Taking Back Our Stolen History
Media / Entertainment

Media / Entertainment

Over the past 50 years the ownership of the media has become increasingly concentrated until today we have a few corporations along with the government owning all of the media outlets. Through editorial control they have created a socially engineered construct or a psychological prison representing a complete fabricated version of reality in which most people live out their lives never knowing the reality of the world around them. To maintain this illusion the media exercise relentless and continued censorship of all news and events of importance. The media has become pure propaganda using lies of obfuscation, distortion, distraction and primarily omission. The media lie and distort everything they report, knowingly and unknowingly (let’s remember most of them were brainwashed along with the rest of us), to create a false version of reality to the public in order to keep them compliant and controlled.

Today, nearly all of the news, information and entertainment that Americans consume is produced by a small cluster of giant corporations.  The following summary of the current state of affairs comes from Wikipedia

Rep. John Wood: "Are there no limits to our callousness and neglect of palpable and evident treason stalking rampant through our land, warping the minds...of even our... children"

Rep. John Wood: “Are there no limits to our callousness and neglect of palpable and evident treason stalking rampant through our land, warping the minds…of even our… children”

“THE GREATEST SUBVERSIVE PLOT IN HISTORY: REPORT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON UNESCO” from The Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 82nd Congress, First Session  in 1951 included the extended remarks of Hon. John T. Wood (Idaho) in the U.S. House of Representatives. "Just how careless and unthinking can we be that we permit this band of spies and traitors to exist another day in ...
Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article "Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party"

Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article “Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party”

According to Annie Jacobsen in her book 'The Pentagon's Brain' who uncovered shocking details via the FOIA, following several confessions by captured POW's that the American's had been using germ warfare on Koreans in the Korean War, the Pentagon began a propaganda campaign to discredit the claims. Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson suggested an "all out campaign to smear the Koreans." He wanted the Pentagon to ...
89 U.S. Cities were Being Fluoridated by 1950 with Industrial Waste Fluoride from ALCOA Despite No Evidence that it Reduced Tooth Decay

89 U.S. Cities were Being Fluoridated by 1950 with Industrial Waste Fluoride from ALCOA Despite No Evidence that it Reduced Tooth Decay

By 1950, 89 US cities were being fluoridated through the water supply, despite no credible evidence ever submitted that demonstrated that it reduced tooth decay (see 1937 entry), or did anything other than cause disease, misery, and death.  By 1950, ALCOA, who had funded the research and falsified data to save millions in disposing of the poisonous chemical, was in a new line of business: selling ...
At the Opening of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Peking, Mao Zedong Outlines the New Chinese Communist Government - Thanks to U.S. Assistance!

At the Opening of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Peking, Mao Zedong Outlines the New Chinese Communist Government – Thanks to U.S. Assistance!

The September 1949 conference in Peking was both a celebration of the communist victory in the long civil war against Nationalist Chinese forces and the unveiling of the communist regime that would henceforth rule over China. Mao and his communist supporters had been fighting against what they claimed was a corrupt and decadent Nationalist government in China since the 1920s. In September, with cannons firing salutes ...
George Orwell Publishes 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

George Orwell Publishes ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book's hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but they are both arrested by the Thought Police ...
James Forrestal, an Opponent of the Creation of the State of Israel & Whistleblower on Communist Infiltration, Gets Suicided

James Forrestal, an Opponent of the Creation of the State of Israel & Whistleblower on Communist Infiltration, Gets Suicided

The two highest-ranking government officials in the history of the American republic to have “committed suicide” are Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., on July 20, 1993, and Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrestal, on May 22, 1949. Actually, Forrestal was not a government official at the time of his death. He had been rather abruptly removed from office on March 28, and after ...
Harry Truman approves Directive NSC 10/2 Authorizing the CIA to Carry Out Covert Actions Worldwide

Harry Truman approves Directive NSC 10/2 Authorizing the CIA to Carry Out Covert Actions Worldwide

With Harry Truman's approval of directive NSC 10/2, he effectively authorized the CIA to carry out covert actions anywhere in the world, specifically including "propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world." By ...
US Senator Wm. Lancer Petitions Congress to Investigate the Federal Injunction Imposed on Dr. Koch Following Success in Canada & South America in Cancer & Veterinary Treatments

US Senator Wm. Lancer Petitions Congress to Investigate the Federal Injunction Imposed on Dr. Koch Following Success in Canada & South America in Cancer & Veterinary Treatments

Here is an excerpt from remarks read into the Congressional Record by US Senator William Lancer, on June 7, 1948. It not only reveals the scope of Koch’s work, it opens up a chapter of hidden history: “Fortunately for Canadian farmers in the Province of British Columbia, the Minister of the Department of Agriculture possessed an open mind. This fact is saving cattle raisers into the ...
The Zionist State of Israel is Created Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy? Or Was it an Elaborate Scam?

The Zionist State of Israel is Created Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy? Or Was it an Elaborate Scam?

In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe. Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state. Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian). Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies ...
The Bogotáza PSYOP: New CIA Recruit Fidel Castro Helps Carry out Assassinations and Psyop in Colombia

The Bogotáza PSYOP: New CIA Recruit Fidel Castro Helps Carry out Assassinations and Psyop in Colombia

In Bogota, Colombia, 22-year-old Havana University law-school student and new CIA recruit, Fidel Castro, actively helped carry out an assassination and a successful large-scale psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) by organizing riots, looting, murder, burning, and the takeover by communists of radio stations and government buildings following the Colombian leading Presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, leaving the capital city destroyed. In the Psyop, they tested new covert ...