Irish Police Break Into Man’s Home and Remove His Children at 3 AM After He Films Police Shutting Down a Catholic Mass
The local Garda or Irish police, barged into a Catholic Mass in Athlone, Ireland last weekend and shut down the service. As you can see from the video, the congregation was sitting rows apart, and even by crazy Dr. Fauci’s standards were likely not in danger of infecting others in the church. One man in the congregation, later identified as Pat Sweeney, decided to film the ...

Protest Against Oppressive Government Restrictions and Mandates in Dublin
Large numbers (estimated at around 6k) turned up for the peaceful protest against oppressive government restrictions and mandates over COVID-19 on Saturday, August 22nd at Customs House, Dublin. The non-political event was organised by Health Freedom Ireland and Yellow Vest Ireland to voice concerns regarding government mandates, demanding transparency, proportionality of decisions and accountability by government officials and advisors. Expert speakers in attendance on behalf of Health Freedom Ireland were: ...

Mark Zuckerberg BRAGS About Blocking Pro-Life Ads In Irish Elections
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 26th, 2019 spoke about what Facebook is doing to regulate content and advertising on its platform. Zuckerberg bragged about banning pro-life ads from American companies during the Irish elections. The company decided it would be the best thing to do. Facebook is playing favorites, not just in America, but globally. This should concern EVERY ...

Ireland Begins Legalized Abortion
The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA), the Republic of Ireland’s version of Planned Parenthood, will begin aborting babies January 7, reported the Irish Examiner. The legalization of the murderous procedure in the predominantly Catholic nation came after Ireland’s president signed legislation passed in December by Ireland’s parliament — which was responding to a referendum earlier in 2018 by which Ireland’s citizens voted by a two-to-one margin ...

Scouting Ireland finds Evidence of 108 Child Sex-Abuse Victims Spanning Decades
A SAFEGUARDING review has uncovered evidence of more than 100 alleged child abuse cases at Scouting Ireland, the Republic's Children's Minister said. Katherine Zappone told a parliamentary committee that an audit by an independent consultant had found evidence of 71 alleged abusers and 108 alleged victims between the 1960s and 1980s. Ms Zappone said Ian Elliott's review of historical records is "based on his work to ...

Pope in Ireland: Francis faces Call to Resign over Abuse Cover-up Claim
A former Vatican official has claimed Pope Francis had known about allegations of sex abuse against a prominent cardinal in the US for years. As the pontiff ended his historic two-day visit to Ireland, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano called on him to quit over his response to the global scandal still enveloping the Church. Francis used a speech at Mass in Phoenix Park in Dublin on ...

Judicial Watch Obtains Five More Classified Hillary Emails sent through her Private Unsecured Server
Washington watchdog Judicial Watch announced Thursday it obtained copies of five more Hillary Clinton emails containing classified information that were sent through her unsecured server. “These classified Hillary Clinton emails that she tried to hide or destroy show why it is urgent that the DOJ finally undertake a honest criminal investigation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. He said the emails “show how the prior sham ...

Record-Breaking Crowd of 100,000 Pro-Life People Rally in Ireland Against Legalizing Abortion
Save the 8th (Ireland's 8th Amendment) has said that its campaign was “energised and motivated ” by the huge attendance at the Rally for Life in Dublin, which saw up to 100,000 people take to the streets to reject the Government’s plan for a UK-style abortion regime in Ireland. Niamh Uí Bhriain of Save the 8th said that the crowds who thronged Dublin city centre showed ...

Whistleblower Sex Trafficking Victim, Richard Kerr, Speaks out on abused by ‘Very Powerful’ Figures in a Westminster Pedophile Ring
Vulnerable boys were trafficked from a children’s home before being abused by ‘very powerful’ figures in a Westminster paedophile ring, a victim has claimed. Richard Kerr, now 53 (in 2015), said he was one of three youngsters who were taken from the home in Belfast to London in the 1970s. Once in the capital, they were allegedly molested by politicians and other Establishment figures at Dolphin ...

Thousands of Irish Gather in Dublin to Protest Media Coverage of Abortion Following Recent Bias of 33 to 1 Pro-Abortion Articles
On 11th March, several thousand pro-life people came together in Dublin to call out the media over its bias on abortion. The evening event outside the Dáil was the first of its kind in Ireland. Media bias in favour of abortion is now so entrenched that the time for tiptoeing around the issue is over. Some journalists seem a little puzzled that for once we are ...