An Australian man staying at the Mandalay Bay Resort next door to Paddock’s suite told the Courier Mail what his eyes and ears told him about the massacre:
There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters.
Here’s another disturbing video (you can see several wounded and dying people in the carnage and the brave friends trying to rescue and save them, It’s also unedited so there is adult language from the videographer. Just prior to the 2:00 mark however, you can clearly distinguish gunfire that is simultaneous at certain times, but clearly from 2 different guns. It is possible that a single shooter could be firing 2 guns, but it has been established in other videos that the gunfire is both close and distant in videos from both sound and visual perspectives.
The Bellagio Hotel lobby was sprayed with bullets by a second shooter during the Las Vegas attack, according to hotel guests and staff who recount the horrific experience in a newly surfaced video.
Rene Downs made a Facebook Live video in the immediate aftermath of the shooting in Las Vegas, filming from inside the Bellagio Hotel which was on lockdown after “shots came firing in through the front doors of the lobby” causing “mass chaos and a stampede.”
Explaining that she was in the lobby with her husband at the time shots were fired into the hotel, Rene Downs also explains that the sheriff and mainstream media immediately covered up the Bellagio Hotel shooting, and in keeping with the “lone wolf” narrative, insisted that the Bellagio was not involved in the Las Vegas attack. Rene Downs, who made the video, confirms: “This was NOT all done by one shooter. News and LVPD are not reporting this correctly.” Watch her video HERE (now removed, see her interview here (also removed)) (try here) and then her update HERE on Forbidden Knowledge.
Austin witnessed hearing gunfire and panic inside the New York, New York where he ventured that night and experienced the lockdown during the night. He shares his story HERE.
Collective-Evolution reported this:
We came across a post on Facebook from a girl named Rikki Raulerson who was in Las Vegas the night of the shooting. We got in contact with her via Facebook and spoke to her about the post she had made in order to find out more specific details.
Her story was quite intriguing to us as she is essentially saying that what she saw and heard happening on that night, including what local news was initially saying, completely changed as the night went on. Very key and important details dramatically shifted in the mainstream media that left her questioning what was really going on. She wanted to know the truth of what she experienced that night and began to explore.
Her full post is written below, but based on that post we asked Rikki some key questions to gain further clarity.
When we asked her about what exactly police officers told her when she had asked what was going on she told us: The security guard at the Cosmopolitan exact words were “I know about as much as you do. I have heard 7 confirmed shooters at multiple hotels including the Bellagio.” I do not have any idea how he knew this info, but this is the time they were locking down the hotel. There were a few metro police officers alongside security guards outside our hotel Vdara, and as they were checking our credentials we asked are there really multiple shooters, what’s going on? And the police officer confirmed yes multiple shooters at multiple hotels including Aria next door. He did not say 7 however he just said multiple. I assume he heard this over the radio, bc he was a metro officer.
In addition, evidence also suggests Paddock was not alone in the hotel room. Alex Lasker reported for AOL News:
Investigators are looking into two key pieces of evidence that seem to suggest that Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was not entirely alone in his Mandalay Bay hotel room. The first is a cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman.
The second is a hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage. Investigators told NBC News that while there are many possible explanations for these two puzzling finds, they are hoping to get to the bottom of things immediately.
Las Vegas mass shooting victim Rocky Palermo was shot in the pelvis during the horrific attack and is now speaking out about what he saw and believes happened, including the presence of multiple shooters as well as locked concert gates and police telling frantic civilians to go in the other direction.
“I definitely do believe that there was 100% more than one shooter, every other person that I’ve talked to that did unfortunately get hit as well, have all said the same things,” Palermo detailed.
Shockingly, he then goes on to detail the fact that at the end of the concert the previous two nights everyone had exited a specific way but on the night of the shooting this route was locked down shortly before the attack. Here his testimony HERE.
Yet another eyewitness to the October 1 shooting claims that he heard several “machine guns” firing from different locations, in another building, around the venue which was hosting a Jason Aldean country music show at the time. The man told Fox 5 that he’s a Vietnam veteran and that he knows what a ‘machine gun sounds like.’ “It was really going off a lot,” the man said on a live broadcast which aired at 11:50 p.m.
Further, The Still Report shows long bursts of 103 rounds in 9.5 seconds followed by 24 second pause, then a 84 round volley, a 1/2 second pause, then another (more distant sounding) 27 rounds (111 total in 10 seconds) – not enough time to change clips. Still has noticed only 30 and 60 round clips, but there was a 100 round clip.
Another video from the night of October 1st at the time of the shooting, appears to show muzzle fire coming from a helicopter:
THIS EYEWITNESS shares her experience in Las Vegas during the shooting event at Planet Hollywood.
“It has been determined that he had employees going to and from from his room, and nothing nefarious was noticed.” said Sheriff Lombardo.
Paddock checked in to the two-room suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay resort that usually costs $400 to $500 per night, but it was provided compliments of the hotel (Paddock was also occupying an adjoining room, which had a window broken out 9 windows away from the Suite window used in the attack. Who was occupying/booking this room?). He brought with him at least 10 suitcases (How did Paddock get all of these up to his room undetected with all of the hotel surveillance? Why hasn’t the security video been released?), and inside them was a stockpile of weaponry and equipment that included 23 firearms, a computer, and video cameras Paddock set up inside and outside the room (on a room service cart), apparently in order so he could see anyone approaching the suite. (Was he that electronically and computer savvy or was this the work of special ops?) According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, Paddock had two shotguns and five handguns at his home in Reno, and 19 firearms, as well as various explosives, electronic devices, and ammo were found at his home in Mesquite.
Motive. Cui Bono?
A 2014 study of American mass murderers by Eric Madfis, a University of Washington-Tacoma sociology professor indicates Paddock differed from the typical mass shooter profile in at least two ways. First, he was older (64)—the average age of mass shooters in the Madfis study was 35, and the vast majority of American mass shooters are between the ages of 20 and 49.
Paddock also appears to have been quite wealthy, which is unusual for mass shooters. Madfis’s research indicates that “downward mobility” seems to be one of the factors that drives disturbed individuals toward senseless acts of violence, theorizing that “the performance of a violent massacre provides an illegitimate opportunity for entitled white men to regain lost status and forge a powerful, successful, masculine identity through infamy.”
Col. Tony Shaffer’s gives his analysis on Fox News pointing out how Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, was clearly targeting conservatives who may have voted for Trump.
Audiokite surveyed 1,308 online music listeners in 2016 and concluded that would-be Clinton voters are more likely to prefer jazz and folk music while Trump supporters are more than twice as likely to prefer country… (and) enthusiasts of Christian country and ‘rockabilly’.
A video showed the crowd singing “God Bless America” moments before the shooting.
Appearing on Fox and Friends, Dr. Michael Welner explained that the massacre was a “stranger mass homicide,” which means that it was motivated either by a political or personal cause, or because the shooter wanted to gain notoriety, such as with Aurora shooter James Holmes, a case that Welner worked on.
“Here’s the thing, shooting for notoriety’s sake and nothing more is a young man’s crime and this is a 64-year-old with no dramatic mental illness,” said Welner, equating Paddock with James Hodgkinson, who attempted to massacre Republican lawmakers, which would have mandated special elections to replace them.
“My point is a spectacle is either designed to cause some derivative impact or to instigate some cause discussion,” added the psychiatrist, emphasizing, “people who commit crimes for notoriety alone are young and he’s not.”
Welner went on to assert that Americans who are gun enthusiasts, populists and nationalists are routinely “dehumanized” and “demonized” by leftists and the media, referring to the CBS News executive who was fired after she said she had no sympathy for the Las Vegas victims because most of them were probably Republicans.
“His mindset is that they deserve to die,” said Welner, referring to the shooter, “So a person who adopts a cause may be otherwise law abiding but he feels righteously justified that the end justifies the means – so we’re talking now about gun control because he committed an over the top gun crime,” he added, suggesting that Paddock was “instigating a means to end with people you’ve dehumanized.”
Asked, “What do country music fans and country music artists represent?” Welner responded, “It’s Americana – it could be guns….he’s smart enough to know what this would instigate.” Welner went on to assert that “CNN is going to have to answer for how they demonize gun enthusiasts and how CNN actually contributes to mass shootings.” (Source: Infowars)
Paddock may fit the political profile as Antifa literature was found in his hotel room as abundant as were the guns. There is THIS VIDEO that shows he also may have attended an anti-Trump rally in Reno, Nevada earlier in 2017, as the person in the pink NASA T-shirt not only closely resembles Steve Paddock, but is approached in the video by a woman (the blonde in black clothing) who says “Hi, Steve” just before the lady in the red dress says a long “Hiiiii!”. Possibly more evidence HERE linking Paddock with NASA via Lockheed Martin, and an unconvincing attempt to prove girlfriend Danley is also pictured at the protest.
Other Interesting Facts:
Numerology & Illuminati Symbolism: Jason Aldean was singing when the shooting began. He has a tattoo on his left arm of a Jack and an Ace, his initials. In Las Vegas, a Jack is worth 10 and an Ace, 1 (or 11), but J is the 10th letter and A the 1st letter in the English alphabet. 10/1 or October 1st is the date of the massacre. An Illuminati card game released in 1995 that seemingly predicted 9/11 and other events, has a Las Vegas card that looks exactly like Aldean’s tattoo. And not to forget the pyramid-shaped Luxor stands in the background of the concert venue. All of this a coincidence?
- On Oct. 18, 2017, Intellihub reported that “the Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner (CCOCME) was on lockdown and had been since the Oct. 1 massacre. The facility was being guarded by multiple police units.”
- MGM Int’l CEO, James Murren, sold a significant amount of his stock in the weeks prior to the massacre. Lucky for him as the MGM stock plummeted following the massacre. James Murren is a member of the small (under 30) but powerful National Infrastructure Advisory Council, a part of DHS, who advise the President on infrastructure and cyber security.
- MGM has been sued by a victim of the shooting so this may push some more evidence into the forefront and force MGM to take accountability or shift blame causing rifts between possible collaborators
- In Dec 2015, The Sands resort owner, Sheldon Adelson, purchased the LV Review Journal for $140 million. Murren’s wife is an employ of the Review Journal.
- Strange deaths connected to LV Shooting:
- Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet, parked the suspected Las Vegas gunman’s car, and gave an interview saying Stephen Paddock was a “normal guy” who “didn’t have many bags”. After the interview, the video was scrubbed from the internet, and Nishimura “vanished” according to friends (likely in hiding after threats), and was shot on his way to church shortly reemerging.
- Kymberley Suchomel, 28, died suddenly on October 9 at her Apple Valley, California, residence five days after posting her version of events to Facebook. She wanted to organize a survivor’s group in order to flesh out the strange event, Facebook conversations reveal.
- Orville Almon, the lawyer representing the Route 91 music festival and Jason Aldean, the singer onstage when the Las Vegas shooting began, has been found dead. He was 66.
- The Carver’s: “The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Dennis and Lorraine Carver died after their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community in Riverside County, California, and burst into flames on Oct. 16.”
- Concert survivor, Gary Holland, who had been an outspoken critic of the official story on The Jeff Rense show believes his car had been tampered with, but fortunately he was traveling slowly and unharmed. Joel Skousen of commented “I’ve had to replace my lower control arms on my car and these nuts take tremendous force to undo. In some cars, there is a cotter pin through the bolt to keep it from working off on its own. There is no way these came off by themselves. This was sabotage.”
- Danny Contreras, an eyewitness Las Vegas shooting survivor who publicly claimed there were multiple shooters involved in the attack, has been found dead in an empty house in Las Vegas with multiple gunshot wounds.
- John Beilman and his severely disabled daughter (alleged murder-suicide) on October 4th. Beilman’s Fairport home was searched by the FBI the day before.Beilman had worked for the company making the unique lithium battery, Ultralife Corporation based in Newark, NY, that specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon—and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development. Listing himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional”, Beilman worked on various top secret communications systems for the US military. After leaving, he became a top engineer at the General Motors research facility located in Rochester New York. 48 hours later, (6 October) the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at over $49 million.
- Roy McClellan killed in a hit and run 7 weeks after the LV Mass Shooting.
- Borderline Bar Shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA where 13 people were killed (including the shooter) had several survivors of the LV shooting attending the bar
- An interesting report, yet unverified, claims Marilou Danley, Paddock’s girlfriend, was a CIA asset which had a character reference given by a top CIA terrorist architect in SE Asia. The report also claims Danley told the FBI during interrogation that Paddock was funneling arms to terrorist groups for the CIA. Speculation is given in the article that both Paddock and Danley were part of the CIA’s child sex trafficking operation as well.
Infowars report:
Laura Loomer exposes details of the LV shooting including ISIS members brought in across the Mexican border who participated in the false flag.