Taking Back Our Stolen History
Lucas Gerhard, a Law Enforcement Student, Arrested for False Report of “Terrorism Threat”, Held in Jail for 3 Mos., Faces 20 yrs. in Prison
Lucas Gerhard, a Law Enforcement Student, Arrested for False Report of “Terrorism Threat”, Held in Jail for 3 Mos., Faces 20 yrs. in Prison

Lucas Gerhard, a Law Enforcement Student, Arrested for False Report of “Terrorism Threat”, Held in Jail for 3 Mos., Faces 20 yrs. in Prison

Lucas Gerhard is a 21-year-old man. Instead of celebrating his graduation from Lake Superior State University in Sault St. Marie, MI, in the criminal justice field and looking for a job in law enforcement, Lucas is locked down in his father’s home, wearing an ankle bracelet.

Lucas is an Eagle Scout and has no criminal record.

During his trial, the prosecutor attempted to paint Lucas as a threat to the school community, claiming that he had numerous “contacts” with Law Enforcement at LSSU.

Lucas’s father explained: “The so-called ‘contacts’ were made as a result of more anonymous calls to LSSU public safety, and an incident where Lucas’s car was vandalized and his rear window smashed out! Not a single one of those was what can be considered a negative or derogatory incident.  An example of one incident where a call was made was when Lucas was in his OCSO cadet uniform and carrying a bag of police training gear across campus to his communications class where he was giving a speech in law enforcement methods. The call was made as soon as he exited his dorm. The police were apparently told by the caller that they felt threatened by seeing Lucas when they saw him carrying riot gear. Note that LSSU is a school where a large majority of students are Criminal Justice majors! But Sault St. Marie police officers actually responded and pulled Lucas out of the classroom WHILE HE WAS GIVING HIS SPEECH to question him. His professor came out and told the officers that Lucas’s speech was pre-approved as well as the props he brought. The report noted that his explanation was accepted and no further action taken. I might add that every other time something like this happened, the result was the same. No action taken, either from Law Enforcement nor the College. The level of harassment Lucas endured there was astonishing.”

Lucas’s real crime was being an unashamed conservative college student.

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