The nation’s top psychologists, entrusted with executive decisions on the treatment of mental health, are exposed in private email exchanges obtained by The Gateway Pundit pathologizing all conservatives as mentally ill and untreatable.
No amount of therapy can remedy “ignorant,” “paranoid,” “strange” “delusional,” “stupid,” “narcissist” conservative Americans who support “corruption and incompetence,” the executive board members of the National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers contend.
In a June 4 email, executive director of NAPPP Dr. John Caccavale warns: “Trump supporters may share some of the narcissistic traits that were exhibited by the former president himself during his 2020 re-election campaign.”
The nationally renowned psychologists linked to an article corroborating his theory about Trump supporters’ narcissism titled, “Study pinpoints two aspects of pathological narcissism that predicted the intention to vote for Trump in 2020.”
In another email, Caccavale, who also serves on the board of the National Institute of Behavioral Health Quality and the American Board of Behavioral Practice, derides white people who voted for Trump.
“What about those white people who believe Democrrats are eating children in back of a pizza parlor?” he bemoaned on June 17. “What about all the white Qanon morons?”
According to the NAPPP website, Caccavale is a California licensed clinical and neuropsychologist, a trained psychopharmacologist and “advocates for psychotherapy as a first line treatment for behavioral disorders.”

“I am doctor (psychologist) who often receives emails from a national psychologist organization’s listserv that constantly promotes abusive language targeting all who are politically right-of-center,” the source told the TGP. “I believe their overt hate speech and dehumanizing vitriol toward conservatives must finally be exposed.The source who documented the email exchange, a Gateway Pundit reader, wishes to remain anonymous, insists the hatred harbored by these doctors for at least half of their patients must be made public.
“The Board has acted in any way but ‘Professional’ and has repeatedly spread emails to our colleagues with nothing short of shocking disdain for anyone, including their own patients, who voted for Trump and/or disagree with Democrat policies.”
In the disturbing exchange, NAPPP board member Dr. Morris, a clinical psychologist who has developed and owned psychiatric hospitals, expresses agreement with psychologist Howard Rubin’s argument contending a recent study which found almost half of the U.S. allegedly believes dinosaurs still exist, “accounts for Trump being elected POTUS and why a lot of people believe he still should be.”
“Guess who these people are:,” Dr. Rubin quips.
Conservatives have a collective mental illness that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy cannot alleviate, Dr. Caccavale replied on June 5.
“I just wonder how a society can survive with so much stupidity, ignorance, and adherence to mass shared delusions,” Caccavale wrote. “No CBT for these folks.”
In an October 5, 2020 email, Morris rails amongst his colleagues against Republicans and voters in red states.

“Dear colleagues, my correspondence with my congressman on this one, a republican state, always results in them giving me a BS answer and indicating that they are all for Social Security cuts in various ways. I know this is not CMS, but these people in the red states simply support this kind of thing. Voucher Vote your interest!”
Dr. Michael Zakaras, a NAPPP clinical psychologist who offers adult, adolescent and family psychotherapy, in Nov. 9, 2019 email notes, “[I] wish to present at the next napp conference unless it is in Africa{mandatory PC check)” then touts a “national ad campaign for mental health treatment. i think even ms [Mississippi] rednecks would find this funny.”

In an April 3, 2020 email denouncing Republicans for “supporting corruption and incompetence,” Dr. John Caccavale says he’s in agreement with Dr. Jerry Morris about the GOP:
As usual, Jerry is correct but I do not expect anything soon coming out of the trump administration or from some states. Here in CA our governor has but mental health as a top priority… NAPPP and AMP have contacted his office to see how we can help with recruiting and policy issues. Unlike in other states controlled by Republicans, and no this is not a political statement, it’s a fact, healthcare in general is unimportant… many Republican lawmakers have stated that the ‘economy is more important than losing a few lives.’ Supporting corruption and incompetence even when that corruption is not illegal does not make for being a good person.
In a Nov 1, 2019 email, Dr. Caccavale slams Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler, for attending a “Conversion Therapy” discussion, in which people who used to identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer say they are now heterosexual and were able to shed their previous orientation by embracing their Christian faith.
The GOP congresswoman believes “prayer alone can guide one to sound health. Science is not an option,” Caccavale admonished. “Our country is divided along many different lines but lack of intellect has to be in first place.”
Dr. Morris chimed in with a disclosure warning “strange” Rep. Hartzler represents his district and is “represented by a strange right wing.”
“Gang, she is my congress person who is a very strange person represented by a strange right wing very rule area of the country. She was elected and be loved by the right wing because she has no capacity to think for herself, drinks the KoolAid, and believes that women must be subservient to men to be biblically driven. Therefore if the males in the carcass tell her what to think and do she will fall in line and think that she is being godly, family oriented, and righteous,” Morris wrote.
“She is kind a like our secretary of education in this country [Betsy DeVos]… when you see the thought process and the perceptual limitations of some of these people it makes you appreciate why we spent a lifetime identifying and treating mental illness!” he continues. “Distortions of reality thinking with what DBT therapists call the emotional rather than the wise mind, and with dichotomous or black-and-white thinking to quail paranoia and make the World oversimplified are symptoms that doctors like you and I have identified as ‘pathology’!”
“The American people are not real deep thinkers and can be sold on a lot of things. As evidence by the trouble were in politically,” Morris wrote in a June 12, 2019 email.
Pathologies exhibited by conservatives are an opportunity for psychologists to put to use their expertise on mental illness, Morris argued:
My good friend Howard, when you see the thought process and the perceptual limitations of some of these people it makes you appreciate why we spent a lifetime identifying and treating mental illness! Distortions of reality with what [Dialectical Behavior Therapy] therapists call the emotional rather than the wise mind, and with dichotomous or black-and-white thinking to quail paranoia and make the World oversimplified are symptom that doctors like you and I have identified as “pathology”! It reminds me of my religious training and what sustains me in the face of the mass madness is the phrase, “father forgive them for they know what do”!
The esteemed physicians were “not using a message board when disseminating their toxic rhetoric,” the source told TGP. “They were actually emailing all of us on their members-only list-serv. I have been a psychologist and a member of NAPPP for a number of years and grown tired of their far-left extremism, which openly pathologizes conservative thinkers.”
The National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers, based in Garden Grove, California, has a national membership base that includes several former Presidents of the American Psychological Association among its ranks.
The country’s leading psychologists aren’t just proselytizing hatred of conservative Americans in their emails, the source said, but they are infusing their biased and intolerant political ideology into the psychology courses they instruct.
“Given that NAPPP offers Continuing Education courses and NAPPP Executive Director John Caccavale is an instructor/grader for them – he has scored my class tests before – I think it is highly inappropriate that NAPPP offers any course on Narcissistic Personality when their instructors and graders unethically impugn Trump voters as being narcissistic by definition,” the source said.
The damning admissions of the esteemed, “intellectually elite” group of psychologists come after a relentless effort launched in 2017 by mental health providers to remove Trump from office under the 25th Amendment on the grounds that he was psychologically unfit for office.
Duty to Warn, a network of psychiatrists and psychologists, diagnosed Trump as a “malignant narcissist,” a classification that has four components: Narcissism, Paranoia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Sadism.
Source: TheGatewayPundit