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Leaked Internal Docs Reveal Disney is Pushing White Employees to Not to Question Black Peers, Donate to BLM
Leaked Internal Docs Reveal Disney is Pushing White Employees to Not to Question Black Peers, Donate to BLM

Leaked Internal Docs Reveal Disney is Pushing White Employees to Not to Question Black Peers, Donate to BLM

Leaked internal documents from the Disney corporation show an insane level of far-left extremist policies and plans to “take a stand” and stop shying away from political controversies.

In one example of the extremism being pushed on their employees, Disney says that white people are forbidden from questioning or debating their black peers about their “lived experiences.”

The shocking documents were obtained by Christopher Rufo of the City Journal and published in an article titled “The Wokest Place on Earth.”

Materials being recommended to their white staffers pushes them to help “defund the police” and donate to Black Lives Matter.

A collection of resources the company is recommending for their white staff includes a series of how-to guides, including “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice” and “Your Kids Are Not Too Young to Talk About Race.” The first article suggests that white employees should “defund the police,” “participate in reparations,” “decolonize your bookshelf,” “don’t gentrify neighborhoods,” “find and join a local ‘white space,’” and “donate to anti-white supremacy work such as your local Black Lives Matter Chapter.” Rufo reports that the second article encourages parents to commit to “raising race-consciousness in children” and argues that “even babies discriminate” against members of other races. A graphic claims that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old, and that white children become “strongly biased in favor whiteness” by age four.

Rufo reports that “in the past year, Disney executives have elevated the ideology of critical race theory into a new corporate dogma, bombarded employees with trainings on ‘systemic racism,’ ‘white privilege,’ ‘white fragility,’ and ‘white saviors,’ and launched racially segregated ‘affinity groups’ at the company’s headquarters.”