11) Oil War Based on Lies and Propaganda

Whistleblower Andrew Wilkie Resigns from the ONA in Protest of the Lies and Propaganda Used to Justify an Attack on Iraq