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Crime scene photos
Now let us examine the photograph of the destroyed London bus. Blown up by Islam terrorists we were told within hours. Exactly as Americans were told by CNN on 911. No need to examine the evidence critically then, right?
But look at those upright victims. They appear relatively unharmed. Or do cops there in London allow a whole group of tourists to climb all over a crime scene? If those are victims, how exactly was the roof of the bus blown completely off, the seats wrenched and distorted, and those passengers not blown to pieces, like those bus passengers in Israel?
Likewise, the close circuit television cameras (CCTV) cameras on the bus that blew up were not working that day.
A white van, clearly identified as belonging to the demolition company ‘Kingstar’ (and pictured above), was photographed next to the exploded No.30 bus in Tavistock Square. Kingstar specialises in controlled demolitions. Richard Jones (the same Richard Jones we talked about earlier), a key witness, claiming to have been *on* the No.30 bus, very quickly gave his account to TV reporters on the morning of 7/7. This seemingly random ‘witness’ was in fact reported by some newspapers, including The Sunday Mail, to have worked in an explosives factory in Ayershire. Further, as John Hill notes in his now famous film Ripple Effect, Richard Jones’ testimony to reporters at different times is so contradictory and inconsistent that it is entirely unbelievable. For one thing, it is noted that Jones claimed he got off the bus one stop before the explosion (as a man who’d planted the explosive might do). Yet in another interview he says he got off because it was his stop – yet the bus he was on had been *diverted* from its normal route, so how could it be “his stop”? Jones’s descriptions of Hasib Hussain were also inconsistent and in some cases even just brazenly inaccurate, suggesting that he never laid eyes on the real Hasib Hussain (or further, that Hasib Hussain was never on the No.30 bus).
So is it just coincidence that a van belonging to Kingstar – a controlled demolition company – just happened to be pop up right beside the No.30 bus that had for some reason been diverted off its normal course that morning, and which then exploded in Tavistock Square? Also curious is that Kingstar, a British company had, among its various customers, worked for ‘Carillon’ – one of the largest rail engineering firms in the country. One of Carillion’s departments, TPS, has worked previously with the Atomic Weapons Establishment, provider of the UK’s nuclear warheads.
Curious Deaths
Then there is the very curious and highly under-reported case of Richmal-Marie Oates-Whitehead, aged 35, who worked in a non-doctor role for a British Medical Association publication. She was in Tavistock Sqaure and was hailed as a hero for her brave actions during the crisis and her efforts to help people. But he young woman from New Zealand had insisted that she had heard two separate explosions on the No.30 bus and that the police had carried out a controlled explosion at Tavistock Square. The police and the corporate/state-controlled media angrily denied this and the woman from New Zealand who had, prior to this statement, been celebrated as a heroine was now suddenly being character-assassinated in the press, with various slur campaigns and false information about her life and behavior. Ms Oates-Whitehead is a perfect example of how the mass media can be employed to destroy a person’s reputation in the blink-of-an-eye – in this case, it was to discredit her testimony. Ms Oates-Whitehead was soon found dead in her flat in Shepherds Bush. She was, however, not the only witness to report multiple explosions.
And what about the death of Jean Charles de Menezes; the Brazilian electrician brutally murdered by ‘police’ (or so we were told) on a tube-train in Stockwell? Professor Michael Clarke, Professor of Defense Studies at King’s College London, went as far as to say that unless there had been a major change in policy it was likely that it was not the police who had carried out the public execution of the Brazilian electrician, but Special Forces: “You don’t shoot somebody five times if you think you might have made a mistake and may be able to arrest him. Even Special Branch and SO19 are not trained to do this sort of thing. It’s plausible that they were Special Forces or elements of Special Forces.”
In the Ripple Effect film, the subject of Jean Charles de Menezes is brought up; ‘Remember that the first reports from the media about 7/7/2005 were of an electrical power-surge, and Jean Charles de Menezes was a contract electrician. Was he hired, as part of the terrorist exercise… to wire up devices for mock-explosions, to be set off by a power-surge? Did he see the explosive-devices being fastened under the tube-train carriage floors, and later realise what had really happened, and was starting to talk about it?’ That’s just speculation, of course; but then the official story of what happened to Jean Charles de Menezes has changed so many times and been so inconsistent that such speculation is just as valid as any of the ‘official’ explanations. We are told (officially) that the killing of the Brazilian electrician was a case of mistaken identity, that his killers did what they did only “because he ran”, and that they were convinced he had a suicide-bomb strapped to him. This is all, however, an obvious cover-up to (unconvincingly) disguise the fact that it was simply an extra-judicial murder.
Jean Charles de Menezes had committed no crime, and he was unarmed when he was shot multiple times in the head and at close-range and in full view of tube passengers. A finger is legitimately pointed at the Army’s Special Reconnaissance Regiment, which had been set up in April of 2005, only months before the London bombings. The behaviour of the Brazilian electrician’s killers suggests a powerful unit that considers itself above the law, more reminiscent of the Special Forces type ‘Death Squads’ that were sent to operate in, for example, Libya and Syria in 2011. It remains very possible, even likely, that Jean Charles de Menezes was chased and executed because he knew too much – and it is also possible his unlawful execution was intended as a brutal warning to anyone else who might’ve had knowledge of 7/7 and might’ve intended to go public (like, for example, the aforementioned and tragic Richmal Marie Oates-Whitehead, who died suddenly).
Government Bullying
As part of what has been called “the continuing coverup of 7/7,” Britain reached across international borders and extradited a journalist, attempting to impose a 20 year sentence for an alleged infraction of British law that happened in another country.
In doing so, Britain has claimed the right to censor any and all communication, print, video and internet in any country around the world that agrees support extradition under these circumstances.
One nation complied, Ireland.
After 151 days in dismal Wandsworth Prison, much of it in solitary confinement, John Anthony Hill is finally free. The crime he was accused of was the mailing of a “7/7 truther” DVD from Ireland to the United Kingdom. Yes, you are hearing me right, he was extradited from Ireland for sending a copy of the film, “Ripple Effect,” which outlines complicity by the Blair government in terror attacks that killed 56 back in 2005, including 4 “suicide bombers” now believed by many to have been murdered in a bizarre plot.
More frightening still is the idea that mailing a DVD, available worldwide on Youtube to anyone, could be considered “perverting the course of justice.”
Kollerstrom’s website, Terror on the Tube, describes the trial and acquittal:
Muad’Dib’s (the name the video was sent under) trial started on Monday 9th May, with a challenge to the monarchy and, hence, the authority of the court. This was ruled ‘out of order’ by the judge. On Tuesday a jury were sworn in.
On Wednesday they watched all of his film, ‘The Ripple Effect’, in open court.
Over the Tuesday and Wednesday the jury heard in-depth discussions of both 7/7 and 9/11, with Mr Hill laying out clearly, and at his own leisurely pace under cross-examination, the reasons he believes that both these ‘attacks by terrorists’ were, in fact, false flag attacks by agencies of the state against its own people carried out with the purpose of providing a pretext for invasion of innocent countries in the middle east in order to control their natural resources.
This was surely the first ever fully-explored set of such allegations of false flag terror made against any state before an ordinary collection of the citizens of that state.
It is also clear from the verdict that, when such information is placed before such ordinary citizens the majority of them ‘get it.’ The jury had announced that it could not be unanimous, so the judge allowed a ‘majority verdict’, i.e. ten or more of the 12.
Hill was found not guilty, not because his actions were considered legal but rather because his testimony made a powerful case against the British government. The jury was pressed to convict Hill but refused. The 10 members who sided with Hill and refused the instructions of the Crown did so, out of utter shock at the powerful case Hill made demonstrating that, not only 7/7 was an “inside job” but 9/11 as well. Hill took on both attacks and 10 of 12 jury members sided with what has been often called “conspiracy theory.”
Kev Boyle, gives us the best look at Anthony John Hill, a man, as with so many, pushed into direct confrontation with a powerful government intent on crushing him. This was written prior to Hill’s acquittal:
The first person to present an alternative and more credible narrative for 7/7 was Yorkshireman Anthony John Hill, in his documentary ‘7/7 The Ripple Effect’ (this is a must-see. Please watch if you don’t know the film). Hill, a very unusual character in many ways, has renamed himself Muad’Dib, after a character in Frank Herbert’s sci-fi epic ‘Dune’. It is his basically his interpretation of events that have been presented above, excepting that ‘Dib did not know of the pregnancy problems of Khan’s wife, nor about the 4.35 text-messages, nor Khan’s failure to contact his wife after leaving her on the evening of the 5th of July at the time of making his film.
When a group of ‘Islamic terrorists’, allegedly associates of Khan, went on trial for offences in 2008 at Kingston Crown Court, Hill posted two copies of his DVD to the court. One envelope was addressed to the judge, the other to the foreman of the jury. Neither DVD reached its target but shortly afterwards a request for Hill to be extradited from Ireland (he lived in Kells, County Meath at the time) was sent to the Irish Ministry of Justice. The request was successful and Hill was collected by a British policeman, accompanied across the water and incarcerated in Wandsworth prison shortly before the start of the 7/7 Inquest.
Hill relates, amusingly, that he asked the policeman in whose charge he was placed, “Have you watched my film.” The constable replied, “Yes.” “What did you think of it?” asked Hill. The PC offered a look that was wide-eyed and grim. Hill asked him, “Shouldn’t you be arresting Tony Blair and not me?” and the policeman sheepishly went back to reading his newspaper.
Hill made immediate applications for bail but was only released once the Inquest was finished.
His documentary has been copied and handed out at mosques to thousands of Muslims in the UK. Most Muslims now believe ‘The Four’ to be innocent, largely because of ‘Dib’s work. The authorities were obviously determined he would not upset the 7/7 Inquest operation by getting his film into the hands of family members, press and God knows who else. This man scares them and has suffered accordingly.
What Britain has done or has tried to do is beyond draconian. By the standards that Britain is calling “justice,” their reach has no end and their arrogance no limits.
Nothing said, nothing written, nothing filmed, perhaps even nothing “thought’ is protected, any place on earth.
Additional curiosities
- Along with Police Commissioner Ian Blair, the New York ‘9/11 Mayor’ Rudi Guliani, the soon-to-be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the terror-drill supervisor Peter Power were all coincidentally in or around Central London and the London Underground locations where the explosions took place. Why was Guliani in London on 7/7? Other than the vague explanation of “business”, no answer has been given. Was he part of Peter Power’s ‘terror drill’?
- Benjamin Netanyahu in fact told the media that he had been warned by Scotland Yard on the morning of 7/7 not to leave his hotel that morning: this being prior to any of the explosions occurring (funny how the visiting Israeli Minister was warned, but none of the innocent British citizens and commuters were given any warning not to get on those tube-trains). Scotland Yard denies having warned Netanyahu. A fortnight later, the head of the Israeli Mossad also claimed to have warned Netanyahu some six minutes before the first explosion. But how did the head of Mossad know the explosion was about to occur? Juval Aviv, ‘an international security expert’ (and former Mossad agent) even appeared to accidentally admitted to Fox News that his agency were involved in the 7/7 attacks when he slipped up and referred to what “we did in London”.
- No one has ever claimed responsibility for the London bombings. Of course the first rule of terrorist organisations is to make sure they’ve claimed responsibility for an attack. But no one did for 7/7, except for one solitary claim on an ‘Al-Qaeda website’ that was soon declared fake and in fact traced to Texas.
- According to Sky News, the mastermind behind the July 7th London Bombings in 2005 was Haroon Rashid Aswat. Which is significant. Because according to former Justice Department prosecutor and terror expert, John Loftus, at the time of the 7/7 London bombings Haroon Rashid Aswat was “working for British Intelligence”. Suggestions persist too that the alleged leader of the 7/7 bombers, Mohammad Sidique Khan, was an MI5 contact (which wouldn’t be all too surprising if, as those who knew him say, he was a patriotic British citizen). According to a government report published in May 2009, in fact, at least two of the bombers had a prior relationship with MI5. French Interior Minister at the time of the bombings and future Libyan War Criminal Nicolas Sarkozy, told the press that at least two of the bombers had been arrested and released by the UK authorities in 2002. An embarrassed Charles Clarke, then British Home Secretary, simply responded that he was not “personally aware” of the arrests. Haroon Rashid Aswat, an Indian-born man living in Dewsbury, was claimed to be under the protection of MI6. He was known about as far back as 1999, when Seattle prosecutors wanted to prosecute him for terrorist activity, but were ordered by the US Justice Department to leave him alone because he was working for British Intelligence.
- There is the also the curious issue of a piece of legislation called the ‘Inquiries Act 2005’, which was passed into law precisely one month before 7/7. The act legislates full control of every aspect of any public inquiry, allowing the State to obstruct scrutiny of State actions, obstruct any avenues of inquiry, suppress publication of important information, and, as the July 7th Truth Campaign says, ‘a raft of other things that are counter to conducting an honest and open public inquiry.’ It was fantastic foresight, of course, that this act was passed into law just in time for the events of 7/7.
Cui Bono? (Who Benefits?)
Tony Blair, who had only just narrowly won a General Election, was facing immense, growing pressure from British citizens to pull British forces out of the George Bush/Neo-Con illegal (and morally bankrupt) War in Iraq (otherwise known as The War to Create ISIS), which was by then in its second year. 7/7 acted as the perfect excuse to continue the war in order to protect Britain from these terrible ‘Islamist terrorists’. The only problem is that there weren’t any Islamist terrorists on 7/7, merely mock-drill actors who’d been misled and then disposed of. Blair himself remarkably dismissed the early calls for an inquiry as a “ludicrous diversion”. Of course he did; we’re still waiting for the inquiry into the Iraq War.
What 7/7 also accomplished was a shift in popular perception in Britain; a newly-reinforced belief that the ‘War On Terror’ was necessary and had to be continued.
It also, of course, added substantially to the ill-feeling or mistrust towards British Muslims that continues to this day, and at the same time caused many, many British Muslims to retreat into a siege mentality. This is particularly significant in light of the fact that a very high percentage of British Muslims don’t believe the four 7/7 ‘bombers’ were guilty of the crime; and are therefore now highly suspicious of British intelligence and security services and the police and so much more unlikely to willingly cooperate with authorities. Today you will hear various commentators say that 7/7 was a ‘turning point’ for the country. It was; both for the dozens of people who were killed or lost their loved ones, and for the hundreds terribly injured, and it was too for the many, many British Muslims who have lived in that event’s shadow ever since. It was also a turning point for the march towards a Police State, the diminishing of civil liberties, the ability (and justification) of the government and intelligence agencies to spy on its citizens and intrude into people’s private lives and data, and for the escalation of the ‘War On Terror’ and all the various subverting of law, justice and principles that this ill-defined ‘war’ has entailed.
Resources: The Burning Blogger of Bedlam; Veteran’s Today
Additional Reading: The July 7th Truth Campaign (The Best Site for everything you want to know)
Additional Videos:
- 7-7: Ripple Effect (same as linked in article above)
- 7-7: What Did They Know?
- The Moore Show w/ Nick Kollerstrom & Maud’Dib
- Annie Machon, Former MI5, Talks About False Flags (London 7/7, 9/11, and Madrid 3/11)
- 7-7: Ludicrous Diversions
- 7-7: Crime & Prejudice
- Mind the Gap
Recommended Books:
Now in an updated edition with a critique of the official 7/7 Inquest of Winter 2010-2011, Terror on the Tube remains the only book with the glaring evidence that all four Muslim scapegoats were innocent. 7/7 is Bliar’s Big Lie and Reichstag Fire, False Flag Terror as pretext for war and an Orwellian, neo-fascist British police state. If 9/11 was the great pretext for war and fascism in the USA, London’s 7/7 bombings brought Britain quickly closer to an Orwellian police state. Is there a basis to the “war on terror” – or is the state itself terrorizing the British populace? The answer is in this compelling investigation. In its indictment of the prime suspects – the UK, US and Israeli secret services. In its demolition of the fabricated evidence they brought into play. In its posthumous exoneration of four innocent young men, sacrificed and framed to shore up the rule of a crime cabal over our planet. In this appeal against the fascist propaganda trick of false-flag terror. Author Nick Kollerstrom has assembled the evidence and solved the mystery of the 7/7 bombings: something Britain’s billion-budget security apparatus will never do.