His career spans two phases: international Christian music ministry, and technology innovation. In 2006, he was awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 for what is now called “social networking.” He credits his earlier ministry experience with the inspiration to conceive perhaps one of the most important inventions since Thomas Edison’s light bulb. Unfortunately, in spite of his patented invention, he is not credited with the invention because the deep state criminal cabal stole his important invention to control social media for a spy network. The theft of McKibben’s invention is arguably the greatest larceny in the history of the world since the value of social networking and collateral applications reaches into the trillions of dollars (conservatively estimated at over $14 trillion). Curiously, Wikipedia has consistently refused to publish anything about McKibben, whose accomplishments, even without his social networking invention, are remarkable. (More…)
Chronological History of Events Involving Michael McKibben

Leader Technologies sues Facebook for Patent Infringement. How the Deep State Conspired to Steal their Social Networking Invention as a Tool for Rogue CIA Mind Control

Facebook Launches with CIA Front-man Mark Zuckerburg

Mark Zuckerberg Hacks the Harvard House Sites