A public hearing was held under the direction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan in response to reports of adverse effects following Gardasil vaccinations. Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, the Director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, testified on the behalf of parents whose children had either died, or experienced serious neurological complications after being given the HPV shots. He had discovered through FOIA request that these government officials knew (before the hearing) and withheld critical safety information regarding the vaccine.
As a pathologist, his hypothesis was straightforward: “… the HPV vaccination depends on the Gardasil adjuvant. On the left-hand side, the aluminum adjuvant waits for the release of human DNA as a result of inflammation and the cell death. And the human DNA would combine with the aluminum and stimulate the macrophage to enhance the immunogenicity of the vaccine reaction. However, in Gardasil because the HPV DNA was already present in the vaccine when they were injected in these girls, so the viral DNA combined with the aluminum injected to stimulate the microphages. And that is the mechanism I believe to cause cytokine storm and tumor necrosis release. And that would cause hypotension, tachycardia, and sudden death. And other neurological symptom is called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.”
According to Catherine J. Frompovich’s detailed report, it was after Dr. Lee’s testimony that the cavalry was called into action to clean up any unwanted scientific distractions. After all, Gardasil is Big Pharma and that means big business. By July of 2015, over 178 million doses had been given worldwide.
And just who or what is the cavalry? It’s called the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS). Their purpose is to provide “independent, authoritative, scientific advice to WHO [World Health Organization] on vaccine safety issues of global or regional concern with the potential to affect in the short or long term national immunization programmes.
The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety works closely with the Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), another global concoction “concerned” about shoving pharmaceuticals in bodies worldwide. Remember when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated $10 billion to this organization in 2010, naming the next ten years the “decade of vaccines?” Hmm.
When pharmaceutical companies are supported in their global eugenic reach with such massive infrastructure, they keep the pipeline purring by any means necessary. Sounds like the playbook for war, GMOs, fluoride and those toxic nanoparticles we’re forced to breathe, among other pollutants, doesn’t it?
So when the Global Advisory ( GACVS) began gathering the data to counter any negatives, they probably didn’t expect their lies and disinformation to be tracked. But Dr. Fen obtained their emails and data through a Freedom of Information Request. After digesting their messages, he sent a sixteen page letter to General Director of WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan:
“According to the complaint Dr. Lee filed January 14, 2016, “multiple individuals and organizations deliberately set out to mislead Japanese authorities regarding the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®.”
One of Dr. Lee’s findings clearly demonstrates a withholding of critical information:
“[T]his group of WHO officials and government employees charged with the responsibility to advise the expert committee of the Japanese government on HPV vaccination safety knew before the February 26, 2014 Tokyo public hearing that one of their own experts showed scientific evidence that HPV vaccination does increase cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), particularly at the injection site compared to other vaccines. Yet, they chose to suppress this information at the public hearing.”
Suppressing the truth and forced vaccinations sound like they may be in the devil’s playbook, but as long as folks like Ms. Frompovich and Dr. Fen are exposing the darkness, the light is glimmering still. (Source)
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Bodily Matters explores the anti-vaccination movement that emerged in England in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth in response to government-mandated smallpox vaccination. By requiring a painful and sometimes dangerous medical procedure for all infants, the Compulsory Vaccination Act set an important precedent for state regulation of bodies. From its inception in 1853 until its demise in 1907, the compulsory smallpox vaccine was fiercely resisted, largely by members of the working class who interpreted it as an infringement of their rights as citizens and a violation of their children’s bodies. Nadja Durbach contends that the anti-vaccination movement is historically significant not only because it was arguably the largest medical resistance campaign ever mounted in Europe but also because it clearly articulated pervasive anxieties regarding the integrity of the body and the role of the modern state.
Analyzing historical documents on both sides of the vaccination debate, Durbach focuses on the key events and rhetorical strategies of the resistance campaign. She shows that those for and against the vaccine had very different ideas about how human bodies worked and how best to safeguard them from disease. Individuals opposed to mandatory vaccination saw their own and their children’s bodies not as potentially contagious and thus dangerous to society but rather as highly vulnerable to contamination and violation. Bodily Matters challenges the notion that resistance to vaccination can best be understood, and thus easily dismissed, as the ravings of an unscientific “lunatic fringe.” It locates the anti-vaccination movement at the very center of broad public debates in Victorian England over medical developments, the politics of class, the extent of government intervention into the private lives of its citizens, and the values of a liberal society.
This first comprehensive history of the social and political aspects of vaccination in the United States tells the story of how vaccination became a widely accepted public health measure over the course of the twentieth century. One hundred years ago, just a handful of vaccines existed, and only one, for smallpox, was widely used. Today more than two dozen vaccines are in use, fourteen of which are universally recommended for children. State of Immunity examines the strategies that health officials have used—ranging from advertising and public relations campaigns to laws requiring children to be immunized before they can attend school—to gain public acceptance of vaccines. Like any medical intervention, vaccination carries a small risk of adverse reactions. But unlike other procedures, it is performed on healthy people, most commonly children, and has been mandated by law. Vaccination thus poses unique ethical, political, and legal questions.
James Colgrove considers how individual liberty should be balanced against the need to protect the common welfare, how experts should act in the face of incomplete or inconsistent scientific information, and how the public should be involved in these decisions. A well-researched, intelligent, and balanced look at a timely topic, this book explores these issues through a vivid historical narrative that offers new insights into the past, present, and future of vaccination.