The powers that be manufacture crisis to meet their agenda. These include famines, financial crises, wars, weather manipulated catastrophes, etc. These crises give the globalists greater control over countries and help manipulate the masses towards the desired outcome. The crises may be repeated to manufacture enough fear and poverty to lead to rebellion, mass migration, or support for some other change. Using this Hegelian dialectic, they create situations that will eventually result in a desired outcome such as mass migration from poverty stricken, war-torn, countries to developed countries which results in cultural synthesis and ultimately a more global-friendly citizen, less national pride and patriotism, and a softening of cultural values.

2024 Persian Gulf floods

7.8 Earthquake Hits Turkey and Syria

Engineered Snowmageddon? Over 20,000 Flights Cancelled During 2022 Christmas Week

Engineered Hurricane Nicole makes Landfall

World Food Program Warns of Global Fertilizer Crisis

Engineered Hurricane Ian makes Landfall

Bill Gates Makes Ominous Prediction: We Are Going To Have A Hung Election And A Civil War

High Level International Bankers Simulate The Collapse Of Global Financial System

Less than 20% of Venezualan’s Turn Out to Vote in Venezuela’s Rigged Elections