Taking Back Our Stolen History


The modern country of Iraq corresponds with the ancient region of Mesopotamia – known by many as the cradle of civilization – where the first cities and classical civilizations developed in the fertile region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Iraq is an oil rich nation state in the Middle East, formerly ruled by Saddam Hussein. It has been twice attacked by US led coalitions after US public opinion was influenced by deceitful war propaganda (such as, for example, Nurse Nayirah). Iraq was on a list of seven countries which retired 4-star general Wesley Clark (former supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe 1997-2001) stated the US military had plans to invade:

In 2001, in the Pentagon, a general told me : ‘I just received a classified memo from the Secretary of Defense: we will take seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally, Iran.’

Iraq has a had a long history of Christianity in its nation dating back before the conquest of Islam in the 7th century. The Chaldean Christians have come under increasing persecution since the recent Iraq War as the insurgency after the war has targeted Christian churches and communities on more than one occasion. Many Christians have been forced to flee the country. Approximately three-quarters of a million remain. The United States will not recognize them as political refugees since they consider the country to have been ‘liberated’. Many of these Christians have fled to Syria, where Christians account for more than 10% of the population.

The U.S. government set up a proposal that 12 of Iraq’s 440 government seats be set aside for Christians. The Iraqi government decided to half this to 6, far underrepresenting the percentage of the Christian community by population. While it is possible for Christians to win seats on their own, Iraq’s strongly sectarian voting based upon religion makes this a virtual impossibility.

US Gov't Fabricates Jessical Lynch Rescue Story to Manufacture Support for the Iraq War

US Gov’t Fabricates Jessical Lynch Rescue Story to Manufacture Support for the Iraq War

The US government fabricates a psychological warfare campaign (aided by the compliant mass media) on the American people of the Jessica Lynch “rescue” which was fabricated story to make her a "Rambo from the hills of West Virginia" to manufacture support for the Iraq war. In crafting the Jessica Lynch fable, “The Pentagon had been influenced by Hollywood producers of reality TV and action movies,” reported the ...
The Iraq War Begins: A Pre-Planned (Before 9/11) Oil War Based on Lies and Propaganda

The Iraq War Begins: A Pre-Planned (Before 9/11) Oil War Based on Lies and Propaganda

The United States invaded Iraq (which interestingly was then one of six nations left in the world who didn’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank), based on the false agenda that Iraq needed to be disarmed of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's). The former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the highest ranking military officer in the United States – said that the Iraq ...
Manning Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were Lies, but Wanted War with Iraq

Manning Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were Lies, but Wanted War with Iraq

A confidential memo obtained by the Observer, detailing a meeting between President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair, confirms their determination to press ahead with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 without any evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and without United Nations approval. The five-page memo, written by Blair’s foreign policy adviser Sir David Manning, is dated January 31, 2003, some two months ...
Retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark was Told that the U.S. Gov't Planned to Attack 7 Middle East Countries in 5 Years

Retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark was Told that the U.S. Gov’t Planned to Attack 7 Middle East Countries in 5 Years

A tantalizing passage in Wesley Clark's 2007 memoir suggested that another war was part of a long-planned Department of Defense strategy that anticipated "regime change" by force in no fewer than seven Mideast states. Critics of the war often voiced suspicions of such imperial schemes, but this was the first time that a high-ranking former military officer has claimed to know that such plans existed. The ...
The Anthrax Attacks Begin: FBI Head Investigator, Turned Whistleblower, Says the Whole Thing was a Sham

The Anthrax Attacks Begin: FBI Head Investigator, Turned Whistleblower, Says the Whole Thing was a Sham

The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, (FBI case name Amerithrax), occurred over the course of several weeks beginning a week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two U.S. Senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing 5 and infecting 17 others. The ensuing investigation, said by the FBI to have become "one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement", ...
9/11 False Flag Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

9/11 False Flag Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

The attack on 9/11 was a carefully planned black operation, with a corresponding cover-up of the mountains of evidence that only point to the shadow government and the dark forces of the White House, the CIA & Mossad, FBI, Israel's deep state, and Saudi Arabia who each had involvement throughout the attack either directly or through front organizations they created. Fortunately, the 9/11 truth movement is ...
The Forged Document that Promoted the Uranium Hoax that Triggered the Iraq War

The Forged Document that Promoted the Uranium Hoax that Triggered the Iraq War

The main argument former President George W. Bush used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a claim that Saddam Hussein was ramping up his nuclear weapons program - an accusation based on forged documents promoted in the president’s State of the Union address in January 2003, two months before the start of the war. The allegation was largely based on forged documents claiming Iraq ...
PNAC Release a Report that their Plans to Conquer Global Resources needed "Some Catastrophic and Catalyzing Event, like a New Pearl Harbor"

PNAC Release a Report that their Plans to Conquer Global Resources needed “Some Catastrophic and Catalyzing Event, like a New Pearl Harbor”

Exactly one year prior to the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11/2001, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a Washington-based think tank of neo-conservatives formed in 1997, released a report that stated their aspiration to conquer and militarize global resources would be achieved much too slowly, "unless there were some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor." In 1997, a think-tank called the Project ...

Operation Desert Fox: US and UK Bomb Iraq / Saddam. Huma Abedin, Hillary’s former Closest Aid Claimed the Attack was to Deflect from the Monica Lewinsky Affair

December 16-19, 1998 - Operation Desert Fox: US/UK bomb Iraq/Saddam: The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions and its interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors, however an article in the Muslim journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor claimed Bill Clinton bombed Saddam Hussein to deflect from his Monica Lewinsky affair. Abedin, who is not an academic, has been Hillary ...
Madeleine Albright Answers Interviewer Leslie Stahl on Over 500,000 Innocent Iraqi Children's Deaths that: "We Think the Price is Worth It."

Madeleine Albright Answers Interviewer Leslie Stahl on Over 500,000 Innocent Iraqi Children’s Deaths that: “We Think the Price is Worth It.”

Madeleine J. Albright, Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, told interviewer Leslie Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: STAHL: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" ALBRIGHT: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it." The "we" includes ...