Let’s take a look, since we are all into FMSF here, let’s take a look at the relations between the Cult Awareness Network and the FMSF Scientific Advisory Board. This is going to start taking us out beyond Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone would say, no this is too much, I am not making a movie about this. There’s still hope that we could land at the X-Files though.
CAN means the Cult Awareness Network, CIA means the Central Intelligence Agency, and FMSF means the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Joly West is on the Boards of CAN and FMSF and is connected to the CIA. Margaret Singer is connected to Joly West and Richard Ofshe. Margaret Singer and Joly West are on the Board of CAN and Richard Ofshe is on the Board of FMSF. Joly West and Margaret Singer worked for Air Force Intelligence talking to those downed American pilots who were actually DDNOS level Manchurian Candidates.
Leo Ryan, and we’re going to hear a bunch about Jonestown in a minute, is the Congressman who was killed at the airport in Jonestown at the same time as the mass suicide there, which was not actually a suicide. His daughter, Patricia Ryan, is very active in CAN and recently received a Leo Ryan Award, so Leo Ryan connects to Jonestown, Jonestown connects up to the CIA through that loop because CAN is interested in destructive cults and coercive persuasion, and I am going to show you on subsequent slides the connections between Jonestown and the CIA.
Jonestown connects down to obviously expertise in cult coercive persuasion techniques. Jim Jones was a big expert. That takes us back up to Joly West, Margaret Singer, Richard Ofshe, Air Force Intelligence, the CIA. So all this interconnects here. Who is this guy Robert Heath? Well, we are going to see him in a future slide too. My secretary has actually interviewed him, and I might go down and interview him myself at Tulane in New Orleans. He did brain electro implant research for the CIA and he would put brain electrodes in human brains for non-therapeutic purposes, and he would pour in psyllicibin(sp), mescaline, LSD, and other chemicals to see what would go tingle-tingle in the electrodes. And I will tell you more about that. He’s funded by the CIA and the military. In one of his papers, he thanks Harold Lief for referring in one of his brain electrode implant research subjects. Harold Lief is on the Advisory Board of the FMSF, and in fact, was personal psychiatrist to the Freud family. So all these guys know each other. I’m just giving you kind of a sketch of how this thing is constructed.
Now let’s take a step beyond Oliver Stone. This is the connections between Jonestown and the CIA. This is based on references, I think they are on the next slide. The centre of the slide refers to talking about the CIA with its interests in mind control. Now according to this book, “Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment?” by Michael Myers, according to him, Jonestown was a CIA medical experiment. It was a mind control research site. So that seems preposterous and impossible to believe. What data and circumstantial evidence add up to that conclusion?
Well, we know that Leo Ryan was connected to the CIA. How do we know that? Well, let’s take a look over here in our package. Here we have a letter from the Deputy Director of the CIA dated 18 October 1978. To Honorable Leo Ryan, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.:
“Dear Mr. Ryan: Thank you for your letter of 27 September to Admiral Turner requesting confirmation or denial of the fact that the CIA experiments using prisoners at the California Medical Facility at Vacaville. MK Search Site Principal Investigator, James Hamilton. It is true that CIA sponsored tests involving volunteer inmates was conducted at that facility. The project was completed in 1968
A report setting forth the details of that testing has been released to the authorities at Vacaville and to the public. It is enclosed for your information and review ……. The research was related to learning enhancement using a well known non-hallucinogen, magnesium pemaline (Ross: which is psiler [sp] used for ADD). Your letter referred to Donald Defreeze known as Cinque and Clifford Jefferson, both of whom were inmates at Vacaville. Insofar as our reports reflect the names of the participants, there is nothing to indicate that either was in any way involved in the project. You may wish to contact the authorities at Vacaville for further information.”

So Leo Ryan was corresponding directly with the CIA about some of its mind control research. He was also the father of pending legislation, by which all CIA covert operations would be subject to direct Congressional oversight from a budgetary point of view. {Ross: I haven’t got Charles Manson connected in. You have to go a long way out there to get all these connections. Is Charles Manson in Vacaville? Oh, I didn’t know that’s where he was. Okay, well I’m going to tell you a bunch about Vacaville, so it’s not surprising that he’s at Vacaville.) So Leo Ryan is really pestering the CIA to get all their covert operations under direct funding oversight and budgetary control of Congress. He is bugging the CIA about their mind control research.
He has found out that Donald Defreeze was at Vacaville at the same time it was a research site, we are seeing another document saying that is MKSearch and the investigator is James Hamilton, who had Top Secret Clearance. Also Leo Ryan was involved in Jonestown, because he was killed at the airport. Well that’s very funny. How does Leo Ryan connect down to Patty Hearst? Patty Hearst was captured by the Symbionese Liberation Army, which was headed by Donald Defreeze whose code name was Cinque. She was found guilty. She was actually a Manchurian Candidate, a DDNOS level Manchurian Candidate, who was captured, if you don’t remember the story, she was the daughter of William Randolph Hearst who ran the San Francisco Chronicle who was running a whole lot of critical articles about the People’s Temple – Jim Jones’ cult while it was still in Ukiah, California. His daughter, Patty Hearst, who was a college student, was captured by the SLA at gunpoint with submachine guns, kept locked in a closet for 42 days, and subjected to very systematic coercive, persuasive brainwashing and mind control techniques, until she adopted a new identity named “Tanya” and lost all emotional connectedness to her prior life and her parents. She participated in the robbing of a bank and was found guilty. The Free Patty Hearst Movement was headed by Leo Ryan, who was very active in getting clemency for her from the President.

How does Patty Hearst connect to Donald Defreeze? Well, he captured her. How does Donald Defreeze connect to Vacaville? Well he was at Vacaville as a prisoner. What is Vacaville? Well, let’s hop over here to Joly West. That will help us to figure it out. Joly West was the expert witness in the trial for Patty Hearst. Who were the expert witnesses called to explain to the jury that Patty Hearst was actually a victim of coercive persuasion, mind control and brainwashing … Joly West, Margaret Singer, Robert Lifton and Martin Orne. So what did Joly West have to do with Vacaville? Joly West was Head of the UCLA Violence Project which was approved by Ronald Reagan when he was Governor of California, then shut down by public protest. It was spearheaded by a number of people including some people who were very interested in the history of CIA military mind control, and have written books about it.
Well the UCLA Violence Project you are going to see in subsequent slides, but it included research and experimentation that was going to be done at Vacaville Prison where they had the maxi-maxi which is the maximum security place for the most freaked out behaviourally disturbed psychotic psychologically difficult inmates in the California prison system which included Donald Defreeze and Charles Manson we hear.
Who is Colston Westbrook? According to a book on the Phoenix program which is the CIA’s covert operation in the Vietnam War for killing 20 VC infrastructure non-military personnel headed by William Colby, future Director of the CIA. According to that book, Colston Westbrook was a CIA Psy-War expert in Vietnam who came back to the USA to Vacaville Prison under cover of the Black Cultural Association and used behavioural modification techniques on Donald Defreeze and gave him his code name Cinque, and devised the seven headed logo of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Subsequent to this coercive persuasion work done on Donald Defreeze by this Psy-War expert employed by the CIA in Vietnam. Donald Defreeze was transferred to another location in the jail from which he very easily escaped the next day only to go capture Patty Hearst and use very systematic and sophisticated mind control techniques on her despite the fact that he was a functionally illiterate black person off the streets. It’s a very expensive book, it costs over $100, published by the Edwin Mellon Press, PO Box 450, Lewiston, N.Y. 14092 and then two paperbacks which are published by Avon Books, both of which are owned by the Hearst Corporation: Douglas Valentine, 1990, “The Phoenix Program”, N.Y. Avon Books and the specific reference is p. 337. “Patty Hearst: her own story”, Avon Books, N.Y. pp. 133-34. This is from “Jonestown: A CIA Medical Experiment”.
This is some general background now. There is this guy, James Frank, who won the 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics who came over to be part of the Manhattan Project which created the atomic bomb. That is sort of the precursor of the Paperclip Project, which we will get to in future slides. He recruited Lawrence Layton into the Manhattan Project so that’s the connection between these people. Now we’re going to go to this Layton family. There’s Hugo Phillip and Anita Lee Howbwood(sp) married in Germany in 1914 and they moved to the USA. They had two daughters, Eva and Lisa. Eva doesn’t really fit into the story.
Eva worked for the CIA at Berkeley. The author of this “Jonestown: A CIA Medical Experiment” got all this information from the public records by just piecing it together, bit by bit by bit, and the documentation in their references is pretty solid and convincing. Eva worked for the CIA at Berkeley and her job at the library was to keep track of all the left-wing literature taken out of the library and the names of the people who took those books out and report that to the CIA. Berkeley’s got a lot of top-notch people … such as Richard Ofshe.
Lisa married Lawrence Layton who was recruited for the Manhattan Project by James Frank. He later worked at Dugway Proving Ground where radiation experiments were done including release of radioactivity for wind dispersal over civilian populations. He was an expert in dispersal of biological and chemical weapons. That Dugway Proving Ground was also one o f the sites where Army LSD research was conducted. This couple had four children – Deborah who married Phil Blaikie, Lawrence Jr., Annalisa and Thomas. These two are not so involved in the picture.
Lawrence Jr. was on-site at the People’s Temple, Lisa was on-site at the People’s Temple in Jonestown in British Guyana, Deborah was on-site there and she was the chief financial officer for the People’s Temple operation. She left Jonestown shortly before the mass suicide and went back to Georgetown, the capital of British Guyana, accompanied by the CIA Chief of Station for Georgetown. Phil Blaikie was an interesting guy with international arms sales and British Intelligence background if I remember right. This is where it really starts to get convincing and amazing. We have all heard about Jonestown.

We all know that Jim Jones had this group of people and he was in Ukiah, California and then all of a sudden he moved to the middle of the jungle in British Guyana. I assume we all had the same sort of experience I had. You just sort of take that at face value. Here’s this nut. He moves down to the middle of the jungle in British Guyana. But how did he ever choose this location? Who scouted it out? What about the logistics of getting all the lumber, all the oil drums, all the everything down to the middle of the jungle in British Guyana? You have to build an airport, you have to transport … this is a huge, huge project. Well, it turns out this wasn’t just jungle before the People’s Temple arrived. It was the Shalom Project from 1973 to 1975 and Phil Blaikie oversaw the engineering development of the site in its transition from the Shalom Project to the People’s Temple.
What was the Shalom Project? It was a CIA operation for training black mercenary guerrillas for operations in Angola. This was a CIA training site. This was not a random, unconnected site. That’s just some general background. We’re going to pick up Jonestown as we walk along here through these crystal clear slides. Okay, we heard part of the story. Here’s J. Edgar Hoover, he’s corresponded with Estabrooks who was creating Manchurian Candidates, Patty Hearst is a Manchurian Candidate, her identity of Tanya is deliberately programmed in by Donald Defreeze who is in Vacaville State Prison which was an MKSearch site which is also a site for the UCLA Violence Project, Vacaville is a CIA research site, Patty Hearst is connected down to Joly West who is her expert witness in her trial who says in effect she is a Manchurian Candidate, DDNOS level. He’s the expert witness for Jack Ruby who is connected to Lee Harvey Oswald.
I went to one of the JFK Assassination meetings in Dallas a couple of years ago where a guy presented a bunch of information including a photocopy of a letter by J. Edgar Hoover dated 1960 expressing concern that Lee Harvey Oswald had been doubled. The FBI was on top of Lee Harvey Oswald, was on top of him, and was tracking him systemically well before the assassination. So that connect J. Edgar Hoover over to Lee Harvey Oswald who is connected to Jack Ruby. How does Wounded Knee get in there? Wounded Knee is an Indian uprising where the FBI were shooting up the Sioux Indians. Russell Means was heavily involved in that.
What does Russell Means have to do with Jonestown? Well, Jim Jones was a good PR guy. When Patty Hearst was kidnapped he offered William Randolph Hearst a program to set up a collection/donation of money to pay the ransom to the SLA. And the SLA was demanding something like $170 million from Hearst for the release of Patty Hearst. Jim Jones offered to set up this fund, but Hearst said no. The next outcome was that the SLA also wanted food donated to poor people that they said they were representing in a revolution. So a committee was set up to do food distribution, financed by William Randolph Hearst. According to this book, the way that food distribution was done was Jim Jones got control of the mechanisms and he brought people down from the People’s Temple down to be the homeless and poor people who received the food and the same food was distributed around the network six times, constantly being picked up by new People’s Temple people, and taken back to the distribution point. So actually only one-sixth as much food was purchased as it appeared, and the rest was skimmed by the People’s Temple. Russell Means was on the committee that oversaw this operation and his wife was bailed out of jail in Oregon the year before at a cost of $19,000 by Jim Jones. (Russell Means works for Walt Disney – comment from conference audience.) So this arrow here actually goes over to Mickey Mouse …
We did Vacaville, MKSearch, that’s all connected into Patty Hearst, Donald Defreeze, we’ve got that part … MKULTRA connected to UCLA. What does MKULTRA have to do with that Sugi U2 base … that’s the U2 spy plane. Well that’s according to information from JFK assassination researchers that I haven’t independently confirmed, that was an MKULTRA site, Lee Harvey Oswald was stationed there. U2 was the plane that Gary Powers went down in. It was a spy plane that over-flew the Soviet Union. It was also used for surveillance of Martin Luther King … that’s an acknowledged fact. The FBI used U2 planes to keep track of him. According to a book which is a little shaky in terms of its documentation, the people who were consulted on the mental state of Gary Powers, the pilot of the U2 that was downed included Ewen Cameron who was an MKULTRA contractor who did the experimentation on Linda McDonald who I told you about earlier.
Ewen Cameron was also one of the people who went over and interviewed the Nazi war criminals at Nuremburg to do mental statuses on them. So the FBI is in there fairly tight. Let’s just talk about MKULTRA, MKSearch assassination connections. This is now out and beyond Oliver Stone, and we’re going to pick up JFK, a little bit of Jonestown, a little bit of this and that here. So we’ve got MKSearch, Carl Pfeiffer was a contractor for MKSearch and MKULTRA. One of the sites he worked at is the New Jersey Reformatory at Bordentown which was in some of those preliminary MKULTRA lists that I showed. In Walter Bowart’s book, “Operation Mind Control“, he talks about Luis Castillo. Luis Castillo was arrested by the FBI, the Phillippines equivalent of the FBI, on suspicion of being there to assassinate Marcos.
In 300 pages of transcript of the interrogation of Luis Castillo by the Phillipines FBI, that’s in the possession of the JFK Assassination researcher who told me where George Estabrooks’ personal papers are, Luis Castillo describes very clearly (and this is also described in Walter Bowart’s book) having MPD. So here’s a potential assassin of Marcos who describes undocumented MPD who was at the New Jersey Reformatory at Bordentown at the same time it was an MKSearch hallucinogen site and an MKULTRA hallucinogen site. We’ve got Lee Harvey Oswald who was at Sugi Air Force Base which is apparently an MKULTRA research site who is connected to Jack Ruby who is connected to Joly West who is an MKULTRA contractor who is the expert witness for Patty Hearst whose Manchurian Candidate identity “Tanya” was created by Donald Defreeze from Vacaville State Prison which was an MKSearch site which takes us back to the New Jersey Reformatory at Bordentown. This is all just random coincidence, as I am sure you appreciate.
How about JFK/CIA mind control research connections? I might come back to Jonestown in more detail. I am just trying to get through all these slides here. This is a very pretty little diagram with CIA at the hub and we’ve got a wheel going all the way around. There is a game that I saw in the newspaper called “Who was in a movie with Kevin Bacon?” and the purpose of the game … you can name any Hollywood star and within six steps you can get from that person to Kevin Bacon because this person was in a movie who was in a movie with this person who was in a movie with Kevin Bacon. This is the same logic here. We can start anywhere, we can connect Joly West to the CIA. Neale Birch is a CIA Office of Naval Research mind control consultant in Houston. Robert Heath is a CIA and military funded brain electrode researcher at Tulane. Well let’s just go through this random assortment of individuals here. Robert Heath is doing brain electrode implant and other research for the CIA in Tulane. He publishes a paper with Bernie Saltzberg. Bernie Saltzberg publishes with Neale Birch who is funded by the CIA and the military. Neale Birch publishes an edited book – contributor of a chapter in that book is Joly West who describes the UCLA Violence Project in that book edited by Neale Birch. Joly West interviews Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald. Okay well that’s interesting. That’s the end of the story. Except let’s run back around this way.
Robert Heath publishes with Francisco Silva who is still alive and I am going to try and interview him in Baton Rouge. Francisco Silva is a Cuban psychiatrist who left in the random year of 1959 which is when Castro took over, to take up residence in Louisiana and publish with Robert Heath who told my secretary that Francisco was a very wonderful person. In the Warren Commission documents, there is uncorroborated testimony by Lee Harvey Oswald that in 1963, prior to the assassination, he lived with Francisco Silva and was temporarily employed at the hospital where Francisco Silva worked. I am just sort of playing mind games with you … this is all just meaningless coincidence.
Project Paperclip and Mind Control Research – we heard about Allen Dulles already, he was the Director of the CIA before George Bush was the Director of the CIA, which in turn was before George Bush was the President. Allen Dulles is head of the CIA during MKULTRA program and obviously was aware of it and oversaw it. The CIA goes down to this Reinhard Gehlen guy who is the German spymaster who is recruited by Dulles to become our boy spying against the Russians, our enemies who were previously were our friends. Reinhard Gehlen was in effect a Nazi War Criminal. Reinhard Gehlen is in effect a Nazi War Criminal.
Project Paperclip is a fully documented – one of a group of projects including Project National Interest, Project 63, Bloodstone – there is a bunch of other projects but Paperclip is the best known one. There are several books about it. Paperclip is a project set up by CIA and military intelligence to bring Nazi war criminals into the USA through a mechanism that routed them around the State Department. State Department rules were that if you were a Nazi war criminal, you couldn’t enter the USA. But there was a mad scramble at the end of World War II involving the USA, Canada, France, Britain, German and Russian governments who were all scrambling to get their hands on German scientists. There were all kinds of recruiting drives, etc. American teams would actually go into the Russian sector and go to a place where German scientists were being held, and sneak those guys out of there. It was quite an intense little party that was going on.
In Project Paperclip (this is totally documented) all types of scientists were brought over to the USA. Film experts, ball bearing experts, lubricants, rockets, every aspect of science and technology of interest to the military. This is included somewhat obscure people like Werner Von Braun. Werner Von Braun was head of the rocket program. He was the guy who was in charge of the V2 rockets that were used to bomb Britain that were created for Mittelwerk(sp) … the labour for Mittelwerk was supplied from Camp Dora(sp). When the American troops liberated Camp Dora they found 6000 corpses on the ground. It is estimated that about 20,000 people were worked to death out of Camp Dora building the V2 rockets.
Werner von Braun is documented as being on site at the Mittelwerk at least 20 times, and being at meetings of V2 oversight personnel where the use of prisoners being worked to death was discussed and condoned, and the workers would sometimes attempt to sabotage the rockets by urinating a part or tampering with the rocket. The typical response to that was that the entire work crew would be instantly hung in their work tunnel. He was also a member of the S.S. and there is correspondence on US Space Program stationery to a journalist where Werner von Braun admits he was an SS Officer. So he was a Nazi war criminal who couldn’t be brought in through a normal kind of visa process.
Another person who was brought in through Paperclip or another related project was Hubertus Strughold. Hubertus Strughold is regarded as the father of aviation medicine. There is a library named after him at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. He was honoured by the Daughters of the American Revolution for his contributions to Aviation Medicine and the Texas State Legislature declared a one-time state memorial day named after him in, I believe, the 1960’s. Hubertus Strughold was not a nice person. People on his own administrative level, people who reported to him and people he reported to were all tried and found guilty of war crimes at Nuremburg. He was not even interviewed by the U.S. lawyers responsible for that sector of Nuremburg.
The types of experiments that these people did included things like putting people in a pressure chamber and dropping the pressure instantly to about 60,000 feet to simulate somebody being blown out of a cockpit if they were a U.S. pilot. What would happen is they would cause their faces to have excruciating pain, they would actually die or almost die. The ones who died would be taken out of the chamber, their heads would be cut open, their heads would be submerged under water, their heads would then be sliced open to determine whether there was air emboli in their cerebral arteries.
Another type of experiment done by these people was an attempt to find an antidote to seawater so that downed German pilots in the North Sea could drink seawater. So these people were given forced feedings of seawater for days on end which then would be doctored with various different substances to see if any of the substances would prevent any of the subjects from dying. This is major full-scale Nazi war crime doctor stuff, and probably over 1000 of these scientists were brought under Project Paperclip.
Nazi war criminals were examined by a team of psychiatrists including Ewen Cameron who did LSD and mescaline research and was an MKULTRA contractor. LSD and mescaline research was also funded by MKULTRA and mescaline research was done by the Nazi war criminals in the POW camps. So Ewen Cameron probably got the bright idea of doing LSD research from the Nazi war criminals. According to this book which is not really rock solid in its documentation, he was still in network up in the early 1960’s when the U2 pilot went down. So that the only people who are missing from this fully, completely documented history are the psychological warfare experts. It is not plausible that the only kind of scientists out of the full range of expertise that were not brought over were the psychological experts.
A guy who was a deep-ops character in Vietnam described being out in the field and coming across US and VC personnel who were all totally wasted on some sort of hallucinogen trip. Their job was simply to extract these guys and leave the VC who were just completely out of it on the ground. He told me which specific location in the USA would be the most likely place to find some of these Paperclip psychological experts, so I am going to pursue that. Let’s just take a look at the brain electrode implant research. Now let’s say it’s just not believable that the CIA and the military have been creating Manchurian Candidates-it’s just too much like science fiction. Well, what do we know for a fact that they have been doing? We know that they have been giving kids a few mcg. per kg. big-time street doses of LSD days, weeks and months up to years in a row. We know that they have been implanting non-therapeutic brain electrodes in children as young as 11 years old on an experimental basis, and we know they have been wiping out people’s entire personal histories with 100+ ECT treatments and massive sleep inductions through drugs for no therapeutic reason whatsoever but we don’t think they would go as far as creating a Manchurian Candidate. So it doesn’t add up.
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